#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # tag::includeManual[] """ NAME: WorkspaceCleanup.py DESCRIPTION: This script will generate a .csv file containing workspace report with useful cleanup information. Included in the report are: workspace name last access date owner email command to offload workspace command to reload workspace command to remove workspace """ # end::includeManual[] # Python 2.7/3.3 compatibility. from __future__ import print_function import sys import argparse import textwrap import traceback import P4 import os import logging import traceback from datetime import datetime from os.path import basename, splitext script_name = basename(splitext(__file__)[0]) # If working on a server with the SDP, the 'LOGS' environment variable contains # the path the standard logging directory. The '-L ' argument should # be specified in non-SDP environments. LOGDIR = os.getenv('LOGS', 'C:/temp') DEFAULT_LOG_FILE = "WorkspaceCleanup.log" if os.path.exists(LOGDIR): DEFAULT_LOG_FILE = "%s/WorkspaceCleanup.log" % LOGDIR DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = 'DEBUG' LOGGER_NAME = 'WorkspaceCleanup' OUTPUTDIR = os.getenv('OUTPUT', 'C:/temp') DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = "WorkspaceCleanup.csv" if os.path.exists(OUTPUTDIR): DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = "%s/WorkspaceCleanup.csv" % OUTPUTDIR DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = 'DEBUG' OUTPUT_NAME = 'WorkspaceCleanup' class WorkspaceCleanup(): """See module doc string for details""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.p4 = P4.P4(**kwargs) self.options = None self.parse_args(__doc__, args) def parse_args(self, doc, args): """Common parsing and setting up of args""" desc = textwrap.dedent(doc) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=desc, epilog="Copyright (c) 2022 Perforce Software, Inc." ) self.add_parse_args(parser) # Should be implemented by subclass self.options = parser.parse_args(args=args) self.init_logger() self.logger.debug("Command Line Options: %s\n" % self.options) def add_parse_args(self, parser, default_log_file=None, default_verbosity=None, default_output_file=None): """Default arguments: :param default_verbosity: :param default_log_file: :param default_output_file: :param parser: """ if not default_log_file: default_log_file = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE if not default_output_file: default_output_file = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE if not default_verbosity: default_verbosity = DEFAULT_VERBOSITY parser.add_argument('-O', '--output', default=default_output_file, help="Output file path.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', default=None, help="Perforce server port - set using %%serverport%%. Default: $P4PORT") parser.add_argument('-u', '--p4user', default=None, help="Perforce user. Default: $P4USER") parser.add_argument('-L', '--log', default=default_log_file, help="Default: " + default_log_file) parser.add_argument('-T', '--tickets', help="P4TICKETS file full path") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', nargs='?', const="INFO", default=default_verbosity, choices=('DEBUG', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'ERROR', 'FATAL'), help="Output verbosity level. Default is: " + default_verbosity) # Specific args for this utility (optional) def init_logger(self, logger_name=None): if not logger_name: logger_name = LOGGER_NAME self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self.logger.setLevel(self.options.verbosity) logformat = '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(filename)s %(lineno)d: %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=logformat, filename=self.options.log, level=self.options.verbosity) def setupP4(self): if self.options.port: self.p4.port = self.options.port if self.options.p4user: self.p4.user = self.options.p4user if self.options.tickets: self.p4.ticket_file = self.options.tickets self.p4.logger = self.logger self.logger.debug("P4 port: '%s', user: '%s'" % (self.p4.port, self.p4.user)) def message(self, msg): """Method to send a message to the user. Just writes to stdout, but it's nice to encapsulate that here. :param msg: """ print(msg) def reportException(self): """Method to encapsulate error reporting to make sure all errors are reported in a consistent way""" exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error("Exception during script execution: %s %s %s" % (exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) self.reportP4Errors() self.logger.error("called from:\n%s", "".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb))) self.logger.error("port %s user %s tickets %s" % (self.p4.port, self.p4.user, self.p4.ticket_file)) return 1 def reportP4Errors(self): lines = [] for e in self.p4.errors: lines.append("P4 ERROR: %s" % e) for w in self.p4.warnings: lines.append("P4 WARNING: %s" % w) if lines: self.message("\n".join(lines)) def generateReport(self): self.setupP4() self.p4.connect() users = self.p4.run("users") workspaces = self.p4.run("workspaces") lines = ["workspace name,last access date,owner,owner email,command to unload workspace,command to reload workspace,command to remove workspace"] for workspace in workspaces: last_access_epoch = int(workspace['Access']) last_access_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_access_epoch) email = "no_address_found@noone.org" for user in users: if user['User'] == workspace['Owner']: email = user['Email'] userid = workspace['Owner'] lines.append(workspace['client']+","+str(last_access_date)+","+workspace['Owner']+","+email+","+"p4 unload -z -c "+workspace['client']+","+"p4 reload -c "+workspace['client']+","+"p4 client -d "+workspace['client']) return "\n".join(lines) def run(self): """Runs script""" now = datetime.now() try: arguments = vars(self.options) outputfilename = arguments["output"] outputfilename = outputfilename.replace(".csv", "") outputfilename = outputfilename+"."+str(now.year)+"."+str(now.month)+"."+str(now.day)+"."+str(now.hour)+"."+str(now.minute)+".csv" outputfilehandle = open (outputfilename, "w") outputfilehandle.truncate(0) contents = self.generateReport() print (contents, file=outputfilehandle) outputfilehandle.close() except Exception: return self.reportException() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': """ Main Program""" obj = WorkspaceCleanup(*sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(obj.run())