Initialize the machine
Source id
A symbolic name for the source repository. This is used to
organize the VCP databases and to refer to the source
repository in other places.
Must consist of a leading letter then letters, numbers,
underscores and dashes only.
source_repo_id && $ui->source_repo_id;
$is_current_value = $ui->{EditMode} = 1 unless empty $default;
## Set the UI's source_repo_id. This will write-through to
## the underlying source if it's been loaded already,
## otherwise the call to new_source() will do the write-through
## when it is loaded later.
$ui->source_repo_id( $answer )
unless ! empty $ui->source_repo_id and empty $answer;
Source type
The kind of repository to copy data from.
source && $ui->source->repo_scheme;
$is_current_value = $ui->{EditMode} = 1 unless empty $default;
Destination id
A symbolic name for the destination repository. This is used to
organize the VCP databases and to refer to the destination
repository in other places.
Must consist of a leading letter then letters, numbers,
underscores and dashes only.
dest_repo_id && $ui->dest_repo_id;
$is_current_value = $ui->{EditMode} = 1 unless empty $default;
## Set the UI's dest_repo_id. This will write-through to
## the underlying destination if it's been loaded already,
## otherwise the call to new_dest() will do the write-through
## when it is loaded later.
$ui->dest_repo_id( $answer )
unless ! empty $ui->dest_repo_id and empty $answer;
Destination SCM type
The kind of repository to copy data to.
dest && $ui->dest->repo_scheme;
$is_current_value = $ui->{EditMode} = 1 unless empty $default;
Next step
What to do with all of the entered options.
$default = "Save config file and run";
Save config file and run
$ui->{Run} = 1;
Save config file and exit
Config file name
What filename to write the configuration file to.
if ( ! empty $ui->{Filename} ) {
$default = $ui->{Filename};
$is_current_value = 1;
else {
$default = $ui->source->repo_id . "_to_" . $ui->dest->repo_id . ".vcp";
Config filename
$ui->{SaveAsConfigFileName} = $answer;
if ( -e $answer ) {
die "Warning: '$answer' exists but is a directory!\n"
if -d $answer;
die "Warning: '$answer' exists but is not a regular file!\n"
unless -f $answer;
die "Warning: '$answer' exists but is not writable!\n"
unless -w $answer;
die "Warning: '$answer' already exists!\n";
Run VCP with the options entered