]> Launch a p4d for the destination If you would like to insert into an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a 'p4d' daemon for you in that directory. It will use a random high numbered TCP port. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->dest->{P4_RUN_P4D} ? "yes" : "no" ; $is_current_value = 1; } else { $default = "no"; } p4 $ui->new_dest( $answer ); yes my $old = $ui->dest->{P4_RUN_P4D} ? 1 : 0; $answer = 1; $ui->dest->repo_server( undef ) if $ui->in_edit_mode and $old != $answer; $ui->dest->{P4_RUN_P4D} = $answer; no my $old = $ui->dest->{P4_RUN_P4D} ? 1 : 0; $answer = 0 ; $ui->dest->repo_server( undef ) if $ui->in_edit_mode and $old != $answer; $ui->dest->{P4_RUN_P4D} = $answer; Destination P4ROOT The directory of the destination repository, p4d will be launched here. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->dest->repo_server ; $is_current_value = 1; } # will set repo_server $ui->dest->ui_set_p4d_dir( $answer ); Destination P4PORT Specify the hostname/IP address and TCP port of the destination Perforce server (p4d). The default value is the current P4PORT environment variable as reported by 'p4 set', or "perforce:1666" if P4PORT is unset. my $h = $ui->dest->p4_get_settings; if ($ui->in_edit_mode) { $default = $ui->dest->repo_server ; $is_current_value = 1; } else { $default = empty ( $h->{P4HOST} ) ? "perforce:1666" : $h->{P4HOST} ; } perforce:1666 $ui->dest->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; Destination P4USER Specify the username with which to connect to the destination Perforce server (p4d). If you are connecting to an existing Perforce server (p4d), you must specify a P4USER with administrative or superuser privileges. If you are launching a new p4d for the destination repository, you may specify any name for P4USER, and this user will be created for you on the destination repository. The default value is the current P4USER environment variable as reported by 'p4 set', or the current USER variable if P4USER is unset. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->dest->repo_user; $is_current_value = 1; } else { my $h = $ui->dest->p4_get_settings; $default = empty ( $h->{P4USER} ) ? ( empty $ENV{USER} ? undef : $ENV{USER}) : $h->{P4USER} ; } $ui->dest->repo_user( $answer ) unless empty $answer; Destination P4PASSWD Specify the password with which to connect to the destination Perforce server (p4d). If you are connecting to an existing Perforce server (p4d), you must specify the correct password for the P4USER you are using to connect to the server. (If the P4USER you are using has no password, enter any non-null P4PASSWD.) If you are launching a new p4d for the destination repository, enter any non-null password here.) WARNING: Entering a password here causes the password to be echoed in plain text to the terminal. if ($ui->in_edit_mode ) { unless ( empty $ui->dest->repo_password ) { $default = "** current password **"; $is_current_value = 1; } } else { my $h = $ui->dest->p4_get_settings; $default = "** current P4PASSWD **" unless empty $h->{P4PASSWD} ; } if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $answer = $ui->dest->repo_password if $answer eq "** current password **"; } else { my $h = $ui->dest->p4_get_settings ; $answer = $h->{P4PASSWD} if $answer eq "** current P4PASSWD **"; } $ui->dest->repo_password( $answer ) unless empty $answer; Destination File Specification For Perforce destination servers, specify the path in Perforce depot syntax. Paths in Perforce depot syntax begin with "//", and are followed by a depot name (by default, "depot"). Do not use local filesystem specifications, client specifications, or label specifications. Specify the location on the destination server to place the converted file revisions. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->dest->repo_filespec; $is_current_value = 1; } //depot/directory-path/... $ui->dest->repo_filespec( $answer );