package VCP::Plugin ; =head1 NAME VCP::Plugin - A base class for VCP::Source and VCP::Dest =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION Some functionality is common to sources and destinations, such as cache access, Pod::Usage conversion, command-line access shortcut member, etc. =head1 EXTERNAL METHODS =over =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use File::Basename ; use File::Path ; use File::Spec ; use IPC::Run ; use UNIVERSAL qw( isa ) ; use VCP::Debug ':debug' ; use VCP::Rev ; use vars qw( $VERSION $debug ) ; $VERSION = 0.1 ; $debug = 0 ; use fields ( 'WORK_ROOT', ## The root of the export work area. 'COMMAND', ## The full path to the command-line. 'COMMAND_CHDIR', ## Where to chdir to when running COMMAND 'COMMAND_STDERR_FILTER', ## How to modify the stderr when running a command 'REV_ROOT', 'SEEN', ## HASH of previosly seen filename/revisions. 'REPO_USER', ## The user name to log in to the repository with, if any 'REPO_PASSWORD', ## The password to log in to the repository with, if any 'REPO_SERVER', ## The repository to connect to ) ; =item new Creates an instance, see subclasses for options. The options passed are usually native command-line options for the underlying repository's client. These are usually parsed and, perhaps, checked for validity by calling the underlying command line. =cut sub new { my $class = shift ; $class = ref $class || $class ; my $self ; { no strict 'refs' ; $self = bless [ \%{"$class\::FIELDS"} ], $class ; } my $plugin_dir = ref $self ; $plugin_dir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ; $plugin_dir =~ s/^VCP:://i ; $plugin_dir =~ s/::/-/g ; $self->work_root( File::Spec->tmpdir, "vcp$$", $plugin_dir ) ; rmtree $self->work_root if -e $self->work_root ; $self->{SEEN} = {} ; return $self ; } ############################################################################### =head1 SUBCLASSING This class uses the fields pragma, so you'll need to use base and possibly fields in any subclasses. =head2 SUBCLASS API These methods are intended to support subclasses. =over =item seen $old_rev = $self->seen( $new_rev ) ; $old_r = $self->seen( $name ) ; Called to register the fact that $new_rev has been seen, and to return the last request for the same resource, which refers to the previous version of the resource. If a plain scalar is passed, simply returns the last rev structure that was seen for that filename (but does not mark that filename as having been seen if it hasn't). This is one of the few accessor methods in VCP's implementation that returns the previous value. =cut sub seen { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $arg ) = @_ ; confess "SEEN not initted: need to call SUPER::new?" unless defined $self->{SEEN} ; if ( ref $arg ) { my VCP::Rev $r = $arg ; my $old_r = $self->{SEEN}->{$r->name} ; $self->{SEEN}->{$r->name} = $arg ; return $old_r ; } else { return exists $self->{SEEN}->{$arg} && $self->{SEEN}->{$arg} ; } } =item none_seen Returns TRUE if $dest->seen( $r ) has not yet been called. =cut sub none_seen { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; ## This can happen if a subclass forgets to init it's base class(es). confess "Oops" unless defined $self->{SEEN} ; return ! %{$self->{SEEN}} ; } =item parse_repo_spec my $spec = $self->split_repo_spec( $spec ) ; This splits a repository spec in one of the following formats: scheme:user:passwd@server:file_spec scheme:user@server:file_spec scheme::passwd@server:file_spec scheme:server:file_spec scheme:file_spec in to a HASH reference like $hash = { SCHEME => 'scheme', USER => 'user', PASSWORD => 'password', SERVER => 'server', FILES => 'file_spec', } ; . The spec is parsed from the edges in in this order: 1. SCHEME (up to first ':') 2. FILES (after last ':') 3. USER, PASSWORD (before first '@') 4. SERVER (everything left. This approach allows the FILES string to contain '@', and the SERVER string to contain ':' and '@'. USER can contain ':'. Funky, but this works well, at least for cvs and p4. If a section of the repo spec is not present, the corresponding entry in $hash will not exist. The attributes repo_user, repo_password and repo_server are set automatically by this method. It does not store the SCHEME anyware since the SCHEME is usually ignored by the plugin (the plugin is selected using the scheme, so it knows the scheme implicitly), and the FILES setting often needs extra manipulation, so there's no point in storing it. =cut sub parse_repo_spec { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $spec ) = @_ ; my $result ; for ( $spec ) { return $result unless s/^([^:]*)(?::|$)// ; $result->{SCHEME} = $1 ; return $result unless s/(?:^|:)([^:]*)$// ; $result->{FILES} = $1 ; if ( s/^([^\@:]*)(?::([^\@:]*))?@// ) { if ( defined $1 ) { $result->{USER} = $1 ; $self->repo_user( $1 ) ; } if ( defined $2 ) { $result->{PASSWORD} = $2 ; $self->repo_password( $2 ) ; } } return $result unless length $spec ; $result->{SERVER} = $spec ; $self->repo_server( $spec ) ; } return $result } =item usage_and_exit GetOptions( ... ) or $self->usage_and_exit ; Used by subclasses to die if unknown options are passed in. Requires Pod::Usage when called. =cut ## TODO: Move to VCP::Plugin sub usage_and_exit { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; require Pod::Usage ; my $f = ref $self ; $f =~ s{::}{/}g ; $f .= '.pm' ; for ( @INC ) { my $af = File::Spec->catfile( $_, $f ) ; if ( -f $af ) { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -input => $af, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 2, ) ; confess ; } } die "can't locate '$f' to print usage.\n" ; } =item work_path $full_path = $self->work_path( $filename, $rev ) ; Returns the full path to the working copy of the local filename. Each VCP::Plugin gets thier own hierarchy to use, usually rooted at a directory named /tmp/vcp/plugin-source-foo/ for a module VCP::Plugin::Source::foo. This is typically $work_root/$filename/$rev, but this may change. $rev is put last instead of first in order to minimize the overhead of creating lots of directories. It *must* be under $work_root in order for rm_work_path() to fully clean. All directories will be created as needed, so you should be able to create the file easily after calling this. This is only called by subclasses, and is optional: a subclass could create it's own caching system. Directories are created mode 0775 (rwxrwxr-x), subject to modification by umask or your local operating system. This will be modifiable in the future. =cut sub work_path { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my $path = File::Spec->canonpath( File::Spec->catfile( $self->work_root, @_ ) ) ; return $path ; } =item mkdir $self->mkdir( $filename ) ; $self->mkdir( $filename, $mode ) ; Makes a directory and any necessary parent directories. The default mode is 770. Does some debug logging if any directories are created. =cut sub mkdir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $path, $mode ) = @_ ; $mode = 0770 unless defined $mode ; unless ( -d $path ) { debug "vcp: mkdir $path, ", sprintf "%04o", $mode if debugging $self ; mkpath( $path, 0, $mode ) ; } } =item mkpdir $self->mkpdir( $filename ) ; $self->mkpdir( $filename, $mode ) ; Makes the parent directory of a filename and all directories down to it. The default mode is 770. Does some debug logging if any directories are created. =cut sub mkpdir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $path, $mode ) = @_ ; my ( undef, $dir ) = fileparse( $path ) ; $self->mkdir( $dir, $mode ) ; } =item rm_work_path $self->rm_work_path( $filename, $rev ) ; $self->rm_work_path( $dirname ) ; Removes a directory or file from the work. Also removes any and all directories that become empty as a result up to the work root (/tmp on Unix). =cut sub rm_work_path { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my $path = $self->work_path( @_ ) ; if ( -e $path ) { debug "vcp: rmtree $path" if debugging $self ; rmtree $path or die "$!: $path" ; } my $root = $self->work_root ; if ( substr( $path, 0, length $root ) eq $root ) { while ( length $path > length $root ) { ( undef, $path ) = fileparse( $path ) ; ## TODO: More discriminating error handling. But the error emitted ## when a directory is not empty may ## differ from platform ## to platform, not sure. last unless rmdir $path ; } } } =item work_root $root = $self->work_root ; $self->work_root( $new_root ) ; $self->work_root( $new_root, $dir1, $dir2, .... ) ; Gets/sets the work root. This defaults to File::Spec->tmpdir . "/revex", but may be altered. If you set it to a relative path, the current working directory is prepended. The returned value is always absolute, and will not change if you chdir(). Depending on the operating system, however, it might not be locked on to the current volume. If not, it's a bug, please patch away. =cut sub work_root { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { if ( defined $_[0] ) { $self->{WORK_ROOT} = File::Spec->catdir( @_ ) ; debug "vcp: work_root set to '",$self->work_root,"'" if debugging $self ; unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $self->{WORK_ROOT} ) ) { require Cwd ; $self->{WORK_ROOT} = File::Spec->catdir( Cwd::cwd, @_ ) ; } } else { $self->{WORK_ROOT} = undef ; } } return $self->{WORK_ROOT} ; } =item command $self->command( 'p4' ) ; $self->command( 'cvs' ) ; $path_to_command = $self->command ; This sets the name of the primary command name that is to be used. A search of the PATH environment variable is then done if the path is relative to see if the command can be found. This method croaks if the command can not be found. This is usually called by new(). Once this is set, the command may be executed by doing something like $self->p4( [qw( counters )], \$out ) or die "Process failed". , which runs a 'p4 counters' and pipes the output in to the \$out variable. See L for details on the additional parameters after the command. =cut sub _cmd_not_found { my ( $cmd, $msg, @path ) = @_ ; croak "'$cmd' $msg", @path ? ", searched in " . join( ", ", map "'$_'", @path ) : () ; } sub command { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { my ( $cmd, @args ) = @_ ; my @path ; unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $cmd ) ) { ## TODO: Port this to other OSs for ( $^O ) { if ( /Win/ ) { @path = split( /;/, $ENV{PATH} ) ; } else { @path = split( /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) ; } } for ( @path ) { my $candidate = File::Spec->catfile( $_, $cmd ) ; if ( -f $candidate && -x $_ ) { $cmd = $candidate ; last ; } } } _cmd_not_found( $cmd, 'not found', @path ) unless -e $cmd ; _cmd_not_found( $cmd, 'is a directory', @path ) if -d _ ; _cmd_not_found( $cmd, 'not a file', @path ) unless -f _ ; _cmd_not_found( $cmd, 'not executable', @path ) unless -x _ ; @{$self->{COMMAND}} = ( $cmd, @args ) ; } return @{$self->{COMMAND}} ; } =item command_chdir Sets/gets the directory to chdir into before running the default command. =cut sub command_chdir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { $self->{COMMAND_CHDIR} = shift ; debug "vcp: command_chdir set to '", $self->command_chdir, "'" if debugging $self ; } return $self->{COMMAND_CHDIR} ; } =item command_stderr_filter $self->command_stderr_filter( qr/^cvs add: use 'cvs commit'.*\n/m ) ; $self->command_stderr_filter( sub { my $t = shift ; $$t =~ ... } ) ; Some commands--cough*cvs*cough--just don't seem to be able to shut up on stderr. This allows you to filter out expected whinging on stderr so that the command appears to run cleanly and doesn't cause $self->cmd(...) to barf when it sees expected output on stderr. This can also be used to filter out intermittent expected errors that aren't errors in all contexts when they aren't actually errors. =cut sub command_stderr_filter { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{COMMAND_STDERR_FILTER} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{COMMAND_STDERR_FILTER} ; } =item repo_user $self->repo_user( $user_name ) ; $user_name = $self->repo_user ; Sets/gets the user name to log in to the repository with. Some plugins ignore this, like revml, while others, like p4, use it. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_user { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_USER} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_USER} ; } =item repo_password $self->repo_password( $password ) ; $password = $self->repo_password ; Sets/gets the password to log in to the repository with. Some plugins ignore this, like revml, while others, like p4, use it. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_password { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_PASSWORD} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_PASSWORD} ; } =item repo_server $self->repo_server( $server ) ; $server = $self->repo_server ; Sets/gets the repository to log in to. Some plugins ignore this, like revml, while others, like p4, use it. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_server { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_SERVER} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_SERVER} ; } =item rev_root $self->rev_root( 'depot' ) ; $rr = $self->rev_root ; The rev_root is the root of the tree being sourced. See L for automated extraction. Root values should have neither a leading or trailing directory separator. '/' and '\' are recognized as directory separators and runs of these are converted to single '/' characters. Leading and trailing '/' characters are then removed. =cut sub _slash_hack { for ( my $spec = shift ) { s{[/\\]+}{/}g ; s{^/}{}g ; s{/\Z}{}g ; return $_ ; } } sub rev_root { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { $self->{REV_ROOT} = &_slash_hack ; debug "vcp: rev_root set to '$self->{REV_ROOT}'" if debugging $self ; } return $self->{REV_ROOT} ; } =item deduce_rev_root $self->deduce_rev_root ; print $self->rev_root ; If the user did not specify a rev_root, passing the filespec to this will do it. '/' and '\' are recognized as directory separators, and '*', '?', and '...' as wildcard sequences. Runs of '/' and '\' characters are reduced to single '/' characters. If no wildcards are used in the filespec, then the dirname is used. If there is only a single name component, it is assumed to be a directory name. =cut sub deduce_rev_root { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $spec ) = &_slash_hack ; my @dirs ; my $wildcard_found ; for ( split( /\//, $spec ) ) { if ( /[*?]|\.\.\./ ) { $wildcard_found = 1 ; last ; } push @dirs, $_ ; } my $dirs = $wildcard_found || @dirs < 2 ? $#dirs : $#dirs - 1 ; $self->rev_root( join( '/', @dirs[0..$dirs] ) ) ; } =item normalize_name $fn = $self->normalize_name( $fn ) ; Normalizes the filename by converting runs of '\' and '/' to '/', removing leading '/' characters, and removing a leading rev_root. Dies if the name does not begin with rev_root. =cut sub normalize_name { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $spec ) = &_slash_hack ; my $rr = $self->rev_root ; return $spec unless length $rr ; confess "'$spec' does not begin with rev_root '$rr'" unless substr( $spec, 0, length $rr ) eq $rr ; return substr( $spec, length( $rr ) + 1 ) ; } =item denormalize_name $fn = $self->denormalize_name( $fn ) ; Denormalizes the filename by prepending the rev_root. May do more in subclass overloads. For instance, does not prepend a '//' by default for instance, but p4 overloads do that. =cut sub denormalize_name { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; return join( '/', $self->rev_root, shift ) ; } =item run $self->run( [@cmd_and_args], \$stdout, \$stderr ) ; A wrapper around L, which integrates debuggins support and disables stdin by default. =cut sub run { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my $cmd_line = shift ; debug "vcp: running ", join( ' ', @$cmd_line ) if debugging $self ; return IPC::Run::run( $cmd_line, \undef, @_ ) ; } use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ) ; ## AUTOLOADed methods are a touch slower than normal perl methods, but you're ## about to fork, so it doesn't matter. sub AUTOLOAD { my ( $package, $fun ) = $AUTOLOAD =~ m/(.*)::(.*)/g ; my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; confess "Can only autoload $package member functions" unless isa( $self, __PACKAGE__ ) ; my $args = shift ; confess "Can't AUTOLOAD '$AUTOLOAD' until a command is defined" unless defined $self->command ; my $cmd = basename( $self->command ) ; confess "Can only AUTOLOAD '$cmd', not '$fun'" unless $fun eq $cmd ; ## Prefix succinct mode args with '>', etc. my $childs_stderr = '' ; my @redirs ; my $fd = 1 ; while ( @_ ) { last unless ref $_[0] ; push @redirs, "$fd>", shift ; ++$fd ; } push @redirs, @_ ; ## Put it on the beginning so that later redirects specified by the client ## can override our redirect. This is necessary in case the client does ## a '2>&1' or some other subtle thing. unshift @redirs, '2>', \$childs_stderr unless grep $_ eq '2>', @redirs ; unshift @redirs, '<', \undef unless grep $_ eq '<', @redirs ; debug "vcp: running ", join( ' ', $self->command, @$args ) if debugging $self ; my $h = IPC::Run::harness( [ $self->command, @$args ], @redirs, defined $self->{COMMAND_CHDIR} ? ( init => sub { chdir $self->{COMMAND_CHDIR} } ) : (), ) ; $h->run ; my @errors ; if ( length $childs_stderr ) { if ( debugging $self ) { my $t = $childs_stderr ; my $cmdname = basename( $self->command ) ; $t =~ s/^/$cmdname: /gm ; debug $t ; } my $f = $self->command_stderr_filter ; if ( ref $f eq 'Regexp' ) { $childs_stderr =~ s/$f//mg ; } elsif ( ref $f eq 'CODE' ) { $f->( \$childs_stderr ) ; } if ( length $childs_stderr ) { my $cmdname = basename( $self->command ) ; $childs_stderr =~ s/^/$cmdname: /gm ; $childs_stderr .= "\n" unless substr( $childs_stderr, -1 ) eq "\n" ; push ( @errors, "vcp: unexpected stdout from '$cmdname':\n", $childs_stderr, ) ; } } ## In checking the result code, we assume the first on is the important ## one. This is done because a few callers pipe the first child's output ## in to a perl sub that then does a kill 9,$$ to effectively exit without ## calling DESTROY. ## TODO: Look at all of the result codes if we can get rid of kill 9, $$. push( @errors, "vcp: ", join( ' ', $self->command, @$args ), " returned ", $h->full_result( 0 ), "\n" ) if $h->full_result( 0 ) ; die join( '', @errors ) if @errors ; Carp::cluck "Result of `", join( ' ', $self->command, @$args ), "` checked" if defined wantarray ; return ! $h->result( 0 ) ; } ## Don't try to AUTOLOAD DESTROY. Oh wait, I need to do some cleanup ## here anyway. Cool. sub DESTROY { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( defined $self->work_root ) { local $@ ; eval { $self->rm_work_path() ; } ; warn "Unable to remove work directory '", $self->work_root, "'\n" if -d $self->work_root ; } } =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This will be licensed under a suitable license at a future date. Until then, you may only use this for evaluation purposes. Besides which, it's in an early alpha state, so you shouldn't depend on it anyway. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker =cut 1