require 'securerandom' require 'P4' class AuthController < ApplicationController skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, except: [ :user ] before_action :validate_session, except: [ :login, :nothing ] # this is used as a dummy endpoint to validate they are authenticated def user render :json => @@sessions[cookies[:hws_token]] end def login render :nothing => true, status: 401 and return if params['user'].nil? || params['user']['name'].nil? || params['user']['password'].nil? p4ticket = nil # for funsies, auth to a perforce server begin p4 = p4.port = ENV['P4PORT'] || 'qaplay:1999' p4.user = params['user']['name'] p4.password = params['user']['password'] p4.charset = 'auto' p4.connect p4ticket = p4.run_login('-p') rescue P4Exception => e puts e.message render :nothing => true, status: 403 and return end # good to go, store the metadata and make a token token = SecureRandom.hex # TODO: add more metadata user_data = { :user => params['user']['name'], :expires => DateTime.current + 5.minutes, :p4ticket => p4ticket[0] } @@sessions[token] = user_data # done render :text => "hws_token=#{token}" end def logout puts params @@sessions.delete(session_key) render :nothing => 'true' end end