README.txt Instructions for Building P4COM Pre-requisites - Visual Studio 2010 SP1 The results of the following builds are mapped in via the client workspace as shown below: - P4 API - obtained from: - OpenSSL - see instructions for building OpenSSL: Your workspace should look like the following (note dependency on the results of the OpenSSL build): //guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/p4com/main/src/... //cowhamr-p4com/... //guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/p4/p4api-2014.1.821990-vs2010_static/... //cowhamr-p4com/p4api/... //guest/robert_cowham/openssl/1.0.1j/out32dll/libeay32.lib //cowhamr-p4com/openssl-lib/libeay32.lib //guest/robert_cowham/openssl/1.0.1j/out32dll/ssleay32.lib //cowhamr-p4com/openssl-lib/ssleay32.lib //guest/robert_cowham/openssl/1.0.1j/out32dll/libeay32.dll //cowhamr-p4com/ReleaseMinDependency/libeay32.dll //guest/robert_cowham/openssl/1.0.1j/out32dll/ssleay32.dll //cowhamr-p4com/ReleaseMinDependency/ssleay32.dll See p4com.vcxproj for reference directories and libraries. Use Visual Studio 2010 to open p4com.sln. Please make sure that you run it with Administrator privileges so that you can register (via regsvr32) the resulting ReleaseMinDependency/p4com.dll If you have not mapped libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll as shown in the sample client workspace above, then the DLL registration will fail.