#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- '''p4review2.py This is a complete rewrite of the original Perforce review daemon (and requires python3). USAGE -------- 1. Run p4review2.py --sample-config > p4review.conf 2. Edit the file p4review.conf 3. Add a crontab similar to this: * * * * * python3 /path/to/p4review2.py -c /path/to/p4review.conf FEATURES --------- * (!!) Prevent multiple copies running concurrently with a simple lock file. * Logging support built-in. * Takes command-line options. * Configurable subject and email templates. * Can (optionally) include URLs for changelists/jobs. Examples for P4Web included. * Use P4Python when available and use P4 (the CLI) as a fallback. * Option to send a __single__ email per user per invocation instead of multiple ones. * Reads config from a INI-like file using ConfigParser * Have command line options that overrides environment variables. * Handles unicode-enabled server **and** non-ASCII characters on a non-unicode-enabled server. * Option to opt-in (--opt-in-path) reviews globally (for migration from old review daemon). * Configurable URLs for changes/jobs/users (for swarm). * Able to limit the maximum email message size with a configurable. * SMTP auth and TLS (not SSL) support. * Handles P4 auth (optional, not recommended!). Nice to haves (TODOs) ----------------------- * Respect protection table (for older P4D versions). See: http://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/guest/lester_cheung/p4review/p4review.py for a previous attempt. * Supports hooks from the changelist description to notify additional users/email. * Skip review email for change authors [done] and job modifiers [todo]. The later is not recorded in the job spec by default so it must be a configruable... * Also skip email notification for service/operator users. * Run as a standalone daemon (UNIX [done] and Windows). See this recipe for an implementation on Windows: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576451-how-to-create-a-windows-service-in-python/ DISCLAIMER ----------- User contributed content on the Perforce Public Depot is not supported by Perforce, although it may be supported by its author. This applies to all contributions even those submitted by Perforce employees. If you have any comments or need any help with the content of this particular folder, please contact https://twitter.com/p4lester ''' import configparser import argparse import atexit import email import hashlib import html import logging as log import marshal import os import sys import re import shlex import smtplib import sqlite3 import tempfile import time import traceback from pickle import loads, dumps from datetime import datetime, timedelta from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from getpass import getuser # works under UNIX & Windows! from pprint import pformat from signal import SIGTERM from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output from textwrap import TextWrapper # FIXME: DEBUG LEVELS (make it a configurable?) # 0 NOTSET # 10 DEBUG # 20 INFO # 30 WARN, WARNING # 40 ERROR # 50 CRITICAL, FATAL DEBUGLVL = log.DEBUG CFG_SECTION_NAME = 'p4review' # Instead of changing these, store your preferences in a config file. # See the --sample-config option. DEFAULTS = dict( # General log_file = '', # optional, but recommended pid_file = os.path.join(os.path.realpath('.'), 'p4review2.pid'), dbfile = ':memory:', # an (temporary) SQLite db used to # store review info from Perforce opt_in_path = '', daemon = '', poll_interval = 300, # Perforce p4bin = '/p4/common/bin/p4', p4port = os.environ.get('P4PORT', '1666'), p4user = os.environ.get('P4USER', getuser()), p4charset = 'utf8', # as P4CHARSET and to handle non-unicode server with non-ascii chars... p4passwd = '', # completely optional, best to setup ticket-based auth instead. review_counter = 'review', # Perforce counter name used to keep track of last changelist notified. job_counter = '', # like review_counter but for jobs. Disabled by default. Set to 'jobreview' to enable. job_datefield = 'Date', spec_depot = 'spec', timeoffset = 0.0, # in hours ignored_users = ['git-fusion-reviews-*'], # Email smtp_server = 'smtp:25', smtp_ssl = 'none/ssl/tls', smtp_user = '', # optional smtp_passwd = '', # optional summary_email = False, skip_author = True, max_email_size = 1024**2, # up to ~30MB for exchange servers max_emails = 99, # start small - people can choose to increase this max_length = 2**12, default_sender = 'Perforce Review Daemon ', # Now we can claim to be a daemon! without guilt! default_domain = 'example.org', change_url = 'http://p4web:1680/{chgno}?ac=10', job_url = 'http://p4web:1680/{jobno}?ac=111', user_url = 'http://p4web:1680/{p4user}?ac=17', subject_template = u'[{p4port} @{chgno}] {desc}', change_template = u'''Change {chgno} by {p4user}@{p4client} on {dt} {change_url} {user_url} {cldesc} . Jobs updated: {jobsupdated} . Affected files: {clfiles} ''', html_change_template = u'''
Change {chgno} by {p4user}@{p4client} on {dt}

Jobs updated:
Affected files:
''', html_files_template = u'''
  • ''' u'''''' u'''{dfile}#{drev} {action}
  • ''', job_template = u'''{job_url} {jobdesc} ''', html_job_template = u''' {Job}
    ''', ) def true_or_false(x): if x in 'FALSE OFF DISABLED DISABLE 0'.split(): return False return True def parse_args(): import copy defaults = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULTS) confp = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=False # Turn off help, so -h works with the 2nd parser below ) confp.add_argument('-c', '--config-file') args0, remaining_argv = confp.parse_known_args() if args0.config_file: cfgp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) cfgp.read([args0.config_file]) cfg = dict([[str(y) for y in x] for x in cfgp.items(CFG_SECTION_NAME)]) # now this is annoying - have to convert int(?) and bool types manually... for key in 'sample_config summary_email debug_email precached skip_author'.split(): cfg[key] = true_or_false(cfg.get(key)) for key in 'max_length max_emails max_email_size poll_interval'.split(): if key in cfg: cfg[key] = int(cfg.get(key)) # NOTE: float values cannot be used in list slicing notations! # Convert the string value back into an array cfg['ignored_users'] = map(lambda x: x.strip(), cfg['ignored_users'].split(',')) for k in defaults: if k in cfg: defaults[k] = cfg.get(k) # Allow admins to disable change/job review in the configuration file by setting the strings below if defaults.get('review_counter', '').upper() in ('FALSE', '0', 'NONE', 'DISABLED', 'DISABLE', 'OFF'): defaults['review_counter'] = None if defaults.get('job_counter', '').upper() in ('FALSE', '0', 'NONE', 'DISABLED', 'DISABLE', 'OFF'): defaults['job_counter'] = None ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Perforce review daemon, take 2.', parents=[confp], # inherit options epilog='''Please send questions and comments to support-helix-core@perforce.com. Share and enjoy!''') ap.set_defaults(**defaults) ap.add_argument('--sample-config', action='store_true', default=False, help='output sample config with defaults') ap.add_argument('-L', '--log-file', help='log file (optional)') ap.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help='continue even lock or output files exists') ap.add_argument('--daemon', help='start/stop/restart') ap.add_argument('--pid-file', help='stores the pid of the running p4review2 process') ap.add_argument('--daemon-poll-delay', type=float, help='seconds between each poll') debug = ap.add_argument_group('debug') debug.add_argument('-D', '--dbfile', metavar=defaults.get('dbfile'), help='name of a temp SQLite3 DB file') debug.add_argument('--precached', action='store_true', default=False, help='data already in dbfile, not fetching from Perforce') p4 = ap.add_argument_group('perforce') p4.add_argument('-p', '--p4port', type=str, metavar=defaults.get('p4port'), help='Perforce port') p4.add_argument('-u', '--p4user', type=str, metavar=defaults.get('p4user'), help='Perforce review user') p4.add_argument('-r', '--review-counter', metavar=defaults.get('review_counter'), help='name of review counter') p4.add_argument('-j', '--job-counter', metavar=defaults.get('job_counter'), help='name of job counter') p4.add_argument('-J', '--job-datefield', metavar=defaults.get('job_datefield'), help='''A job field used to determine which jobs users are notified of changes to. This field needs to appear in your jobspec as a "date" field with persistence "always". See "p4 help jobspec" for more information.''') p4.add_argument('-s', '--spec-depot', metavar=defaults.get('spec_depot'), help="name of spec depot") p4.add_argument('-O', '--timeoffset', type=float, help='time offset (in hours) between Perforce server and server running this script') p4.add_argument('-C', '--p4charset', metavar=defaults.get('p4charset'), help='used to handle non-unicode server with non-ascii chars') p4.add_argument('-o', '--opt-in-path', # metavar=defaults.get('opt_in_path'), help='''depot path to include in the "Review" field of user spec to opt-in review emails''') p4.add_argument('-i', '--ignored-users', action='append', help='never send any email notification to the following users') m = ap.add_argument_group('email') m.add_argument('--smtp', metavar=defaults.get('smtp_server'), help='SMTP server in host:port format. See smtp_ssl in config for SSL options.') m.add_argument('-S', '--default-sender', metavar=defaults.get('default_sender'), help='default sender email') m.add_argument('-d', '--default-domain', metavar=defaults.get('default_domain'), help='default domain to qualify email address without domain') m.add_argument('-1', '--summary-email', action='store_true', default=False, help='send one email per user') m.add_argument('--skip-author', type=true_or_false, metavar=defaults.get('skip_author'), help='whether to send email to changelist author') m.add_argument('-l', '--max-length', type=int, metavar=defaults.get('max_length'), help='limit length of data in different places') m.add_argument('-m', '--max-emails', type=int, metavar=defaults.get('max_emails'), help='maximum number of emails to be sent') m.add_argument('-M', '--max-email-size', type=int, metavar=defaults.get('max_email_size'), help='maximum size of email messages (in bytes)') m.add_argument('-P', '--debug-email', action='store_true', default=False, help='print, instead of sending email') m.add_argument('--change-url', metavar=defaults.get('change_url'), help='URL template to a change') m.add_argument('--job-url', metavar=defaults.get('job_url'), help='URL template to a job') m.add_argument('--user-url', metavar=defaults.get('user_url'), help='URL template to a user') m.add_argument('--subject-template', metavar="'{}'".format(defaults.get('subject_template')), help='customize subject line in one-email-per-change-mode') args = ap.parse_args(remaining_argv) if 'cfgp' in locals().keys(): # we have a config parser defined, meaning we are reading from a config file args.config_file = args0.config_file if set(DEFAULTS.keys()) != set(cfgp.options(CFG_SECTION_NAME)) and not args.sample_config: log.fatal('There are changes in the configuration, please run "{} --sample-config -c " to generate a new one!'.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) args.smtp_ssl = args.smtp_ssl.upper() return args class P4CLI(object): '''Poor mans's implementation of P4Python using P4 CLI... just enough to support p4review2.py. ''' charset = None # P4CHARSET encoding = 'utf8' # default encoding input = None # command input array_key_regex = re.compile(r'^(\D*)(\d*)$') # depotFile0, depotFile1... tempfiles = [] def __init__(self): self.user = self.env('P4USER') self.port = self.env('P4PORT') self.client = self.env('P4CLIENT') if self.env('P4CHARSET') == 'none': self.charset = None # you *can* have "P4CHARSET=none" in your config... def __repr__(self): return ''.format(u=self.user, c=self.client, p=self.port) def __del__(self): '''cleanup ''' for f in self.tempfiles: os.unlink(f) def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('run'): p4cmd = None if name.startswith('run_'): p4cmd = name[4:] def p4runproxy(*args): # stubs for run_*() functions cmd = self.p4pipe if p4cmd: # command is in the argument for calls to run() cmd += [p4cmd] if isinstance(args, tuple) or isinstance(args, list): for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, list): cmd.extend(arg) else: cmd.append(arg) else: cmd += [args] cmd = list(map(str, cmd)) if self.input: tmpfd, tmpfname = tempfile.mkstemp() self.tempfiles.append(tmpfname) fd = open(tmpfname, 'rb+') marshal.dump(self.input, fd, 0) fd.seek(0) p = Popen(cmd, stdin=fd, stdout=PIPE) else: p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE) rv = [] while 1: try: rv.append(marshal.load(p.stdout)) except EOFError: break except Exception: log.error('Unknown error while demarshaling data from server.') log.error(' '.join(cmd)) break p.stdout.close() # log.debug(pformat(rv)) # raw data b4 decoding self.input = None # clear any inputs after each p4 command rv2 = [] # actual array that we will return # magic to turn 'fieldNNN' into an array with key 'field' for r in rv: # rv is a list if dictionaries r2 = {} for key in r: decoded_key = key if isinstance(decoded_key, bytes): decoded_key = decoded_key.decode(self.encoding) val = r[key] if isinstance(val, bytes): val = val.decode(self.charset or self.encoding or 'utf8') regexmatch = self.array_key_regex.match(decoded_key) if not regexmatch: # re.match may return None continue k, num = regexmatch.groups() if num: # key in 'filedNNN' form. v = r2.get(k, []) if isinstance(v, str): v = [v] v.append(val) r2[k] = v else: r2[k] = val rv2.append(r2) # log.debug(pformat(rv2)) # data after decoding return rv2 return p4runproxy elif name in 'connect disconnect'.split(): return self.noop elif name in 'p4pipe'.split(): cmd = [self.p4bin] + \ shlex.split('-G -p "' + self.port + '" -u ' + self.user + ' -c ' + self.client) if self.charset: cmd += ['-C', self.charset] return cmd else: raise AttributeError("'P4CLI' object has no attribute '{}'".format(name)) def identify(self): return 'P4CLI, using ' + self.p4bin def connected(self): return True def run_login(self, *args): cmd = self.p4pipe + ['login'] if '-s' in args: cmd += ['-s'] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE) out = proc.communicate()[0] if marshal.loads(out).get('code') == 'error': raise Exception('P4CLI exception - not logged in.') else: proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) out = proc.communicate(input=self.password)[0] out = '\n'.join(out.splitlines()[1:]) # Skip the password prompt... return [marshal.loads(out)] def env(self, key): rv = check_output([self.p4bin, 'set', key]).decode('utf8') rv = rv.split(' (config)')[0] rv = rv.split(' (set)')[0] rv = rv.split('=', 1) # don't use the keyword "maxsplit" as it will bring in Python2 if len(rv) != 2: rv = None else: rv = rv[1] if not rv: if key == 'P4USER': from getpass import getuser rv = getuser() elif key == 'P4CLIENT': from socket import gethostname rv = gethostname() elif key == 'P4PORT': rv = 'perforce:1666' return rv def noop(*args, **kws): pass # stub - it's a class method which returns None. def run_plaintext(self, *args): '''Run P4 commands normally and return the outputs in plaintext''' cmd = shlex.split('''{bin} -p "{p4port}" -u {p4user} -c {p4client}'''.format( bin=self.p4bin, p4port=self.port, p4user=self.user, p4client=self.client)) + list(args) rv = check_output(cmd) if isinstance(rv, bytes): rv = rv.decode(self.charset or self.encoding or 'utf8') return rv class UnixDaemon(object): """ A generic daemon class. Usage: subclass the Daemon class and override the run() method Source: http://www.jejik.com/files/examples/daemon.py Reference: http://www.jejik.com/articles/2007/02/a_simple_unix_linux_daemon_in_python/ """ def __init__(self, pidfile, stdin='/dev/null', stdout='/dev/null', stderr='/dev/null'): self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.pidfile = pidfile def daemonize(self): """ Do the UNIX double-fork magic, see Stevens' "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" for details (ISBN 0201563177) http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_2.html#SEC16 """ try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit first parent # sys.stderr.write('forked %d.\n' % pid) sys.exit(0) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # decouple from parent environment os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) # do second fork try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit from second parent sys.exit(0) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # redirect standard file descriptors sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() si = open(self.stdin, 'r') so = open(self.stdout, 'a+') se = open(self.stderr, 'a+', 0) os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) # write pidfile atexit.register(self.delpid) pid = str(os.getpid()) with open(self.pidfile, 'w+') as f: f.write("%s\n" % pid) def delpid(self): os.remove(self.pidfile) def start(self): """ Start the daemon """ # Check for a pidfile to see if the daemon already runs try: pf = open(self.pidfile, 'r') pid = int(pf.read().strip()) pf.close() except IOError: pid = None if pid: message = "pidfile %s already exist. Daemon already running?\n" sys.stderr.write(message % self.pidfile) sys.exit(1) # Start the daemon self.daemonize() self.run() def stop(self): """ Stop the daemon """ # Get the pid from the pidfile try: pf = open(self.pidfile, 'r') pid = int(pf.read().strip()) pf.close() except IOError: pid = None if not pid: message = "pidfile %s does not exist. Daemon not running?\n" sys.stderr.write(message % self.pidfile) return # not an error in a restart # Try killing the daemon process try: while 1: os.kill(pid, SIGTERM) time.sleep(0.1) except OSError as err: err = str(err) if err.find("No such process") > 0: if os.path.exists(self.pidfile): os.remove(self.pidfile) else: print(str(err)) sys.exit(1) def restart(self): """ Restart the daemon """ self.stop() self.start() def run(self): """ You should override this method when you subclass Daemon. It will be called after the process has been daemonized by start() or restart(). """ pass class P4ReviewDaemon(UnixDaemon): def __init__(self, cfg, stdin='/dev/null', stdout='/dev/null', stderr='/dev/null'): super(P4ReviewDaemon, self).__init__(cfg.pid_file, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) def run(self): '''Run P4Review in a loop with a delay''' while 1: p4review = P4Review(cfg) p4review.run() time.sleep(cfg.poll_interval) class P4Review(object): # textwrapper - indented with 1 tab txtwrpr_indented = TextWrapper(initial_indent='\n\t', subsequent_indent='\t') sqlsep = '___' # separator used in sql group_concat() function dtfmt = '%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M:%S' # for jobreview counter html_templ = u'''{body}''' subscribed = {} # keyed by user, whether the user opts-in for review emails mail_sent = 0 # keep track of number of mails sent def __init__(self, cfg): if cfg.daemon: if os.path.exists(cfg.pid_file): pid = None try: pid = int(open(cfg.pid_file).read().strip()) except Exception: log.error('{} exists but does not contain a valid pid. Bailing...'.format(cfg.pid_file)) sys.exit(1) if pid != os.getpid(): log.error('Another p4review2 process (pid {}) is running! Bailing...'.format(pid)) sys.exit(1) else: # one-shot-mode if cfg.force and os.path.exists(cfg.pid_file): log.info('Removing {} on request (-f)'.format(cfg.pid_file)) os.unlink(cfg.pid_file) if cfg.force and not cfg.precached and os.path.exists(cfg.dbfile): log.info('Removing {} on request (-f)'.format(cfg.dbfile)) os.unlink(cfg.dbfile) if os.path.exists(cfg.pid_file): log.error('Lock file ({}) exists! Bailing...'.format(cfg.pid_file)) sys.exit(1) with open(cfg.pid_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write('{}\n'.format(os.getpid())) self.cfg = cfg self.default_name, self.default_email = email.utils.parseaddr(cfg.default_sender) p4 = P4() p4.prog = 'P4Review2' p4.port = cfg.p4port p4.user = cfg.p4user p4.connect() logged_in = False try: p4.run_login('-s') logged_in = True except Exception: pass log.debug('logged in: ' + str(logged_in)) if not logged_in and cfg.p4passwd: p4.password = str(cfg.p4passwd) p4.run_login() if p4.run_info()[0].get('unicode') == 'enabled': p4.charset = str(self.cfg.p4charset) self.p4 = p4 # keep a reference for future use db = sqlite3.connect(cfg.dbfile, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) sqlite3.register_converter('spec', self.convert_spec) self.db = db if not cfg.precached: sqls = ''' CREATE TABLE chg (chgno INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, pickle spec); CREATE TABLE job (job PRIMARY KEY, pickle spec); CREATE TABLE usr (usr PRIMARY KEY, name, email); CREATE TABLE rvw (chgno INTEGER, usr, UNIQUE(chgno, usr)); CREATE TABLE jbrvw (job, usr, UNIQUE(job, usr)); CREATE VIEW rvws AS SELECT usr.usr, group_concat(chgno, '{sep}') AS chgnos FROM usr LEFT JOIN rvw ON usr.usr = rvw.usr GROUP BY usr.usr; CREATE VIEW jbrvws AS SELECT usr.usr, group_concat(job, '{sep}') AS jobs FROM usr LEFT JOIN jbrvw ON usr.usr = jbrvw.usr GROUP BY usr.usr; '''.format(sep=self.sqlsep) db.executescript(sqls) db.commit() self.started = datetime.now() # mark the timestamp for jobreview counter log.info('App (pid={}) initiated.'.format(os.getpid())) def convert_spec(self, s): '''Convert a pickled server specification to a dictionary with unicode values.''' # No longer needed with Python3 d = loads(s) return d def pull_data_from_p4(self): p4 = self.p4 cux = self.db.cursor() if self.cfg.opt_in_path: reviewers = p4.run_reviews(self.cfg.opt_in_path) if not reviewers: log.debug('No one is subscribed to {}.'.format(self.cfg.opt_in_path)) return # return early if no one is subscribed to notification for rv in reviewers: self.subscribed[rv['user']] = True if self.cfg.review_counter: review_counter = p4.run_counter(self.cfg.review_counter)[0]['value'] if review_counter == '0' and not self.cfg.force: msg = '''Review counter ({rc}) is unset. Either re-run the script with -f option or run "p4 counter {rc}" to set it.''' self.bail(msg.format(rc=self.cfg.review_counter)) try: review_counter = int(review_counter) except Exception: msg = '''Review counter ({}) is invalid. Run "p4 counter" to correct it.''' self.bail(msg.format(self.cfg.review_counter)) log.info('Review counter ({}): {}'.format(self.cfg.review_counter, review_counter)) log.info('Scraping for change review...') rv = p4.run_review(['-t', self.cfg.review_counter]) log.debug('{} change(s)'.format(len(rv))) jobnames = set() # so that we can pull data lazily. for rvw in rv: chgno = rvw.get('change') p4user = rvw.get('user') name = rvw.get('name') email = rvw.get('email') sql = '''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO usr (usr, name, email) values (?, ?, ?)''' cux.execute(sql, (p4user, name, email)) # who wants to get spammed? rvwers = p4.run_reviews(['-c', chgno]) if rvwers: cl = p4.run_describe(['-s', chgno])[0] # chgno is returned from "p4 review" so it must exist sql = u'''insert or ignore into chg (chgno, pickle) values (?,?)''' try: cux.execute(sql, (chgno, dumps( self.trim_dict(cl, 'chageType client user time change desc depotFile action rev job'.split())))) except Exception as e: log.fatal(pformat(e)) log.fatal(pformat(cl)) self.bail('kaboom!') jobnames.update(cl.get('job', [])) for rvwer in rvwers: usr = rvwer.get('user') if self.ignored(usr): continue if self.cfg.opt_in_path: # and who doesn't want to be spammed? if usr not in self.subscribed.keys(): continue name = rvwer.get('name') email = rvwer.get('email') sql = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO usr (usr, name, email) values (?,?,?)' cux.execute(sql, (usr, name, email)) sql = 'INSERT or ignore INTO rvw (usr, chgno) values (?, ?)' cux.execute(sql, (usr, chgno)) for jobname in jobnames: job = p4.run_job(['-o', jobname])[0] cux.execute('''insert or ignore into job (job, pickle) values (?, ?)''', (jobname, dumps(self.trim_dict(job)))) if self.cfg.job_counter: log.info('Scraping for job reviews...') job_counter = p4.run_counter(self.cfg.job_counter)[0].get('value') try: dt = datetime.strptime(job_counter, self.dtfmt) except Exception: if self.cfg.force: # Not sending notifications for jobs modified before 7 days ago dt = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7) else: msg = '''Job review counter ({jc}) is unset or invalid ({val}). ''' \ '''Either re-run the script with -f option or run "p4 counter {jc} 'YYYY/mm/dd:HH:MM:SS' to set it.''' self.bail(msg.format(jc=self.cfg.job_counter, val=job_counter)) log.info('Job counter ({}): {}'.format(self.cfg.job_counter, job_counter)) args = '{dfield}>{yr}/{mo}/{day}:{hr}:{min}:{sec}'.format(dfield=self.cfg.job_datefield, yr=dt.year, mo=dt.month, day=dt.day, hr=dt.hour, min=dt.minute, sec=dt.second) # JOBS jobs = p4.run_jobs(['-e', args]) log.debug('{} job(s)'.format(len(jobs))) for job in jobs: jobname = job.get('Job') specs = [ # '//depot/jobs', # this is what we use in the original review daemon, uncomment as needed (see job000032) '//{}/jobs'.format(self.cfg.spec_depot), '//{}/job/{}*'.format(self.cfg.spec_depot, jobname), # wildcard needed for suffixes ] rvwers = p4.run_reviews(specs) if rvwers: # TODO: add support for job "author" (requires custom jobspec) sql = '''insert or ignore into job (job, pickle) values (?,?)''' self.db.execute(sql, (jobname, dumps(self.trim_dict(job)))) for rvwer in rvwers: # email, name, user usr = rvwer.get('user') if cfg.opt_in_path and usr not in self.subscribed.keys(): continue name = rvwer.get('name') email = rvwer.get('email') sql = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO usr (usr, name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' self.db.execute(sql, (usr, name, email)) sql = '''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO jbrvw (job, usr) VALUES (?,?)''' self.db.execute(sql, (jobname, usr)) self.db.commit() log.info('{} change review(s).'.format(self.db.execute('''select count(*) from rvw''').fetchone()[0])) log.info('{} job review(s).'.format(self.db.execute('''select count(*) from jbrvw''').fetchone()[0])) def change_summary(self, chgno): '''Given changeno, returns a dictionary which contains a subject line, change summary in text and HTML ''' # log.debug('change_summary({})'.format(chgno)) rv = self.db.execute('select pickle from chg where chgno = ?', (chgno,)).fetchall() assert len(rv) == 1, "invalid rv" cl = rv[0][0] clfiles = zip(cl.get('depotFile', ['']), cl.get('rev', ['']), cl.get('action', [''])) cldesc = cl.get('desc').strip() # subject line subj = cfg.subject_template.format(**dict( p4port=self.cfg.p4port, chgno=chgno, desc=cl.get('desc') )) if len(subj) > 78: # RFC2822 subj = subj[:75] + '...' cl['subject'] = subj.replace('\n', ' ') # jobs associated with this change... jobs = [] for jobname in cl.get('job', []): if not jobname: continue rv = self.db.execute('select pickle from job where job = ?', (jobname,)).fetchone() if rv: jobs.append(rv[0]) jobs.sort(key=lambda j: j['Job'], reverse=True) # Text summary jobsupdated = '(none)' if jobs: jb_tmpl = u'{Job} *{Status}* {Description}' ujobs = [] for job in jobs: j = dict() for k in job: j[k] = job[k] ujobs.append(j) jobs = ujobs jobsupdated = [self.txtwrpr_indented.fill(jb_tmpl.format(**job).strip()) for job in jobs] jobsupdated = '\n\n'.join(jobsupdated) clfiles_txt = '(none)' if clfiles: try: clfiles_txt = u'\n'.join(map(lambda x: u'... {}#{} {}'.format(*x), clfiles)) except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(pformat(clfiles)) info = dict( chgno=chgno, p4port= self.cfg.p4port, p4user=cl['user'], p4client=cl.get('client'), dt=datetime.fromtimestamp(float(cl.get('time'))) + timedelta(hours=self.cfg.timeoffset), cldesc=self.txtwrpr_indented.fill(cldesc), clfiles=clfiles_txt, jobsupdated=jobsupdated, subject = subj, ) info['change_url'] = self.cfg.change_url.format(**info) info['user_url'] = self.cfg.user_url.format(**info) info.update(cl) # so we have all the stuff from the changelist txt_summary = self.cfg.change_template.format(**info) # short circuit if no html is required. if not self.cfg.html_change_template: if len(txt_summary) > self.cfg.max_email_size: info['jobsupdated'] = '{} jobs...'.format(len(jobs)) info['clfiles'] = '{} files...'.format(len(clfiles)) txt_summary = self.cfg.change_template.format(**info) cl.update(dict(text_summary=txt_summary, html_summary=None)) return cl # HTML summary html_info = dict() for key in info.keys(): # escape before html tags are added val = info[key] if isinstance(val, str): html_info[key] = html.escape(val) elif isinstance(val, list): html_info[key] = [html.escape(v) for v in val] else: html_info[key] = info[key] html_info['cldesc'] = html.escape(cl.get('desc').strip()) jobsupdated = '(none)' if jobs: jb_tmpl = u'
  • {Job} *{Status}* {Description}
  • ' jobsupdated = u'\n'.join([jb_tmpl.format( job_url=self.cfg.job_url.format(jobno=job['Job']), **job) for job in jobs]) html_info['jobsupdated'] = jobsupdated clfiles_html = [ self.cfg.html_files_template.format( change_url=info['change_url'], fhash=hashlib.md5(dfile.encode('utf8')).hexdigest(), dfile=html.escape(dfile), drev=drev, action=action ) for dfile, drev, action in clfiles ] html_info['clfiles'] = u'\n'.join(clfiles_html) html_summary = self.cfg.html_change_template.format(**html_info) if len(txt_summary) + len(html_summary) > self.cfg.max_email_size: html_info['jobsupdated'] = info['jobsupdated'] = '{} jobs...'.format(len(jobs)) html_info['clfiles'] = info['clfiles'] = '{} files...'.format(len(clfiles)) txt_summary = self.cfg.change_template.format(**info) html_summary = self.cfg.html_change_template.format(**info) if len(txt_summary) + len(html_summary) > self.cfg.max_email_size: msg = 'Change summary for @{} exceed {} bytes after trimming. Try lowering "max_length".' log.warning(msg.format(chgno, self.cfg.max_email_size)) cl.update(dict(text_summary=txt_summary, html_summary=html_summary)) return cl def job_summary(self, jobname): '''Given jobname, returns a dictionary with a subject line, job summary in text and html ''' rv = self.db.execute('select pickle from job where job = ?', (jobname,)).fetchone() assert rv, "server has consistency problems..." job = rv[0] # add option "jobreview_subject_template"? subj = u'[{} {}] {}'.format( self.cfg.p4port, jobname, u' '.join(job.get('Description').strip().splitlines())) info = {} info.update(job) if len(subj) > 78: subj = subj[:75] + '...' subj = subj.replace('\n', ' ') info['subject'] = subj job_url = '' if self.cfg.job_url: job_url = self.cfg.job_url.format(jobno=jobname) info['job_url'] = job_url txt_summary, html_summary = [], [] for key in job.keys(): val = job.get(key).strip() if len(val) > self.cfg.max_length: val = val[:self.cfg.max_length] + '...\n(truncated)' txt_summary.append('\n'.join([ '{}:'.format(key), self.txtwrpr_indented.fill(val) ])) html_summary.append(u'''
    '''.format(html.escape(key), html.escape(val))) txt_summary = u'\n\n'.join(txt_summary) html_summary = u'\n'.join(html_summary) info['text_summary'] = self.cfg.job_template.format(jobdesc=txt_summary, **info) info['html_summary'] = self.cfg.html_job_template.format(jobdesc=html_summary, **info) return info def send_one_email_per_change(self): log.debug('send_one_email_per_change()') def email_chg_review(rvw): '''helper''' chgno, usrs, unames, uemails = rvw usrs = usrs.split(self.sqlsep) unames = unames.split(self.sqlsep) uemails = uemails.split(self.sqlsep) aname, aemail = email.utils.parseaddr(self.cfg.default_sender) chg = self.change_summary(chgno) subj = chg['subject'] text = chg['text_summary'] html = chg['html_summary'] author = chg['user'] rv = self.db.execute('''select name, email from usr where usr = ?''', (author,)).fetchall() if rv: aname, aemail = rv[0] fromaddr = self.mkemailaddr((None, self.default_name, self.default_email)) if self.cfg.skip_author and author in usrs: log.info('removing {} from {}'.format(author, usrs)) idx = usrs.index(author) usrs.remove(author) unames.remove(unames[idx]) uemails.remove(uemails[idx]) if not usrs: # if the list is empty, return return toaddrs = map(self.mkemailaddr, zip(usrs, unames, uemails)) if html: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.attach(MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf8')) msg.attach(MIMEText(self.html_templ.format(body=html), 'html', 'utf8')) else: msg = MIMEText(text) msg['From'] = fromaddr msg['Reply-To'] = self.mkemailaddr((author, aname, aemail)) msg['To'] = ', '.join(toaddrs) msg['Subject'] = subj self.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg) def email_job_review(rvw): jobname, usrs, unames, uemails = rvw usrs = usrs.split(self.sqlsep) unames = unames.split(self.sqlsep) uemails = uemails.split(self.sqlsep) rv = self.job_summary(jobname) subj = rv['subject'] text = rv['text_summary'] html = rv['html_summary'] if html: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') fr = self.mkemailaddr((None, self.default_name, self.default_email)) msg['From'] = fr msg['To'] = ', '.join(map(self.mkemailaddr, zip(usrs, unames, uemails))) msg['Subject'] = subj else: msg = MIMEText(text) msg.attach(MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf8')) msg.attach(MIMEText(self.html_templ.format(body=html), 'html', 'utf8')) self.sendmail(msg['From'], map(lambda x: '<{}>'.format(x), uemails), msg) # change reviews sql = '''SELECT chgno, group_concat(usr.usr, ?), group_concat(usr.name, ?), group_concat(usr.email, ?) FROM rvw, usr WHERE rvw.usr = usr.usr GROUP BY chgno ''' chgrvws = self.db.execute(sql, (self.sqlsep,) * 3).fetchall() # job reviews sql = '''SELECT job, group_concat(u.usr, ?), group_concat(u.name, ?), group_concat(u.email, ?) FROM jbrvw j, usr u WHERE j.usr = u.usr GROUP BY job;''' jbrvws = self.db.execute(sql, (self.sqlsep,) * 3).fetchall() if len(chgrvws) + len(jbrvws) > self.cfg.max_emails: log.fatal('Will need to send {} emails, which exceed the limit of {}! Quitting.'.format( len(chgrvws) + len(jbrvws), self.cfg.max_emails)) self.cleanup() sys.exit(1) for rvw in chgrvws: email_chg_review(rvw) for jbrvw in jbrvws: email_job_review(jbrvw) def send_summary_emails(self): log.debug('send_summary_emails()') def email_summary(rvw): usr, uname, uemail, chgnos, jobs = rvw if not uemail: log.error('No user email configured for {}, skipping'.format(usr)) return chg_summaries, job_summaries = [], [] if chgnos: for chgno in chgnos.split(self.sqlsep): chg_summaries.append(self.change_summary(chgno)) if jobs: for jobname in jobs.split(self.sqlsep): job_summaries.append(self.job_summary(jobname)) text_summaries = [csum['text_summary'] for csum in chg_summaries] + \ [jsum['text_summary'] for jsum in job_summaries] html_summaries = [csum['html_summary'] for csum in chg_summaries] + \ [jsum['html_summary'] for jsum in job_summaries] if not text_summaries: return # nothing to do! fromaddr = self.mkemailaddr((None, self.default_name, self.default_email)) toaddr = self.mkemailaddr((usr, uname, uemail)) if self.cfg.html_change_template: msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg.attach(MIMEText('\n\n'.join(text_summaries), 'plain', 'utf8')) msg.attach(MIMEText(self.html_templ.format(body=u'
    \n'.join(html_summaries)), 'html', 'utf8')) else: msg = MIMEText('\n\n'.join(text_summaries), 'plain', 'utf8') msg['Subject'] = '[{}] {} changes/jobs for review'.format(self.cfg.p4port, len(text_summaries)) msg['From'] = fromaddr # msg['Reply-To'] = msg['To'] = toaddr self.sendmail(fromaddr, ['<{}>'.format(uemail)], msg) # FIXME: We are including changelists made by the subscriber here sql = u'''SELECT usr.usr, usr.name, usr.email, chgnos, jobs FROM rvws JOIN jbrvws ON rvws.usr=jbrvws.usr LEFT JOIN usr ON rvws.usr = usr.usr;''' rows = self.db.execute(sql).fetchall() if len(rows) > self.cfg.max_emails: log.fatal('Will need to send {} emails, which exceed the limit of {}! Quitting.'.format(len(rows), self.cfg.max_emails)) self.cleanup() sys.exit(1) for rvw in rows: email_summary(rvw) # helpers ############################################################ def mkemailaddr(self, args): login, name, addr = args if not name: name = login if not addr: # the email field is required so this should not addr = login # happen if '@' not in addr: addr = '{}@{}'.format(addr, self.cfg.default_domain) return email.utils.formataddr((name, addr)) def sendmail(self, fr, to, msg): if self.cfg.debug_email: print('ENVELOP FROM:', fr) print('ENVELOP TO', to) print(msg.as_string()) else: # Note: not re-using connection to avoid timeout on the SMTP server # Note2: SMTP() expects a byte string, not unicode. :-/ if self.cfg.smtp_ssl == 'SSL': smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(* (str(self.cfg.smtp_server).split(':'))) else: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(* (str(self.cfg.smtp_server).split(':'))) if self.cfg.smtp_ssl == 'TLS': smtp.starttls() if self.cfg.smtp_user and self.cfg.smtp_passwd: smtp.login(self.cfg.smtp_user, self.cfg.smtp_passwd) smtp.sendmail(fr, to, msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() self.mail_sent += 1 def update_review_counters(self): if self.cfg.debug_email: return # not updating counters when debug reviewcounter = None sql = '''select max(chgno) from chg''' rv = self.db.execute(sql).fetchall() if rv: reviewcounter = rv[0][0] if reviewcounter: self.p4.run_counter(self.cfg.review_counter, reviewcounter) if self.cfg.job_counter: self.p4.run_counter(self.cfg.job_counter, self.started.strftime(self.dtfmt)) def cleanup(self): if self.p4.connected(): self.p4.disconnect() try: self.db.commit() # just in case except Exception: for x in sys.exc_info(): log.fatal(x) self.db.close() if not self.cfg.daemon and os.path.exists(self.cfg.pid_file): os.unlink(self.cfg.pid_file) def bail(self, msg): log.fatal(msg) self.cleanup() sys.exit(1) def trim_dict(self, d, only=None): '''Trim data stored in a dictionary according to self.cfg.max_length''' maxlen = self.cfg.max_length newdic = {} for k in d.keys(): if only and k not in only: continue val = d.get(k, '') if not val: pass # fail-through (and be added to newdic) elif isinstance(val, str): if len(val) > maxlen: val = val[:maxlen] + '...\n(truncated after {} characters)'.format(maxlen) elif isinstance(val, list): newval = [] for i in range(len(val)): # append first, then check if we went over. newval.append(val[i]) if sum(map(lambda x: len(x), newval)) > maxlen: newval.append('... (truncated)') break val = newval newdic[k] = val return newdic def ignored(self, user): '''Checks if a user should be excluded for email notification.''' for regex in self.cfg.ignored_users: if re.search(regex, user): return True return False # helpers ends ######################################################## def run(self): dt0 = datetime.now() if not cfg.precached: self.pull_data_from_p4() dt1 = datetime.now() log.debug('... took {} pulling data from Perforce'.format(dt1 - dt0)) dt1 = datetime.now() if self.cfg.summary_email: self.send_summary_emails() else: self.send_one_email_per_change() log.info('Sent {} emails, took {}.'.format(self.mail_sent, datetime.now() - dt1)) self.update_review_counters() self.cleanup() log.info('Started {}, finished {}, took {}.'.format(dt0, datetime.now(), datetime.now() - dt0)) return 0 # Class P4Review ends here def print_cfg(cfg): print(';; See --help for details...') conf = configparser.ConfigParser() conf.add_section(CFG_SECTION_NAME) keys = sorted(DEFAULTS.keys()) for key in keys: val = cfg.__getattribute__(key) if isinstance(val, list): val = ','.join(val) else: val = str(val) conf.set(CFG_SECTION_NAME, key, val) conf.write(sys.stdout) if __name__ == '__main__': cfg = parse_args() # NOTE: need to call log.basicConfig() before we can use the # logger or it will use the default settings with level=INFO! if cfg.log_file: log.basicConfig( filename=cfg.log_file, level=DEBUGLVL, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',) else: log.basicConfig( stream=sys.stderr, level=DEBUGLVL, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',) log.debug('Running with Python version {}.{}.{} {} {}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro, sys.version_info.releaselevel, sys.version_info.serial)) log.debug(cfg) if cfg.sample_config: print_cfg(cfg) sys.exit() if cfg.config_file and (cfg.p4passwd or cfg.smtp_passwd): m = os.stat(cfg.config_file).st_mode import stat if stat.S_IRGRP & m or stat.S_IWGRP & m or stat.S_IROTH & m or stat.S_IWOTH & m: log.warning('You are storing plain text password(s) in the config file with insecure permission. Fix it!') try: from P4 import P4 except ImportError: log.warning('Using P4 CLI. Consider installing P4Python for better performance.' 'See http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4script/03_python.html') P4 = P4CLI P4.p4bin = cfg.p4bin # so all instances of P4 knows where to find the P4 binary... rv = 1 # default exit value if cfg.daemon: log.info('{}ing P4Review2 in daemon mode...'.format(cfg.daemon.title())) app = P4ReviewDaemon(cfg) log.debug(cfg.daemon) getattr(app, cfg.daemon)() # run start/stop/restart else: app = P4Review(cfg) try: rv = app.run() except Exception as e: typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() log.fatal(typ) log.fatal(val) for e in traceback.format_tb(tb): log.fatal(e) app.cleanup() sys.exit(rv)