To build p4eclipse, follow steps: 1) Setup local p2 target a. mirror from remote to local, and convert local mirror to runnable format $ ant p2repo3.7 2) go into each branch, and invoke: $ cd build/p4eclipse_parent $ mvn clean package -Pp4update,signjar Step 1) only needed to run once for each new eclipse release. The mirror configuration is in p2mirrorx.x.xml (e.g., p2mirror3.7.xml). And the default mirror path is /home/ali/build/tools/heliosRepo, the runnable format is at /home/ali/build/tools/p2repox.x To build standalone p4eclipse, run: $mvn clean pakcage -Pp4update,p4rcp To prepare RCP with all dependencies: ant installRcpTarget -DrcpTargetPath=/home/ali/build/rcp_target