#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ NAME: CreateSwarmReview.py DESCRIPTION: This trigger is intended for use with Swarm installations It will search for any jobs associated with the changelist and find any reviews associated with that job. If found it will update the review with this changelist Otherwise it will create a new Swarm review with a template description and with configurable reviewers as requested. To install, add a line to your Perforce triggers table like the following: create_swarm_review change-commit //... "python /p4/common/bin/triggers/CreateSwarmReview.py -p %serverport% -u perforce %change% " or (if server is standard SDP and has appropriate environment defaults for P4PORT and P4USER): create_swarm_review change-commit //... "python /p4/common/bin/triggers/CreateSwarmReview.py %change% " You may need to provide the full path to python executable, or edit the path to the trigger. Also, don't forget to make the file executable. """ # Python 2.7/3.3 compatibility. from __future__ import print_function import sys import P4Triggers import P4 import requests import yaml from string import Template class CreateSwarmReview(P4Triggers.P4Trigger): """See module doc string for details""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): P4Triggers.P4Trigger.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.parse_args(__doc__, args) def add_parse_args(self, parser): """Specific args for this trigger - also calls super class to add common trigger args""" parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', default=None, help="Configuration file for trigger. Default: CreateSwarmReview.yaml") parser.add_argument('--test-mode', default=False, action='store_true', help="Trigger runs in test mode - for unit testing only") parser.add_argument('change', help="Change to process - %%change%% argument from triggers entry.") super(CreateSwarmReview, self).add_parse_args(parser) def load_config(self, config_file=None): if not config_file: config_file = "/p4/common/config/CreateSwarmReview.yaml" config = {} try: with open(config_file, 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) return config def formatReviewDescription(self, review_description, **kwargs): """Format using specified format options - see call below Assumes review_description is an array of lines in config file""" desc = "\n".join(review_description) desc = desc.replace("\\n", "\n") t = Template(desc) result = t.safe_substitute(**kwargs) return result def get_swarm_url(self): """Read from Perforce server propery value""" if self.options.test_mode: return "http://swarm.dev/" prop = self.p4.run('property', '-l' , '-n', 'P4.Swarm.URL') self.logger.debug("Property: %s" % str(prop)) return prop[0]['value'] def get_project(self, config, change): """Return first matching project for a file in the change""" if not 'projects' in config: return {} # Search all config projects and return as soon as we find one that we are in which # has specified key value set to 'y' for prj in config['projects']: if not 'name' in prj or not 'depot_paths' in prj: return False map = P4.Map() for p in prj['depot_paths']: map.insert(p) for df in change.files: if map.includes(df.depotFile): return prj return {} def project_flag_true(self, config, change, key): """Returns True if specified field (key) has a value of 'y' for a matching project""" if not 'projects' in config: return False # Search all config projects and return as soon as we find one that we are in which # has specified key value set to 'y' for prj in config['projects']: if not 'name' in prj or not 'depot_paths' in prj: return False if not key in prj or not prj[key] == 'y': continue map = P4.Map() for p in prj['depot_paths']: map.insert(p) for df in change.files: if map.includes(df.depotFile): return True return False def run(self): """Runs trigger""" try: self.logger.debug("CreateSwarmReview trigger firing") self.setupP4() self.p4.connect() change = self.getChange(self.options.change) config = self.load_config(self.options.config_file) if not self.project_flag_true(config, change, 'create_review'): return 0 swarm_url = self.get_swarm_url() base_url = "%s%s" % (swarm_url, config['api']) auth = (config['user'], config['ticket']) # Look for jobs attached to this changelist and get all their changelists fixes = self.p4.run_fixes("-c", self.options.change) other_changes = [] job_names = [] jobs = [] if fixes and len(fixes) > 0: for f in fixes: if f['Job'] not in job_names: job_names.append(f['Job']) total_fixes = [] for j in job_names: total_fixes.extend(self.p4.run_fixes("-j", j)) jobs.append(self.p4.fetch_job(j)) # Create list of unique changes for f in total_fixes: if f['Change'] != self.options.change and f['Change'] not in other_changes: other_changes.append(f['Change']) # Now get any reviews for those changes, and pick the last one (first in array) review_to_update = None if self.project_flag_true(config, change, 'update_review') and other_changes: chg_search = ["change\[\]=%s" % c for c in other_changes] url = '%s/reviews?%s' % (base_url, "&".join(chg_search)) self.logger.debug("Get: %s" % (url)) resp = requests.get(url, auth=auth) resp_json = resp.json() self.logger.debug("Result: %s" % (resp_json)) if 'reviews' in resp_json: reviews = [str(r['id']) for r in resp_json['reviews']] self.logger.debug("Reviews: %s" % (reviews)) if len(reviews) > 1: self.logger.warning("Multiple reviews found") if reviews and len(reviews) > 0: review_to_update = reviews[0] # Now create new or update existing review if review_to_update: url = '%s/reviews/%s/changes/' % (base_url, review_to_update) data = {'change': self.options.change, 'id': review_to_update} else: url = '%s/reviews' % base_url job_desc = "" if jobs and len(jobs) > 0: job_desc = jobs[0]['Description'] description = self.formatReviewDescription(config['review_description'], changeDescription=change.desc, jobDescription=job_desc) data = {'change': self.options.change, 'description': description} prj = self.get_project(config, change) if 'default_reviewers' in prj: data['reviewers'] = prj['default_reviewers'] self.logger.debug("Post: %s data: %s" % (url, data)) r = requests.post(url, auth=auth, data=data) self.logger.debug("Result: %s" % (r.json())) except Exception: return self.reportException() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': """ Main Program""" trigger = CreateSwarmReview(*sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(trigger.run())