#!/usr/bin/env python # ============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ This script is normally called by another script, such as archivelabels.py However, if run standalone, it will generate 4 files with a list of specs that should be archived based on the number of weeks in maintenance.cfg The file generated are: branches.txt clients.txt labels.txt users.txt """ # Python 2.7/3.3 compatibility. from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys import time import sdputils if len(sys.argv) > 1: SDP_INSTANCE = str(sys.argv[1]) else: SDP_INSTANCE = '1' utils = sdputils.SDPUtils(SDP_INSTANCE) config = utils.config p4 = utils.p4 utils.login() def log(msglevel="DEBUG", message=""): if msglevel == "ERROR": print(message) sys.exit(1) else: print(message) def createlist(command, match_command, weeks): now = int(time.time()) totalseconds = weeks * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 cutoff = now - totalseconds command_pattern = re.compile("^\.\.\. %s (.*)" % (match_command), re.IGNORECASE) access_pattern = re.compile("^\.\.\. Access (.*)", re.IGNORECASE) os.system("%s -Ztag %s > ztag.txt" % (p4, command)) ztagfile = open("ztag.txt", "r") specs = [] try: line = ztagfile.readline() while line: match = command_pattern.match(line) if match != None: specname = match.group(1) match = access_pattern.match(line) if match != None: access = match.group(1) specs.append("%s,%s" % (access, specname)) line = ztagfile.readline() except: log("ERROR", "Non unicode character in ztag.txt") ztagfile.close() specs.sort() finalfile = open("%s.txt" % (command), "w") for line in specs: splitline = line.split(",") if cutoff > int(splitline[0]): finalfile.write(splitline[1] + "\n") finalfile.close() os.remove("ztag.txt") def main(): # The final generated file {client,label,user}dates.txt will output a list of # {client,label,user}s that have not been accessed in the specified number of # weeks. Change the second parameter below if you want a different number # of weeks. createlist("branches", "branch", config.weeks) createlist("clients", "client", config.weeks) createlist("labels", "label", config.weeks) createlist("users", "user", config.weeks) ############################################################################### # main if __name__ == "__main__": main()