#******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #******************************************************************************* #******************************************************************************* #* Ruby interface to the Perforce SCM System #******************************************************************************* #******************************************************************************* #* P4 class #******************************************************************************* # # Get the bulk of the definition of the P4 class from the API interface # require "P4.so" # # Add the extra's written purely in ruby. # class P4 # # Named constants for the exception levels. Note they are cumulative, # so RAISE_ALL includes RAISE_ERRORS (as you'd expect). # RAISE_NONE = 0 RAISE_ERRORS = 1 RAISE_ALL = 2 # # Named values for merge actions. Values taken from clientmerge.h in # the Perforce API # MERGE_SKIP = 1 MERGE_ACCEPT_MERGED = 2 MERGE_ACCEPT_EDIT = 3 MERGE_ACCEPT_THEIRS = 4 MERGE_ACCEPT_YOURS = 5 # Named values for generic error codes returned by # P4::Message#generic EV_NONE = 0 # misc # The fault of the user EV_USAGE = 0x01 # request not consistent with dox EV_UNKNOWN = 0x02 # using unknown entity EV_CONTEXT = 0x03 # using entity in wrong context EV_ILLEGAL = 0x04 # trying to do something you can't EV_NOTYET = 0x05 # something must be corrected first EV_PROTECT = 0x06 # protections prevented operation # No fault at all EV_EMPTY = 0x11 # action returned empty results # not the fault of the user EV_FAULT = 0x21 # inexplicable program fault EV_CLIENT = 0x22 # client side program errors EV_ADMIN = 0x23 # server administrative action required EV_CONFIG = 0x24 # client configuration inadequate EV_UPGRADE = 0x25 # client or server too old to interact EV_COMM = 0x26 # communications error EV_TOOBIG = 0x27 # not even Perforce can handle this much # Named values for error severities returned by # P4::Message#severity E_EMPTY = 0 # nothing yet E_INFO = 1 # something good happened E_WARN = 2 # something not good happened E_FAILED = 3 # user did something wrong E_FATAL = 4 # system broken -- nothing can continue # OutputHandler return values constants REPORT = 0 HANDLED = 1 CANCEL = 2 # Client progress 'done' state PROG_NORMAL = 0 PROG_DONE = 1 PROG_FAILDONE = 2 PROG_FLUSH = 3 # Mappings for P4#each_ # Hash of type vs. key SpecTypes = { "clients" => ["client", "client"], "labels" => ["label", "label"], "branches" => ["branch", "branch"], "changes" => ["change", "change"], "streams" => ["stream", "Stream"], "jobs" => ["job", "Job"], "users" => ["user", "User"], "groups" => ["group", "group"], "depots" => ["depot", "name"], "servers" => ["server", "Name"], } def method_missing( m, *a ) # Generic run_* methods if ( m.to_s =~ /^run_(.*)/ ) return self.run( $1, a ) # Generic fetch_* methods elsif ( m.to_s =~ /^fetch_(.*)/ ) return self.run( $1, "-o", a ).shift # Generic save_* methods elsif ( m.to_s =~ /^save_(.*)/ ) if ( a.length == 0 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m.to_s} requires an argument", caller) end self.input = a.shift return self.run( $1, "-i", a ) # Generic delete_* methods elsif ( m.to_s =~ /^delete_(.*)/ ) if ( a.length == 0 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m.to_s} requires an argument", caller) end return self.run( $1, "-d", a ) # Generic parse_* methods elsif ( m.to_s == "parse_forms" ) raise( NoMethodError, "undefined method 'P4#parse_forms'", caller ) elsif ( m.to_s =~ /^parse_(.*)/ ) if ( a.length != 1 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m.to_s} requires an argument", caller) end return self.parse_spec( $1, a.shift ) # Generic format_* methods elsif ( m.to_s =~ /^format_(.*)/ ) if ( a.length != 1 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m.to_s} requires an argument", caller) end return self.format_spec( $1, a.shift ) # # Generic each_* methods # Simple method to iterate over a particular type of spec # This is a convenient wrapper for the pattern: # clients = p4.run_clients # clients.each do # |c| # client = p4.fetch_client( c['client'] ) # # end # # NOTE: It's not possible to implicitly pass a block to a # delegate method, so I've implemented it here directly. Could use # Proc.new.call, but it looks like there is a serious performance # impact with that method. # elsif ( m.to_s =~ /^each_(.*)/ ) raise( P4Exception, "No such method P4##{m.to_s}", caller) unless SpecTypes.has_key?( $1 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m.to_s} requires block", caller) unless block_given? specs = self.run( $1, a ) cmd = SpecTypes[ $1 ][0].downcase key = SpecTypes[ $1 ][1] specs.each{ |spec| name = spec[ key ] spec = self.run( cmd, "-o", spec[key] ).shift yield spec } return specs # That's all folks! else raise NameError, "No such method #{m.to_s} in class P4", caller end end # # Simple interface for submitting. If any argument is a Hash, (or subclass # thereof - like P4::Spec), then it will be assumed to contain the change # form. All other arguments are passed on to the server unchanged. # def run_submit( *args ) form = nil nargs = args.flatten.collect do |a| if( a.kind_of?( Hash ) ) form = a nil else a end end.compact if( form ) self.input = form nargs.push( "-i" ) end return self.run( "submit", nargs ) end # # Simple interface for shelving. Same rules as for submit apply def run_shelve( *args ) form = nil nargs = args.flatten.collect do |a| if( a.kind_of?( Hash ) ) form = a nil else a end end.compact if( form ) self.input = form nargs.push( "-i" ) end return self.run( "shelve", nargs ) end def delete_shelve( *args ) if( ! args.include?( "-c" ) ) args.unshift( "-c") end return self.run( "shelve", "-d", args) end # # Simple interface for using "p4 login" # def run_login( *args ) self.input = self.password return self.run( "login", args ) end def run_resolve( *args ) if( block_given? ) self.run( "resolve", args ) do |default| yield( default ) end else self.run( "resolve", args ) end end # # Simple interface to 'p4 tickets' # def run_tickets path = self.ticket_file # return an empty array if the file doesn't exist # or is a directory. results = Array.new tickets = Hash.new if( File.exist?( path ) and !File.directory?( path ) ) File.open( path ) do |file| file.each_line do |line| split = line.split(":") value = split.pop.chomp key = split.join(":") tickets[ key ] = value end end end results.push( tickets ) unless tickets.empty? return results end # # Interface for changing the user's password. Supply the old password # and the new one. # def run_password( oldpass, newpass ) if( oldpass && oldpass.length > 0 ) self.input = [ oldpass, newpass, newpass ] else self.input = [ newpass, newpass ] end self.run( "password" ) end # # The following methods convert the standard output of some common # Perforce commands into more structured form to make using the # data easier. # # (Currently only run_filelog is defined. More to follow) # # run_filelog: convert "p4 filelog" responses into objects with useful # methods # # Requires tagged output to be of any real use. If tagged output it not # enabled then you just get the raw data back # def run_filelog( *args ) raw = self.run( 'filelog', args.flatten ) raw.collect do |h| if ( ! h.kind_of?( Hash ) ) h else df = P4::DepotFile.new( h[ "depotFile" ] ) h[ "rev" ].each_index do |n| # If rev is nil, there's nothing here for us next unless h[ "rev" ][ n ] # Create a new revision of this file ready for populating r = df.new_revision h.each do |key,value| next unless( value.kind_of?( Array ) ) next unless value[ n ] next if( value[ n ].kind_of?( Array ) ) # If the field is the revision time, convert it to a Time object value[ n ] = Time.at( value[ n ].to_i ) if key == "time" r.set_attribute( key, value[ n ] ) end # Now if there are any integration records for this revision, # add them in too next unless ( h[ "how" ] ) next unless ( h[ "how" ][ n ] ) h[ "how" ][ n ].each_index do |m| how = h[ "how" ][ n ][ m ] file = h[ "file" ][ n ][ m ] srev = h[ "srev" ][ n ][ m ] erev = h[ "erev" ][ n ][ m ] srev.gsub!( /^#/, "" ) erev.gsub!( /^#/, "" ) srev = ( srev == "none" ? 0 : srev.to_i ) erev = ( erev == "none" ? 0 : erev.to_i ) r.integration( how, file, srev, erev ) end end df end end end # # Allow the user to run commands at a temporarily altered exception level. # Pass the new exception level desired, and a block to be executed at that # level. # def at_exception_level( level ) return self unless block_given? old_level = self.exception_level self.exception_level = level begin yield( self ) ensure self.exception_level = old_level end self end # # Allow users to run commands using a specified handler. # Pass a handler and the block that will be executed using this handler # The handler will be reset to its previous value at the end of this block # def with_handler( handler ) return self unless block_given? old_handler = self.handler self.handler = handler begin yield( self ) ensure self.handler = old_handler end self end # # Show some handy information when using irb # def inspect sprintf( 'P4: [%s] %s@%s (%s)', self.port, self.user, self.client, self.connected? ? 'connected' : 'not connected' ) end #***************************************************************************** # The P4::Spec class holds the fields in a Perforce spec #***************************************************************************** class Spec < Hash def initialize( fieldmap = nil ) @fields = fieldmap end # # Override the default assignment method. This implementation # ensures that any fields defined are valid ones for this type of # spec. # def []=( key, value ) if( self.has_key?( key ) || @fields == nil ) super( key, value ) elsif( @fields.has_key?( key.downcase ) ) super( @fields[ key.downcase ], value ) else raise( P4Exception, "Invalid field: #{key}" ) end end # # Return the list of the fields that are permitted in this spec # def permitted_fields @fields.values end # # Implement accessor methods for the fields in the spec. The accessor # methods are all prefixed with '_' to avoid conflicts with the Hash # class' namespace. This is a little ugly, but we gain a lot by # subclassing Hash so it's worth it. # def method_missing( m, *a ) k = m.to_s.downcase # Check if we're being asked for 'to_ary'. If so, raise 'NoMethodError'. return :to_ary ? raise( NoMethodError ) : super if ( k == "to_ary" ) if( k[ 0..0 ] != "_" ) raise( RuntimeError, "undefined method `#{m.to_s}' for object of " + "class #{self.class.to_s}" ) end k = k[ 1..-1 ] if( k =~ /(.*)=$/ ) if( a.length() == 0 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m} requires an argument" ); end k = $1 if( @fields == nil || @fields.has_key?( k ) ) return self[ @fields[ k ] ] = a.shift end elsif( self.has_key?( m.to_s ) ) return self[ m.to_s ] elsif( @fields.has_key?( k ) ) return self[ @fields[ k ] ] end raise( P4Exception, "Invalid field: #{$1}" ) end end #***************************************************************************** #* P4::MergeInfo class #***************************************************************************** class MergeInfo def initialize( base, yours, theirs, merged, hint ) @base = base @yours = yours @theirs = theirs @merged = merged @hint = hint end attr_reader :base, :yours, :theirs, :merged, :hint end #***************************************************************************** # P4::Integration class # P4::Integration objects hold details about the integrations that have # been performed on a particular revision. Used primarily with the # P4::Revision class #***************************************************************************** class Integration def initialize( how, file, srev, erev ) @how = how @file = file @srev = srev @erev = erev end attr_reader :how, :file, :srev, :erev end #***************************************************************************** # P4::Revision class # Each P4::Revision object holds details about a particular revision # of a file. It may also contain the history of any integrations # to/from the file #***************************************************************************** class Revision def initialize( depotFile ) @depot_file = depotFile @integrations = Array.new @attributes = Hash.new end attr_reader :depot_file attr_accessor :integrations def integration( how, file, srev, erev ) rec = P4::Integration.new( how, file, srev, erev ) @integrations.push( rec ) return rec end def each_integration @integrations.each { |i| yield( i ) } end def set_attribute( name, value ) name = name.downcase if( value =~ /^\d+$/ ) @attributes[ name ] = value.to_i else @attributes[ name ] = value end end # Define #type and #type= explicitly as they clash with the # deprecated Object#type. As it is deprecated, this clash should # disappear in time. def type @attributes[ 'type' ] end def type=( t ) @attributes[ 'type' ] = t end # # Generic getters and setters for revision attributes. # def method_missing( m, *a ) k = m.to_s.downcase if( k =~ /(.*)=$/ ) if( a.length() == 0 ) raise( P4Exception, "Method P4##{m} requires an argument" ); end k = $1 @attributes[ k ] = a.shift else @attributes[ k ] end end end #***************************************************************************** # P4::DepotFile class. # Each DepotFile entry contains details about one depot file. #***************************************************************************** class DepotFile def initialize( name ) @depot_file = name @revisions = Array.new @headAction = @head_type = @head_time = @head_rev = @head_change = nil end attr_reader :depot_file, :revisions attr_accessor :head_action, :head_type, :head_time, :head_rev, :head_change def new_revision r = P4::Revision.new( @depot_file ) @revisions.push( r ) return r end def each_revision @revisions.each { |r| yield( r ) } end end #***************************************************************************** # P4::OutputHandler class. # Base class for all Handler classes that can be passed to P4::handler. #***************************************************************************** class OutputHandler def outputStat(stat) REPORT end def outputInfo(info) REPORT end def outputText(text) REPORT end def outputBinary(binary) REPORT end def outputMessage(message) REPORT end end class ReportHandler < OutputHandler def outputStat(stat) p "stat:", stat HANDLED end def outputInfo(info) p "info:", info HANDLED end def outputText(text) p "text:", text HANDLED end def outputBinary(binary) p "binary:", binary HANDLED end def outputMessage(message) p "message:", message HANDLED end end end # class P4