# p4/Jamrules
# This Jamrules describes how to build most of Perforce, exclusive of
# windows only products.
# This file is organized into sections:
#	Section 0.  Generic helper rules
#	Section 1.  Global variable settings.
#	Section 2.  Library names.
#	Section 3.  Per-build type variable settings.
#	Section 4.  Per-platform variable settings.
#	Section 5.  Perforce-special rules and actions.
# 	Section 6.  Perforce-special Windows rules.
#	Section 7.  QT build rules and actions.
#	Section 8.  Lua build rules and actions.
# 	Section 9.  Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
#	Section 10. Google protocol buffers build rules and actions.
#	Section 11. Unit test rules
#	Section 12. Per-platform actions.
#	Section 13. Useful miscellanea

# Section 0.  Generic helper rules

	# Special Rules
	# FRemoveAny x : y ;         - return new array of x minus any values in y
	# FSplit s : delim ;         - split string at delim (default /)
	# FStringToList s ;          - return a list of chars from string
	# FLengthCmp s1 : s2 ;       - compare length of strings
	# FVersionCmp x : y ;        - compare version numbers (e.g. 3.4 vs. 4.5)
	# OnTargetVarPrepend TARGET  : VARIABLE : VALUES ;
	# OnTargetVarAppend  TARGET  : VARIABLE : VALUES ;
	# OnTargetVarDelete  TARGET  : VARIABLE : VALUES ;
	# LinkDir app : dir ;        - adds directory dir to the list of directories to be
	#                            - scanned for libraries
	# LinkLib app : lib ;        - adds library for an app
	# ExLibrary cpp ;            - same as Library, but with exception support
	# Deploy source : target ;   - copies the source into the target
    #                            - unlike InstallXYZ rules it ensures that directory will be created
    #                            - and the target will be forced to be created before the install
    #                            - operation is called
	# MakeLocateWithSubDirectory - same as MakeLocate but the targets may have sub directory
	#                              say object/depot.cpp

	rule FRemoveAny
		# Usage: y = [ FRemoveAny $(x) : v1 v2 ... ] ;
		# returns new array with any occurence of v1, v2, etc from $(x) elided
		local _new ;
		local _elt ;
		for _elt in $(1)
			if ! ( $(_elt) in $(2) ) { _new += $(_elt) ; }
		return $(_new) ;

	rule FSplit
		# string : delim (default /)

		local s = $(>:E=/) ;
		local x = [ MATCH ([^$(s)]*)$(s)(.*) : $(<) ] ;
		if ! $(x) { return $(<) ; }
		return $(x[1]) [ FSplit $(x[2]) : $(>) ] ;

	rule FStringToList
		# Expand string into a list of characters.
		if ! $(<) { return ; }
		local x = [ MATCH ^(.)(.*) : $(<) ] ;
		return $(x[1]) [ FStringToList $(x[2-]) ] ;

	rule FLengthCmp
		# x = [ FLengthCmp STRING1 : STRING2 ] ;
		# Return [-1, 0, 1] if string1 is shorter than, same length as, or longer
		# than, string2.

		local i ;
		local a ;
		local b ;

		# Jam doesn't understand numbers, so we can only count in unary.
		for i in [ FStringToList $(<) ] { a += . ; }
		for i in [ FStringToList $(>) ] { b += . ; }

		if $(a) < $(b) { return -1 ; }
		if $(a) > $(b) { return  1 ; }
		return 0 ;

	rule FVersionCmp
		# x = [ FVersionCmp X1.Y1.Z1 : X2.Y2.Z2 ] ;
		# Return [-1, 0, 1] if the version number X1.Y1.Z1 is less than, equivalent
		# to, or greater than, X2.Y2.Z2.  Version strings can be any alphanumeric
		# dotted strings.
		# This function is necessary because Jam doesn't understand numbers; the
		# inequality operators use character collating order, so for example the
		# naive comparison "10 > 8" is actually false.
		# Leading zeroes in each field are ignored, so for example this function
		# considers "3.4" and "3.4.0" to be equivalent.

		local a = [ FSplit $(<:J=.) : \\. ] ;  # normalize a.b c => a.b.c => a b c
		local b = [ FSplit $(>:J=.) : \\. ] ;
		local r ;

		while $(a) || $(b)
			local a1 = [ MATCH ^0*(.*) : $(a[1]) ] ; # strip leading zeroes
			local b1 = [ MATCH ^0*(.*) : $(b[1]) ] ;

			if $(a1) != $(b1)
				r = [ FLengthCmp $(a1) : $(b1) ] ;
				if $(r) = 0
					if $(a1) < $(b1) { return -1 ; }
					if $(a1) > $(b1) { return  1 ; }
				return $(r) ;

			a = $(a[2-]) ;
			b = $(b[2-]) ;
		return 0 ;

	# Rules for modifying target-specific variables.
	# If a variable does not already have a target-specific binding, one is
	# created with a copy of the global value prior to altering the
	# target-specific value.
	# These use no local variables, to avoid shadowing anything in caller.

	rule OnTargetVarPrepend
		# OnTargetVarPrepend TARGET : VARIABLE : VALUES ;
		$(2[1]) on $(1[1]) = $(3) [ on $(1[1]) return $($(2[1])) ] ;

	rule OnTargetVarAppend
		# OnTargetVarAppend TARGET : VARIABLE : VALUES ;
		$(2[1]) on $(1[1]) = [ on $(1[1]) return $($(2[1])) ] $(3) ;

	rule OnTargetVarDelete
		# OnTargetVarDelete TARGET : VARIABLE : VALUES ;
		$(2[1]) on $(1[1]) = [ on $(1[1]) FRemoveAny $($(2[1])) : $(3) ] ;

	rule SetDefaultDirName
		# Usage: SetDefaultDirName VARIABLE : DEFAULT ;

		# Initialize VARIABLE with DEFAULT if it is not already set.
		# If the variable's value after initialization is a multi-element
		# list, it is assumed that the variable was inherited from the
		# environment with spaces in the value and these are joined
		# together to create a single string with spaces in it.
		# HOWEVER, if the first string in the list matches a subdir token
		# as defined by SubDir, resolve that and prepend it to the rest of
		# the path separated by a / or \ (as appropriate per OS).
		# This allows one e.g. to set SSLPREFIX to "AllP4 ../../3rd_party/whatever"
		# and it will always point to the correct relative location regardless
		# of where you invoke jam, and regardless of your workspace root.

		$(1) ?= $(2) ;

		if $($(1)[2]) && [ FSubDirPath $($(1)[1]) ]
			$(1) = [ FSubDirPath $($(1)[1]) $($(1)[2-]:J=" ") ] ;
			$(1) = $($(1):J=" ") ;

		return $($(1)) ;

	rule LinkDir
		# Usage: LinkDir app : dir1 dir2 ... ] ;

		local app = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;

		# On macs, search both normal libs and frameworks
		if $(OS) = MACOSX { OnTargetVarAppend $(app) : LINKLIBS : -L$(>) -F$(>)   ; }
		else if $(UNIX)   { OnTargetVarAppend $(app) : LINKLIBS : -L$(>)          ; }
		else if $(NT)     { OnTargetVarAppend $(app) : LINKLIBS : /LIBPATH:"$(>)" ; }
		else { Exit Don't know how to add additional library dir on $(OS). ; }

	rule LinkLib
		# Usage: LinkLib app : lib1 lib2 ... ] ;

		local app = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;

		if $(UNIX)    { OnTargetVarAppend $(app) : LINKLIBS : -l$(>)        ; }
		else if $(NT) { OnTargetVarAppend $(app) : LINKLIBS : $(>)$(SUFLIB) ; }
		else { Exit Don't know how to link library on $(OS). ; }

	rule ExLibrary
		if $(OS) = NT
			ObjectC++Flags $(>) : /EHsc ;

		Library $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule Deploy
		# Deploy source : target ; - copies the source into the target

		local _d = [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) $(<:D) ] ;
		MkDir $(_d:G=dir) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(_d:G=dir) ;

		NotFile deploy ;
		Depends deploy : $(<) ;
		Depends all : deploy ;

		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;

		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		MakeLocate $(<) : $(LOCATE_SOURCE) ;

    actions Deploy
        $(CP) $(>) $(<)

	rule MakeLocateWithSubDirectory
		# MakeLocateWithSubDirectory targets : directory ;

		# Sets special variable LOCATE on targets, and arranges
		# with MkDir to create target directory.

		# Note we grist the directory name with 'dir',
		# so that directory path components and other
		# targets don't conflict.

		for target in $(<)
			local directory = [ FDirName $(>[1]) $(target:D) ] ;
			if $(>)
				LOCATE on $(target) = $(>) ;
				Depends $(target) : $(directory:G=dir) ;
				MkDir $(directory:G=dir) ;

    rule SetCommonCompiler
		# Basic setup for common cross-platform compilers (gcc, llvm/clang, etc).
		# This doesn't include OS-specific compiler tweaking.

		# If cross compiling on one platform for another, set
		# CROSS_COMPILE to the prefix of the cross tools.  For
		# example, to build for ARM using an X86 host, set
		# CROSS_COMPILE="arm-none-linux-gnueabi-" and OSPLAT="ARM".

		# COMPILER_PREFIX can be e.g. "llvm-".  This variable differs from
		# CROSS_COMPILE in that it only affects the compiler tools,
		# not other cross-compile-sensitive programs such as ranlib, ar,
		# and so on.

		# COMPILER_SUFFIX is used to specify special versions of the
		# compiler, e.g. when needing to use "gcc34" or "g++34" to make a
		# portable legacy build.

		local linker = $(2:E=C++) ;
		local prefix = $(3:E=$(COMPILER_PREFIX:E)$(CROSS_COMPILE:E)) ;
		local suffix = $(4:E=$(COMPILER_SUFFIX:E)) ;

		switch $(1:U)
		case *CLANG* :
			CC   = $(prefix)clang$(suffix) ;
			C++  = $(prefix)clang++$(suffix) ;
			# make no return value from non-void func an error, and quiet
			# some of the noisier clang warnings until we clean up the code
			C++FLAGS += -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -Wreturn-type -Werror=return-type ;
			LINK = $(OSLINK:E=$($(linker))) ;

		case *GCC* :
			CC   = $(prefix)gcc$(suffix) ;
			C++  = $(prefix)g++$(suffix) ;
			# no return value from non-void func is an error in Visual Studio
			# so make it a warning in gcc; unfortunately gcc 3.4.5 does not
			# support making it an error, so we can't use -Werror=return-type
			C++FLAGS += -Wreturn-type ;
			LINK = $(OSLINK:E=$($(linker))) ;

		STRIP  = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E)strip   ;
		RANLIB = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E)ranlib  ;
		AR     = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E)ar cru  ;

	rule SetOSXSdk
		# Common setup for darwin/macosx platform.
		# Determine correct version and location of SDK to use, and arch flags.

		local _legacy  = /Developer ; # sdk10.6 and earlier
		# sdk10.7 - sdk10.11 live deep under Xcode.app
		local _xcode   = /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform ;
		local _cltools = /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools ; # sdk 10.12 (and later?)
		local _prefix  = $(_legacy) ;

		local _sdkver  = $(1:J=.) ;   # Override computed sdk version
		local _xflags  = $(2) ;       # additional flags to compiler+linker
		local _uplats  = $(3:E=i386 x86_64) ;  # platforms for "universal" builds

		switch $(OS:U)
		case DARWIN :
			if      [ FVersionCmp $(OSVER) : 160 ] >= 0 { _prefix = $(_cltools) ; }
			else if [ FVersionCmp $(OSVER) : 110 ] >= 0 { _prefix = $(_xcode)$(_legacy) ; }

			local _v = [ MATCH ([0-9]+)[0-9]$ : $(OSVER) ] ;
			# darwin:       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
			local _sdkmap = 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;
			_sdkver ?= 10.$(_sdkmap[$(_v)]) ;

		case MACOSX :
			if      [ FVersionCmp $(OSVER) : 1012 ] >= 0 { _prefix = $(_cltools) ; }
			else if [ FVersionCmp $(OSVER) : 107  ] >= 0 { _prefix = $(_xcode)$(_legacy) ; }

			local _v = [ MATCH ([0-9][0-9])([0-9]*)$ : $(OSVER) ] ;
			_sdkver ?= $(_v:J=.) ;
		if $(_sdkver) = 10.4 { _sdkver = $(_sdkver)u ; }  # "10.4u.sdk"

		MACOSX_SDK       ?= $(_prefix)/SDKs/MacOSX$(_sdkver).sdk ;
		MACOSX_SDK_FLAGS ?= -isysroot $(MACOSX_SDK) ;

		# OSPLAT=U : universal binary
		local _arch _elt ;
		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
		case PPC    : _arch = -arch ppc    ;
		case X86    : _arch = -arch i386   ;
		case X86_64 : _arch = -arch x86_64 ;
		case U      :
			for _elt in $(_uplats) { _arch += -arch $(_elt) ; }
			NOARSCAN = true ; # can't scan "fat" archives

		# n.b. we used to have a "CS" OSVER suffix so you could produce a
		# case-sensitive server on mac, but that's no longer necessary since
		# you can now specify a different default at runtime on any platform.
		$(GENFLAGS) += $(MACOSX_SDK_FLAGS) $(_arch) -DCASE_INSENSITIVE  $(_xflags) ;
		LINKFLAGS   += $(MACOSX_SDK_FLAGS) $(_arch) $(_xflags) ;

# Section 1.  Global variable settings.

	if $(JAMBASEDATE) < 2002.05.09 {
		Exit Jamrules requires Jambase 2002.05.09 ($(JAMBASEDATE)) ;

	# Variables you shouldn't set:
	#   OS - operating system ("FreeBSD")
	#   OSPLAT - OS platform ("sparc")
	# Variables you can set:
	#   OSVER - version of OS ("102" for MACOSX)
   	#   TYPE - controls compile flags (see below)
	#   BUILD - subdirectory for special named builds ("nightly")

	# Variables that activate certain build features
	# DEV_VERSION - replaces the default version with a bogus one
	# WARN_FOR_DEPRECATED - enables deprecated warnings
	# FULL_PATH_DIAGNOSTICS - full path Source Code File in Diagnostics (visual studio only)
	# INCREMENTAL_BUILD - disable removing of temporary artifacts
    # BUILD_WITH_SUB_DIRECTORIES - locates the object files in a subtree


	# Variables that activate certain build features per group
	# P4DEVELOPER - enables set of features appropriate for p4 dev environment
	# P4VDEVELOPER - enables set of features appropriate for p4v dev environment
	if $(P4DEVELOPER) = true
	    FULL_PATH_DIAGNOSTICS       = true ;
		INCREMENTAL_BUILD           = true ;

	if $(P4VDEVELOPER) = true
		WARN_FOR_DEPRECATED         = true ;
		DEV_VERSION                 = true ;
		FULL_PATH_DIAGNOSTICS       = true ;
		INCREMENTAL_BUILD           = true ;

	# Variables that shouldn't be set in PRODUCTION build environment
		if $(P4DEVELOPER)  = true { exit ERROR - P4DEVELOPER  and PRODUCTION defined at the same time ; }
		if $(P4VDEVELOPER) = true { exit ERROR - P4VDEVELOPER and PRODUCTION defined at the same time ; }
		if $(DEV_VERSION)  = true { exit ERROR - DEV_VERSION  and PRODUCTION defined at the same time ; }

	# For convenience of historical compatibility, the OSPLAT value
	# "AMD64" will be changed to "X86_64", which is the canonical name
	# we are now using for that platform.  Please get into the habit of
	# using it directly, as this may go away someday.
	if $(OSPLAT:U) = AMD64 { OSPLAT = X86_64 ; }

	# This is jam idiomatic, but the result is that
	# P4BIN is set to ../p4-bin (relative to P4)

	SubDir AllP4 p4 ;	# where we are
	SubDir AllP4 p4-bin ;	# where we want to be
	SubDir P4BIN ;		# name is that
	SubDir AllP4 p4 ;	# back to where we started

		$(TYPE:L) ;

	EXEC_LIB     ?= [ FSubDirPath P4BIN     lib.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ] ;
	EXEC_INC     ?= [ FSubDirPath P4BIN     inc.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ] ;
	EXEC_LIBEXEC ?= [ FSubDirPath P4BIN libexec.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ] ;

	# Build dir: p4-bin/bin.xxx[/build][/type]
	EXEC ?= [ FSubDirPath $(EXEC_TOKENS) ] ;

        # Override the default Objects
        rule Objects
            local _i ;

	        for _i in [ FGristFiles $(<) ]
		        Object $(_i:S=$(SUFOBJ)) : $(_i) ;
		        Depends obj : $(_i:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;

                if $(INCREMENTAL_BUILD) != true
                    NotFile protobuf ;
                    Depends $(_i:S=$(SUFOBJ)) : protobuf ;
                MakeLocateWithSubDirectory $(_i:S=$(SUFOBJ)) : [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) objects $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) ] ;

	# version file
	# Ident'ed executables depend on this
	SEARCH on Version = $(P4) ;
    include Version ;

	if $(DEV_VERSION) = true
		# Add local-dev-build marker to the revision
		RELEASE = $(RELEASE[1]) $(RELEASE[2]) $(RELEASE[3])-local-dev-build ;

		# Change the version to bogus one
		# TODO: This could be improved to grab the version from perforce
		#       but is it going to be better. Developers may have
		#       old revision, cherry picking, un-submitted changes, etc.
		PATCHLEVEL = 9999999 ;
		SUPPDATE = 2100 01 01 ;

	STRIP = strip ;
	COMPRESS = gzip -9 ;
	ZIP ?= zip -9 -r -q ;

	# symbolic flags with no user/group/other specifier will default to
	# ANDing with the user's umask.
	# Thus, if the user's umask is 022,
	#  files will be -rw-r--r-- and executables will be -rwxr-xr-x
	# If a user's umask is 002,
	#  files will be -rw-rw-r-- and executables will be -rwxrwxr-x
	# and so on.

	if $(UNIX)
		FILEMODE = "+r,go-w" ;
		EXEMODE  = "+rx,go-w" ;


	HDRS +=
		[ FSubDirPath P4 msgs ]
		[ FSubDirPath P4 support ]
		[ FSubDirPath P4 sys ] ;

	# For production builds we customize the names of our Qt shared
	# libaries on some platforms to avoid naming/version conflicts with
	# system libraries on numerous platforms.  The main exception is
	# OSX, where it isn't needed.
	# Developers don't necessarily bother to add this infix to their
	# builds, but these variables allow one to use them if desired even
	# for non-production builds.
	if $(PRODUCTION) && $(OS) != MACOSX

	# The default, if linking with stdc++, is to dynamically link unless a specific platform overrides as static.
	# This really ought to be renamed LINK_WITH_STL since some operating systems use a different name.
 	LINK_WITH_STDC++ = p4d p4p p4broker p4broker_ja p4zk p4sandbox p4sandbox_ja p4vc ;

	# Some parts of libsupp now require symbols from pthread
	LINK_WITH_PTHREAD = p4d p4p p4broker p4broker_ja p4sandbox p4sandbox_ja p4ftpd ;

	# SSL configuration:
	# Define SSL to include netssl* source code into the libraries and executables
	# Define SSLSTUB to link in a stubbed version of the SSL libraries rather than linking
	# to the OpenSSL libraries.
	# Expected build configurations:
	# 1. All in-house executables compiled with SSL = yes and SSLSTUB = no
	#    (i.e., link with OpenSSL libraries)
	# 2. C/C++ Client API built with SSL = yes and SSLSTUB = yes
	#    SSL is defined but libraries not released with code.
	SSL     ?= yes ;
	SSLSTUB ?= no ;

	SetDefaultDirName SSLPREFIX : [ FSubDirPath P4BIN ] ;

	# 2014-10-23 temporary backward compatibility for transition.
	# Don't use SSLINCLUDE anymore.

	if $(SSLSTUB) = yes
		SSL = yes ;
		SSLINCDIR ?= [ FSubDirPath AllP4 p4 sslstub ]
		             [ FDirName $(SSLPREFIX) inc.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ] ;
		SetDefaultDirName SSLINCDIR ;
    } else {
		SetDefaultDirName SSLINCDIR : [ FDirName $(SSLPREFIX) inc.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ] ;

	# Zookeeper configuration
	# Define ZK to include zkservice client network code into the server process.
	# The ZKS client network code should be used only with the Perforce Clustered Servers.
	# The Clustered Servers are only being released on Linux varients.
	# Expected build configurations:
	# 1. Only the p4d and p4broker executables on Linux 32 and 64 bit platforms. Non-clustered
	# servers and brokers on Linux will have support for Zookeeper built in but will not use
	# the service.
	# 2. All non-linux OS p4d and p4brokers will not compile in support for Zookeeper.
	# 3. The proxy and perforce client will not compile in support for Zookeeper
	ZK ?= no ;

	# LDAP configuration:
	# Define LDAPSTUB to link in a stubbed version of the LDAP libraries
	# rather than linking to either the OpenLDAP or WinLDAP libraries.
	# Expected build configurations:
	# 1. NT P4D binaries built with LDAPSTUB = no and linked against WinLDAP
	#    in the Windows SDK.
	# 2. Linux P4D binaries built with LDAPSTUB = no and linked against the
	#    OpenLDAP and CyrusSASL libraries
	# 3. All other P4D binaries built with LDAPSTUB = yes
	LDAPSTUB ?= yes ;
	SetDefaultDirName OPENLDAPINCDIR   : $(EXEC_INC) ;
	SetDefaultDirName OPENLDAPLIBDIR   : $(EXEC_LIB) ;

	# X3 configuration
	X3      ?= no ;
	UDT     ?= no ;
	ASPERA  ?= no ;
	SCP     ?= no ;

	# UDT configuration
	SetDefaultDirName UDTINCDIR   : $(EXEC_INC) ;
	SetDefaultDirName UDTLIBDIR   : $(EXEC_LIB) ;

	# Aspera configuration
	SetDefaultDirName ASPINCDIR   : $(EXEC_INC) ;
	SetDefaultDirName ASPLIBDIR   : $(EXEC_LIB) ;

	# SCP configuration
	SetDefaultDirName SCPINCDIR   : $(EXEC_INC) ;
	SetDefaultDirName SCPLIBDIR   : $(EXEC_LIB) ;

	# Disable variadic templates in boost because this requires -std=c++11 or later
	# (which then requires -Wno-deprecated-declarations to avoid complaints
	# about auto_ptr being deprecated).
	# But don't define BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES before g++ 5.x
	# because boost pre-defines it with g++ older than that.
	# Without this rule both p4-cluster and gconn trigger this warning:
	#  warning: variadic templates only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11
	# We might (or might not) need to do this for clang as well.
	# NB: This requires passing -sGCCVER=5 (or other version, as appropriate)
	#     on the jam invocation.
	rule NoBoostVariadicTemplates
	    if [ FVersionCmp $(GCCVER) : 5.0.0 ] >= 0

# Section 2.  Library names.

	rule SetLibName
		$(1) = $(2:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
		LOCATE on $($(1)) = $(EXEC) ;

	SetLibName CLIENTLIB        : libclient     ;
	SetLibName DMLIB            : libdm         ;
	SetLibName FTPLIB           : libp4ftp 	    ;
	SetLibName LBRLIB           : liblbr        ;
	SetLibName P4EXPLIB         : libp4exp      ;
	SetLibName P4TD             : libp4thumb    ;
	SetLibName P4LIB            : libp4         ;
	SetLibName P4SCCLIB         : libp4scc      ;
	SetLibName P4SSLLIB         : libp4sslstub  ;
	SetLibName P4WINLIB         : libp4win      ;
	SetLibName P4WINCMNLIB      : libp4wcmn     ;
	SetLibName P4WINDIFFLIB     : libp4wdf      ;
	SetLibName P4WINMRGLIB      : libp4wmrg     ;
	SetLibName PLUGINLIB 	    : libplugin     ;
	SetLibName PROXYLIB         : libproxy      ;
	SetLibName QTADMINAPPLIB    : libqtadminapp ;
	SetLibName QTADMINLIB       : libqtadmin    ;
	SetLibName QTCMDLIB         : libqtcmd      ;
	SetLibName QTCORELIB        : libqtcore     ;
	SetLibName QTP4APILIB       : libqtp4api    ;
	SetLibName QTIMGMAXLIB      : libqtmaxfmt   ;
	SetLibName QTIMGMAYALIB     : libqtmayafmt  ;
	SetLibName QTIMGPHOTOLIB    : libqtphotofmt ;
	SetLibName QTIMGTGALIB      : libqttgafmt   ;
	SetLibName QTMERGELIB       : libqtmerge    ;
	SetLibName QTMERGEAPPLIB    : libqtmergeapp ;
	SetLibName QTPLATLIB        : libqtplat     ;
	SetLibName QTPREFLIB        : libqtpref     ;
	SetLibName QTUTILLIB        : libqtutil     ;
	SetLibName QTREELIB         : libqtree      ;
	SetLibName RPCLIB           : librpc        ;
	SetLibName SANDSTORM        : libstorm      ;
	SetLibName P4VSHELL         : libp4vshell   ;
	SetLibName P4ALIB           : libp4a        ;
	SetLibName P4V              : libp4v        ;
	SetLibName P4VPRIMITIVES    : libp4vprimitives ;
	SetLibName P4VC             : libp4vc       ;
	SetLibName P4VTEST          : libp4vtest    ;
	SetLibName SCCDLLLIB        : p4scc2        ;
	SetLibName SERVERLIB        : libserver     ;
	SetLibName SUPPORTLIB       : libsupp       ;
	SetLibName SHSTUBLIB        : libshstub     ;
	SetLibName WEBGIZMOLIB	    : libp4web      ;
	SetLibName P4SANDBOXLIB	    : libp4sandbox_$(P4SBLANG:E=en) ;
	SetLibName ZKSLIB	        : libzks        ;
	SetLibName P4SHAREDLIB	    : libp4shared   ;
	SetLibName ZKUILIB	        : libzkui       ;
	SetLibName ASPLIB           : libasp  ;		# maybe

# Section 3.  Per-build type variable settings.

	TYPE ?= opt ;

	switch $(TYPE)
	# These are official builds
	#  dyn: windows guis must be dynamic
	#  opt: our standard, optimized build
	#  pic: for API and some client applications

	case dyn  : OPTIM = -O2 ;
	case opt  : OPTIM = -O2 ;
	case pic  : OPTIM = -O2 -fPIC ;

	# These are for internal testing/playing
	#  g/dyng/optg: debugging
	#  pg: profiled executable on unix
	#  fast: a fast compile (no optimization)
	#  lower: case insensitive on UNIX
	#  lpg: lower profiled

	case g      : OPTIM     = -g ;
	case dyng   : OPTIM     = -g ;
	case picg   : OPTIM     = -g -fPIC ;
	case picog  : OPTIM     = -g -fPIC -O2 ;
	case gpic   : OPTIM     = -g -fPIC ;  # mistake in convention; avoid using
	case fast   : OPTIM     = ;
	case lower  : OPTIM     = -DCASE_INSENSITIVE -O2 ;
	case lpg    : OPTIM     = -DCASE_INSENSITIVE -O2 -pg ;
	              LINKFLAGS = -pg ;
	case optg   : OPTIM     = -O2 -g ;
	case pg     : OPTIM     = -pg -O ;
	              LINKFLAGS = -pg ;
	case sym    : OPTIM     = -opt off -sym full ;
	              LINKFLAGS = -sym full ;
	# _FORTIFY_SOURCE:  http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-09/msg02055.html
	case FSgSSP : OPTIM     = -g -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-all ;

	# asan: https://code.google.com/p/address-sanitizer/wiki/AddressSanitizer
	case asan   : OPTIM     = -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O1 ;
	              LINKLIBS  = -lasan ;
	case gcov   :
		if [ FVersionCmp $(GCCVER) : 7.1 ] >= 0
		    OPTIM     = -fprofile-arcs -fprofile-update=atomic -ftest-coverage -g -O ;
		    LINKFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -fprofile-update=atomic -ftest-coverage -g ;
		    OPTIM     = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -O ;
		    LINKFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g ;

	case *vsdebug* : # special-target builds; see NT section

	case * : 	Echo "Warning -- unknown compilation TYPE" $(TYPE) ;

	# TYPE_DEBUG for all debug builds.
	# TYPE_DYNAMIC for all dynamic builds.
	# TYPE_PIC for all position-independent code gen

	switch $(TYPE) { case *dyn* : TYPE_DYNAMIC ?= true ; }
	switch $(TYPE) { case *g*   : TYPE_DEBUG   ?= true ; }
	switch $(TYPE) { case *pic* : TYPE_PIC     ?= true ; }

	if $(TYPE_DEBUG) = true
	    C++FLAGS += -D_DEBUG ;
	    C++FLAGS += -DNDEBUG ;

	# Long ago the dynamic build of p4d was blocked.  Partly as a safety measure
	# to prevent releasing a dynamic build.  With our automated builds it is
	# unlikely we need to block TYPE=dyn anymore.  Also doing this type of build
	# is benificial in testing plugins like P4GT.  Allow TYPE=dyn now.

	BUILD_P4D ?= true ;

	if [ FVersionCmp $(GCCVER) : 4.2 ] >= 0 { OPTIM += -fwrapv ; }  # see job047026

# Section 4.  Per-platform variable settings.

	# Flags for Perforce
	#	CASE_INSENSITIVE -- case folding server
	#	ENUM_INT -- force enums to int sized for watcom
	#	USE_CRLF -- ascii opened as binary needs special handling
	#	USE_CR -- special CR <-> LF translation for mac
	#	USE_EBCDIC -- ascii <-> ebcdic translation in rpc


	switch $(OS)$(OSVER:E)
	case AIX53 :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) : CC ;

		# NO_VIZ disables the use of the `hidden' symbol
		# visibility attribute used by gcc in zlib/zutil.h.
		C++FLAGS += -DBSD -Dunix -D_LARGE_FILES=1 ;
		LINKLIBS += -lsupc++ ;

			# For some reason our binutils cross-compiled `strip' doesn't
			# actually remove debug symbols unless you explicitly tell it
			# to remove that section.
			STRIP += -R .debug ;

		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
		case PPC64 :
			$(GENFLAGS) += -maix64 ;
			LINKFLAGS   += -maix64 ;
			AR           = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E)ar -X64 -ru ;

			if ! $(CROSS_COMPILE)
				# The native aix strip command requires this flag on 64-bit
				# objects, but the gnu binutils strip command (used when
				# cross compiling) does not recognize it.
				STRIP += -X64 ;

	case AS400 :
		CC           = icc ;
		C++          = icc ;
		LINK         = icc ;
		OPTIM        = -O4 ;
		AR           = qar -cru ;
		STRIP        = ;

		# This QSYS library must be pre-created before building
		QSYSLIB    = p4 ;

	case CYGWIN* :
		CC        = gcc ;
		C++       = gcc ;
		LINK      = g++ ;

	case DARWIN :
		Exit "Set OSVER to 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, ... for DARWIN" ;

	case DARWIN8* :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 : ppc i386 ;


	case DARWIN9* :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv : ppc i386 x86_64 ;

		# Unspeakably horrible kludge:
		# The *actual* 10.5 linker doesn't understand this option (and it's
		# not needed), but it's needed if we want to build 10.5-compatible
		# executables on a 10.6 system.
		if $(MACOSX105ON106) { LINKFLAGS += -Wl,-no_compact_linkedit ; }

	case DARWIN10* :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv ;

		# Don't insert LC_* loader commands in executables.  Even though OS
		# X 10.5 can load these executables, none of the older editing
		# tools like `strip', `otool', etc. from earlier SDKs can interpret
		# them.  So if we really want to reuse artifacts portably, we can't
		# use these newer features.
		LINKFLAGS += -Wl,-no_compact_linkedit ;

	case DARWIN1[12]* :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv ;


	case DARWIN* :  # DARWIN13 and above
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=clang) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv ;

		LINKFLAGS += -Wl ;

	case FREEBSD :
		Exit Set OSVER to 4, 54, 60, 70, 80, etc for FreeBSD ;

	case FREEBSD4 :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;

		if $(OSPLAT:U) != AXP { LINKFLAGS += -static ; }
		$(GENFLAGS) += -pipe ;

	case FREEBSD[56789]* : # Freebsd 5.0 to 9.0
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;

		if [ FVersionCmp $(OSVER) : 70 ] >= 0 { OPTIM += -fwrapv ; } # see job047026

		_mflags = ;
		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
		case X86     : _mflags = -m32 ;
		case X86_64  : _mflags = -m64 ;
		case SPARC64 : _mflags = -m64 ;

		$(GENFLAGS) += $(_mflags) -pipe ;
		LINKFLAGS   += $(_mflags) ;

	case FREEBSD1* : # FreeBSD 10.0 and later
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=clang) ;

		OPTIM += -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -fwrapv ;

		_mflags = ;
		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
		case X86     : _mflags = -m32 ;
		case X86_64  : _mflags = -m64 ;

		$(GENFLAGS) += $(_mflags) -pipe ;
		LINKFLAGS   += $(_mflags) ;

		# With FreeBSD 10.3 ...
		# binutils now operates in deterministic mode by default,
		# meaning it doesn't record timestamps in the archives. We
		# could override that by always running 'ar U', but instead
		# we chose to tell Jam not to scan the archives.

		NOARSCAN = true ;

	case HPUX11 :
		switch $(OSPLAT:EU)-$(OSCOMP:E)
		# On IA64, hpux supports both 64-bit and 32-bit executables.
		# We build 64-bit for the benefit of p4d, and client apps are built
		# the same way for the sake of simplicity.
		case IA64-GCC :
			CC           = gcc ;
			C++          = gcc ;
			$(GENFLAGS) += -mlp64 ;

			LINK         = gcc ;
			LINKFLAGS   += -mlp64 ;
			LINKLIBS    += -lsupc++ -lunwind ;

		case IA64-* : # unbundled vendor compiler
			CC           = aCC ;
			C++          = aCC ;
			OPTIM        = +O1 ;
			if $(TYPE_PIC) { OPTIM += +Z ; }

			CCFLAGS     += -Ae ; # treat .c files as C89, not C++
			C++FLAGS    += -Wc,-ansi_for_scope,on ;
			$(GENFLAGS) += +DD64 -z ;

			# Suppress compiler warnings:
			# 	2611: overloaded virtual function "x" is only partially overridden in class "y"
			# 	2997: function "x::fn is hidden by y::fn" -- virtual function override intended?
			#	2177: label "x" was declared but never referenced
			#	2815: type qualifier on return type is meaningless
			#	4232: conversion from "indx_t *" to a more strictly aligned type "pgno_t *" may cause misaligned access

			$(GENFLAGS) += +W2611,2997,2177,2815,4232 ;

			LINK         = aCC ;
			# The +hideallsymbols linker option will generate a
			# lot of harmless warnings about being unable to hide
			# symbols that are undefined and need resolving
			# from the (dynamically linked) system libraries,
			# but see //depot/main/p4-doc/code/PORTING for rationale.
			LINKFLAGS   += +DD64 +Oprocelim -z -Wl,+hideallsymbols,+stripunwind ;

		case PA11-* : # unbundled vendor compiler
			CC    = aCC ;
			C++   = aCC ;
			LINK  = aCC ;
			OPTIM = +O1 ;
			CCFLAGS     += -Ae ; # treat .c files as C89, not C++

		case *-* : # assumed PA20 (32-bit) with unbundled vendor compiler
			CC           = aCC ;
			C++          = aCC ;
			LINK         = aCC ;
			OPTIM        = +O1 ;
			CCFLAGS     += -Ae ; # treat .c files as C89, not C++

	case IPHONE30 :

		# This is distinct from the MACOSX or DARWIN platforms
		# because the SDKs used are not compatible, and because
		# someday the iPhone may target both armv6 and i386.

		PLATFORM_ROOT ?= /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform ;
		COMPILER_DIR  ?= $(PLATFORM_ROOT)/Developer/usr/bin ;

		SDK_VERSION   ?= iPhoneOS3.0.sdk ;

		CC     = $(COMPILER_DIR)/gcc ;
		C++    = $(COMPILER_DIR)/g++ ;
		LINK   = $(COMPILER_DIR)/g++ ;
		RANLIB = $(COMPILER_DIR)/ranlib ;

		               -isysroot$(IPHONE_SDK) ;
		LINKFLAGS   += -Wl,-syslibroot,$(IPHONE_SDK) ;

		# OSPLAT=U : universal binary (don't use this right now)
		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
		case ARMV6  : _arch = -arch armv6 ;
		case ARMV7  : _arch = -arch armv7 ;
		case U      : _arch = -arch armv6
		                      -arch armv7 ;
		              NOARSCAN = true ; # can't scan "fat" archives

		LINKFLAGS   += $(_arch) ;

	case IRIX65 :
		CC   = cc -OPT:Olimit 5000 -64 -mips3 ;
		C++  = CC -woff 3439,1174,1178,1681,1682
		          -OPT:Olimit 5000 -64 -mips3 ;
		LINK = CC -64 ;

		if $(TYPE_PIC)
			OPTIM = -O2 -KPIC ;

	case LINUX :
		Exit Set OSVER to 24 or 26 ;

	case LINUX2[46] :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) : CC ;

		LINKLIBS += -lsupc++ # Assumes gcc 3.x or later
					-lrt     # for clock_gettime
		            -ldl     # for OpenSSL
                    -lm ;    # for floor & misc

		STATIC_LIBSTDC++ = yes ;


		# be explicit about submodel since we may be compiling x86 code on
		# an x86/x86_64 biarch system, and the default may be uncertain.
		_mflags = ;
		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
		case X86    : _mflags = -m32 ; SMARTHEAP ?= yes ; SMARTHEAP_CHECKS ?= 0 ;
		case X86_64 : _mflags = -m64 ; SMARTHEAP ?= yes ; SMARTHEAP_CHECKS ?= 0 ;

		case PPC    : _mflags = -m32 ;
		case PPC64  : _mflags = -m64 ;

		case ARMEL  : _mflags = -march=armv4t -mfloat-abi=soft ;

		# Use arch=armv6 for compatibility with Raspberry Pi Raspian.
		# It should be noted that vfpv3-d16 is the agreed upon linux
		# floating point ABI for armv7 and above.  This won't actually work
		# on the raspi because it doesn't have these registers, but we
		# don't use any floating point in our own programs at present.
		# This flag is just present to make sure our cross compiler
		# generates the right code if this situation changes.
		case ARMHF  : _mflags = -march=armv6  -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 ;

		$(GENFLAGS) += $(_mflags) -D_GNU_SOURCE ;
		LINKFLAGS   += $(_mflags) ;

		QTOPENGL ?= no ;

		# binutils now operates in deterministic mode by default,
		# meaning it doesn't record timestamps in the archives. We
		# could override that by always running 'ar U', but instead
		# we chose to tell Jam not to scan the archives on Linux.

		NOARSCAN = true ;

	case MACOSX :
		Exit "Set OSVER to 104, 105, 106, ..., 1010, 1011, 1012, ... for MACOSX" ;

	case MACOSX104 :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 : ppc i386 ;


		# The -fvisibility-inlines-hidden option is a C++-only
		# option, needed because Qt4 is built with it and all
		# statically-compiled objects need to use it consistently.
		C++FLAGS    += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -fpascal-strings
		               -F$(QTDIR)/lib ;

		LINKLIBS    += -framework ApplicationServices
		               -framework Foundation ;

	case MACOSX105 :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv : ppc i386 ;


		# The -fvisibility-inlines-hidden option is a C++-only
		# option, needed because Qt4 is built with it and all
		# statically-compiled objects need to use it consistently.
		C++FLAGS    += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -fpascal-strings
		               -F$(QTDIR)/lib ;

		# Unspeakably horrible kludge:
		# The *actual* 10.5 linker doesn't understand this option (and it's
		# not needed), but it's needed if we want to build 10.5-compatible
		# executables on a 10.6 system.
		if $(MACOSX105ON106) { LINKFLAGS += -Wl,-no_compact_linkedit ; }

		LINKLIBS    += -framework ApplicationServices
		               -framework Foundation ;

	case MACOSX106 :
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv : i386 ;


		# The -fvisibility-inlines-hidden option is a C++-only
		# option, needed because Qt4 is built with it and all
		# statically-compiled objects need to use it consistently.
		C++FLAGS    += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -fpascal-strings
		               -F$(QTDIR)/lib ;

		# Don't insert LC_* loader commands in executables.  Even though OS
		# X 10.5 can load these executables, none of the older editing
		# tools like `strip', `otool', etc. from earlier SDKs can interpret
		# them.  So if we really want to reuse artifacts portably, we can't
		# use these newer features.
		LINKFLAGS   += $(MACOSX_SDK_FLAGS) -Wl,-no_compact_linkedit ;

		LINKLIBS    += -framework ApplicationServices
		               -framework Foundation ;

	case MACOSX10[78] :
        SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv ;


		# The -fvisibility-inlines-hidden option is a C++-only
		# option, needed because Qt4 is built with it and all
		# statically-compiled objects need to use it consistently.
		C++FLAGS    += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -fpascal-strings
		               -F$(QTDIR)/lib ;

		LINKLIBS    += -framework ApplicationServices
		               -framework Foundation ;

	case MACOSX10* :  # 10.9 and above
		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=clang) ;
		SetOSXSdk : -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fwrapv ;


		# The -fvisibility-inlines-hidden option is a C++-only
		# option, needed because Qt4 is built with it and all
		# statically-compiled objects need to use it consistently.
		C++FLAGS    += -fvisibility-inlines-hidden ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -fpascal-strings
		               -F$(QTDIR)/lib ;

		LINKLIBS    += -framework ApplicationServices
		               -framework Foundation ;

	case MINGW* :
		# MinGW is a special case of NT : instead of using msft's compiler,
		# it uses gcc.  But unlike cygwin it is not an emulation layer.
		# Most of the win32 API is accessible but not all MSVC extensions
		# are; there might be difficulty using routines that are part of
		# the MSVCR dynamic runtime.

		# Use 7z on the MinGW-w64 port
		if $(RI_DEVKIT) { ZIP = 7z a -r ; }

		# If cross compiling (e.g. on linux), set CROSS_COMPILE to the
		# prefix of the cross tools.
		if ! $(NT) && ! $(MINGW) && ! $(MINGW64)
			CROSS_COMPILE ?= i686-pc-mingw32- ;

		SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;

		SUFLIB    = .a   ;
		SUFOBJ	  = .o   ;
		SUFEXE	  = .exe ;


		# Set minimum API compatibility to WindowsXP (see w32api.h)
		# Make sure exceptions are disabled; the API doesn't use any and
		# some builds of MinGW don't even support them.
		$(GENFLAGS) += -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -DWINVER=0x0501
		               -fno-exceptions ;

		# For MinGW-w64 set the old MinGW macro as well.
		# This avoids having the redo all the ifdefs.
		if $(RI_DEVKIT) { $(GENFLAGS) += -DOS_MINGW ; }

		# LINKLIBS comes from jambase wrongly initialized
		# do not use += here
		LINKLIBS  =  -lws2_32
		             -lsupc++ ;
		# MinGW-w64 also uses the Visual Studio libs.
		if $(RI_DEVKIT)
			LINKLIBS  += -ladvapi32 -lkernel32 ;
			if $(SSL) = yes
				LINKLIBS += -lUser32 -lOle32 -lOleaut32 -lGdi32 ;

	case MVS :
		# Set the following variables in your shell before
		# invoking jam
		# Note: some might not be required if all the aliases have
		# been set correctly
		EBCDIC ?= yes ;
		CC = cc ;
		C++ = c++ -+ ;
		if $(EBCDIC) != no { $(GENFLAGS) += -DUSE_EBCDIC ; }
		if $(ASCII) = yes  { $(GENFLAGS) += -DNO_EBCDIC_FILES ; }
		LINK = c++ ;
		OPTIM = -O ;

	case NETBSD3* :
		OSCOMPDIR ?= /usr/pkg/gcc34/bin/ ;

		CC           = $(OSCOMPDIR:E)gcc ;
		C++          = $(OSCOMPDIR:E)g++ ;
		LINK         = $(OSCOMPDIR:E)gcc ;
		LINKLIBS    += -lsupc++ -lm ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -pipe -Dunix ;

		# NetBSD gcc choked on -O2 -fPIC
		if $(TYPE_PIC) { OPTIM = -O1 -fPIC ; }

	case NETBSD* :
		CC           = $(OSCOMPDIR:E)gcc ;
		C++          = $(OSCOMPDIR:E)g++ ;
		LINK         = $(OSCOMPDIR:E)gcc ;
		LINKLIBS    += -lsupc++ -lm ;
		$(GENFLAGS) += -pipe -Dunix ;

	case VMS* :
		# use C++ compiler: we're cheap
		CC       = cxx ;
		C++      = cxx ;
		STRIP    = ;
		OPTIM    = ;

	case NT* :

		# Jambase adds /MT to C++FLAGS, even when we don't want it.
		# We'll set the right flags below.
		C++FLAGS = [ FRemoveAny $(C++FLAGS) : /MT ] ;
		CCFLAGS  = [ FRemoveAny $(CCFLAGS)  : /MT ] ;

		if $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) && [ FVersionCmp $(MSVSVER) : 14 ] = 0
			# Define minimum Windows 7 version for P4GT.
			C++FLAGS += -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 ;
			# Define min windows version supported
			C++FLAGS += -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 ;

		    C++FLAGS += /FC ;

		local _Z = /Zi ; # flag to put debug syms in .pdb file

		# Visual Studio 8 and earlier choke when writing .pdb files
		# to a networked drive; this variable provides a way to
		# override the pdb filename.  Visual Studio 9
		# (VS2008) and later apparently are ok.

		if [ FVersionCmp $(MSVSVER) : 12 ] >= 0
			# If using parallel builds, VS12 will abort due to multiple
			# simultaneous accesses to the pdb file unless you serialize
			# accesses with this flag.
			$(GENFLAGS) += /FS ;

		if $(JAMFAST)
				Exit Do not use JAMFAST with PRODUCTION, since JAMFAST embeds
				     debug symbols directly in object files. ;

			# Put debug syms directly in object files.
			# If running jam with -j2 or greater, using a .pdb database
			# for the debug symbols may cause locking failures from
			# parallel compilation processes trying to access it.
			_Z = /Z7 ;

		switch $(BUILD)
		# When we do API builds, we set BUILD=vs2003, vs2005, etc.
		# 2015-04-21 now that the API is open source and our RPC is public,
		# include debug symbols embedded in the object files for the
		# convenience of customers and tech support.

		case vs2* : _Z = /Z7 ;


		if $(WARN_FOR_DEPRECATED) = true
			# removes /wd4996 that cames from jam - jambase file
			C++FLAGS = [ FRemoveAny $(C++FLAGS) : /wd4996 ] ;

		# Use setargv.obj to get wildcard expansion.
		# This is coupled with our own modified wildcard expander used by
		# setargv.obj in VS8 or later, per job030753.

		# LINKLIBS comes from jambase wrongly initialized
		# do not use += here
		LINKLIBS  = setargv.obj advapi32.lib oldnames.lib
		            kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib ;
		if $(SSL) = yes
			LINKLIBS += User32.lib Ole32.lib Oleaut32.lib Gdi32.lib ;

		# 2008-10-17: static only for now
		# 2017-08-24: allow dyn builds for p4gt.
		if [ FVersionCmp $(MSVSVER) : 8 ] >= 0
			local _dyn ;
			if $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) = true { _dyn = -dyn ; }

			LINKLIBS += $(EXEC_LIB)/wild-vs$(MSVSVER)$(_dyn:E).obj ;

		if $(OSPLAT:U) = IA64 && ! $(MSVSVER)
			# When using the windows 2003 SDK on IA64, the /GS flag is
			# enabled by default but even if you disable it for our own
			# builds, the libraries provided with the SDK itself were build
			# with /GS, so there's no way to avoid having to link against
			# this library.
			# See http://support.microsoft.com/?id=894573
			LINKLIBS += bufferoverflowU.lib ;

		# The "rc" tool needs MS headers:

		RCSTDHDRS = $(MSVCNT:J=" ")\\include
		            $(MSVCNT:J=" ")\\atlmfc\\include ;
		STRIP  = ;

		switch $(OSPLAT:U)
			case X86 : SMARTHEAP ?= yes ; SMARTHEAP_CHECKS ?= 0 ;
			case X64 : SMARTHEAP ?= yes ; SMARTHEAP_CHECKS ?= 0 ;

		# Now, unset STDHDRS so Jam doesn't scan system headers (takes
		# too long when using compiler on networked machine):

		if $(BCCROOT)
			# Jeff Anton compiles with borland.

			OPTIM        = -O2 ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;
			AR           = tlib /C /P128 ;
			LINKLIBS     += $(BCCROOT)/lib/wildargs.obj ;
		else switch $(TYPE)
		case g :
			# Debugging build

			OPTIM = $(_Z) /Gm ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d DEBUG /r ;
			if $(SMARTHEAP) = yes
			if $(CRT) = dyn
				$(GENFLAGS) += /MDd ;
				$(GENFLAGS) += /MTd ;

       case dyn :
			# Dynamic link version, for qt products

			OPTIM = $(_Z) /O2 ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;
			$(GENFLAGS) += /MD ;


		case dyng :
			# Dynamic Debugging build
			if $(JAMFAST)
				OPTIM = $(_Z) ;
				OPTIM = $(_Z) /Gm ;

			RCFLAGS      = /d DEBUG /r ;
			$(GENFLAGS) += /MDd ;
			LINKFLAGS   += /DEBUG /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib  /fixed:no ;

		# "vsdebug*" sections: link with Visual Studio debug libraries.
		# These are intended for customer use.
		case vsdebug :
			OPTIM        = /O2 $(_Z) ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;
			$(GENFLAGS) += /MTd ;

		case vsdebug_idl0 :
			OPTIM        = /O2 $(_Z) ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;

		case vsdebug_idl1 :
			OPTIM        = /O2 $(_Z) ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;

		case dyn_vsdebug :
			OPTIM        = /O2 $(_Z) ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;
			$(GENFLAGS) += /MDd ;

		case dyn_vsdebug_idl0 :
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r $(_Z) ;

		case dyn_vsdebug_idl1 :
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r $(_Z) ;

		case * :
			# Static link version, for command line products

			OPTIM        = /O2 $(_Z) ;
			RCFLAGS      = /d NDEBUG /r ;
			if $(CRT) = dyn
				$(GENFLAGS) += /MD ;
				$(GENFLAGS) += /MT ;

	    if $(OSPLAT:U) = X64
		# 64 bit windows needs increased stack size, so
		# we're doubling the stack from 2mb to 4mb.
		# See job31737.

		LINKFLAGS on p4d.exe = $(LINKFLAGS) /STACK:4194304 ;

	case QNXNTO* :
		CC = cc ;
		C++ = cc ;
		LINKLIBS += -lsocket ;

	case SCO* :
		C++ = gcc ;
		CC = gcc ;
		LINK = gcc ;
		LINKLIBS += -lsocket ;

	case SOLARIS* :
		switch $(OSCOMP)
		case SUNC11 : # Sun Studio 11
			# Recommended jam flags: -sOSCOMP=SUNC11 -sBUILD=suncc
			# Add -sTYPE=pic for api.
			CC    = c99 ;
			C++   = CC ;
			LINK  = CC ;
			OPTIM = -xO3 ;

			if $(TYPE_PIC) { OPTIM += -KPIC ; }

			switch $(OSPLAT:U)
			case *64 :
				$(GENFLAGS) += -xarch=generic64 ;
				LINKFLAGS   += -xarch=generic64 ;

		case SUNC12 : # Sun Studio 12
			# Recommended jam flags: -sOSCOMP=SUNC12 -sBUILD=suncc
			# Add -sTYPE=pic for api.
			CC    = c99 ;
			C++   = CC ;
			LINK  = CC ;
			OPTIM = -xO3 ;

			if $(TYPE_PIC) { OPTIM += -KPIC ; }

			switch $(OSPLAT:U)
			case *64 :
				$(GENFLAGS) += -m64 ;
				LINKFLAGS   += -m64 ;

		case * : # GCC
			SetCommonCompiler $(OSCOMP:E=gcc) ;

			switch $(OSPLAT:U)
			case *64 : # X86_64 or SPARC64
				LINKFLAGS   += -m64 ;
				$(GENFLAGS) += -m64 ;

			# supc++ needed for all apps since we use gcc >= 3.2.
			LINKLIBS += -lsupc++ ;
			STATIC_LIBSTDC++ = yes ;


		$(GENFLAGS) += -I/opt/lude/include
		               # NO_VIZ disables the use of the `hidden' symbol
		               # visibility attribute used by gcc in zlib/zutil.h.
		               # Solaris 10 x86 still uses a gcc 3.x compiler which
		               # does not properly support this attribute.
		               -DNO_VIZ ;

		LINKLIBS += -lsocket -lnsl ;
		STRIP     = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E=/usr/ccs/bin/)strip  ;
		RANLIB    = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E=/usr/ccs/bin/)ranlib ;
		AR        = $(CROSS_COMPILE:E=/usr/ccs/bin/)ar ru  ;

		if $(CROSS_COMPILE:E=no) != no
			LINKFLAGS += -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined ;

		QTOPENGL ?= no ;

	case * :
		Exit Don't know "$(OS)$(OSVER) or " $(OS) ;

	if $(SMARTHEAP) = yes

		if $(MEM_DEBUG) = yes

	if $(SSL) = yes

	if $(ZK) = yes

	if $(JSP) = yes

	if $(ZMQ) = yes

	if $(X3) = yes

		if $(UDT) = yes

		if $(ASPERA) = yes

		if $(SCP) = yes

	if $(UNIX)
		# Don't fail if directory already exists.
		MKDIR = mkdir -p ;

		# Compile with both -O2 and -g, even for opt builds.
		# The resulting build will produce foo.debug and foo, where foo has
		# local symbols and foo is stripped as per usual.
		# The PRODUCTION_NO_DEBUG override is for building p4api.tgz, where
		# we do not want give our customers local symbols.
		OPTIM += -g ;

		# Work around an internal compiler fault in gcc 3.4.x that occurs
		# on this file when you use -O2 and -g at the same time.
		# This can go away if/when we start using gcc 4.x on these
		# platforms.
		if $(OS) = LINUX || $(OS) = SOLARIS
			local _f = <p4-qt!windows!integrate>IntegratePreviewView.o ;
            C++FLAGS on $(_f) += $(C++FLAGS) -fno-unit-at-a-time ;

		# On AIX, don't perform the intermediate strip. The use of "-x"
		# generates an "0654-407 Internal error", and trying to fully strip
		# an executable twice will result in a gratuitous failure message
		# the second time.
		switch $(OS) {
		case AIX :	STRIP_LOCAL = ":" ;
		case *   :	STRIP_LOCAL = $(STRIP) -x ;

		# Copy, then strip; "strip -o" is not portable, e.g. doesn't work on AIX.
		# This strips local symbols only.  Some programs will get strippped
		# more thoroughly later via the Strip rule (e.g. p4d) but in general
		# global symbols assist with backtraces from customers.  And plugins
		# can *not* be stripped of global symbols or dlsym lookups will fail.
		actions Link bind NEEDLIBS
			$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $(<).debug $(UNDEFS) $(>) $(NEEDLIBS) $(LINKLIBS) &&
			$(CP) -p $(<).debug $(<) &&
			$(STRIP_LOCAL) $(<)

# Section 4.2.  Library deployment

	#LIBRARY_DEPOLYMENT_SDK must be specified in the previous section


# Section 5.  Perforce-special rules and actions.

	# Special Rules
	# FRegexpQuote list ;       - quote regexp metacharacters into literals
	# FDirEntries path : pat ;  - return a list of files matching pat in path
	# DefineVar src : var ;     - define a var for src compilation
	# Ident exe ;               - define bits for program ident string
	# ListAC ??? ;
	# P4ClientHdrs ;            - add all p4 client headers for building Web, ftp
	# P4Library lib : src ;     - Library of P4 client libs
	# P4DLibrary lib : src ;    - Library of P4D server libs
	# Strip exe ;               - strip executable of symbols after building
	# CopyRec target : dstdir : srcdir : excludes ; - recursively copy srcdir into dstdir
	# And build packaging rules
	# P4APIMakeDir apiname : files ; build api dist structure
	# P4Api apiname : files ; make archive files of api dist structure
	# MkDistArchive file : directory ; calls appropriate action based on file extension
	# MakeP4ObjCdist file ; Create Objective C API package
	# MakeP4DTGdist file ; Create p4dtg package

	rule FRegexpQuote
		# FRegexpQuote list ;
		# Quote any egrep(1) regexp metacharacters in elements of
		# list such that they will only match a literal expression.
		# Returns the quoted list.
		local result ;
		local p ;

		for p in $(<)
			local q ;

			while (1)
				local r = [ Match ^([^][()*+.?\\]*)([][()*+.?\\])(.*) : $(p) ] ;
				q += $(r[1]) ;
				if $(r[2]) = ""
					q += $(p) ;
					break ;
				q += \\$(r[2]) ;
				p = $(r[3]) ;

			result += $(q:J=) ;

		return $(result) ;

	rule FDirEntries
		# Usage: files = [ FDirEntries path to directory : pat ] ;
		# Returns list of entries in directory which match pat (default '*')

		local dir = [ FDirName $(<) ] ;
		local pat = $(>) ;
		if ! $(pat) { pat = "*" ; }

		local ents = [ Glob $(dir) : $(pat) ] ;             # => d/. d/.. d/a d/b
		# We need to quote windows directories because they use
		# backslashes, and those are regexp metacharacters.
		# Safer on unix too.
		local re   = [ FRegexpQuote $(dir)$(SLASH) ] ;
		ents = [ Match $(re)(.*) : $(ents) ] ;              # => . .. a b
		return [ FRemoveAny $(ents) : $(DOT) $(DOTDOT) ] ;  # return minus . and ..

	rule FileIsDir
		# Returns a list of just those elements that are names of existing directories
		local result ;
		local f ;

		for f in $(1)
			if [ Glob $(f) : $(DOT) ]
				result += $(f) ;
		return $(result) ;

	rule DefineVar
		# Usage: DefineVar foo.cc : VARNAME
		# Defines it if set

		if $($(>))
		    ObjectDefines $(<) :
				[ Fconcat $(>)= [ FQuote \"$($(>):J=" ")\" ] ] ;

	rule DefineVarNQ
		# Usage: DefineVarNQ foo.cc : VARNAME
		# Defines it if set, but do not surround with quotes.
		# Useful for numbers and other atoms.
		if $($(>))
		    ObjectDefines $(<) : [ Fconcat $(>)= $($(>)) ] ;

	rule Ident
		# Set up special defines

		local osid = $(OS)$(OSVER:E)$(OSPLAT:E) ;

		rule Fconcat { return $(<:J) ; }

		ObjectDefines $(<) :
		    [ Fconcat ID_OS= 	[ FQuote $(osid[1]:U) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat ID_REL= 	[ FQuote $(RELEASE:J=.) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat ID_PATCH= [ FQuote $(PATCHLEVEL)$(SPECIAL:E) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat ID_Y= 	[ FQuote $(SUPPDATE[1]) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat ID_M= 	[ FQuote $(SUPPDATE[2]) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat ID_D= 	[ FQuote $(SUPPDATE[3]) ] ] ;

		# Source file includes Version

		Includes [ FGristSourceFiles $(<) ] : Version ;

	rule ListAC
		# Special jam trickery to display AC numbers with "jam AC"

		NOTFILE $(<) ;
		ALWAYS $(<) ;
		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;

	actions ListAC
		$(AWK) 'BEGIN {L=0; FS=","} /AC_/ {print L, $1; L++}' $(>)

	rule MacRes
		local _t = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		Depends $(_t) : $(>) ;
		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;

	rule MacCreatorCode
		switch $(<)
		    case p4v :
		    	return P4VC ;

		    case p4merge :
		    	return P4MG ;

		    case * :
		    	return ttxt ;

	rule P4ClientHdrs
		# P4ClientHdrs ; - add p4 client headers for building Web, ftp

		SubDirHdrs $(P4) client ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4) diff ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4) i18n ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4) middle ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4) net ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4) web ;

	rule P4Library
		Library $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule P4DLibrary
		if $(BUILD_P4D) = true { Library $(<) : $(>) ; }

	rule P4Main
		Main    $(<) : $(>) ;
		LinkSSL $(<) ;
		Strip   $(<) ;

		# Things get a little messy with supc++/stdc++ depending on the
		# compiler front end used for linking.
		if $(<) in $(LINK_WITH_STDC++)
			if $(STATIC_LIBSTDC++) = yes
				local _lib = -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic ;

				OnTargetVarDelete $(<)$(SUFEXE) : LINKLIBS : -lsupc++ ;
				OnTargetVarAppend $(<)$(SUFEXE) : LINKLIBS : $(_lib)  ;
				OnTargetVarDelete $(<)$(SUFEXE) : LINKLIBS : -lsupc++ ;
				if [ on $(<) return $(LINK) ] = [ on $(<) return $(CC) ]
					# If using the CC front end to link by default, but we need
					# STL (not necessarily stdc++, e.g. when using clang on
					# freebsd, which has a different C++ runtime), use the C++
					# front end for this target instead.
					LINK on $(<) = [ on $(<) return $(C++) ] ;

		if $(<) in $(LINK_WITH_PTHREAD)
			LinkPthread $(<) ;

	rule ExP4Main
		if $(OS) = NT
			ObjectC++Flags $(>) : /EHsc ;

		P4Main $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule P4DMain
		if $(BUILD_P4D) = true
		    P4Main $(<) : $(>) ;
		    P4NoBuild $(<) : BUILD_P4D ;

	rule P4NoBuild
		NotFile $(>) ;

	actions quietly P4NoBuild
		echo Set $(>) to force build of $(<).

	rule Lex
		# Some places don't have lex or flex
		on $(<) if $(LEX)
			# In most cases we generate and check in a copy of the
			# generated file, because most operating systems lack a working
			# lexer.  Here we check to see if that source is fact present,
			# and if it is, force the lexer to overwrite it directly.  This
			# has the advantage that parallel builds will not stomp on each
			# others' temporary output files (usually "lex.yy.c" the
			# current working directory).

			local _exist = [ FDirEntries $(SEARCH_SOURCE) : $(<:G=) ] ;

			if $(_exist) = $(<:G=)
				SEARCH on  $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
				MakeLocate $(<) : $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;

				local output    = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) $(<:G=) ;
				# flex does not permit a space between -o and filename
				OnTargetVarAppend $(<) : LEX : -o$(output:J=/) ;
				Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
				# Traditional Jambase behavior
				LexMv   $(<) : $(>) ;
				Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
				MakeLocate $(<) : $(LOCATE_SOURCE) ;
				Clean clean : $(<) ;

	rule Yacc
		local _h   = $(<:BS=.h) ;
		local _dst = $(<) $(_h) ;

		# Some places don't have a yacc.
		on $(<) if $(YACC)
			# In most cases we generate and check in a copy of the
			# generated files, because most operating systems lack a
			# working parser generator.  Here we check to see if those
			# sources are in fact present, and if they are, force the
			# parser generator to overwrite them directly.  This has the
			# advantage that parallel builds will not stomp on each others'
			# temporary output files (usually "y.tab.c" and "y.tab.h" in
			# the current working directory).

			local _exist = [ FDirEntries $(SEARCH_SOURCE) : $(_dst:G=) ] ;

			if $(_exist) = $(_dst:G=)
				SEARCH on  $(>)    = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
				MakeLocate $(_dst) : $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;

				local output       = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) $(<:G=) ;
				OnTargetVarAppend $(<) : YACCFLAGS : -o $(output:J=/) ;

				Depends $(_dst) : $(>) ;
				Yacc1   $(_dst) : $(>) ;
				# Traditional Jambase behavior
				MakeLocate $(_dst) : $(LOCATE_SOURCE) ;

				Depends $(_dst) : $(>) ;
				Yacc1   $(_dst) : $(>) ;
				YaccMv  $(_dst) : $(>) ;
				Clean clean : $(_dst) ;

		# make sure someone includes $(_h) else it will be
		# a deadly independent target
		Includes $(<) : $(_h) ;

		# Handle #includes in .y file
		HDRRULE on $(>) = YaccHdr ;

	rule LinkLibraries
		# NB this is superfluous in jam 2.6

		# make library dependencies of target
		# set NEEDLIBS variable used by 'actions Main'

		local _t = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		local _s = [ FAppendSuffix $(>) : $(SUFLIB) ] ;

		Depends $(_t) : $(_s) ;
		NEEDLIBS on $(_t) += $(_s) ;

	rule Strip
		on $(<) if $(STRIP) && ! $(TYPE_DEBUG)
			Strip1 $(<:S=$(SUFEXE)) ;

	actions Strip1
		$(STRIP) $(<)

	# CopyRec target : dstdir : srcdir : excludes ;
	# Recursively copies the contents of srcdir into dstdir
	# target is a non-file token to use for dependency generation
	# excludes are directory or file names not to copy.
	rule CopyRec
		local target = $(1) ;
		local dst = [ FDirName $(2) ] ;
		local src = [ FDirName $(3) ] ;
		local excludes = $(4) ;
		local filepat = $(5) ;

		# Avoid duplicate recursion/dependencies if we've seen this
		# target already.
		if $($(dst)-CopyRec-seen) { return ; }
		$(dst)-CopyRec-seen = 1 ;

		NotFile $(target) ;

		# ents will be empty if src is not a directory
		local ents = [ Glob $(src) : * ] ; # => src/. src/.. src/a src/b
		if $(ents)
			Depends $(target) : $(dst:G=dir) ;
			MkDir $(dst:G=dir) ;

			ents = [ FDirEntries $(src) ] ;

			local sub ;
			for sub in $(ents)
				if $(sub) in $(excludes) { continue ; }
				CopyRec $(target) : $(dst) $(sub) : $(src) $(sub) : $(excludes) : $(filepat) ;
			if $(filepat)
				local dir = $(src:P) ;
				local matches = [ Glob $(dir) : $(filepat) ] ;
				if ! $(src) in $(matches) { return ; }

			local pdst = $(dst:PG=dir) ;

			Depends $(target) : $(dst) ;
			Depends $(dst) : $(pdst) ;
			MkDir $(pdst) ;

			if $(UNIX)
				# For a recursive copy on unix we want to try to preserve
				# file timestamps and permissions (e.g. they might be
				# executables plain files).
				local CHMOD = ;
				CP on $(dst) = $(CP) -p ;
				File $(dst) : $(src) ;
				File $(dst) : $(src) ;

	rule P4APIDirName
		# P4APIDirName apiname ;
		# The API should be copied into a temp subdirectory by P4APIMakeDir
		# and the API files copied into it.
		# This rule computes the name of that directory, and the name of
		# the tar/zip file that it should be packed into, and returns a
		# list of those two names.
		# This is a subroutine for clarity purposes, and is use both by
		# P4APIMakeDir and the DTG sdk builds to compute P4DIR.

		local _sep = "." ;       # directory name field separator
		if $(VMS)
			_sep = "_" ;

		# _dirname - apiname-releaseinfo
		# on nt: apiname-releaseinfo-build_type
		local _dirname = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		_dirname = $(<)-$(_dirname:J=$(_sep)) ;
		local _arcname = $(<) ;
		if $(NT)
			local _ntsuffix ;

			switch $(TYPE)
			case dyn* : _ntsuffix = $(BUILD) $(TYPE) ;
			case opt  : _ntsuffix = $(BUILD) static ;
			case *    : _ntsuffix = $(BUILD) static $(TYPE) ;

			_dirname = $(_dirname)-$(_ntsuffix:J=_) ;
			_arcname = $(<)_$(_ntsuffix:J=_) ;

		return $(_dirname) $(_arcname) ;

	rule P4APIMakeDir
		# P4APIMakeDir apiname : files ;
		# Builds a temp subdirectory $(EXEC)/apiname-releaseinfo
		# and copies the API files into it.
		# Returns a list consisting of the api directory name
		# (usually api-releaseinfo, but possibly
		# api-releasinfo_build_type on NT), and the archive file
		# name (minus final suffix) into which the directory should
		# be stored.
		# This is a subroutine for clarity purposes and probably
		# shouldn't be used directly except by the P4API rule.

		local _dirname_data = [ P4APIDirName $(<) ] ;
		local _dirname = $(_dirname_data[1]) ;
		local _arcname = $(_dirname_data[2]) ;

		local _cpflags ;
		if $(UNIX)
			_cpflags = -p ; # to preserve times with cp -p

		NotFile api ;
		Depends all : api ;

		MakeLocate $(_dirname) : $(EXEC) ;
		Depends api : $(_dirname) ;

		# SEARCH_SOURCE -- where api files are found (all over)

		    $(HDRS) $(SUBDIRHDRS) $(SUBDIR) $(P4) ;

		# for each target file, copy to named temp directory
		# create mini structure (include/p4, lib, sample directories)

		local _f ;
		for _f in $(>)
		    local _d _t ;

		    # Note that for .h and .cc files we use different
		    # grist $(x:G=alt), to distinguish these targets from
		    # the ones used in compiles.  We don't want #include
		    # processing on these.

		    switch $(_f)
		    case *.h   : _d = include p4 ; _f = $(_f:G=alt) ;
		    case *.a   : _d = lib        ;
		    case *.lib : _d = lib        ;
		    case *.olb : _d = lib        ;  # VMS library archive
		    case *.cc  : _d = sample     ; _f = $(_f:G=alt) ;
		    case *     : _d = sample     ;

		    _t = $(_f:G=$(<)) ;			                # target
			switch $(_t:G=)
			case Jamfile.api : _t = $(_t:S=) ;  # remove .api suffix in target

		    _d = [ FDirName $(EXEC) $(_dirname) $(_d) ] ;	# directory

		    CP on $(_t) = $(CP) $(_cpflags) ;
		    MakeLocate $(_t) : $(_d) ;
		    File $(_t) : $(_f) ;
		    Depends api : $(_t) ;
		    Clean clean : $(_t) ;

		return $(_dirname) $(_arcname) ;

	rule P4Api
		# P4Api apiname : files ;
		# Builds a temporary subdirectory $(EXEC)/apiname-releaseinfo
		# and makes a tarball apiname.tar of that stuff.

		# _dirname - apiname-releaseinfo
		# on nt: apiname-releaseinfo-build_type
		local _apidata = [ P4APIMakeDir $(<) : $(>) ] ;
		local _dirname = $(_apidata[1]) ;
		local _arcname = $(_apidata[2]) ;

		local _tar     = $(_arcname:S=.tar) ;
		local _tgz     = $(_arcname:S=.tgz) ;
		local _zip     = $(_arcname:S=.zip) ;
		local _bck     = $(_arcname:S=.bck) ;
		local _targets = $(_tar) $(_tgz) $(_zip) ;

		if $(NT)
			# This allows one to still be able to run the
			# command "jam p4api.tar" and have it work, even
			# though the actual file name will vary.
			Depends $(<:S=.tar) : $(_tar) ;
			Depends $(<:S=.tgz) : $(_tgz) ;
			Depends $(<:S=.zip) : $(_zip) ;
		else if $(VMS)
			_targets += $(_bck) ;

		LOCATE on $(_targets) = $(EXEC) ;
		Depends $(_targets) : api ;

		MkTarArchive $(_tar) : $(_dirname) ;
		MkComressedTarArchive $(_tgz) : $(_dirname) ;
		MkZipArchive $(_zip) : $(_dirname) ;
		if $(VMS) { MkBckArchive $(_bck) : $(_dirname) ; }

	rule MkDistArchive
		local _trg ;

		for _trg in $(<)
			switch $(_trg:S)
			case .tar    : MkTarArchive          $(_trg) : $(>) ;
			case .tgz    : MkComressedTarArchive $(_trg) : $(>) ;
			case .tar.gz : MkComressedTarArchive $(_trg) : $(>) ;
			case .zip    : MkZipArchive          $(_trg) : $(>) ;
			case .bck    : MkBckArchive          $(_trg) : $(>) ;
			case *       : exit "Don't know how to make $(_trg)" ;

	# Args: [bin.dir] name : files ... ;
	# Will create targets name.tgz and name.zip
	# which unpack into a single directory named "name-<version>"
	# containing all of the remaining files.
	# The tar files will go in the normal bin.<os><osver><osplat>/$BUILD
	# directory unless the first parameter lists the target directory
	# (relative to p4-bin).  A common use case would be bin.tools.
	# Will not preserve directory hierarchy of files listed in 2nd
	# parameter, so avoid duplicate names.
	rule MakeFlatFilesDist
		local bindir = bin.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ;
		local pkg    = $(1[1]) ;

		if $(1[2])
			bindir = $(1[1]) ;
			pkg    = $(1[2]) ;

		local release_info = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		local dirname      = $(pkg)-$(release_info:J=.) ;
		local exec_dir     = [ FSubDirPath P4BIN $(bindir) $(BUILD) ] ;
		local dest_dir     = [ FDirName $(exec_dir) $(dirname) ] ;
		local dist         = $(pkg)-dist ;

		local _cpflags ;
		if $(UNIX)
			_cpflags = -p ; # to preserve times with cp -p

		Depends $(dist) : $(dest_dir) ;
		MkDir $(dest_dir) ;

		local _src ;
		for _src in $(2)
			local _dst = $(_src:D=$(dest_dir):G=) ;

			SEARCH_SOURCE on $(_src) = $(exec_dir) $(SUBDIR) $(AllP4) ;
			CP            on $(_dst) = $(CP) $(_cpflags) ;

			Depends $(dist) : $(_dst) ;
			Depends $(_dst) : $(dest_dir) ;
			File $(_dst) : $(_src) ;

		local _ext ;
		for _ext in tgz zip
			local archive = $(pkg).$(_ext) ;
			LOCATE on $(archive) = $(exec_dir) ;

			Depends all : $(archive) ;
			Depends $(archive) : $(dist) ;
			MkDistArchive $(archive) : $(dest_dir) ;

	rule MakeBrowseDist
		local release_info = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		local dirname      = browse-$(release_info:J=.) ;
		local exec_dir     = [ FSubDirPath P4BIN bin.tools $(BUILD) ] ;
		local _f ;

		if ! $(browse-dist-dir-DONE)
			browse-dist-dir-DONE = true ;

			MakeLocate $(dirname) : $(exec_dir) ;
			Depends browse-dist : $(dirname) ;

			local topdir = $(exec_dir) $(dirname) ;

			# Copy browse benchmarks scripts, documentation, etc.,
			# excluding all Jamfile and Jamrules files.
			CopyRec browse-dist : $(topdir) : $(AllP4) p4-tools benchmarks browse : Jamfile Jamrules ;

			# Change permissions on the browse private key so that
			# it can be successfully used with the user's SSH daemon.
			_f = [ FDirName $(topdir) browse ] ;
			MODE on $(_f) = 400 ;
			Chmod $(_f) ;

			# Change permissions on the browse JavaScript so that the configuration
			# defined within can be edited by the user, and change the line-endings
			# so that it can be easily edited using most Windows utilities.
			_f = [ FDirName $(topdir) browse.js ] ;
			MODE on $(_f) = 644 ;
			Chmod $(_f) ;
			Unix2Dos $(_f) ;

			# Change permissions on the browse Bourne shell script so that
			# the configuration defined within can be edited by the user.
			_f = [ FDirName $(topdir) browse.sh ] ;
			MODE on $(_f) = 755 ;
			Chmod $(_f) ;

			# Copy browsechild binaries for all platforms on which it was built.
			for _f in [ FDirEntries $(P4BIN) : bin.* ]
				local bindir = [ FDirName $(P4BIN) $(_f) ] ;
				local prog = [ FDirEntries $(bindir) : browsechild browsechild.exe ] ;
				local _g ;

				for _g in $(prog)
					CopyRec browse-dist : $(topdir) $(_f) $(_g) : $(bindir) $(_g) ;

		LOCATE on $(<) = $(exec_dir) ;
		Depends $(<) : browse-dist ;
		Depends all : $(<) ;
		MkDistArchive $(<) : $(dirname) ;

	rule MakeP4ObjCdist
		local release_info = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		local dirname      = p4objc-$(release_info:J=.) ;
		local exec_dir     = [ FSubDirPath P4BIN bin.tools $(BUILD) ] ;

		MakeLocate $(dirname) : $(exec_dir) ;
		Depends p4objc-dist : $(dirname) ;

		local topdir = $(exec_dir) $(dirname) ;
		CopyRec p4objc-dist : $(topdir) LICENSE.txt : $(AllP4) p4-objc LICENSE.txt ;
		CopyRec p4objc-dist : $(topdir) api         : $(AllP4) p4-objc api ;
		CopyRec p4objc-dist : $(topdir) doc         : $(AllP4) p4-objc doc ;

		# When we copy images from the sample, we want to exclude
		# the ones that we override from the watermarked images
		# directory.  So exclude those (and the watermark images
		# directory itself), then copy the watermarked ones in.
		local watermark_dir = $(AllP4) p4-objc sample resources images_watermarked ;
		local watermark_excludes = [ FDirEntries $(watermark_dir) ] ;
		local all_excludes = build ._build images_watermarked $(watermark_excludes) ;
		CopyRec p4objc-dist : $(topdir) sample : $(AllP4) p4-objc sample : $(all_excludes) ;

		# Now copy in the watermarked images
		local _ent ;
		for _ent in $(watermark_excludes)
			CopyRec p4objc-dist : $(topdir) sample resources images $(_ent) : $(watermark_dir) $(_ent) ;

		LOCATE on $(<) = $(exec_dir) ;
		Depends $(<) : p4objc-dist ;
		Depends all : $(<) ;
		MkDistArchive $(<) : $(dirname) ;

	rule MakeP4ScoutDist
		local kind = $(<) ;
		local appdir = <$(kind)>P4Scout.app ;
		local zipfiles = $(kind)-$(appdir:G=).zip $(kind)-$(appdir:G=).dSYM.zip ;

		local srcdir = $(AllP4) p4-objc sample ;
		SCOUTSRCDIR on $(appdir) = [ FDirName $(srcdir) ] ;

		Depends p4scout-dist : p4scout-dist-$(kind) ;
		Depends p4scout-dist-$(kind) : $(appdir) ;
		Depends $(appdir) : p4api.tgz ;

		LOCATE on $(zipfiles) = $(EXEC) ;
		Depends $(zipfiles) : $(appdir) ;

		on $(appdir) NOTFILE $(kind) ;
		P4Scout_xcodebuild $(appdir) : $(kind) ;

	rule MakeP4PHPdist
		local release_info = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		local dirname      = p4php-$(release_info:J=.) ;
		local exec_dir     = [ FSubDirPath P4BIN bin.tools $(BUILD) ] ;
		local topdir       = $(exec_dir) $(dirname) ;

		MakeLocate $(dirname) : $(exec_dir) ;
		Depends p4php-dist : $(dirname) ;

		local excludes = docs [ FDirEntries $(AllP4) p4-php : Jam* *~ ] ;
		CopyRec p4php-dist : $(topdir)              : $(AllP4) p4-php : $(excludes) ;
		CopyRec p4php-dist : $(topdir) RELNOTES.txt : $(AllP4) p4-doc user p4phpnotes.txt ;
		CopyRec p4php-dist : $(topdir) Version      : $(AllP4) p4 Version ;

		LOCATE on $(<) = $(exec_dir) ;
		Depends $(<) : p4php-dist ;
		Depends all : $(<) ;
		MkDistArchive $(<) : $(dirname) ;

	rule MakeP4DTGdist
		local release_info   = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		local dirname        = p4dtg-$(release_info:J=.) ;

		local topdir         = $(EXEC) $(dirname) ;
		local bugz_docdir    = $(EXEC) $(dirname) doc bugz3mysql5 ;
		local mysql_docdir   = $(EXEC) $(dirname) doc mysql5 ;
		local redmine_docdir = $(EXEC) $(dirname) doc redminesql5 ;
		local jira_docdir    = $(EXEC) $(dirname) doc jira ;
		local jira_jardir    = $(EXEC) $(dirname) jira ;
		local dtg_configdir  = $(EXEC) $(dirname) config ;

		MakeLocate $(dirname) : $(EXEC) ;
		Depends p4dtg-dist : $(dirname) ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) p4dtg-config               : p4dtg-config ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) p4dtg-test                 : p4dtg-test ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) p4dtg-repl                 : p4dtg-repl ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) plugins p4jobdt.so         : p4jobdt.so ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) plugins mysql5.so          : mysql5.so ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) plugins bugz3mysql5.so     : bugz3mysql5.so ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) plugins redminemysql5.so   : redminemysql5.so ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) plugins jiradtg.so         : jiradtg.so ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) plugins jirarest.so        : jirarest.so ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) p4dtg-config.png           : $(P4DTG) src p4dtg-config p4dtg-config.png ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) p4dtgnotes.txt             : $(AllP4) p4-doc user p4dtgnotes.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) p4dtg.pdf                  : $(AllP4) p4-doc manuals p4dtg p4dtg.pdf ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(topdir) help                       : $(AllP4) p4-doc help p4dtg ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) patch.bugzilla-3      : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz patch.bugzilla-3 ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) patch.bugzilla-3.4    : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz patch.bugzilla-3.4 ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) patch.bugzilla-3.6.2  : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz patch.bugzilla-3.6.2 ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) patch.bugzilla-4.0    : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz patch.bugzilla-4.0 ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) patch.bugzilla-4.4    : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz patch.bugzilla-4.4 ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) README.txt            : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz README.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) README.p4dti.txt      : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz README.p4dti.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) mk_dtgdtissue.pl      : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz mk_dtgdtissue.pl ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) dti_to_dtg.pl         : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz dti_to_dtg.pl ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) changeid.pl           : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz changeid.pl ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(bugz_docdir) jobspec.txt           : $(P4DTG) sdk bugz jobspec.txt ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(mysql_docdir) README.txt           : $(P4DTG) sdk mysql README.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(mysql_docdir) import.pl            : $(P4DTG) sdk mysql import.pl ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(redmine_docdir) README.txt         : $(P4DTG) sdk redmine README.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(redmine_docdir) jobspec.txt        : $(P4DTG) sdk redmine jobspec.txt ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_docdir) README.txt            : $(P4DTG) sdk jira README.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_docdir) README.rest.txt       : $(P4DTG) sdk jira-rest README.rest.txt ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_docdir) jobspec.txt           : $(P4DTG) sdk jira jobspec.txt ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) jira-dts.jar                : $(P4BIN) bin.java $(BUILD) jira-dts.jar ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) jira-soapclient-4.1.1-1.jar : $(P4BIN) bin.java $(BUILD) jira-soapclient-4.1.1-1.jar ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) logging.properties          : $(P4DTG) sdk jira jiradts resources logging.properties ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(dtg_configdir) jira-config.xml           : $(P4DTG) sdk jira jiradts resources jira-config.xml ;

		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) jira-rest.jar                  : $(P4BIN) bin.java $(BUILD) jira-rest.jar ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) jira-rest-all-dependencies.jar : $(P4DTG) sdk jira-rest java lib jira-rest-all-dependencies.jar ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) license                        : $(P4DTG) sdk jira-rest java license ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) logging-rest.properties        : $(P4DTG) sdk jira-rest java resources logging-rest.properties ;
		CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(dtg_configdir) jira-rest-config.xml         : $(P4DTG) sdk jira-rest java resources jira-rest-config.xml ;

		local axis_files = axis.jar
		                   wsdl4j-1.5.1.LICENSE ;
		local _a ;
		for _a in $(axis_files)
			CopyRec p4dtg-dist : $(jira_jardir) $(_a) : $(AllP4) .. import axis axis-1_4 lib $(_a) ;

		local empty_dirs = config repl ;
		local _d ;
		for _d in $(empty_dirs)
			_d = [ FDirName $(topdir) $(_d) ] ;
			MkDir $(_d:G=dir) ;
			Depends p4dtg-dist : $(_d:G=dir) ;

		local _strip_bin = p4dtg-config p4dtg-repl p4dtg-test ;
		local _strip_lib = bugz3mysql5.so
		                   jirarest.so ;
		local _f ;
		for _f in $(_strip_bin)
			_f = [ FDirName $(topdir) $(_f) ] ;
			Strip $(_f) ;
		for _f in $(_strip_lib)
			_f = [ FDirName $(topdir) plugins $(_f) ] ;
			STRIP on $(_f) = $(STRIP) -x ;
			Strip1 $(_f) ;

		LOCATE on $(<) = $(EXEC) ;
		Depends $(<) : p4dtg-dist ;
		Depends all : $(<) ;
		MkDistArchive $(<) : $(dirname) ;

	rule MakeP4TestsArchive
		local bindir = bin.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ;
		local pkg    = $(1[1]) ;

		local release_info = $(RELEASE[1-2]) $(PATCHLEVEL) $(RELEASE[3-]) ;
		local dirname      = $(pkg)-$(release_info:J=.) ;
		local exec_dir     = [ FSubDirPath P4BIN $(bindir) $(BUILD) ] ;
		if $(TYPE) && $(TYPE) != opt {
		exec_dir           = [ FDirName $(exec_dir) $(TYPE) ] ;
		local dest_dir     = [ FDirName $(exec_dir) $(dirname) ] ;
		local dist         = $(pkg)-dist ;

		echo $(exec_dir) ;
		echo $(dest_dir) ;
		local _cpflags ;
		if $(UNIX)
			_cpflags = -p ; # to preserve times with cp -p

		Depends $(dist) : $(dest_dir) ;
		MkDir $(dest_dir) ;

		local _src ;
		for _src in $(2)
			if $(OS) = NT && $(_src:S) = "" {
				_src = $(_src:S=.exe) ;
			local _dst = $(_src:D=$(dest_dir):G=) ;

			SEARCH_SOURCE on $(_src) = $(exec_dir) $(SUBDIR) $(AllP4) ;
			CP            on $(_dst) = $(CP) $(_cpflags) ;

			Depends $(dist) : $(_dst) ;
			Depends $(_dst) : $(dest_dir) ;
			File $(_dst) : $(_src) ;

		local _ext ;
		for _ext in tgz zip
			local archive = $(pkg).$(_ext) ;
			LOCATE on $(archive) = $(exec_dir) ;

			Depends all : $(archive) ;
			Depends $(archive) : $(dist) ;
			MkDistArchive $(archive) : $(dest_dir) ;

	actions MkTarArchive
		tar -cf $(<) -C $(>:P) $(>:BE)$(>:SE)

	actions MkZipArchive
		cd $(<:P)
		$(ZIP) $(<:BE)$(<:SE) $(>:BE)$(>:SE)

	actions MkComressedTarArchive
		tar -cf - -C $(>:P) $(>:BE)$(>:SE) | $(COMPRESS) > $(<)

	actions Unix2Dos
		unix2dos -q $(<) ;

	rule LinkSmartHeap
		if $(SMARTHEAP) != yes { return ; } # short circuit all this

		switch $(OS)-$(OSVER:E)-$(OSPLAT:E)-$(OSCOMP:E)
		case NT-*-X*-* :
			local _64 = "32" ;
			local   d = "" ;
			if $(OSPLAT) = X64 { _64 = 64 ; }
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) { d = d ; }
			if $(SMARTHEAP_CHECKS) != 0 || $(MEM_DEBUG) = yes
				SMARTHPLIB ?= $(EXEC_LIB)\\shdw$(_64)Mtd.lib ;
			SMARTHPLIB ?= $(EXEC_LIB)\\shlSMP$(_64)Mt$(d).lib ;

			local e = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
			OnTargetVarPrepend $(e) : LINKLIBS : $(SMARTHPLIB) ;

		case LINUX-*-X86*-* :
			local _64 = "" ;
			if $(OSPLAT) = X86_64 { _64 = 64 ; }
			if $(SMARTHEAP_CHECKS) != 0 || $(MEM_DEBUG) = yes
			SMARTHPLIB ?= $(EXEC_LIB)/libsmartheapCd$(_64).a
			              $(EXEC_LIB)/libsmartheapd$(_64).a ;
			SMARTHPLIB ?= $(EXEC_LIB)/libsmartheapC$(_64).a
			              $(EXEC_LIB)/libsmartheap$(_64).a ;

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(<) : LINKLIBS : $(SMARTHPLIB) ;

			# Ignore a couple of duplicate symbol definitions in
			# exception handler code between some of the smartheap 9.01
			# objects and libsupc++ (or static libstdc++).
			# We aren't using exception handlers anyway, but there is
			# no other way to work around this problem at link time
			# without upgrading to gcc 4.1 for our builds; we're still
			# using gcc 3.4.5.
			if [ FVersionCmp $(GCCVER) : 4.1 ] < 0
				OnTargetVarAppend $(<) : LINKFLAGS : -Wl,-z,muldefs ;

	rule LinkSSL
		if $(SSL) != yes { return ; } # short circuit all this
		if $(SSLSTUB) = yes
			LinkLibraries $(<) : $(P4SSLLIB) ;
			return ;

        switch $(OS)-$(OSVER:E)-$(OSPLAT:E)-$(OSCOMP:E)
		case NT-*-*-* :
			local _64 dyn d ;
			switch $(OSPLAT)
			case X86_64 : _64 = 64 ;
			case X64    : _64 = 64 ;
			case IA64   : _64 = 64 ;
			if $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) { dyn = dyn ; }
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG)   { d   = d   ; }
			local suflib = $(_64:E=32)$(d:E).lib ;

			SetDefaultDirName SSLLIBDIR : [ FDirName $(SSLPREFIX) lib.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) vs$(MSVSVER) $(dyn) ] ;

			SSLLIB    ?= [ FDirName $(SSLLIBDIR) libeay$(_64:E=32)$(d:E).lib ] ;
			CRYPTOLIB ?= [ FDirName $(SSLLIBDIR) ssleay$(_64:E=32)$(d:E).lib ] ;

		case *-*-*-* :
			SetDefaultDirName SSLLIBDIR : [ FDirName $(SSLPREFIX) lib.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ] ;

			SSLLIB    ?= [ FDirName $(SSLLIBDIR) libssl.a    ] ;
			CRYPTOLIB ?= [ FDirName $(SSLLIBDIR) libcrypto.a ] ;

		local e = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		OnTargetVarPrepend $(e) : LINKLIBS : $(CRYPTOLIB) ;
		OnTargetVarPrepend $(e) : LINKLIBS : $(SSLLIB) ;

	rule LinkLDAP
		if $(LDAPSTUB) != no { return ; } # short circuit all this

		switch $(OS)-$(OSVER:E)-$(OSPLAT:E)-$(OSCOMP:E)
		case NT-*-*-* :
			# We use the Windows SDK on NT.
			LDAPLIB ?= Wldap32.lib Crypt32.lib ;

		case *-*-*-* :
			# Everywhere else we use OpenLDAP.
			# OpenLDAP is linked against CyrusSASL and OpenSSL
			if $(SSL) = yes && $(SSLSTUB) != yes
				# If we don't have OpenSSL, this will fail!
				LDAPLIB ?= $(OPENLDAPLIBDIR)/libldap.a
				           $(CYRUSSASLPLIBDIR)/libsasl2.a ;

		local e = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		OnTargetVarPrepend $(e) : LINKLIBS : $(LDAPLIB) ;

	# Pthread link support

	rule LinkPthread
		switch $(OS)$(OSVER:E)
		case LINUX :
			LINKLIBS on $(<) += -pthread ;
		case LINUX2[46] :
			LINKLIBS on $(<) += -pthread ;
		case FREEBSD1* :
			LINKLIBS on $(<) += -pthread ;

	# X3 rules

	rule LinkX3
		LINK_WITH_STDC++ += $(<) ;

		switch $(OS)$(OSVER:E)
		case LINUX2[46] :
			LINKLIBS on $(<) += -lrt -ldl -lm ;

		case DARWIN* :
			LINKLIBS on $(<) += -lstdc++ ;

	rule LinkUDT
		if $(OS) = NT {
			local d ;
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG)   { d   = d   ; }
			UDTLIB ?= [ FDirName $(UDTLIBDIR) vs$(MSVSVER) udt$(d:E).lib ] ;
		} else {
			UDTLIB ?= [ FDirName $(UDTLIBDIR) libudt.a ] ;

		local e = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		OnTargetVarPrepend $(e) : LINKLIBS : $(UDTLIB) ;

	rule LinkASP
		if $(TYPE) != FSgSSP$(THREAD_SFX) && $(TYPE) != g$(THREAD_SFX)
		    # short circuit all this
		    return ;

		# local e = [ FAppendSuffix $(SCPLIB) : $(SUFLIB) ] ;
		# e = [ FDirName $(SCPLIBDIR) $(e) ] ;
		# LINKLIBS on $(<) += $(e) ;

	rule LinkSCP
	    # nothing to do yet

# Section 6.  Perforce-special Windows rules.

	# Special p4-win/scc/p4-exp rules:
	# P4EXPDefines - set C++ flags for P4-EXP
	# P4EXPDOTH file : file ; - wrapper for p4exp.h dependencies
	# P4EXPDOTHDEPENDS files : file ; - wrapper for files dependant on p4exp.h
	# P4EXPMIDL file : file ; - set up files for MIDL compiling
	# EXPMIDL file : file ; - compile .idl file
	# EXP64MIDL file : file ; - compile .idl file for 64 bit Windows
	# P4EXPLinkage exe : libs ; - set up link flags windows exe
	# P4SccDefines - set C++ flags for (old) p4scc.dll
	# P4WinDefines - set C++ flags for p4-win/gui
	# P4WinDiffDefines - set C++ flags for p4-win/diff, merge
	# WinDefines opts : defines ; - set C++ flags for p4-win
	# WinDllDeffile exe : file ; - set /def: file for link
	# WinDllLinkage exe : libs ; - set up link flags windows DLL
	# WinDllNoMain exe ; - setup exe with no main
	# WinLinkage exe : libs ; - set up link flags windows exe
	# WinRes exe : *.rc : flags ; - compile .rc->.res, link against exe
	# WinResIdent *.rc ; - set special defines for build identification

	rule P4RPTCLILinkage
	    local _lf = /subsystem:console ;

	    switch $(TYPE_DEBUG)
	    case true : _lf += /DEBUG ;
	    case *    : _lf += /MAP ;

	    _lf += /INCREMENTAL:NO ;
	    _lf += /NODEFAULTLIB:"libcmt" ;
	    _lf += /NODEFAULTLIB:"libc" ;

	    switch $(OSPLAT)
	    case X86 : _lf += /MACHINE:x86 ;

	    LINKFLAGS on $(<) = $(LINKFLAGS) $(_lf) ;

	    LINKLIBS on $(<) =
	    gdi32.lib comctl32.lib shlwapi.lib user32.lib
	    version.lib shell32.lib advapi32.lib oldnames.lib
	    kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib winmm.lib odbc32.lib
	    odbccp32.lib $(2) ;

	rule P4GTLinkage
		local _def = [ on $(<) return $(DEFFILE) ] ;
		local _lf = /subsystem:windows
		            /MACHINE:$(OSPLAT:L) ;

		if $(TYPE_DEBUG) { _lf += /DEBUG ; }
		else             { _lf += /MAP   ; }

			_lf += /NODEFAULTLIB:"libcmt"
			       /NODEFAULTLIB:"libc" ;

		OnTargetVarAppend $(<) : LINKFLAGS : $(_lf) ;

		local _x64 ;
		if $(OSPLAT) = X64 { _x64 = _x64 ; }

		OnTargetVarAppend $(<) : LINKLIBS :
			   gdi32.lib  comctl32.lib   shlwapi.lib    user32.lib
			 version.lib   shell32.lib  advapi32.lib  oldnames.lib
			kernel32.lib    ws2_32.lib     winmm.lib    odbc32.lib
			odbccp32.lib  $(>) ;

		LinkSSL $(<) ;

	rule P4GTDefines
		if [ FVersionCmp $(MSVSVER) : 8 ] >= 0
			WinDefines /GR     : _USRDLL _WINDLL NT_PLUGIN ;
		} else {

		if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC)
			SubDirC++Flags /D_STATIC_CPPLIB ;

		# Setting environment variable "LANG=ja" triggers Japanese
		# localized P4GT builds only.
		if $(LANG) { SubDirC++Flags /DLANG_$(LANG) ; }

	rule P4EXPDefines
		local u = ;

  		if $(OSVER) != 98 && ! $(NOUNICODE)
   			u += [ FDefines UNICODE _UNICODE ] ;


		DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;

		DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;

		DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;

		switch $(OSPLAT)
		case X64 : EXP64MIDL $(<) : $(>) ;
		case *   : EXPMIDL $(<) : $(>) ;

		Clean clean : $(<) p4exp.tlb dlldata.c p4exp_p.c ;

	actions EXPMIDL
		midl /env win32 /Oicf /tlb ".\p4exp.tlb" /h "p4exp.h" /iid $(<) $(>)

	actions EXP64MIDL
		midl /env x64   /Oicf /tlb ".\p4exp.tlb" /h "p4exp.h" /iid $(<) $(>)

	rule P4EXPLinkage
		# P4EXPLinkage exe : libs ; - set up link flags windows exe

		local _lf = /subsystem:windows ;

		switch $(TYPE_DEBUG)
		case true : _lf += /DEBUG ;
		case *    : _lf += /MAP ;

		_lf += /DLL ;
		_lf += /def:p4exp.def ;

		switch $(OSPLAT)
		case X86 : _lf += /MACHINE:X86 ;
		case X64 : _lf += /MACHINE:X64 ;

		LINKFLAGS on $(<) = $(LINKFLAGS) $(_lf) ;

		LINKLIBS on $(<) =
			gdi32.lib comctl32.lib shlwapi.lib
			user32.lib version.lib shell32.lib
			advapi32.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib
			winmm.lib $(2) ;


	rule P4SccDefines
		WinDefines /GX : _USRDLL _WINDLL ;

	rule P4WinDefines
		local u = ;

		# Unicode builds except on Win98.

		if $(OSVER) != 98 && ! $(NOUNICODE)
			u += [ FDefines UNICODE _UNICODE ] ;
			u += [ FDefines _MBCS ] ;

		u += /GR /EHsc /GS ;
		if $(TYPE_DEBUG) = true { u += /Zi ; }

		WinDefines $(u) : STRICT ;

	rule P4WinDiffDefines
		WinDefines /GR /GX : P4DIFF ;

	rule WinDefines
		    /W3 $(1)
		    [ FDefines NDEBUG _WINDOWS $(2) ] ;

		switch $(OSPLAT)
		case X64 : SubDirC++Flags [ FDefines WIN64 ] ;
		case *   : SubDirC++Flags [ FDefines WIN32 ] ;

		    SubDirC++Flags [ FDefines _AFXDLL ] ;

	rule WinDllDeffile
		# WinDllDeffile exe : file ; - set /def: file for link

		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		DEFFILE on $(<) = $(>) ;
		DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule WinDllDeffile2
		# WinDllDeffile exe : file ; - set /def: file for link
		# Factor in the sub directory

		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		DEFFILE on $(<) = $(SUBDIR)$(SLASH)$(>) ;
		DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule WinDllLinkage
		# WinDllLinkage exe : libs ; - set up link flags windows DLL

		WinLinkage $(<) : $(>) ;

		LINKFLAGS on $(<) += /dll ;

	rule WinDllNoMainLinkage
		# WinDllNoMain exe ;


		switch $(OSPLAT)
		case X64 : LINKFLAGS on $(<) += /MACHINE:X64 ;
		case *   : LINKFLAGS on $(<) += /MACHINE:I386 ;

		LINKLIBS on $(<) = $(2) ;

	rule WinLinkage
		# WinLinkage exe : libs ; - set up link flags windows exe

		local _lf = /subsystem:windows ;

		switch $(TYPE_DEBUG)
		case true : _lf += /DEBUG ;
		case *    : _lf += /MAP /DEBUG ;

		if $(OSVER) != 98 && ! $(NOUNICODE)
			_lf += /ENTRY:"wWinMainCRTStartup" ;

		switch $(OSPLAT)
		case X86 : _lf += /MACHINE:X86 ;

		LINKFLAGS on $(<) = $(LINKFLAGS) $(_lf) ;

		LINKLIBS on $(<) =
		    $(2) ;

	rule WinRes
		# WinRes exe : *.rc : flags ; - compile .rc->.res, link

		# Compile .rc into .res for linking into executable.
		# (Strictly MSVCNT, I presume.)

		local s r e ;

		e = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		s = [ FGristSourceFiles $(>) ] ;
		r = $(s:S=.res:G=) ;

		DEPENDS $(e) : $(r) ;
		DEPENDS $(r) : $(s) ;

		LinkLibraries $(e) : $(r) ;

		LOCATE on $(r) = $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
		SEARCH on $(s) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;

		# .rc files have #includes, but we're pretty sure
		# they include only files local to the .rc's directory

		HDRRULE on $(>) = HdrRule ;
		HDRSCAN on $(>) = $(HDRPATTERN) ;
		HDRGRIST on $(>) = $(HDRGRIST) ;

		# Bind headers

		RCFLAGS on $(r) = $(RCFLAGS) $(3) ;
		RCHDRS on $(r) = [ on $(r) FIncludes

		switch $(OSPLAT)
		case X86 : RCFLAGS on $(r) += /d _WIN32 ;
		case X64 : RCFLAGS on $(r) += /d _WIN64 ;

		WinRc $(r) : $(s) ;
		MakeLocate $(r) : $(LOCATE_SOURCE) ;

		Clean clean : $(r) ;

	rule WinResIdent
		# WinResIdent *.rc ;

		local s r p v ;

		s = [ FGristSourceFiles $(<) ] ;
		r = $(s:S=.res:G=) ;

		# If RELEASE=2005.1 and PATCHLEVEL=69929 then
		#	P4_FILE_VERSION = 2005.1.6.9929
		#	P4_PRODUCT_VERSION = 2005.1

		p = [ Match (.*)(....) : $(PATCHLEVEL) ] ;
		v = $(RELEASE[1]).$(RELEASE[2]).$(p:J=.) $(RELEASE[3]) ;

		rule Fconcat { return $(<:J) ; }

		RCFLAGS on $(r) += [ FDefines
		    [ Fconcat P4_INT_MAJOR= $(RELEASE[1]) ]
		    [ Fconcat P4_INT_MINOR= $(RELEASE[2]) ]
		    [ Fconcat P4_INT_HBUILD= $(p[1]) ]
		    [ Fconcat P4_INT_LBUILD= $(p[2]) ]
		    [ Fconcat P4_FILE_VERSION= [ FQuote $(v[1]) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat P4_PRODUCT_VERSION= [ FQuote $(v:J=.) ] ]
		    [ Fconcat P4_COPYRIGHT= [ FQuote $(RELEASE[1]) ] ]
		    ] ;

		# Source file includes Version

		Includes $(s) : Version ;

	actions WinRc {
		rc /nologo /fo $(<) $(RCFLAGS) "$(RCHDRS)" $(>)

# Section 7.  QT build rules and actions.

	# QtDefines ; - Add defines/headers for building with QT
	# QtFormLibrary lib : *.ui ; make .h's and archive .obj's
	# QtHeaders ts : headers ; - list headers for i18n xlation
	# QtLibrary lib : ts : files ; - Library call with lupdate
	# QtLinkage exe : opt ; - linkflags/libs for building with QT
	# QtConsoleLinkage exe ; - QtLinkage for a console app on NT
	# QtLrelease qm : ts ; - build qm from ts files with lrelease
	# QtMoc x.cpp : x.h ; - preprocess with moc
	# QtMocLibrary lib : *.h ; - moc, compile, & archive
	# QtResource qrc : mod : pngs ; - name pngs to make resource
	# QtResourceCpp cpp : qrc ; - build .cpp from resource file
	# QtUicCpp x.cpp : x.ui x.h ; - preprocess with uic to make .cpp
	# QtUicHdr x.h : x.ui ; - preprocess with uic to make .h

	QtLanguages = ja en ;

	rule QtHeaders
		# QtHeaders ts : headers ; - list headers for lupdate

		# This just stashes the named headers in the QTLUPHDRS
		# variable, used by QtLupdate1 to generate the translation
		# files.

		# We give the headers a separate grist, so that we don't
		# confuse their other uses (just in case we mess up here).

		QtLupdate $(<) : h : $(>:G=QTLHDR) ;

	rule QtLibrary
		# QtLibrary lib : ts : files ; - Library call with lupdate

		Library $(1) : $(3) ;
		QtLupdate $(2) : s : [ FGristSourceFiles $(3) ] ;

	rule QtLrelease
		# QtLrelease qm : ts ;
		for _i in $(QtLanguages)
		    QtLreleaseRun $(1)_$(_i).qm : $(2)_$(_i).ts ;

		LOCATE on $(_qm) = $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;


	rule QtLreleaseRun
		# QtLreleaseRun qm : ts ;

		NotFile lrelease ;
		Depends lrelease : $(1) ;
		Depends $(1) : $(2) ;
		Clean clean : $(1) ;

		LOCATE on $(1) = $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;

	actions QtLreleaseRun

		$(QTLREL) $(>) -qm $(<)

	rule QtLupdate
		# QtLupdate ts : h/s : files ; - Add sources/hdrs to lupdate

		# This rule is complicated, and here's why.
		# TrollTech's lupdate command uses a .pro file to declare the name
		# and location of the .ts, source, and header files to be
		# processed.  Unfortunately, rather than computing the location of
		# these files relative to the current working directory, they are
		# determined relative to the location of the .pro file!
		# The naive solution would be to write the .pro files out to the
		# current working directory, but that means parallel builds on
		# different platforms using a shared workspace can clobber each other.
		# Writing the .pro files out to the build output directory is
		# pretty much impossible to do right, because Jam offers no way to
		# compute the relative path to a source file from any other
		# arbitrary location; you can only compute it from the current
		# working directory.  Thus, you might be able to finagle "jam
		# lupdate" to work from p4-bin, but then it would blow up if you
		# tried to run it from p4-qt.
		# To avoid the platform-clobbering race, we create a temporary
		# directory in the current working directory, wherever that is,
		# write the .pro files there, and fix up the file paths using a
		# now-known relative prefix ("..") from cwd.  The .pro files are
		# then deleted and you wind up with an empty temporary directory.
		# There might be some clever way to remove that that I don't know
		# about, but it's a harmless artifact.
		# If LUPDATE_MERGE is set, the .ts files are written to the
		# merged_lupdate.<platform> directory instead of the bin.<platform>
		# directory, and obsolete entries are retained.  These are the
		# versions of the files that should be checked back into
		# p4-qt/translations when they are to be permanently updated.

		local tmpdir = tmp_lupdate.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ;
		if $(LUPDATE_MERGE) { tmpdir = merged_lupdate.$(EXEC_SUB_TOKENS[1]) ; }

		local cwdrel = ..$(SLASH) ;
		NotFile $(cwdrel) ;

		for lang in $(QtLanguages)
			# add grist to distinguish source .ts file from the copy of it
			# in target dir
			local _ts  = $(1)_$(lang).ts ;
			local _tss = $(_ts:G=SRC) ;
			SEARCH on $(_tss) = [ FSubDirPath P4QT  translations ]
			                    [ FSubDirPath P4SCC translations ] ;

			local _pro  = $(1)_$(lang).pro ;
			local _proh = $(1)_h_$(lang).pro ;
			local _pros = $(1)_s_$(lang).pro ;
			local _prox = $(1)_$(2)_$(lang).pro ;

			on $(_ts) if ! $(Done)
				Done on $(_ts) = true ;

				# .ts -> .pro -> s.pro (QtLupTmp)-> sources
				#             -> h.pro (QtLupTmp)-> headers
				#     -> .ts from source tree, aka _tss

				NotFile lupdate ;
				Depends lupdate           : $(_ts) ;
				Depends $(_ts)            : $(_pro) ;
				Depends $(_pro)           : $(_proh) $(_pros) ;
				Depends $(_proh) $(_pros) : $(_tss) ;
				Clean clean : $(_ts) ;

					LOCATE on $(_ts) = $(tmpdir) ;
					LOCATE on $(_ts) = $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
				MakeLocate $(_proh) $(_pros) $(_pro) : $(tmpdir) ;
				QTLTRANS on $(_pro) = $(_ts) ;

				# Copy translated ts files from source tree
				# Update ts files using pro file, headers/sources
				# Build pro file from list of headers/sources

				# lupdate reads and writes the same .ts file
				# we keep any translations in .ts files in the source tree
				# but need to copy them into the target dir for lupdate to
				# be able to update them

				# it is a manual step not involving jam to copy them back
				# to the source tree

				# source .ts file may not be present; that's ok because
				# lupdate will create one
				NOCARE $(_tss) ;

				# Zero h.pro/s.pro files to begin with
				QtLupTmp0 $(_proh) ;
				QtLupTmp0 $(_pros) ;

				QtLupdatePro $(_pro) $(cwdrel) : $(_proh) $(_pros) ;
				QtLupdateRun $(_ts)            : $(_tss) $(_pro) ;

				# Zonk pro files when done
				RmTemps $(_ts)  : $(_pro) ;
				RmTemps $(_pro) : $(_proh) $(_pros) ;

			SEARCH on $(3) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
			Depends $(_prox) : $(3) ;
			QtLupTmp1 $(_prox) $(cwdrel) : $(3) ;

	# QtLupdatePro pro cwdrel : hpro spro ;
	# If set, cwdrel is extra path from cwd needed to instruct lupdate
	# where the sources really are relative to the pro file, because
	# lupdate searches for files relative to the location of the pro file,
	# not cwd.

	if $(NT)
	    actions quietly together piecemeal QtLupTmp1
		    echo $(<[2]:E)$(>) \ >> $(<[1])

	    actions quietly QtLupTmp0
		    copy nul: $(<)

	    actions quietly QtLupdatePro bind QTLTRANS
		    echo TRANSLATIONS = $(<[2]:E)$(QTLTRANS) > $(<[1])
		    echo HEADERS = \ >> $(<[1])
		    type $(>[1]) >> $(<[1])
		    echo. >> $(<[1])
		    echo SOURCES = \ >> $(<[1])
		    type $(>[2]) >> $(<[1])
		    echo. >> $(<[1])
	    actions quietly together piecemeal QtLupTmp1
			echo $(<[2]:E)$(>) \\ >> $(<[1])

		# Zero out the file if it already exists, or create it.  This way
		# the commands in QtLupdatePro will not print errors for files that
		# don't exist because there are e.g. no h files to write to it.
	    actions quietly QtLupTmp0
			: > $(<)

	    actions quietly QtLupdatePro bind QTLTRANS
			echo TRANSLATIONS = $(<[2]:E)$(QTLTRANS) > $(<[1])
			echo HEADERS = \\ >> $(<[1])
			cat $(>[1]) >> $(<[1])
			echo "" >> $(<[1])
			echo SOURCES = \\ >> $(<[1])
			cat $(>[2]) >> $(<[1])
			echo "" >> $(<[1])

	# QtLupdateRun ts : tss pro ;
	#	copy the source .ts file (tss) into the output directory (ts)
	#	and make sure it's writable, then run lupdate on the pro file (pro)
	#	to extracted strings from the .cpp/.h files and update the ts
	#	file (ts) with newly found strings

	if $(CHMOD)
		actions QtLupdateRun
			$(CP) $(>[1]) $(<[1])
			$(CHMOD) +w $(<[1])
			$(QTLUP) $(>[2])
		actions QtLupdateRun
			$(CP) $(>[1]) $(<[1])
			$(QTLUP) $(>[2])

	rule QtBaseDefines
		# QtDefines ; - Add defines/headers for building with QT
		BoostDefines p4-qt ;

		if ! $(QTDIR)
		    Exit Can't build in QT directories without QTDIR set. ;

		if $(JAMVERSION) < 2.4.1 {
		    Exit QT builds require 2.4.1 ;

		if $(JAMBASEDATE) < 2005.05.05 && ! $(QT25WARN) {
		    Echo QT builds work poorly without Jambase 2005.05.05 ;
		    QT25WARN = true ;

		QTLUP    = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin lupdate ] ;
		QTLREL   = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin lrelease ] ;
		QTMOC    = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin moc ] ;
		QTUIC    = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin uic ] ;
		QEMBED   = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin qembed ] ;

			# lrelease has a "bug" whereby if entries in one ts file are
			# marked obsolete but are active in another ts file (because
			# keys were moved, say) then lrelease may drop duplicates
			# *favoring the obsolete entries*, which it then doesn't
			# include in the .qm file.  (The order of preference depends on
			# the order of files on the command line.)  So for production
			# builds, we strip the obsolete entries for the tmp ts files.
			# The default is to keep the obsolete entries because we don't
			# always want to throw them away; they are useful for the
			# linquist tool and when we check in merged ts files we should
			# usually save them.

			QTLUP += -no-obsolete ;

		local _d _f ;

		_d += QT_NO_STL ;

		if $(QTOPENGL) = no
			_d += NO_OPENGL ;

		if $(TEST) { _d += TEST ; }

		# Source code debugging
		# DEBUG is in our code -- conditional compilations
		# QT_NO_* is in QT code

		switch $(TYPE_DEBUG)
		case true : _d += DEBUG ;
		case *    : _d += QT_NO_DEBUG QT_NO_CHECK ;

		switch $(OS)
		case NT :
			_f += /EHsc /GR /W4 ;
			_f += /wd4127 ; # conditional expression is constant
			_f += /wd4512 ; # assignment operator could not be generated

			# from Qt's Makefile
			# but we want stricter warnings and don't use precompiled headers
			# _f += /Zm200 /W3 ;

			if [ FVersionCmp $(MSVSVER) : 8 ] >= 0
				# VS8 treats wchar_t as a builtin type by default
				# while prior version use a typedef
				_f += /Zc:wchar_t- ;
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG)
				# enable runtime checks for debug builds only
				# this isn't compatible with optimizations
				_f += /RTCcsu ;

				if $(VLD)
					_d += VLD ;
        case MACOSX :
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) && ! $(TEST)
			    # Crank up the warnings.
                _f +=
                    -Wextra-tokens ;

		SubDirC++Flags [ FDefines $(_d) ] $(_f) ;

	rule QtCoreHeaders
		QtAllHeaders : QtCore ;

	# If a list of ": modules ..." is specified, just add those directories
	# into the search list.  Otherwise, a default list is generated.
	rule QtAllHeaders
		local QtModules = $(2) ;
 		if ! $(QtModules)
			QtModules =
				QtXmlPatterns ;

		if $(OS) = NT || ( $(OS) = MACOSX && $(OSPLAT:U) = X86 )
			QtModules += phonon ;

		if $(QTOPENGL) != no
			QtModules += QtOpenGL ;

		for module in $(QtModules)
            local includeModule = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) include $(module) ] ;
			SubDirC++Flags -I$(includeModule) ;
			#SubDirHdrs [ FDirName $(QTDIR) include $(module) ] ;

			# Also search the framework directories so that
			# non-module-qualified #include <QFoo> directives
			# work even when headers are not installed in
			# QTDIR/include/qtmodule.
                local includeModule = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) lib $(module).framework Headers ] ;
				SubDirC++Flags -I$(includeModule) ;
				#SubDirHdrs [ FDirName $(QTDIR) lib $(module).framework Headers ] ;

        local include = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) include ] ;
        SubDirC++Flags -I$(include) ;
		#SubDirHdrs [ FDirName $(QTDIR) include ] ;
		SubDirHdrs [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) qt-ui ] ;

		if $(OS) = FREEBSD
			SubDirHdrs /usr/X11R6/include ;
		if $(OS) = NT && $(TYPE_DEBUG) && $(VLD)
			SubDirHdrs $(VLD)/include ;

	rule QtDefines
		# QtDefines ; - Add defines/headers for building with QT
		# Adds headers for all Qt modules

		if $(MSVSVER) = 8 && $(WindowsSdkDir)
			# Include vista SDK directory for vs2005
			# This should only be done for Qt products.
			# Prior to adding the SDK dir, make sure the API
			# includes defined at the top of this Jamrules are
			# inserted.  Otherwise we may pick up the wrong
			# error.h.
			local _h ; for _h in $(HDRS) { SubDirHdrs $(_h) ; }
			SubDirHdrs $(WindowsSdkDir:J=" ")/include ;

		QtBaseDefines $(1) ;
		QtAllHeaders $(1) ;

	rule QtCoreDefines
		# QtCoreDefines ; - Add defines/headers for building with QT
		# Adds headers for QtCore only; no QtGui or other rot

		if $(MSVSVER) = 8 && $(WindowsSdkDir)
			# Include vista SDK directory for vs2005
			# This should only be done for Qt products.

			# Prior to adding the SDK dir, make sure the API
			# includes defined at the top of this Jamrules are
			# inserted.  Otherwise we may pick up the wrong
			# error.h.
			local _h ; for _h in $(HDRS) { SubDirHdrs $(_h) ; }
			SubDirHdrs $(WindowsSdkDir:J=" ")/include ;

		QtBaseDefines ;
		QtCoreHeaders ;

	rule QtLinkage
		# QtLinkage exe : opt : qtlibs : rpath ; - linkflags/libs for building with QT

		local _t = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
		local _opt = $(2) ;

		# Executable-local rpaths are only supported by the dynamic
		# linker/loader on solaris and linux so far.  MacOSX also supports
		# them but the syntax and mechanism is different; see MacP4VdyldFixup.
		# Please don't use this parameter for absolute paths; it should be
		# for paths relative to the executable, wherever it is run, a la
		# the linux/solaris $ORIGIN token.
		# Use the literal token "NULL" for rpath arg if you want to supress
		# any dynamic rpath.
		local _rpath = $(4) ;
		if $(_rpath) = "" { _rpath = $ORIGIN/../lib/p4v/qt4/lib ; }

		# The order here is significant when linking statically.
		# The STATIC variable is a list of additional library dependencies
		# which the static Qt libraries have.  They don't need to be
		# enumerated when doing shared builds because the shared libraries
		# already have their library dependencies enumerated in the shared
		# object files and the linker picks these up automatically.  For
		# static libraries there is no such facility.
		local QT4LIBLIST ;

		if $(3)
			# If a Qt library list is specified in the 3rd
			# parameter to this rule, we use those and only
			# those libraries.
			QT4LIBLIST = $(3) ;
			# otherwise, we use a library list customized for p4v.

			if $(TEST) # unit testing
				QT4LIBLIST += QtTest ;

			if $(QTOPENGL) != no
				QT4LIBLIST += QtOpenGL ;
				# $(UNIX) is set even for osx, but we must exclude macs here.
				if $(UNIX) && $(OS) != MACOSX && ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC)

				QtCore ;

		switch $(OS)
			# We don't want to embed rpath entries for QTDIR/lib in
			# production builds because they are not located in a
			# standard system directory (unlike e.g. /usr/X11R6/lib).
			# Doing so results in unnecessary stat calls on customer
			# filesystems that may even cause network timeouts.  We
			# link Qt statically in unix production builds.
			# Please don't add X libraries here in order to satisfy
			# dependencies in development builds of Qt.  The libraries
			# listed here are the dependencies required for production
			# builds; adding more dynamic linker dependencies
			# decreases portability.
			# If you are working with QT shared libraries in a
			# development environment, there are 3 alternatives:
			#   1. set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
			#   2. edit your system ld.so.conf
			#   3. use the dev_LINKFLAGS and dev_LINKLIBS hooks:
			#         jam -sdev_LINKFLAGS="..." -sdev_LINKLIBS="..."

		case FREEBSD :
			if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC)
					m ;

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS :
				# -Wl,-rpath,$(QTDIR)/lib
				-L/usr/X11R6/lib ;

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKLIBS :
				/usr/local/lib/libiconv.a ;

			OnTargetVarDelete $(_t) : LINKLIBS : -lsupc++ ;
			OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKLIBS : -lstdc++ ;

			LINKFLAGS on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKFLAGS) ;
			LINKLIBS  on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKLIBS)  ;

		case SOLARIS :
				local flags = -Wl,-R,/usr/sfw/lib ;
				if $(_rpath) != "NULL"
					flags = -Wl,-R,'$(_rpath)' $(flags) ;
				OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS : $(flags) ;

			if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC)
				# These libraries must be enumerated explicitly because our
				# static production Qt libs depend on them.
					rt	;

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS :
				-L/opt/lude/lib ;

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKLIBS :
				-lm -lpthread -lrt ;

			OnTargetVarDelete $(_t) : LINKLIBS : -lsupc++ ;
			OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKLIBS : -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic ;

			LINKFLAGS on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKFLAGS) ;
			LINKLIBS  on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKLIBS)  ;

		case LINUX :
			if $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) && $(_rpath) != "NULL"
				OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS : -Wl,-rpath,'$(_rpath)' ;

			if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC)
				# These libraries must be enumerated explicitly because our
				# static production Qt libs depend on them.
					dl ;

			local _64 = "" ;
			if $(OSPLAT) = X86_64 { _64 = 64 ; }

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS :
				-L/usr/X11R6/lib$(_64) ;

			OnTargetVarPrepend $(_t) : LINKLIBS :
				-pthread ;

			OnTargetVarDelete $(_t) : LINKLIBS : -lsupc++ ;
			OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKLIBS : -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic ;

			LINKFLAGS on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKFLAGS) ;
			LINKLIBS  on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKLIBS)  ;

		case MACOSX :
			# QtWebKit 4.5.0 and later depend on this framework.
			if ! $(3) && $(OSPLAT:U) = X86
				QT4LIBLIST += phonon ;

			OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS :
				# comment out -prebind flag, because Qt is
				# not built prebound
				-L$(QTDIR)/lib   # look here for normal libs
				-F$(QTDIR)/lib   # ...for structured frameworks too
				# This (dynamic) library is listed here so that it appears
				# before any other objects and specifically before
				# libsupp.a, to avoid symbol name collisions.  libz is
				# needed for the QuickTime framework.
				-lz ;

			if $(OSPLAT:U) = X86
				OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKLIBS :
					-framework QuickTime ;

			OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKLIBS :
				# This is already on the global LINKLIBS
				#-framework ApplicationServices ;
				#-framework Foundation ;
				-framework OpenGL
				-framework AGL
				-framework AppKit ;

			# If you want to link with Qt4 as frameworks on mac,
			# use -sTYPE=dyn or dyng.  Otherwise you get a static
			# (or unix-style dynamic but non-frameworks) link.
				# This pads the executable header so that
				# we can later change dynamic shared
				# library paths recorded in the output file.
				# (See MacP4VdyldFixup action.)
				LINKFLAGS on $(_t) += -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names ;

				for _frmwk in $(QT4LIBLIST)$(QT_LIBINFIX:E)
					LINKLIBS on $(_t) += -framework $(_frmwk) ;
				# These libraries must be enumerated explicitly because our
				# static production Qt libs depend on them.
					crypto ;

				LINKLIBS on $(_t) += -l$(QT4LIBLIST)$(QT_LIBINFIX:E)
				                     -l$(QT4LIBLIST_STATIC) ;

			LINKFLAGS on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKFLAGS) ;
			LINKLIBS  on $(_t) += $(dev_LINKLIBS)  ;

			if $(_opt) != "console"
				QtMacPackage $(<) ;

		case NT :

			if ! $(3)
				QT4LIBLIST += phonon ;

			# warn about non-dynamic builds on NT
			if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) && ! $(QTWARNED)
				echo Warning: you usually want jam -sTYPE=dyn for QT on NT. ;
				QTWARNED = 1 ;

			# no dos box unless debug
			if $(_opt) = "console"
				OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS : /subsystem:console ;
			else if ! $(TYPE_DEBUG)
				OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKFLAGS : /subsystem:windows ;

			local d = "" ;
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) { d = d ; }

			# We use QT_LIBINFIX=P4 for our production builds, but in Qt
			# 4.5 and earlier, qtmain doesn't get the infix string.  In Qt
			# 4.6 and later, it does.  Since we don't want to have to
			# "know" this (or parse the value of QTDIR to figure it out),
			# we just check the filesystem to see which one is there.
			# Currently (as of p10.1) we are building DTG with a 4.5.x
			# version of Qt and the P4V family with Qt 4.6.x, so this
			# infix variability comes into play.
			local qtmain = [ FDirEntries $(QTDIR) lib : qtmain$(QT_LIBINFIX:E)$(d).lib qtmain$(d).lib ] ;

			OnTargetVarAppend $(_t) : LINKLIBS : [ FDirName $(QTDIR) lib $(qtmain[1]) ] ;
			for _lib in $(QT4LIBLIST)$(QT_LIBINFIX:E)
				LINKLIBS on $(_t) += [ FDirName $(QTDIR) lib $(_lib)$(d)4.lib ] ;

			LINKLIBS on $(_t) +=
				advapi32.lib	# for qtree
				version.lib	;

			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) && $(VLD)
				LINKLIBS on $(_t) += $(VLD)/lib/vld.lib ;

		case * :
			Exit Don't know how to link QT executables on $(OS). ;

	rule QtConsoleLinkage
		# QtConsoleLinkage exe ; - QtLinkage for a console app on NT

		QtLinkage $(<) : console ;

	rule QtDllLinkage
		# QtLinkage exe ; - linkflags/libs for building with QT

		local QT4LIBLIST ;
			QtCore ;

		if $(OS) = NT || ( $(OS) = MACOSX && $(OSPLAT:U) = X86) )
			QT4LIBLIST += phonon ;

		# WebKit not built for static DLL on Windows
		if $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) && $(OS) = NT
			QT4LIBLIST += QtWebKit ;

		switch $(OS)
		case NT :

			# warn about non-dynamic builds on NT
			if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) && ! $(QTWARNED)
				echo Warning: you usually want jam -sTYPE=dyn for QT on NT. ;
				QTWARNED = 1 ;

			OnTargetVarAppend $(<) : LINKFLAGS : /DLL ;
			on $(<) echo Warning: you are building a dll with LINKFLAGS "=" $(LINKFLAGS) ;

			# no dos box unless debug
			if ! $(TYPE_DEBUG)
				LINKFLAGS on $(<) += /subsystem:windows ;

			# advertise symbols available
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) && [ FVersionCmp $(MSVSVER) : 9 ] >= 0

			local d = "" ;
			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) { d = d ; }
			local n = "" ;
			if $(TYPE_DYNAMIC) { n = 4 ; }

			# We use QT_LIBINFIX=P4 for our production builds, but in Qt
			# 4.5 and earlier, qtmain doesn't get the infix string.  In Qt
			# 4.6 and later, it does.  Since we don't want to have to
			# "know" this (or parse the value of QTDIR to figure it out),
			# we just check the filesystem to see which one is there.
			# Currently (as of p10.1) we are building SCC with a 4.5.x
			# version of Qt and the P4V family with Qt 4.6.x, so this
			# infix variability comes into play.
			local qtmain = [ FDirEntries $(QTDIR) lib : qtmain$(QT_LIBINFIX:E)$(d).lib qtmain$(d).lib ] ;

			# n.b. discarding global LINKLIBS; we specify all the libs we need here.
			LINKLIBS on $(<) = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) lib $(qtmain[1]) ] ;

			for _lib in $(QT4LIBLIST)$(QT_LIBINFIX:E)
				LINKLIBS on $(<) += [ FDirName $(QTDIR) lib $(_lib)$(d)$(n).lib ] ;

			LINKLIBS on $(<) +=
				advapi32.lib	# for qtree
				version.lib	;

			if ! $(TYPE_DYNAMIC)
				LINKLIBS on $(<) += opengl32.lib ;	# for static QtOpenGL.lib

			if $(TYPE_DEBUG) && $(VLD)
				echo addding vld ;
				LINKLIBS on $(<) += $(VLD)/lib/vld.lib ;

		case * :
			Exit Don't know how to link QT executables on $(OS). ;

	# Mac special package - make a raw executable into a .app folder
	# This does x things:

	# 1. locates the actual exe in exe.app/Contents/MacOS/exe
	# 2. Creates exe.app/Contents/PkgInfo
	# 3. Creates exe.app/Contents/Info.plist
	# 4. Creates exe.app/Contents/Resources/application.icns

	rule QtMacPackage
		# QtMacPackage exe ;

		Depends $(<) : <$(<)>PkgInfo ;
		Depends $(<) : <$(<)>Info.plist ;
		Depends $(<) : <$(<)>application.icns ;

		MakeLocate  $(<)                  : [ FSubDirPath $(EXEC_TOKENS) $(<:S=.app) Contents MacOS ] ;
		MakeLocate <$(<)>PkgInfo          : [ FSubDirPath $(EXEC_TOKENS) $(<:S=.app) Contents ] ;
		MakeLocate <$(<)>Info.plist       : [ FSubDirPath $(EXEC_TOKENS) $(<:S=.app) Contents ] ;
		MakeLocate <$(<)>application.icns : [ FSubDirPath $(EXEC_TOKENS) $(<:S=.app) Contents Resources ] ;

		MacCreatorCode <$(<)>Info.plist : $(<) ;

		QtMacPackageInfo <$(<)>PkgInfo ;
		QMS on <$(<)>PkgInfo = [ MacCreatorCode $(<) ] ;

		QtMacPlist <$(<)>Info.plist : $(<) ;

	actions QtMacPackageInfo
	    echo "APPL$(QMS)" > $(<)

	rule QtMacIcons
	    File <$(<)>application.icns : $(>) ;

	rule QtMacPlist
	    local osid = $(OS)$(OSVER:E)$(OSPLAT:E) ;

	    Depends files : $(<) ;

	    # Add the standard items to the Info.plist file
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : CFBundleExecutable         : $(>) ;
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : CFBundlePackageType        : "APPL" ;
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : CFBundleShortVersionString : $(RELEASE:J=.) ;
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : CFBundleVersion            : $(RELEASE:J=.)/$(PATCHLEVEL)$(SPECIAL:E) ;
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : CFBundleGetInfoString      : "$(RELEASE:J=.), Copyright $(SUPPDATE[1]) Perforce Software, Inc." ;
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : CFBundleIconFile           : application.icns ;
	    QtMacAddPListItem $(>) : P4RevString                : "$(>:U)/$(osid[1]:U)/$(RELEASE:J=.)/$(PATCHLEVEL)$(SPECIAL:E) ($(SUPPDATE[1])/$(SUPPDATE[2])/$(SUPPDATE[3]))" ;

	    MODE on $(<) = $(FILEMODE) ;
	    Chmod $(<) ;

	    # This is just for the output hack in the action QtMacPList
	    JOINER_VARIABLE on $(<) = " >> " ;

	# Adds a string item to Info.plist
	# concatenates the XML description to a string which contains the contents
	rule QtMacAddPListItem
	    MAC_PLIST_CONTENTS on <$(<)>Info.plist  += " \"    <key>$(2)</key>\"" ;
	    MAC_PLIST_CONTENTS on <$(<)>Info.plist  += " \"    <string>$(3)</string>\"" ;

	# Writes out an XML file that conforms to the Info.pllist format
	# look at the central line very carefully
	# the whole thing gets expanded into multiple lines because
	# there are no spaces in this line. They are made into multiple
	# permutations of every value in MAC_PLIST_CONTENTS.
	# each value begins with a space (so there is a space after "echo"
	# and each one uses the one value in JOINER_VARIABLE so it can
	# put spaces between current the MAC_PLIST_CONTENTS value, and
	# the value of the file which it will be appended to
	actions QtMacPlist
		echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > $(<)
		echo "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">"  >> $(<)
		echo "<plist version=\"1.0\">"  >> $(<)
		echo "<dict>"                   >> $(<)


		echo "</dict>"                  >> $(<)
		echo "</plist>"                 >> $(<)

	# Library rules

	rule QtHdrRule
		# Our own HdrRule that knows a .ui doesn't itself include
		# a .h, but instead causes the resulting .cpp to do so.
		# What .cpp?  TCPP is set on the .ui by QtFormLibrary,
		# and that's how we know it's this rigged dependency.

		HdrRule $(TCPP:E=$(<)) : $(>) ;

	rule QtFormLibrary
		# QtFormLibrary lib : *.ui ; make .h's and archive .obj's

		# For each x.ui file we generate _3_ files:
		#	x.h (uic x.ui)
		#	tx.cpp (uic x.ui x.h) (temp)
		#	mx.cpp (moc x.h) (temp)
		# The tx.cpp and mx.cpp get compiled into tx.o and mx.o
		# and archived into the library.

		Library $(<) : m$(>:S=.cpp) ;
		Library $(<) : t$(>:S=.cpp) ;

		local i ;

		for i in $(>)
		    local h = $(i:S=.h) ;
		    local ui = [ FGristSourceFiles $(i) ] ;
		    local mcpp = [ FGristSourceFiles m$(i:S=.cpp) ] ;
		    local tcpp = [ FGristSourceFiles t$(i:S=.cpp) ] ;
		    local mobj = $(mcpp:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
		    local tobj = $(tcpp:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;

		    # .ui's can include .h files, though what it actually
		    # means is that the generated tx.cpp includes the .h's,
		    # so we pass the tx.cpp name down to our own QtHdrRule.

		    TCPP on $(ui) = $(tcpp) ;
		    HDRRULE on $(ui) = QtHdrRule ;
		    HDRSCAN on $(ui) = "<include .*>(.*)</include>" ;
		    HDRSEARCH on $(ui) =

		    QtUicHdr $(h) : $(ui) ;
		    QtUicCpp $(tcpp) : $(ui) $(h) ;
		    QtMoc $(mcpp) : $(h) ;

		    if $(INCREMENTAL_BUILD) != true
                RmTemps $(mobj) : $(mcpp) ;
		        RmTemps $(tobj) : $(tcpp) ;

		    Includes $(mcpp) : $(h) ;
		    Includes $(tcpp) : $(h) ;

	rule QtForms
		# QtForms *.ui ; make .h's

		# For each x.ui file we generate a single header file:
		#	ui_x.h (uic x.ui)

		local i ;

		for i in $(>)

		    local h = ui_$(i:S=.h) ;
		    local ui = [ FGristSourceFiles $(i) ] ;
		    Depends $(<) : $(h) ;

		    QtUicHdr $(h) : $(ui) ;


	rule QtMocLibrary
		# QtMocLibrary lib : *.h ; - moc, compile, & archive

		# X.h -> temp mX.cpp -> temp mX.obj -> lib
		# Normal library rule on the generated m*.cpp files

		Library $(<) : m$(>:S=.cpp) ;

		# Make mX.cpp from X.h using moc
		# mX.cpp is a temp

		local h ;

		for h in $(>)
		    local cpp = [ FGristSourceFiles m$(h:S=.cpp) ] ;
		    local obj = $(cpp:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
		    local gh = [ FGristFiles $(h) ] ;
		    QtMoc $(cpp) : $(gh) ;
		    if $(INCREMENTAL_BUILD) != true { RmTemps $(obj) : $(cpp) ; }

	# Source file rules

	rule FLocalPath
		# path1 path2 ... -- turns / into / or \ as needed

		local r ;
		for i in $(<) { r = $(r) [ FDirName [ FSplit $(i) ] ] ; }
		return $(r) ;

	rule QrcHdrRule
		# Echo $(<) is $(>) ;

		local t = [ FLocalPath $(>) ] ;

		Includes $(<) : $(t) ;
		SEARCH on $(t) = $(HDRSEARCH) ;

	actions Qrc
		$(QTRCC) -binary -o $(<) $(>)

	rule Qrc
		# Qrc file.rcc : file.qrc ;

		MakeLocate $(<) : $(EXEC) ;
		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		QTRCC    = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin rcc ] ;
		HDRRULE on $(>) = QrcHdrRule ;
		HDRSCAN on $(>) = "<file.*>(.*)</file>" ;

		Depends all : $(<) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule QtMoc
		# QtMoc x.cpp : x.h ; - preprocess with moc

		# Derive a .cpp from .h using Qt's moc

		NotFile src ;
		Depends src : $(<) ;

		Depends all : $(<) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;

		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		MakeLocate $(<) : [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) qt-moc $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) ] ;

	actions QtMoc
		$(QTMOC) -DOS_$(OS) -DOS_$(OS)$(OSPLAT:U) $(>) -o $(<)

	rule QtHelpGenBuild
		# QtHelpGenBuild target.qhc : source.qhp : command : default_target_suffix ;
		local dst            = $(1) ;
		local src            = [ FDirName $(2) ] ;
		local cmd            = $(3) ;
		local default_suffix = $(4) ;

		if ! $(dst)
			dst = $(src:B) $(default_suffix) ;
			dst = $(dst:J=".") ;

		MakeLocate $(dst) : $(ALL_LOCATE_TARGET) ;

		Depends all : $(dst) ;
		Depends $(dst) : $(src) ;
		Clean clean : $(dst) ;

		QTHELPBIN on $(dst) = [ FDirName $(QTDIR) bin $(cmd) ] ;
		QTHELPSRC on $(dst) = $(src) ;

		QtHelpGenRun $(dst) : $(src) ;

	rule QtHelpGen
		QtHelpGenBuild $(1) : $(2) : qhelpgenerator : qhc ;

	rule QtHelpCollectionGen
		QtHelpGenBuild $(1) : $(2) : qcollectiongenerator : qch ;

	# LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for unix.
	# The trolltech build process does not hardcode these so they need
	# to go into the environment.
	# These help generation programs, at least as of version 4.4.2,
	# also seem to have a bunch of problems on several platforms
	# writing over NFS whether or not locking is enabled.  So write to
	# /tmp and then copy back into place.
	actions QtHelpGenRun
		$(QTHELPBIN) -o ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/$(<:B)$$ $(QTHELPSRC) && $(CP) ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/$(<:B)$$ $(<)

	rule QtUicCpp
		# QtUicCpp x.cpp : x.ui x.h ; - preprocess with uic to make .cpp

		NotFile src ;
		Depends src : $(<) ;

		Depends all : $(<) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;

		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		MakeLocate $(<) : [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) qt-ui ] ;

	# don't include dir name in x.h

	actions QtUicCpp
		$(QTUIC) $(>[1]) -i $(>[2]:D=) -o $(<)

	rule QtUicHdr
		# QtUicHdr x.h : x.ui ; - preprocess with uic to make .h

		NotFile src ;
		Depends src : $(<) ;

		Depends all : $(<) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;

		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		MakeLocate $(<) : [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) qt-ui ] ;

	actions QtUicHdr
		$(QTUIC) $(>) -o $(<)

	rule QtUnitTest
		# $(1) = component to build unit test for
		#	the component is defined in $(1).h and $(1).cpp
		#   the unit test is defined in t_$(1).h and t_$(1).cpp
		# $(2) = list of other components this test depends on
		# $(3) = list of libraries this test depends on

		local lib = t_$(1) ;

		# Need to build component into differently named object file
		# because Library rule will delete normal object file.
		# Create unique names that don't conflict with the unit test
		# files by adding .ut suffix before extension.

		Object <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>$(1).ut$(SUFOBJ) : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>$(1).cpp ;
		QtMoc <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(1).ut.cpp : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>$(1).h ;
		Object <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(1).ut$(SUFOBJ) : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(1).ut.cpp ;
		LibraryFromObjects t_$(1) :
			<$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(1).ut$(SUFOBJ) ;

		# Rebuild any dependencies for same reason.
		for dep in $(2)
			Object <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>$(dep).$(1).ut$(SUFOBJ) :
				<$(SOURCE_GRIST)>$(dep).cpp ;
			QtMoc <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(dep).$(1).ut.cpp : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>$(dep).h ;
			Object <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(dep).$(1).ut$(SUFOBJ) :
				<$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(dep).$(1).ut.cpp ;
			LibraryFromObjects t_$(1) :
				<$(SOURCE_GRIST)>m$(dep).$(1).ut$(SUFOBJ) ;

		# Need to compile unit test too since we're forced to use MainFromObjects.
		# Moc'ed cpp files, and their obj files, end up with mt_ prefix.
		Object <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>t_$(1)$(SUFOBJ) : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>t_$(1).cpp ;
		QtMoc <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>mt_$(1).cpp : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>t_$(1).h ;
		Object <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>mt_$(1)$(SUFOBJ) : <$(SOURCE_GRIST)>mt_$(1).cpp ;

		MainFromObjects $(1) :
			<$(SOURCE_GRIST)>t_$(1)$(SUFOBJ) ;
		LinkLibraries $(1) : $(lib) $(3) ;
		QtConsoleLinkage $(1) ;

	rule QtUnitTestSuite
		for dep in $(2)
			local exe = $(dep)$(SUFEXE) ;
			MakeLocate $(exe) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
			Depends $(1) : $(exe) ;
			if $(RUNTESTS)
				QtUnitTestCase $(1) : $(exe) ;

	actions QtUnitTestCase

	rule P4QtCoreHdrs
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) core primitives ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) core platform ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) core prefs ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) core util ;

	rule P4QtApiHdrs
		P4QtCoreHdrs ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) p4api agents ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) p4api models ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) p4api obj ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4QT) p4api op ;

	rule P4SccCoreHdrs
		SubDirHdrs $(P4SCC) p4api include ;
		SubDirHdrs $(P4SCC) core include ;

# Section 8.  Lua build rules and actions.

	# Rule to deal with Lua generated files and tool dependencies for
	# P4-Report.  Note that there are cases where parallel builds will
	# fail.  For example, if you make a clean build, edit scripts/file.lua,
	# then re-build, you'll still have old p4-bin/file.lb results, so
	# bin2c and luac might finish after or during the C++ compile.
	# This problem only applies to incremental builds.  If production
	# builds are from-scratch, then they should be safe.

	rule P4ReportDEPENDS
		# Make sure we first build the Lua compiler and bin2c utility
		# before we try and make the header files.

		DEPENDS luacode.h    : luac$(SUFEXE) bin2c$(SUFEXE) ;
		DEPENDS luaclicode.h : luac$(SUFEXE) bin2c$(SUFEXE) ;

		# Make sure we create the header files before compiling p4sql
		# and p4odbc.dll.

		DEPENDS p4sql$(SUFEXE) : luacode.h luaclicode.h ;
		DEPENDS p4odbc.dll     : luacode.h luaclicode.h ;

	rule Lua2c
		local _t ;
		_t = [ FGristFiles $(>:S=.lb) ] ;

		LuaCompile $(>) ;
		LOCATE on $(<) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		DEPENDS lib : $(<) ;
		DEPENDS $(<) : $(_t) ;
		LuaBin2c $(<) : $(_t) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;
		Clean clean : $(_t) ;

	rule LuaCompile
		local _t _i ;

		for _i in [ FGristFiles $(<:S=.lua) ]
			_t = $(_i:S=.lb) ;
			SEARCH on $(_i) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
			LOCATE on $(_t) = $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
			DEPENDS obj : $(_t) ;
			DEPENDS $(_t) : $(_i) ;
			Luac $(_t) : $(_i) ;
			Clean clean : $(_t) ;

	actions LuaBin2c {
		$(ALL_LOCATE_TARGET)$(SLASH)bin2c $(>) > $(<)

	actions Luac {
		$(ALL_LOCATE_TARGET)$(SLASH)luac -s -o $(<) $(>)

#       Section 9.  Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

	# Point to the root of the boost hierarchy.  c.f. BoostHdrs rule.
	SetDefaultDirName BOOSTDIR : [ FSubDirPath AllP4 .. import boost 1.47.0 ] ;

	# The old boost rule - still used in p4sandbox and server code
	rule BoostHdrs
		# Include boost without jam-crawling its maze of headers.
		# Don't use SubDirHdrs: Jam locks up if it tries to crawl boost.
		SubDirC++Flags -I$(BOOSTDIR)
		               -I$(BOOSTDIR)/boost/tr1 ;

	rule BoostDefines
		_BOOSTDIR 	= [ FDirName $(AllP4) $(<) boost ] ;
		BOOSTINCLUDEDIR = [ FDirName $(_BOOSTDIR) include ] ;
        SubDirC++Flags -I$(BOOSTINCLUDEDIR)
		               -I$(BOOSTINCLUDEDIR)/boost/tr1 ;

	# boost libraries are linked differently on windows - this is why we need special rule
	rule LinkBoostLib
			exit exit You need to call BoostDefines first ;
		if $(OS) != NT
			for lib in $(>)
				LinkLib $(<) : $(lib) ;
				if $(lib) = boost_thread
					LinkLib $(<) : pthread ;
		LinkDir $(<) : $(BOOSTLIBDIR) ;

# Section 10.  Google protocol buffers build rules and actions.

	rule ProtoBaseDefines
		PROTOBUFDIR        = [ FDirName $(AllP4) $(<) protobuf ] ;
        PROTOBUF_CPP_OUT   = [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) protobuf ] ;
        PROTOBUF_OBJ_OUT   = [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) objects protobuf ] ;

	rule ProtobufDefines
		# ProtobufDefines ; - Add defines/headers for building with Protocol buffers

		ProtoBaseDefines $(<) ;

		SubDirHdrs $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) protobuf ;

	rule ProtobufLinkage
			exit You need to call ProtobufDefines first ;

		if $(NT)
			LinkLib $(<) : libprotobuf ;
			LinkLib $(<) : protobuf m ;

		LinkDir $(<) : $(PROTOBUFLIBDIR) ;

	rule ProtobufImportRule
		local cc = $(<:S=.pb.cc) ;

		for proto in $(>:G=$(HDRGRIST:E))
			on $(proto) grist = $(grist_cc) ;
			Depends $(cc) : $(grist) ;

	rule ProtobufDummyIncludeRule
		# do not scan generated pb.cc files for headers - they are always generated together
		# and we need reversed dependency to force generation when some other header file
		# includes pb.h file

	rule ProtobufLibrary
		# ProtobufLibrary lib : *.proto ; - protoc, compile, & archive

		# X.proto -> temp X.cc and X.h -> temp X.obj -> lib
		# Normal library rule on the generated *.cc files

		# Make X.cc and X.h from X.proto using protoc
		# X.cc is a temp

		local proto_source ;
		for proto_source in $(>)
			local proto = $(proto_source) ;
			if $(OS) = NT
				local proto_tokens = [ FSplit $(proto) ] ;
				proto = [ FDirName $(proto_tokens) ] ;

			local grist = [ FGristSourceFiles $(proto) ] ;
			HDRSCAN on $(grist) = "^[ 	]*import[ 	]*\"([^\"]*)\".*$" ;
			HDRRULE on $(grist) = ProtobufImportRule ;

			local cc = $(proto:S=.pb.cc) ;
			Library $(<) : $(proto:S=.pb.cc) ;

			local grist_cc = [ FGristSourceFiles $(cc) ] ;
			grist_cc on $(proto_source) = $(grist_cc) ;

			local hd = $(proto:S=.pb.h) ;
			if $(OS) = NT
                NotFile $(hd) ;

				local h = $(proto_source:S=.pb.h) ;
				# Prevents circular dependency issues when the header file is found in already generated pb.cc file
				HDRRULE on $(grist_cc) = ProtobufDummyIncludeRule ;

				NotFile $(h) ;
				Depends $(h) : $(grist_cc) ;

				ObjectC++Flags $(grist_cc) : /EHsc /wd4125 ;

			local gproto = [ FGristFiles $(proto) ] ;
			ProtobufCompile $(grist_cc) $(hd) : $(gproto) ;

	rule ProtobufCompile
		# ProtobufC x.proto ; - preprocess with protoc

		# Derive a .cc and .h from .proto using ProtoC

		NotFile protobuf ;
		Depends protobuf : $(<) ;

		NotFile src ;
		Depends src : protobuf ;

		Depends all : $(<) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;


		SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		MakeLocateWithSubDirectory $(<) : $(PROTOBUF_CPP_OUT) ;

	actions ProtobufCompile
		$(PROTOBUFC) $(>) --cpp_out=$(PROTOBUF_CPP_OUT) --proto_path=$(PROTO_PATH) -I$(PROTO_HEADERS)

# Section 11. Google test rules

	rule P4VGTest
		# Usage: P4VGTest component : lib1 lib2 ... ;

		GTest [ FDirName $(AllP4) p4-qt gtest ] : $(<) : $(>) ;

	rule GTestQt
		local TestAppName = $(1)-tests ;
		QtConsoleLinkage $(TestAppName) ;

		local test_h_files = [ GLOB $(LOCATE_SOURCE[2]) : *_qt_gtest.h ] ;
		if $(test_h_files)
			local test_files = $(test_h_files:B).h ;

			QtMocLibrary $(TestAppName)-qt : $(test_files) ;
			LinkLibraries $(TestAppName) :

	rule GTest
		# GTest is for internal use only - so far

		# Test only on Windows, mac and linux
		if $(OS) != NT && $(OS) != MACOSX && $(OS) != LINUX
			return ;
		# Test only for dyn and dyng
			if $(TYPE) != dyn && $(TYPE) != dyng
			return ;

		local GTESTDIR = $(1) ;

		# Add gtest include directory
		SubDirHdrs [ FDirName $(GTESTDIR) include ] ;

		local TestAppName = $(2)-tests ;
		local TestApp = [ FAppendSuffix $(TestAppName) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;

		# Scan for all files with suffix _unittest
		local test_cpp_files = [ GLOB $(LOCATE_SOURCE[2]) : *_gtest.cpp ] ;
		local test_cc_files = [ GLOB $(LOCATE_SOURCE[2]) : *_gtest.cc ] ;

		local test_files = $(test_cpp_files:B).cpp ;
		test_files += $(test_cc_files:B).cc ;

		# add all *_unittest files to the test application
		if $(OS) = NT
			ObjectC++Flags $(test_files) : /EHsc ;

		# add gtest library directory
		LinkLib $(TestAppName) : gtest ;
		if $(OS) = LINUX
			LinkLib $(TestAppName) : pthread ;
		LinkDir $(TestAppName) : $(GTESTLIBDIR) ;

			ProtobufLinkage $(TestAppName) ;

		# add link libraries
		LinkLibraries $(TestAppName) :

		LINK_WITH_STDC++ += $(TestAppName) ;
		P4Main $(TestAppName) :

		# initilize unit test report
		GTestReport $(2)-report.xml : $(TestApp) ;

	rule GTestReport
		# GTestReport is fot internal use only

		NotFile ut ;
		Depends ut : $(<) ;

		Depends all : $(<) ;
		Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
		Clean clean : $(<) ;

		SEARCH on $(<) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		MakeLocate $(<) : [ FDirName $(LOCATE_SOURCE[1]) tests ] ;

	actions GTestReport
		$(>) --gtest_output=xml:$(<) --gtest_filter=-*.Integration_*

# Section 12.  Per-platform actions.

if $(OS) = IPHONE
	# The "security unlock-keychain" command here should have no effect
	# if the keychain is already unlocked, even if the supplied
	# password is incorrect.  But it will unlock keychains with blank
	# passwords, which should avoid some accidental production failures.
	actions P4Scout_xcodebuild
		security unlock-keychain -p '' login.keychain

		cd $(SCOUTSRCDIR) &&
		xcodebuild -configuration $(>) P4APIDIR=$pwd/$(P4APIDIR) &&
		cd build/$(>)-iphoneos &&
		zip -9 -r -y -q $(>)-$(<).zip $(<) &&
		zip -9 -r -y -q $(>)-$(<).dSYM.zip $(<).dSYM &&
		mv $(>)-$(<).zip $(>)-$(<).dSYM.zip $pwd/$(EXEC)

if $(UNIX) || $(NT)
	# Provide proper quoting for file names with spaces in them.
	actions File
		$(CP) "$(>)" "$(<)"

if $(NT) && $(MSVCNT)
		actions updated together piecemeal Archive
	    	pushd $(<:D)
	    	if exist $(<:BS) set _$(<:B)_=$(<:BS)
		    $(AR) /nologo /out:$(<:BS) %_$(<:B)_% $(>:BS)
			if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 exit %ERRORLEVEL%

	# When embedding a manifest, the resource id should be 1 for exe files, 2 for dlls.
	actions Link bind NEEDLIBS DEFFILE
		$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) /out:$(<) /def:$(DEFFILE) $(UNDEFS) $(>) $(NEEDLIBS) $(LINKLIBS)
		if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 exit %ERRORLEVEL%
		set _target=$(<)
		set _file=%_target:$(ALL_LOCATE_TARGET)$(SLASH)=%
		set _rsrc=1
		if /i %_target:~-3,3% neq exe set _rsrc=2
		if exist $(<).manifest mt -manifest $(<).manifest -outputresource:$(<);%_rsrc%

if $(NT)
	actions Cc
		$(CC) /c /Fo$(<) /Fd$(PDBFILENAME) $(CCFLAGS) $(CCDEFS) "$(CCHDRS)" "/I$(STDHDRS)" $(>)

	actions C++
		$(C++) /c /Fo$(<) /Fd$(PDBFILENAME) $(C++FLAGS) $(CCDEFS) "$(CCHDRS)" "/I$(STDHDRS)" /Tp$(>)

	actions MkTarArchive
		tar cf $(<) -C $(>:P) $(>:BE)$(>:SE)

	# If someone beat us to creating the directory, don't bomb.
	actions MkDir1
		$(MKDIR) $(<)
		if exist $(<) exit 0

if $(VMS)
	actions MkTarArchive
		set default $(<:D)
		vmstar cvdzf $(<:B)$(<:S) [.$(>:B)...]
		set file/prot=(o:rwed) $(<:B)$(<:S)

	actions MkZipArchive
		set default $(<:D)
		zip "-9wrV" $(<:B)$(<:S) $(>:BS=.dir)

	actions MkBckArchive
		set default $(<:D)
		backup [.$(>:B)...] $(<:B)$(<:S)/save
		set file/prot=(o:rwed) $(<:B)$(<:S)

# Section 13.  Useful miscellanea

	# Numerous client packages use this variable: p4-dtg, p4-convert,
	# the scripted APIs, etc.
	#  We can't set this in Section 1 because the rule isn't defined yet.
		local _apidir = [ P4APIDirName p4api ] ;
		SetDefaultDirName P4APIDIR : [ FDirName $(EXEC) $(_apidir[1]) ] ;
	if $(USE_P4APIDIR) && ! [ FileIsDir $(P4APIDIR) ]
		exit I was told to use P4APIDIR"="$(P4APIDIR) but it does not exist. ;

# end of Jamrules