#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head2 NAME gentrevml - Generate a .revml file used by the t/ scripts =head2 SYNOPSIS perl bin/gentrevml --(revml|p4|cvs) [--bootstrap] [--batch=1] =head2 DESCRIPTION The test suite uses a bas RevML file to check to see vcp it can copy in to and out of a repository correctly. This is done for each repository class. Note that going through a repository may lose some information, so the test suite can't always compare the input RevML to the output RevML. Only the revml->revml case is known to be idempotent. I chose to do this over using some base repository because not every user is going to happen to have that repository, and (2) not every repository will pass through all information correctly. =head2 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This will be licensed under a suitable license at a future date. Until then, you may only use this for evaluation purposes. Besides which, it's in an early alpha state, so you shouldn't depend on it anyway. =head2 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker =cut use Getopt::Long ; use strict ; my $which ; my $debug ; sub which { die "Only one mode allowed\n" if $which ; $which = shift ; } my $batch ; my $bootstrap ; BEGIN { ## Need to know how to name the output file before we can ## "use RevML::Writer". $batch = 0 ; Getopt::Long::Configure( qw( no_auto_abbrev no_getopt_compat ) ) ; unless ( GetOptions( 'p4' => \&which, 'cvs' => \&which, 'revml' => \&which, 'b|bootstrap' => \$bootstrap, 'batch=i' => \$batch, 'd|debug' => \$debug, ) && $which ) { require Pod::Usage ; Pod::Usage::pod2usage( exitval => 2, verbose => 3 ) ; } } if ( $debug ) { print STDERR "for $which\n" ; print STDERR "bootstrap mode ", $bootstrap ? "on" : "off", "\n" ; print STDERR "batch $batch\n" ; print STDERR "\n" ; } ## Set up all revs in memory my @files ; ## Put @files in alpha order. p4 likes to output in alpha order, and this ## makes comparing p4->revml output to revml->p4 input easier. for my $dir ( 'add', 'del' ) { for my $file ( 'f1'..'f4' ) { my $fn = "$dir/$file" ; next if $fn eq "del/f1" ; # Can't delete in change 1 push @files, $fn ; } } my @changes ; { my $user_id = "${which}_t_user" ; $user_id .= '@p4_t_client' if $which eq 'p4' ; my %rev_num ; my %deleted_change_num = ( ## Delete the 'd1/f' in change ## except you can't delete anything in change 1, eh? map( ( "del/f$_" => $_ ), (2..9) ), ) ; my %created_change_num = ( ## Add the 'd2/f' in change map( ( "add/f$_" => $_ ), (1..9) ), ) ; my $counter = "00" ; for my $change_num ( 1..6 ) { print STDERR "concocting \@$change_num:\n" if $debug ; for my $name ( @files ) { next if ( defined $created_change_num{$name} && $change_num < $created_change_num{$name} ) || ( defined $deleted_change_num{$name} && $change_num > $deleted_change_num{$name} ) ; ++$rev_num{$name} ; print STDERR " $name#$rev_num{$name}:" if $debug ; my $content = "$name, revision $rev_num{$name}\n" ; my $r = { name => $name, type => 'text', user_id => $user_id, content => $content, time => "2000-01-01 12:00:${counter}Z", ## In p4, all files in a change number have an identical comment. comment => "foo" . ( $which eq 'p4' ? $change_num : $counter ) . "\n", } ; ## p4 doesn't handle modtime until very recently, and then it ## doesn't expose it easily. $r->{mod_time} = "2000-01-01 12:01:${counter}Z" unless $which eq 'p4' ; if ( $which eq 'p4' ) { $r->{p4_info} = "Some info $which might emit about this file" ; $r->{rev_id} = $rev_num{$name} ; ## In p4, you may have skipped some change numbers $r->{change_id} = ( $r->{rev_id} - 1 ) * 2 + 1 ; ## TODO: Delete this next line when we get VCP::Dest::p4 to sync ## change numbers $r->{change_id} = $change_num ; } elsif ( $which eq 'cvs' ) { $r->{cvs_info} = "Some info $which might emit about this file" ; $r->{rev_id} = "1.$rev_num{$name}" ; # We provide a change ID to see if the label makes it in and # so that the label can be used to test incremental exports from # cvs. $r->{change_id} = $change_num ; } elsif ( $which eq 'revml' ) { $r->{cvs_info} ="Some info about this file" ; $r->{rev_id} = $rev_num{$name} ; $r->{change_id} = $change_num ; } else { die "$which unhandled" ; } if ( defined $deleted_change_num{$name} && $change_num == $deleted_change_num{$name} ) { $r->{action} = 'delete' ; } elsif ( $rev_num{$name} eq 1 ) { $r->{action} = 'add' ; } else { $r->{action} = 'edit' ; } unless ( $r->{action} eq 'delete' || $counter % 2 ) { $r->{labels} = [ "achoo$counter", "blessyou$counter", ] ; } $counter = sprintf "%02d", $counter + 1 ; push @{$changes[$change_num]}, $r ; if ( $debug ) { print STDERR " #$r->{rev_id}" ; print STDERR " \@$r->{change_id})" if defined $r->{change_id} ; print STDERR " ($r->{action})\n" ; } } print STDERR "\n" if $debug ; } } ## Emit the document use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_base64 ) ; use File::Basename ; use RevML::Doctype 'DEFAULT' ; use RevML::Writer qw( :all :dtd_tags ) ; my $prog = basename $0 ; my $f0 = "$prog.0" ; my $f1 = "$prog.1" ; setDataMode 1 ; xmlDecl ; time '2000-01-01 00:00:00Z' ; rep_type $which ; rep_desc 'random text, for now' ; my %prev ; ## TODO: Branching, moving, and binary files rev_root "depot" if $which eq 'p4' ; rev_root "foo" if $which eq 'cvs' ; rev_root "whatever" if $which eq 'revml' ; my $is_first = 1 ; ## Note the overlapping range here. Batch 1 (0 or 1) needs to have a digest ## of the rev _before_ the start of the batch unless it's in bootstrap mode. for my $change_num ( ( ! $batch ) ? (1..3) : $bootstrap ? (4..6) : (3..6) ) { print STDERR "emitting \@$change_num:\n" if $debug ; my $digest_mode = $is_first && $batch && ! $bootstrap ; for my $r ( @{$changes[$change_num]} ) { next if ( $is_first && ( ! $batch || $digest_mode ) && $r->{action} eq 'delete' ) ; print STDERR " $r->{name}#$r->{rev_id}:" if $debug ; my $pr = $prev{$r->{name}} ; start_rev ; name $r->{name} ; type $r->{type} ; if ( ! $digest_mode ) { p4_info $r->{p4_info} if defined $r->{p4_info} ; cvs_info $r->{cvs_info} if defined $r->{cvs_info} ; } rev_id $r->{rev_id} ; change_id $r->{change_id} if defined $r->{change_id} ; my $digestion = 1 ; if ( $digest_mode ) { print STDERR " digest" if $debug ; } else { time $r->{time} ; mod_time $r->{mod_time} if defined $r->{mod_time} ; user_id $r->{user_id} ; if ( $r->{labels} ) { label $_ for @{$r->{labels}} ; } ## In p4, all files in a change number have an identical comment. comment $r->{comment} ; if ( $r->{action} eq 'delete' ) { print STDERR " delete" if $debug ; defaultWriter->delete() ; $digestion = 0 ; } else { if ( ! $pr ) { print STDERR " content" if $debug ; content $r->{content}, encoding => 'none' ; } else { print STDERR " delta" if $debug ; base_rev_id $pr->{rev_id} ; ## TODO: Migrate to a perl-coded diff -u open R0, ">$f0" or die "$!: $f0" ; print R0 $pr->{content} or die "$!: $f0" ; close R0 or die "$!: $f0" ; open R1, ">$f1" or die "$!: $f1" ; print R1 $r->{content} or die "$!: $f1" ; close R1 or die "$!: $f1" ; my $diff = `diff -u $f0 $f1` ; $diff =~ s/^.+?^.+?^//ms ; delta $diff, type => 'diff-u', encoding => 'none' ; } } } digest md5_base64( $r->{content} ), type => 'MD5', encoding => 'base64' if $digestion ; $prev{$r->{name}} = $r ; if ( $debug ) { print STDERR " #$r->{rev_id}" ; print STDERR " @$r->{change_id})" if defined $r->{change_id} ; print STDERR " ($r->{action})\n" ; } } print STDERR "\n" if $debug ; $is_first = 0 ; } END { if ( -f $f0 ) { unlink $f0 or warn "$!: $f0" ; } if ( -f $f1 ) { unlink $f1 or warn "$!: $f1" ; } } endAllTags ;