#!/usr/bin/env python #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Usage: SetCFOpts form-in change "python /p4/common/bin/triggers/SetCFOptions-forced.py %formfile%" This script is designed to run as a form in trigger on a change form. It changes the 'Type:' field from 'public' to 'restricted', thus making changelist metadata (description, etc.) available only to users who have at least list access on files affected by any given changelist. It requires a p4d 2010.2+ server. Side Effects: This might have an impact on performance of 'p4 changes' commands. It is intended for environments that value security of changelist- related metadata. """ import os import re import string import sys import random import shutil tempfile = str(random.random()) input = open(sys.argv[1], "r") output = open(tempfile, "w") restricted = 0 for line in input.readlines(): if re.search ("^Type:\s+restricted", line): input.close() output.close() os.remove(tempfile) sys.exit(0) if re.search ("^Type:\s+public", line): line = re.sub ("public", "restricted", line) restricted = 1 if re.search ("^Description:", line): if not restricted: line = re.sub ("^Description:", "Type:\trestricted\n\nDescription:", line) output.write(line) input.close() output.close() os.remove(sys.argv[1]) shutil.copy(tempfile, sys.argv[1]) os.remove(tempfile) sys.exit(0)