# This is a sample .mailrc file, useful for getting SMTP clients to
# communicate with email conifgured mail servers, e.g. cloud-hosted mail
# servers.  This can be installed as ~perforce/.mailrc, and optionally
# pointed to via a symlink from ~root/.mailrc.
set smtp-use-starttls
set ssl-verify=ignore

# This value works for CentOS6 and CentOS7.
set nss-config-dir=/etc/pki/nssdb

# This sample SMTP server is for Office365.  Using smtp.gmail.com:587 works for
# gmail servers.
set smtp=smtp://smtp.office365.com:587
set smtp-auth=login

# Note that the smtp-auth-user might be of the form 'user@domain' (e.g.
# p4admin@mycompany.com), or just 'user'.  With AWS, it is just a username w/o
# the domain component, though the username with AWS looks like a UUID rather
# than a typical username 'p4admin'.
set smtp-auth-user=EDITME_USER[@EDITME_DOMAIN]
set smtp-auth-password=EDITME_PASSWORD

# Set the 'from' address, e.g.: from="p4admin@mycompany.com(Perforce Admin)"