#!/usr/bin/env python # ============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USAGE = """ This script will look for the specified users in all groups and remove them. Usage: removeuserfromgroups.py [instance] USER removeuserfromgroups.py [instance] FILE USER can be a single username or, it can be a FILE with a list of users. instance defaults to 1 if not given. """ import os import re import sys import sdputils if len(sys.argv) > 2: # see params above SDP_INSTANCE = str(sys.argv[1]) else: SDP_INSTANCE = '1' utils = sdputils.SDPUtils(SDP_INSTANCE) config = utils.config p4 = utils.p4 utils.login() def removeuserfromfile(groupfile, username): infile = open(groupfile, "r") outfile = open(groupfile + ".new", "w") for line in infile.readlines(): if username.lower() != (line.strip()).lower(): outfile.write(line) infile.close() outfile.close() os.remove(groupfile) newgroupfile = groupfile + ".new" os.rename(newgroupfile, groupfile) def removeuser(username): usersgroups = [] for line in os.popen("%s groups %s" % (p4, username)): line = line.strip() print("Removing %s from %s" % (username, line)) groupname = re.sub("/", "_", line) groupfile = "%s.group" % groupname if not os.path.exists(groupfile): os.system("%s group -o %s > %s" % (p4, line, + groupfile)) usersgroups.append(line) if line not in groups: groups.append(line.strip()) for group in usersgroups: groupname = re.sub("/", "_", group) groupfile = "%s.group" % groupname removeuserfromfile(groupfile, username) def savegroups(): print("Saving groups on server") for group in groups: groupname = re.sub("/", "_", group) groupfile = "%s.group" % groupname os.system("%s group -i < %s" % (p4, groupfile)) def cleanup(): print("Cleaning temp files") for group in groups: try: groupname = re.sub("/", "_", group) groupfile = "%s.group" % groupname os.remove(groupfile) except: print("Failed to delete %s." % groupfile) def automain(userlist): global initialized initialized = 0 global groups groups = [] for user in userlist: removeuser(user) savegroups() cleanup() def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(USAGE) sys.exit(1) # Handle the optional instance parameter shift if len(sys.argv) > 2: userorfile = (sys.argv[2]) else: userorfile = (sys.argv[1]) global initialized initialized = 0 global groups groups = [] try: userlistfile = open(userorfile, "r") for line in userlistfile.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line: removeuser(line) userlistfile.close() except: print("No file %s available, assuming it is the actual user name." % userorfile) removeuser(userorfile.strip()) savegroups() cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': main()