#!/usr/bin/env python #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Usage: SetWsOptsAndView form-out client "/p4/common/bin/triggers/SetWsOptionsAndView.py %formfile% %argsQuoted%" This script is designed to run as a form out trigger on the server. It will set default for new clients as follows: * Preset the options set in the OPTIONS variable, * Change the SubmitOption from "submitunchanged" to "leaveunchanged", and * Initialize the view to something that forces the user to set a reasonable default. * Pass through -t template content unmodified. Do not use both SetWsOptions.py and SetWsOptionsAndView.py. """ import os import re import string import sys import random import shutil # This dictionary is a list of default options paired with the desired options. # You only need to include the options you want to change. OPTIONS = {} OPTIONS["nomodtime"] = "modtime" OPTIONS["normdir"] = "rmdir" # If trigger invoked with second usage form and user's client command specified a -t template, # leave form content (from template) unchanged and exit early if (len(sys.argv)>2) and (re.search(r"(^|,)-t,",sys.argv[2])): sys.exit(0) tempfile = str(random.random()) input = open(sys.argv[1], "r") output = open(tempfile, "w") existing = False isStreamWorkspace = False for line in input.readlines(): if re.search(r"^Access:", line): existing = True break try: if re.search(r"^Client:", line): ws_name = line.split()[1] if re.search(r"^Options:", line): for defaultvalue in iter(OPTIONS): line = re.sub(defaultvalue, OPTIONS[defaultvalue], line) if re.search(r"^SubmitOptions:", line): line = re.sub("submitunchanged", "leaveunchanged", line) if re.search(r"^Stream:", line): isStreamWorkspace = True if (re.search(r"^View:", line) and (not isStreamWorkspace)): output.write(line) output.write("\t//EditMe-AdjustThisPath/... //%s/AndThisPath/..." % ws_name) break output.write(line) except: print("Non unicode characters in %s" % line) input.close() output.close() if existing == False: os.remove(sys.argv[1]) shutil.copy(tempfile, sys.argv[1]) os.remove(tempfile) sys.exit(0)