keycap The text printed on a key on a keyboard alt The "Alt" key backspace The "Backspace" key command The "Command" key control The "Control" key delete The "Delete" key down The down arrow end The "End" key enter The "Enter" or "Return" key escape The "Escape" key home The "Home" key insert The "Insert" key left The left arrow meta The "Meta" key option The "Option" key pagedown The page down key pageup The page up key right The right arrow shift The "Shift" key space The spacebar tab The "Tab" key up The up arrow Identifies the function key Identifies the function key other Indicates a non-standard function key Specifies a keyword that identifies the non-standard key
keycode The internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard
keycombo A combination of input actions click A (single) mouse click. double-click A double mouse click. press A mouse or key press. seq Sequential clicks or presses. simul Simultaneous clicks or presses. Identifies the nature of the action taken. If keycombo contains more than one element, simul is the default, otherwise there is no default. Identifies the nature of the action taken other Indicates a non-standard action Identifies the non-standard action in some unspecified way.
keysym The symbolic name of a key on a keyboard
accel A graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut
shortcut A key combination for an action that is also accessible through a menu