P4GLA ----- Perforce graphical logfile analyzer by Ralf Martin Feedback is welcome! If you encounter a problem with a logfile, please feel free to contact me at: ralf.martin@ram-pc.de Hints: - Set the server in debug mode (option -v3) to get best results. Don't use the whole logfile. Use i.e. daily instead. - A double click on a graphical bar shows you details for this bar. History: ------------------------------------------------- 19-APR-2005 Revision 2.2 build 00578 Filerevision Bugs fixed: - Parser works now for Microsoft p4d Servers - Parser is more tolerant. If parser cannot find an item, the text for the item is "n.a." - Problem with intemediate commands fixed: i.e. dm-CommitSubmit ------------------------------------------------- Revision 2.0 build 00565 Fileversion New Features: - Rulers for names and time axis - Zooming and drawing is completely new - Parsing errors are now not displayed automatically. use view->errors instead - If there were parsing errors there will be an indicator und status bar Bugs fixed: - scrollbar position is not correct if you do a zoom. This has been fixed. Revision 1.0 build 00455 Fileversion Main Features: - Displays logfiles as colored bars - View can chosen from: User, Function, Time - Data can be sorted by start and end time - doubleclick openes a modeless dialog box with detail information about the function - zooming x,y and both Bugs fixed: - parser crashes on some logfiles