]> Source CVSROOT The CVSROOT to read revisions from. Defaults to the CVSROOT environment variable. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->source->repo_server; $is_current_value = 1; } else { $default = empty( $ENV{CVSROOT} ) ? undef : $ENV{CVSROOT}; } CVS $ui->new_source( $answer ); cvsroot spec $ui->source->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; Source CVS filespec Enter the cvs filespec of the file(s) to copy. This must start with a CVS module name and end in a filename, directory name, or "..." wildcard: module/... module/file module/path/to/subdir/... module/path/to/subdir/file if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->source->repo_filespec; $is_current_value = 1; } module/filepath/... $ui->source->repo_filespec( $answer ); Source CVS working directory Enter the CVS working directory (Optional). VCP::Source::cvs will cd to this directory before calling cvs and won't initialize a CVS workspace of its own. Leave blank to allow VCP to use a temporary directory. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->source->{CVS_WORK_DIR} ; $is_current_value = 1; } $ui->source->ui_set_cvs_work_dir( $answer ) unless empty $answer; Force binary checkout Pass the -kb option to cvs, to force a binary checkout. This is useful when you want a text file to be checked out with Unix linends, or if you know that some files in the repository are not flagged as binary files and should be. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->source->{CVS_K_OPTION} =~ /b/ ? "yes" : "no" ; $is_current_value = 1; } else { $default = "no"; } yes $ui->source->{CVS_K_OPTION} = "b"; no Use cvs executable This forces VCP to use the cvs executable rather than read local CVSROOT directories directly. This is slower, but may be used to work around any limitations that might crop up in VCP's RCS file parser. if ( $ui->in_edit_mode ) { $default = $ui->source->{CVS_USE_CVS} ? "yes" : "no" ; $is_current_value = 1; } else { $default = "no"; } yes $ui->source->{CVS_USE_CVS} = 1; no $ui->source->{CVS_USE_CVS} = 0;