using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; namespace { class Utilities { public static void ClobberDirectory( String path ) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo( path ); ClobberDirectory( di ); } public static void ClobberDirectory(DirectoryInfo di) { bool worked = false; int retries = 0; do { if (!di.Exists) return; try { FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { if (fi.IsReadOnly) fi.IsReadOnly = false; fi.Delete(); } DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = di.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo sdi in subDirs) { ClobberDirectory(sdi); } di.Delete(); worked = true; } catch (Exception) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } retries++; } while (!worked && retries < 3); } static String p4d_cmd = "-p 6666 -Id UnitTestServer -r {0}"; static String restore_cmd = "-r {0} -jr checkpoint.{1}"; static String upgrade_cmd = "-r {0} -xu"; public static Process DeployP4TestServer(string path, bool Unicode) { return DeployP4TestServer(path, 1, Unicode); } public static Process DeployP4TestServer(string path, int checkpointRev, bool Unicode) { String zippedFile = "a.exe"; if (Unicode) { zippedFile = "u.exe"; } return DeployP4TestServer(path, checkpointRev, zippedFile); } public static Process DeployP4TestServer(string path, int checkpointRev, string zippedFile ) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) Utilities.ClobberDirectory(path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string assemblyFile = typeof(Utilities).Assembly.CodeBase; String unitTestDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyFile); String EnvPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("path"); String CurWDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; Environment.CurrentDirectory = path; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("CmdLog.txt", false)) { int idx; if (unitTestDir.ToLower().StartsWith("file:\\")) { // cut off the file:\\ idx = unitTestDir.IndexOf("\\") + 1; unitTestDir = unitTestDir.Substring(idx); } if ((idx = unitTestDir.IndexOf("TestResults")) > 0) { unitTestDir = unitTestDir.Substring(0, idx); if (unitTestDir.ToLower().Contains("bin\\debug") == false) { unitTestDir = Path.Combine(unitTestDir, "bin\\debug"); } } string unitTestZip = Path.Combine(unitTestDir, zippedFile); string targetTestZip = Path.Combine(path, zippedFile); File.Copy(unitTestZip, targetTestZip); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(targetTestZip); Process Unzipper = new Process(); // unpack the zip ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo(zippedFile); si.WorkingDirectory = path; String msg = String.Format("{0} {1}", si.FileName, si.Arguments); sw.WriteLine(msg); Unzipper.StartInfo = si; Unzipper.Start(); Unzipper.WaitForExit(); //String checkPointFile = "a_checkpoint.1"; //if (Unicode) //{ // checkPointFile = "u_checkpoint.1"; //} //string unitTestCheckPointFile = Path.Combine(unitTestDir, checkPointFile); //string targetCheckPointFile = Path.Combine(path, "checkpoint.1"); //File.Copy(unitTestCheckPointFile, targetCheckPointFile); //fi = new FileInfo(targetCheckPointFile); Process RestoreCheckPoint = new Process(); // restore the checkpoint si = new ProcessStartInfo("p4d"); si.Arguments = String.Format(restore_cmd, path, checkpointRev); si.WorkingDirectory = path; si.UseShellExecute = false; msg = String.Format("{0} {1}", si.FileName, si.Arguments); sw.WriteLine(msg); RestoreCheckPoint.StartInfo = si; RestoreCheckPoint.Start(); RestoreCheckPoint.WaitForExit(); Process UpgradeTables = new Process(); // upgrade the db tables si = new ProcessStartInfo("p4d"); si.Arguments = String.Format(upgrade_cmd, path); si.WorkingDirectory = path; si.UseShellExecute = false; msg = String.Format("{0} {1}", si.FileName, si.Arguments); sw.WriteLine(msg); UpgradeTables.StartInfo = si; UpgradeTables.Start(); UpgradeTables.WaitForExit(); Process p4d = new Process(); //start p4d si = new ProcessStartInfo("p4d"); si.Arguments = String.Format(p4d_cmd, path); si.WorkingDirectory = path; si.UseShellExecute = false; msg = String.Format("{0} {1}", si.FileName, si.Arguments); sw.WriteLine(msg); p4d.StartInfo = si; p4d.Start(); Environment.CurrentDirectory = CurWDir; return p4d; } } public static Process DeployP4TestServerZip(string path, bool Unicode) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) Utilities.ClobberDirectory(path); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string assemblyFile = typeof(Utilities).Assembly.CodeBase; String unitTestDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyFile); //Environment.CurrentDirectory; int idx; if (unitTestDir.ToLower().StartsWith("file:\\")) { // cut off the file:\\ idx = unitTestDir.IndexOf("\\") + 1; unitTestDir = unitTestDir.Substring(idx); } if ((idx = unitTestDir.IndexOf("TestResults")) > 0) { unitTestDir = Path.Combine(unitTestDir.Substring(0, idx), "bin\\debug"); } String zippedFile = "a.exe"; if (Unicode) { zippedFile = "u.exe"; } string unitTestZip = Path.Combine(unitTestDir, zippedFile); string targetTestZip = Path.Combine(path, zippedFile); File.Copy(unitTestZip, targetTestZip); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(targetTestZip); Process Unzipper = new Process(); // unpack the zip ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo(zippedFile); si.WorkingDirectory = path; //String EnvPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("path"); Unzipper.StartInfo = si; Unzipper.Start(); Unzipper.WaitForExit(); Process p4d = new Process(); //start p4d si = new ProcessStartInfo("p4d"); si.Arguments = p4d_cmd; si.WorkingDirectory = path; si.UseShellExecute = false; p4d.StartInfo = si; p4d.Start(); return p4d; } public static void RemoveTestServer( Process p, String path ) { if( p != null ) { if (!p.HasExited) p.Kill(); p.WaitForExit(); // sleep for a second to let the system clean up System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } if( Directory.Exists( path ) ) Utilities.ClobberDirectory( path ); } } }