SubDir P4W Help ; # See the README file in this directory # to find out how to update P4Web help files. NOTFILE manual ; HELP_BATCH1 = actioncodes.html add.html addselect.html auth.html bitb.html branch.html browsemodes.html browseonly.html client.html commands.html controlpanel.html defs.html delete.html deletespec.html describe.html diffing.html edit.html editbranch.html editclient.html editjob.html editlabel.html editpending.html edituser.html errors.html filebrowser.html filelog.html filetype.html findfiles.html index.html integrate.html integpb.html integfb.html help_filetypes.html helper.html howto.html job.html jobfields.html launcheditor.html label.html labelsync.html lock.html pathbrowser.html pendingchangelists.html remove.html resolve.html restrictfiles.html result.html revert.html roadmap.html rss.html settings.html serverinfo.html submit.html submittedchangelists.html sync.html thumbnails.html tips.html unlock.html user.html xml.html ; HELP_BATCH2 = quickstart.html ; HELP_FILES = $(HELP_BATCH1) $(HELP_BATCH2) ; HELPGRINDER = ; SEARCH on $(HELPGRINDER) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; rule GrindHelpFiles { # $(1) is output .h file # $(2) is list of input .html files local i m md ; Depends all : $(1) ; LOCATE on $(1) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; RmGeneratedHeader $(1) ; Clean clean : $(1) ; for i in $(2:G=input) { GenerateHelp $(1) : $(i) ; Depends $(1) : $(i) $(HELPGRINDER) ; LOCATE on $(i) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; m = $(i:G=manual) ; Depends manual : $(m) ; Depends $(m) : $(i) ; GenerateHelp $(m) : $(i) ; makeDirName md : $(P4WEBMANUALDIR) help ; MakeLocate $(m) : $(md) ; Clean clean : $(m) ; } } actions ignore RmGeneratedHeader { $(RM) $(<) } actions GenerateHelp { $(PYTHON) $(HELPGRINDER) $(>) $(<) } GrindHelpFiles p4wHelp1.h : $(HELP_BATCH1) ; GrindHelpFiles p4wHelp2.h : $(HELP_BATCH2) ;