The target files defines the jars to build against. You can run from commandline to build update sites: $> ./ updatesite -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 or build an rcp: $> ./ rcp -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 We also created maven repo at, you can cache the artifacts by: $> ./ updatesite -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 -Dp2repo.url= $> ./ rcp -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 -Dp2repo.url= When in development mode, you can import the target files as the active "Target Platform". To run the UI test: $> ./ testAlone -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 -Dp2repo.url= or $> export WORKSPACE=/home/ali/Perforce/ali_p4eclipse_dev_lt/p4eclipsedev/3.7 $> ./ updatesite -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 -Dp2repo.url= $> cd $WORKSPACE;mkdir site;cd site; unzip ../p4eclipse-updatesite*.zip; $> mvn clean verify -fae -P p4test,p4repo,codeCoverage -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 -Dp2repo.url= -Dp4repo.url=file:$WORKSPACE/build/p4eclipse_repo/target/repository/ then analyze coverage $> mvn sonar:sonar -Pp4update,codeCoverage,p4repo -DtargetPlatform=p4e-42 -Dp2repo.url= -Dp4repo.url=file:$WORKSPACE/site