"""P4Python - Python interface to Perforce API Perforce is the fast SCM system at www.perforce.com. This package provides a simple interface from Python wrapping the Perforce C++ API to gain performance and ease of coding. Similar to interfaces available for Ruby and Perl. """ from __future__ import print_function classifiers = """\ Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Intended Audience :: Developers License :: Freely Distributable Programming Language :: Python Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control Topic :: Software Development Topic :: Utilities Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows Operating System :: Unix Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X """ # Customisations needed to use to build: # 1. Set directory for p4api in setup.cfg # See notes in P4API documentation for building with API on different # platforms: # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4api/02_clientprog.html MIN_SSL_VERSION=100 # MIN_SSL_RELEASE='e' # currently not restricting builds for any OpenSSL > 1.0.0 try: from setuptools import setup, Extension except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup, Extension import os, os.path, sys, re, shutil, stat import subprocess from tools.P4APIFtp import P4APIFtp from tools.PlatformInfo import PlatformInfo from tools.VersionInfo import VersionInfo if sys.version_info < (3,0): from ConfigParser import ConfigParser else: from configparser import ConfigParser global_dist_directory = "p4python-" doclines = __doc__.split("\n") NAME = "p4python" VERSION = "2017.1" PY_MODULES = ["P4"] P4_API_DIR = "p4api" DESCRIPTION=doclines[0] AUTHOR="Perforce Software Inc" MAINTAINER="Perforce Software Inc" AUTHOR_EMAIL="sknop@perforce.com" MAINTAINER_EMAIL="support@perforce.com" LICENSE="LICENSE.txt" URL="http://www.perforce.com" KEYWORDS="Perforce perforce P4Python" P4_CONFIG_FILE="setup.cfg" P4_CONFIG_SECTION="p4python_config" P4_CONFIG_P4APIDIR="p4_api" P4_CONFIG_SSLDIR="p4_ssl" P4_DOC_RELNOTES="../p4-doc/user/p4pythonnotes.txt" P4_RELNOTES="RELNOTES.txt" def copyReleaseNotes(): """Copies the relnotes from the doc directory to the local directory if they exist Returns True if the release notes were copied, otherwise False """ if os.path.exists(P4_DOC_RELNOTES): try: shutil.copy(P4_DOC_RELNOTES, P4_RELNOTES) return True except Exception as e: print (e) return False else: return False def deleteReleaseNotes(): """Removes RELNOTES.txt from the current directory again""" os.chmod(P4_RELNOTES, stat.S_IWRITE) os.remove(P4_RELNOTES) def do_setup(p4_api_dir, ssl): global global_dist_directory try: apiVersion = VersionInfo(p4_api_dir) releaseVersion = VersionInfo(".") except IOError: print ("Cannot find Version file in API dir or distribution dir.") print ("API path = ", p4_api_dir) exit(1) ryear = int(apiVersion.release_year) rversion = int(apiVersion.release_version) global_dist_directory += releaseVersion.getDistVersion() if (ryear < 2012) or (ryear == 2012 and rversion < 2): print ("API Release %s.%s not supported. Minimum requirement is 2012.2." % (ryear, rversion)) print ("Please download a more recent API release from the Perforce ftp site.") exit(1) else: print ("API Release %s.%s" % (ryear, rversion)) inc_path = [p4_api_dir, os.path.join(p4_api_dir, "include", "p4")] lib_path = [p4_api_dir, os.path.join(p4_api_dir, "lib")] if ssl: lib_path.append( ssl ) info = PlatformInfo(apiVersion, releaseVersion, ssl) setup(name=NAME, version=releaseVersion.getDistVersion(), description=DESCRIPTION, author=AUTHOR, author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer=MAINTAINER, maintainer_email=MAINTAINER_EMAIL, license=LICENSE, url=URL, keywords=KEYWORDS, classifiers = [ x for x in classifiers.split("\n") if x ], long_description = "\n".join(doclines[2:]), py_modules=PY_MODULES, ext_modules=[Extension("P4API", ["P4API.cpp", "PythonClientAPI.cpp", "PythonClientUser.cpp", "SpecMgr.cpp", "P4Result.cpp", "PythonMergeData.cpp", "P4MapMaker.cpp", "PythonSpecData.cpp", "PythonMessage.cpp", "PythonActionMergeData.cpp", "PythonClientProgress.cpp", "P4PythonDebug.cpp"], include_dirs = inc_path, library_dirs = lib_path, libraries = info.libraries, extra_compile_args = info.extra_compile_args, define_macros = info.define_macros, extra_link_args = info.extra_link_args )]) def get_api_dir(version): if '--apidir' in sys.argv: index = sys.argv.index("--apidir") if index < len(sys.argv) - 1: p4_api_dir = sys.argv[index + 1] del sys.argv[index:index+2] else: print ("Error: --apidir needs API dir as an argument") sys.exit(99) else: config = ConfigParser() config.read(P4_CONFIG_FILE) p4_api_dir = None if config.has_section(P4_CONFIG_SECTION): if config.has_option(P4_CONFIG_SECTION, P4_CONFIG_P4APIDIR): p4_api_dir = config.get(P4_CONFIG_SECTION, P4_CONFIG_P4APIDIR) if not p4_api_dir: # try to download the API from the ftp site print( "Attempting to load API from ftp.perforce.com" ) p4ftp = P4APIFtp() p4_api_dir = p4ftp.loadAPI(version) print( "Loaded API into {0}".format(p4_api_dir) ) return p4_api_dir def force_remove_file(function, path, excinfo): os.chmod( path, stat.S_IWRITE ) os.unlink( path ) def rreplace(s, old, new, occurrence=1): li = s.rsplit(old, occurrence) return new.join(li) def check_ssl(): try: (version_string,err) = subprocess.Popen(["openssl","version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() except IOError: print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) print("No openssl in path and no ssl library path specified", file=sys.stderr) print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) return None if err: print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) print("Cannot determine the version of openssl", file=sys.stderr) print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) return None if type(version_string) == bytes: version_string = version_string.decode('utf8') pattern = re.compile("OpenSSL (\d)\.(\d)\.(\d)(\S+)\s+\d+ \S+ \d+") match = pattern.match(version_string) if match: version = int(match.group(1)) * 100 + int(match.group(2)) * 10 + int(match.group(3)) * 1 if version >= MIN_SSL_VERSION: release = match.group(4) for p in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): pathToFile = os.path.join(p, "openssl") if os.path.exists(pathToFile) and os.access(pathToFile, os.X_OK): libpath = rreplace(p,"bin","lib") if os.path.exists(libpath) and os.path.isdir(libpath): return libpath else: print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) print("Calculated path {} for SSL does not exist".format(libpath), file=sys.stderr) print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) return None else: print("***************************************",file=sys.stderr) print("Minimum SSL release required is 1.0.0",file=sys.stderr) print("***************************************",file=sys.stderr) else: print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) print("Cannot match OpenSSL Version string '{0}'".format(version_string),file=sys.stderr) print("****************************************************",file=sys.stderr) return None def remove_ssl(argv): index = argv.index("--ssl") if index < len(argv) - 1: ssl = argv[index + 1] del argv[index:index+2] else: ssl = "" del argv[index:index+1] return ssl if __name__ == "__main__": version = VersionInfo(".") p4_api_dir = get_api_dir(version.getVersion()) ssl = None if 'sdist' in sys.argv: # Don't use hard links when building source distribution. # It's great, apart from under VirtualBox where it falls # apart due to a bug try: del os.link except: pass if os.path.exists(P4_RELNOTES): deleteReleaseNotes() copyReleaseNotes() distdir = global_dist_directory + version.getDistVersion() if os.path.exists(distdir): shutil.rmtree(distdir, False, force_remove_file) # option not needed for source builds, but --ssl in the options confuses setuptools if '--ssl' in sys.argv: remove_ssl(sys.argv) else: if '--ssl' in sys.argv: ssl = remove_ssl(sys.argv) else: config = ConfigParser() config.read(P4_CONFIG_FILE) if config.has_section(P4_CONFIG_SECTION): if config.has_option(P4_CONFIG_SECTION, P4_CONFIG_SSLDIR): ssl = config.get(P4_CONFIG_SECTION, P4_CONFIG_SSLDIR) if ssl == "": # check version of SSL via 'openssl version' ssl = check_ssl() # return None if illegal or too old if ssl == None: print("***********************************************", file=sys.stderr) print("** Cannot build P4Python without SSL support **", file=sys.stderr) print("***********************************************", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) do_setup(p4_api_dir, ssl)