######################################################### #### CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: CHANGE AS NEEDED #### #### #### # # Section number. Copy the entire section of configuration variables foreach # instance of Perforce and change the section number for each instance. # [INSTANCE] # ######################################## [1] server=perforce.company.com:1666 p4user=p4admin passwd=password weeks=12 weeks1warn=10 weeks2warn=11 administrator=admin@company.com complain_from=PerforceReviewDaemon_1666@company.com ccadmin = none repeat=0 sleeptime=60 domain=company.com default_user_password=P@SsW0rD mailhost=mail.company.com # Use below for secure connections # mailport = 587 # mailuser and mailpass only used for secure connections. # Change mailsecure to 1 for secure connections. mailsecure=0 mailuser=myacct@gmail.com mailpass=mypass mailport=25