This is the README file for Perforce's p4-web open source project. To build you will need: - p4-web source and build files from the Perforce Workshop - latest 13.3 (change 784164 or later) p4api. The source is shipped with Visual Studio 2010 solution and project files. 1. p4 sync p4web source from the Perforce Workshop 2 download the p4api from the Perforce ftp/website. p4api-2013.3.784164 or higher Building on Linux -------------------------- 1. edit Makefile.linux and set the $P4APIDIR. 2. make -f Makefile.linux Building on Windows -------------------- 1. load the p4-web/P4Web.sln file into Visual Studio 2010. * if Visual Studio complains that the project file has been renamed or is no longer in the solution you might have to manually correct the dependency GUID's in the P4Web.vcxproj file. Remove and Re-add the project files ---------------------------------------- - Open the Solution Explorer and expand P4Web solution - Select P4Web project - Bring up right context menu and select Remove - Add the project back into the solution * Select P4Web Solution * right context menu Add->Existing Project... * load P4Web.vcxproj 4. set the P4APIDIR environment variable * View->Other Windows->Property Manager * Expand P4win->Unicode Release|Win 32 Open up P4EnvVariables property page Expand Common Properties->User Macros set P4APIDIR to the location of the downloaded p4api ** alternatively you can directly edit gui/P4EnvVariables.props and set the path there. 5. Set the Solution Build Configuration Properties View->Solution Explorer Select Solution 'P4Web' Right context menu -> Properties -> Configuration Properties Select the correct Project Configuration to match the p4api library (debug, Unicode, Release) 6. To Build the Solution Right click and select 'Build Solution'