Now being converted to ASCIIDoctor format (*.adoc), from which we can create HTML and PDF output.
With tools installed, it is as simple as:
for conversionsasciidoctor
for basic HTMLasciidoctor-pdf
for PDF outputDownloads:
Conversions from Word done like this:
pandoc –from=docx –to=asciidoc –wrap=none –atx-headers –extract-media=extracted-media SDP_Guide.Unix#13.docx > output.adoc
You may need to look at the extracted-media directory.
When converting from MS Word you may get an error message from asciidoctor-pdf
about UTF8/binary problems
and things like smart quotes, or em-dashes.
perl -ne ‘print “$. $_” if m/[\x80-\xFF]/’ SDP_Guide.Unix.adoc