// // BrowserViewController.m // Perforce // // Created by Adam Czubernat on 07.06.2013. // Copyright (c) 2013 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. // #import "BrowserViewController.h" #import "P4UnifiedItem.h" #import "P4ChangelistItem.h" #import "P4UnreadItem.h" #import "P4SearchItem.h" #import "ErrorPanelController.h" #import "SubmitPanelController.h" NSString * const P4PasteboardTypeFile = @"com.perforce.P4PasteboardTypeFile"; NSString * const P4PasteboardTypeFolder = @"com.perforce.P4PasteboardTypeFolder"; @interface BrowserViewController () { NSArray *selectionPaths; NSString *loadingPath; NSArray *loadingSelection; NSString *searchQuery; NSString *searchDirectory; // Search __weak IBOutlet NSBox *searchBar; __weak IBOutlet NSTextField *searchLabel; __weak IBOutlet NSButton *searchOptionsButton; __weak IBOutlet NSButton *searchAllFilesButton; __weak IBOutlet NSButton *searchWorkspaceButton; __weak IBOutlet NSButton *searchDirectoryButton; __weak IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *searchFilterPopUp; __weak IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *searchTagsPopUp; } - (void)filteredTagsNotification:(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)reloadSearchBar; // Search bar actions - (IBAction)searchOptionsPressed:(id)sender; - (IBAction)searchAllFilesPressed:(id)sender; - (IBAction)searchWorkspacePressed:(id)sender; - (IBAction)searchDirectoryPressed:(id)sender; - (IBAction)searchFilterPopUpAction:(id)sender; - (IBAction)searchFilterTagsAction:(id)sender; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *alertsArray; @end @implementation BrowserViewController @synthesize delegate; @synthesize searchBar; @synthesize alertsArray; - (id)init { return self = [self initWithNibName:NSStringFromClass([self class]) bundle:nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [[rootItem class] removeObserver:self]; } - (void)loadView { [super loadView]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(filteredTagsNotification:) name:P4WorkspaceDefaultsTagFilterNotification object:nil]; NSNib *nib = [[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed:@"BrowserSearchBar" bundle:nil]; [nib instantiateNibWithOwner:self topLevelObjects:NULL]; [self setBackgroundColor:[NSUserDefaults colorForKey:kColorBackgroundColumn]]; // Imitate click to hide more options [self searchOptionsPressed:searchOptionsButton]; } #pragma mark - Private - (void)filteredTagsNotification:(NSNotification *)notification { filteredTags = [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] filteredTags]; [self refresh]; } - (void)reloadSearchBar { P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; // Label searchLabel.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", searchQuery]; // Buttons searchAllFilesButton.state = !item.searchWorkspaceOnly; searchWorkspaceButton.state = item.searchWorkspaceOnly; [searchDirectoryButton setState:item.searchDirectory != nil]; [searchDirectoryButton setHidden:!searchDirectory]; [searchDirectoryButton setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%@\"", [searchDirectory lastPathComponent]]]; [searchDirectoryButton sizeToFit]; // Filter NSPopUpButton *popup = searchFilterPopUp; NSMutableArray *terms = [NSMutableArray array]; if (([popup itemAtIndex:1].state = item.searchFilenames)) [terms addObject:[popup itemAtIndex:1].title]; if (([popup itemAtIndex:2].state = item.searchContents)) [terms addObject:[popup itemAtIndex:2].title]; if (([popup itemAtIndex:3].state = item.searchTags)) [terms addObject:[popup itemAtIndex:3].title]; [popup itemAtIndex:0].title = [terms componentsJoinedByString:@", "]; // Tags filter popup = searchTagsPopUp; [popup removeAllItems]; [popup addItemWithTitle:@"-"]; [[popup itemAtIndex:0] setHidden:YES]; NSArray *searchTags = [item searchResultTags]; NSArray *searchFilteredTags = [item searchFilteredTags]; [popup addItemsWithTitles:searchFilteredTags]; [popup addItemsWithTitles:searchTags]; for (NSString *tag in searchFilteredTags) [[popup itemWithTitle:tag] setState:NSOnState]; if (searchFilteredTags.count) [popup itemAtIndex:0].title = [searchFilteredTags componentsJoinedByString:@", "]; else if (!searchTags.count) [popup itemAtIndex:0].title = @"< No Tags >"; } #pragma mark - Actions - (IBAction)searchOptionsPressed:(NSButton *)sender { CGRect frame = searchBar.frame; frame.size.height = sender.state ? 92.0f : 30.0f; searchBar.frame = frame; } - (IBAction)searchAllFilesPressed:(NSButton *)sender { if (!sender.state && (sender.state = NSOnState)) return; P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; item.searchWorkspaceOnly = NO; [self search:searchQuery]; } - (IBAction)searchWorkspacePressed:(NSButton *)sender { if (!sender.state && (sender.state = NSOnState)) return; P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; item.searchWorkspaceOnly = YES; [self search:searchQuery]; } - (IBAction)searchDirectoryPressed:(NSButton *)sender { P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; item.searchDirectory = sender.state ? searchDirectory : nil; [self search:searchQuery]; } - (IBAction)searchFilterPopUpAction:(NSPopUpButton *)sender { P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; NSInteger index = [sender indexOfSelectedItem]; if (index == 1) item.searchFilenames = !item.searchFilenames; else if (index == 2) item.searchContents = !item.searchContents; else if (index == 3) item.searchTags = !item.searchTags; [self search:searchQuery]; } - (IBAction)searchFilterTagsAction:(id)sender { P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; NSString *tag = [sender titleOfSelectedItem]; NSMutableArray *tags; tags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[item searchFilteredTags]]; if ([tags containsObject:tag]) [tags removeObject:tag]; else [tags addObject:tag]; [item setSearchFilteredTags:tags]; [self search:searchQuery]; } #pragma mark - Public - (P4Item *)rootItem { return rootItem; } - (P4Item *)workingItem { return workingItem; } - (void)setRootItem:(P4Item *)item { filteredTags = [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] filteredTags]; [[rootItem class] removeObserver:self]; rootItem = item; [self setWorkingItem:item]; [[rootItem class] addObserver:self]; if ([item isKindOfClass:[P4SearchItem class]]) { if (!searchQuery) { searchQuery = ((P4SearchItem *)item).searchQuery; searchDirectory = ((P4SearchItem *)item).searchDirectory; } [self reloadSearchBar]; } } - (void)setWorkingItem:(P4Item *)item { if (workingItem == item) return; workingItem = item; if (loadingPath) return; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(browserView:didChangeWorkingItem:)]) [delegate browserView:self didChangeWorkingItem:workingItem]; NSArray *selection = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:item, nil]; if (item == rootItem) // Don't select root item selection = nil; [self selectionChanged:selection]; } - (void)setSelectedItems:(NSArray *)selectedItems { P4Item *item = [selectedItems firstObject]; if (!item) return; P4Item *parent = [item parent]; BOOL directory = [item isDirectory]; // Set current working item [self setWorkingItem:directory ? item : parent]; if (!directory) { NSIndexSet *indexes = [parent.children indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { return [selectedItems indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:obj] != NSNotFound; }]; [self setSelectedIndexes:indexes]; } } - (void)setSelectedIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)loadPath:(NSString *)path { NSString *workingPath = workingItem.remotePath; // Reset root path if new path isn't descendant if (rootPath && ![path isSubpath:rootPath]) rootPath = nil; // Check if root is compatible with path P4Item *newRoot = nil; if ([path hasPrefix:@"/"]) { if (![rootItem isKindOfClass:[P4UnifiedItem class]]) newRoot = [[P4UnifiedItem alloc] initWithParent:nil]; } else if ([path hasPrefix:@"unread://"]) { if (![rootItem isKindOfClass:[P4UnreadItem class]]) newRoot = [[P4UnreadItem alloc] initWithParent:nil]; } else if ([path hasPrefix:@"changelist://nondeleted"]) { if (![rootItem.path hasPrefix:@"changelist://nondeleted"]) newRoot = [[P4ChangelistItem alloc] initWithParent:nil]; [(P4ChangelistItem *)newRoot setType:@"nondeleted"]; [(P4ChangelistItem *)newRoot setPredicate: [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"isDeleted == NO"]]; } else if ([path hasPrefix:@"changelist://deleted"]) { if (![rootItem.path hasPrefix:@"changelist://deleted"]) newRoot = [[P4ChangelistItem alloc] initWithParent:nil]; [(P4ChangelistItem *)newRoot setType:@"deleted"]; [(P4ChangelistItem *)newRoot setPredicate: [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"isDeleted == YES"]]; } else if ([path hasPrefix:@"search://"]) { if (![rootItem isKindOfClass:[P4SearchItem class]]) newRoot = [[P4SearchItem alloc] initWithParent:nil]; } // Set new root if (newRoot) { [[rootItem class] removeObserver:self]; [[newRoot class] addObserver:self]; rootItem = newRoot; } // Load search NSString *search = ([path hasPrefix:@"search://"] ? [path substringFromIndex:@"search://".length] : nil); if (search || searchQuery) { searchQuery = search; if (!search) searchDirectory = nil; else if (!searchDirectory && ![workingPath isEqualTo:@"//"]) searchDirectory = workingPath; if (search) { [(P4SearchItem *)rootItem setSearchQuery:search]; loadingPath = path; [rootItem reload]; [self reloadSearchBar]; } if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(browserView:didChangeSearchQuery:)]) [delegate browserView:self didChangeSearchQuery:search]; } P4Item *cachedItem = [rootItem itemAtPath:path]; if (!cachedItem || loadingPath) { loadingPath = path; [self willLoadPath:path]; if (![path hasSuffix:@"/"]) path = [path stringByDeletingPath]; path = [path directoryPath]; [rootItem loadPath:path]; } else if (rootItem == cachedItem) { [self setRootItem:rootItem]; } else if (cachedItem) { [self setSelectedItems:@[ cachedItem ]]; } } - (void)loadRootPath:(NSString *)path { rootPath = path; [self loadPath:path]; } - (void)search:(NSString *)query { PSLog(@"Searching \"%@\"", query); [self loadPath:[@"search://" stringByAppendingString:query]]; } - (void)reload { // Retain current working item information NSString *path = workingItem.path; NSArray *selection = [[self selectedItems] valueForKey:@"path"]; P4SearchItem *searchItem = [rootItem isKindOfClass:[P4SearchItem class]] ? (id)rootItem : nil; // Reload root rootItem = nil; workingItem = nil; loadingPath = path; loadingSelection = selection; [self loadPath:path]; // Retrieve search information if (searchItem) { P4SearchItem *item = (id)rootItem; item.searchDirectory = searchItem.searchDirectory; item.searchWorkspaceOnly = searchItem.searchWorkspaceOnly; item.searchFilenames = searchItem.searchFilenames; item.searchContents = searchItem.searchContents; item.searchTags = searchItem.searchTags; item.searchFilteredTags = searchItem.searchFilteredTags; [self reloadSearchBar]; } } - (void)refresh PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (NSArray *)selectedItems PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)willLoadPath:(NSString *)path PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)showVersions:(P4Item *)item PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)showFolderHistory:(P4Item *)item PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)editItemName:(P4Item *)item PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)setBackgroundColor:(NSColor *)color PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)setDraggingSourceOperationMask:(NSDragOperation)mask forLocal:(BOOL)isLocal PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD #pragma mark - NSResponder - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { SEL action = menuItem.action; if (action == @selector(copy:)) { if (selectionPaths.count > 0) { // Check if any item is deleted for (P4Item *item in [self selectedItems]) if (item.isDeleted) return NO; return YES; } } else if (action == @selector(paste:)) { // Check if can paste into working item if (workingItem.isDirectory && workingItem.isEditable) { NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; if ([pasteboard availableTypeFromArray: @[ NSFilenamesPboardType, P4PasteboardTypeFile ]]) return YES; } } else if (action == @selector(delete:)) { if (selectionPaths.count > 0) { // Check if all items can be deleted for (P4Item *item in [self selectedItems]) if (!item.isEditable) return NO; return YES; } } else if (action == @selector(toggleQuickLookPreviewPanel:)) { if (selectionPaths.count > 0) return YES; } return NO; } - (void)copy:(id)sender { NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [self writeItems:[self selectedItems] toPasteboard:pasteboard]; } - (void)paste:(id)sender { NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; NSMutableArray *files = [NSMutableArray array]; [files addObjectsFromArray:[pasteboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]]; [files addObjectsFromArray:[pasteboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFile]]; if (!files.count) return; [workingItem performAction:@selector(pasteFiles:) object:files delegate:[self.view.window windowController]]; } - (void)delete:(id)sender { if (!selectionPaths.count) return; [rootItem performAction:@selector(deleteItems:) object:[self selectedItems] delegate:[self.view.window windowController]]; } - (void)toggleQuickLookPreviewPanel:(id)sender { QLPreviewPanel *previewPanel = [QLPreviewPanel sharedPreviewPanel]; // Dismiss if visible if ([QLPreviewPanel sharedPreviewPanelExists] && [previewPanel isVisible]) { [previewPanel orderOut:nil]; return; } if (!selectionPaths) return; [previewPanel updateController]; [previewPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } #pragma mark - Protected - (void)selectionChanged:(NSArray *)items { // Check if last selection changed NSArray *paths = [items valueForKey:@"path"]; if ([selectionPaths isEqualToArray:paths]) return; selectionPaths = paths; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(browserView:didChangeSelectedItems:)]) [delegate browserView:self didChangeSelectedItems:items]; } - (void)renameItem:(P4Item *)item name:(NSString *)newName { if ([item.name isEqualToString:newName]) return; [item performAction:@selector(rename:) object:newName delegate:[self.view.window windowController]]; } - (BOOL)insertFiles:(NSArray *)paths intoItem:(P4Item *)item copy:(BOOL)copy { if (!item.isDirectory || !item.isEditable) return NO; if (!copy) { // Check if moving into the same directory NSString *itemPath = [item.localPath stringByRemovingSuffix:@"/"]; for (NSString *path in paths) { if ([[path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] isEqualCaseInsensitive:itemPath]) return NO; } } // Insert files SEL selector = copy ? @selector(copyFiles:) : @selector(moveFiles:); [item performAction:selector object:paths delegate:[self.view.window windowController]]; return YES; } - (BOOL)hasFilteredTagsForItem:(P4Item *)item { for (NSString *tag in filteredTags) if ([item hasTag:tag]) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)alertWithErrorDescriptionAlreadyExists:(NSString *)erorDescription { for (ErrorPanelController *alert in self.alertsArray) { if ([alert.message isEqualToString:erorDescription]) { return YES; } } return NO; } - (void)createAlertWithError:(NSError *)error { if (!self.alertsArray) { self.alertsArray = [NSMutableArray new]; } ErrorPanelController *alert = [[ErrorPanelController alloc] init]; if([error.localizedDescription rangeOfString:@"Connect to server failed"].location != NSNotFound) { [alert setTitle:@"\nCommunication Error"]; [alert setMessage:@"It seems like we lost connection to the server. Please ensure that you are on the network."]; } else { [alert setTitle:@"\nLoading failed"]; [alert setMessage:error.localizedDescription]; } // only display the dialog if it isn't already displayed if(![self alertWithErrorDescriptionAlreadyExists:alert.message]) { [alert presentWithMainWindow]; __weak typeof(alert) weakAlert = alert; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [alert setCompletionBlock:^{ [weakSelf.alertsArray removeObject:weakAlert]; }]; [self.alertsArray addObject:alert]; } } - (void)failWithError:(NSError *)error { // Don't show alert for session expiration if (error.code == P4ErrorSessionExpired) return; if (![self alertWithErrorDescriptionAlreadyExists:error.localizedDescription]) { [self createAlertWithError:error]; } } #pragma mark Drag and Drop - (BOOL)acceptDrop:(id)info target:(P4Item *)target { if (!target) return NO; BOOL copy = info.draggingSourceOperationMask == NSDragOperationCopy; NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [info draggingPasteboard]; NSMutableArray *files = [NSMutableArray array]; [files addObjectsFromArray:[pasteboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]]; [files addObjectsFromArray:[pasteboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFile]]; if (!files.count) return NO; [target performAction:copy ? @selector(pasteFiles:) : @selector(moveFiles:) object:files delegate:[self.view.window windowController]]; return YES; // return [self insertFiles:files intoItem:target copy:copy]; } - (BOOL)writeItems:(NSArray *)items toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard { NSMutableArray *localFiles = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray *depotFiles = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableDictionary *pboardTypes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (P4Item *item in items) { if (!item.metadata || item.isTracked) { if (!localFiles.count) { [pboardTypes setObject:localFiles forKey:NSFilenamesPboardType]; [self setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationEvery forLocal:NO]; [self setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationEvery forLocal:YES]; } [localFiles addObject:item.localPath]; } else if ([item isKindOfClass:[P4UnifiedItem class]]) { if (!depotFiles.count) { [pboardTypes setObject:depotFiles forKey:P4PasteboardTypeFile]; [pboardTypes setObject:depotFiles forKey:NSFilesPromisePboardType]; [self setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationEvery forLocal:NO]; [self setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationEvery forLocal:YES]; } [depotFiles addObject:item.remotePath]; } }; if (!pboardTypes.count) return NO; if (items.count == 1 && [[items firstObject] isDirectory]) [pboardTypes setObject:[[items firstObject] path] forKey:P4PasteboardTypeFolder]; [pasteboard declareTypes:pboardTypes.allKeys owner:self]; for (NSString *type in pboardTypes) [pasteboard setPropertyList:[pboardTypes objectForKey:type] forType:type]; return YES; } - (NSArray *)namesOfPromisedItems:(NSArray *)items droppedAtDestination:(NSURL *)destination { // Insert files P4ItemAction *action = [P4ItemAction actionForItem:rootItem name:nil selector:nil]; action.delegate = [self.view.window windowController]; [action performAction]; return [rootItem downloadItems:items destination:destination.path]; } #pragma mark - Keyboard support - (void)moveToBeginningOfDocument:(id)sender { P4Item *parent = workingItem.parent; if (parent) [self loadPath:parent.path]; else [self.nextResponder doCommandBySelector:_cmd]; } - (void)moveToEndOfDocument:(id)sender { NSArray *selection = [self selectedItems]; if (selection.count == 1) { P4Item *item = [selection lastObject]; if ([item isDirectory]) { [self loadPath:[item path]]; return; } } [self.nextResponder doCommandBySelector:_cmd]; } #pragma mark - P4Item delegate - (void)itemDidLoad:(P4Item *)item { if ([item isKindOfClass:[P4SearchItem class]]) [self reloadSearchBar]; // Item loaded path if (loadingPath) { NSString *path = loadingPath; NSArray *selection = loadingSelection; loadingPath = nil, loadingSelection = nil; P4Item *item = [rootItem itemAtPath:path]; if (item) { // Change working item workingItem = nil; [self setSelectedItems:@[ item ]]; // Find items for previously selected paths if (selection) { NSIndexSet *indexes = nil; if([item isDirectory]) { indexes = [item.children indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(P4Item *child, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { return [selection containsObject:child.path]; }]; } [self setSelectedIndexes:indexes]; } } else { [self setSelectedItems:@[ rootItem ]]; [self failWithError:[NSError errorWithFormat:@"Couldn't find file at %@", path]]; } } } - (void)itemDidInvalidate:(id)item PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD - (void)item:(id)item didFailWithError:(NSError *)error PS_ABSTRACT_METHOD @end