""" Copyright (c) Perforce Software, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. User contributed content on the Perforce Public Depot is not supported by Perforce, although it may be supported by its author. This applies to all contributions even those submitted by Perforce employees. """ #!python # Support methods for CBD # imports import sys, types from P4 import P4, P4Exception, Map import logging import logging.config import os import ntpath, posixpath import re import xml.dom.minidom as minidom from CbdComponent import CbdComponent class Cbd: def __init__(self, logstyle): # constants self.ACCESS_ACTIVE = 'active' self.ACCESS_WRITE = 'write' self.ACCESS_READ = 'read' self.ACCESS_BINARY = 'binary' self.MERGE_CMDS = ['populate', 'merge', 'integrate', 'integ', 'copy', 'move', 'rename'] self.key_config = 'cfgpkg' self.attr_key_config = "attr-" + self.key_config self.cbd_home = os.getenv("CBD_HOME") self.cbd_ws = "cbd_manager" self.logcfgfile = os.path.join(self.cbd_home, "log", "log.cfg") self.logincfgfile = os.path.join(self.cbd_home, "secure", "login.cfg") self.p4 = P4() # globals to read from config files self.p4user = None self.p4passwd = None # log global self.log = None # set up logging and read config data self.initLog(logstyle) self.readLogin() # read login info def readLogin(self): with open(self.logincfgfile, 'r') as f: self.p4user = f.readline().strip('\n') self.p4passwd = f.readline().strip('\n') # set up logging def initLog(self, logstyle): logging.config.fileConfig(self.logcfgfile) self.log = logging.getLogger(logstyle) # make logger available externally def getLogger(self): return self.log def __del__(self): # disconnect if self.p4.connected(): self.p4.disconnect() # Connect to Perforce def initP4(self, p4port): self.p4.prog = "CBD" self.p4.port = p4port self.p4.user = self.p4user self.p4.password = self.p4passwd self.log.debug("Using P4USER=%s" % self.p4user) self.log.debug("Using P4PORT=%s" % p4port) try: self.p4.connect() self.p4.run_login() except P4Exception: self.log.error("Unable to connect to Perforce at P4PORT=%s" % p4port) for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) sys.exit(1) def getdata(self, args): try: res = self.p4.run(args) return res except P4Exception: for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) def printdata(self, r): if not (isinstance(r, types.NoneType)): for i in range(len(r)): if(self.p4.tagged): dict = r[i] for key in dict.keys(): self.log.debug("%s :: %s" % (key,dict[key])) else: self.log.debug(r[i]) # parse broker arguments # Can read the following from STDIN: # command: user command # brokerListenPort: broker port # brokerTargetPort: server port # clientProg: client program # clientVersion: version of client program # clientProtocol: level of client protocol # apiLevel: level of api protocol # maxLockTime # maxScanRows # maxResults # workspace: name of client workspace # user: name of requesting user # clientIp: IP address of client # proxyIp: IP address of proxy (if any) # cwd: Working dir # argCount: number of arguments to command # Other arguments as necessary (e.g. Arg0, Arg1) def parseBrokerArgs(self): vals = dict() data = sys.stdin.readlines() for arg in data: arg.rstrip('\n') self.log.debug("Read %s" % arg) m = re.match("^(.+?):\s+(.+)$", arg) k = m.group(1) v = m.group(2) vals[k] = v self.log.debug("Arg %s = %s" % (k, v)) return vals def getSpecName(self, ws): return "//spec/client/" + ws + ".p4s#1" def readXmlElement(self, parent, tag): leaves = parent.getElementsByTagName(tag) val = None if leaves and len(leaves) > 0: self.log.debug("Found tag " + tag) leaf = leaves[0] nodes = leaf.childNodes for node in nodes: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: val = node.data break return val def readComponents(self, config): spec = "//cbd/configurations/" + config + ".xml" self.log.debug("Reading component for configuration %s from file %s" % (config, spec)) self.p4.tagged = False data = self.p4.run("print", "-q", spec) lines = [] for i in range(len(data)): lines.append(data[i]) self.p4.tagged = True self.log.debug("Read config definition %s" % "\n".join(lines)) self.log.debug("Reading components from XML") doc = minidom.parseString("\n".join(lines)) components = doc.getElementsByTagName("component") list = [] for c in components: cc = CbdComponent() cc.depotPath = self.readXmlElement(c, "depotPath") cc.access = self.readXmlElement(c, "access") cc.view = self.readXmlElement(c, "view") cc.clientLocation = self.readXmlElement(c, "clientLocation") list.append(cc) return list def makeWs(self, reqWs, reqConfig, reqUser, reqHost, reqCwd): self.log.info("Making workspace %s for configuration %s" % (reqWs, reqConfig)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cspec = self.p4.fetch_client(reqWs) self.log.debug("Default view: %s" % cspec["View"]) cspec["Owner"] = reqUser cspec["Host"] = reqHost cspec["Description"] = "Workspace for configuration %s" % reqConfig cspec["Root"] = reqCwd self.setView(cspec, reqConfig, reqWs) self.log.debug("Saving workspace with view %s..." % cspec["View"]) self.p4.save_client(cspec) self.log.debug("Making notation in spec depot") self.linkWsConfig(reqConfig, reqWs) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error making workspace: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def isOption(self, anArg): self.log.debug("Determining if argument %s is an option" % anArg) return anArg.startswith("-") def violatesAccess(self, anArg, component, cmd): self.log.debug("Checking if operation %s on argument %s violates policy of component %s" % (cmd, anArg, component)) # mainly checks for write access violations if component.access == self.ACCESS_ACTIVE: return False elif component.access == self.ACCESS_WRITE: return (cmd in self.MERGE_CMDS) elif component.access == self.ACCESS_READ: return True elif component.access == self.ACCESS_BINARY: return True def inBranchView(self, reqBranchSpec, toFile, reverseView, component, reqWs, reqCwd): self.log.debug("Checking whether %s is in view of component %s" % (reqBranchSpec, component)) self.log.debug("Branch spec %s limited by toFile %s (reverse = %s)" % (reqBranchSpec, toFile, reverseView)) self.log.debug("Constructing map based on view of component %s" % component) # purposely ignore possible label views, as we want to control the entire component depot path m = Map() m.insert(str(component.depotPath)) self.log.debug("Set map path to %s" % component.depotPath) self.logP4Map(m) self.log.debug("Loading branch view for %s" % reqBranchSpec) bspec = self.p4.fetch_branch(reqBranchSpec) bmap = Map(bspec["View"]) if reverseView: bmap = bmap.reverse() branchMapLines = bmap.rhs() if toFile: bbmap = Map(branchMapLines) branchMapLines = [] branchMapLines.append(bbmap.translate(toFile)) self.log.debug("Using branch map %s" % ",".join(branchMapLines)) includes = False for bline in branchMapLines: includes = includes or m.includes(bline) self.log.debug("%s included in %s: %s" % (reqBranchSpec, component, includes)) return includes def inView(self, anArg, component, reqWs, reqCwd): self.log.debug("Checking whether %s is in view of component %s" % (anArg, component)) self.log.debug("Constructing map based on view of component %s" % component) # purposely ignore possible label views, as we want to control the entire component depot path m = Map() m.insert(str(component.depotPath)) self.log.debug("Set map path to %s" % component.depotPath) self.logP4Map(m) self.log.debug("Finding depot path of %s" % anArg) cspec = self.p4.fetch_client(reqWs) oldClient = self.p4.client oldHost = self.p4.host self.p4.client = cspec["Client"] if "Host" in cspec: self.p4.host = cspec["Host"] fullpath = None # Logic for this check: # 1. starts with '/' = full depot or workspace syntax, full local syntax on *nix # 2. local path = join with current dir using OS-appropriate path separator if anArg.startswith('/'): fullpath = anArg else: self.log.debug("Local path, checking if on Windows or not") if self.isWindowsClient(cspec): fullpath = ntpath.abspath(ntpath.join(reqCwd, anArg)) else: fullpath = posixpath.abspath(posixpath.join(reqCwd, anArg)) self.log.debug("Found full path %s" % fullpath) where = self.p4.run("where", fullpath); self.p4.client = oldClient self.p4.host = oldHost includes = False for wh in where: dpath = wh["depotFile"] self.log.debug("Found depot path %s" % dpath) includes = includes or m.includes(dpath) self.log.debug("%s included in %s: %s" % (anArg, component, includes)) return includes def isWindowsClient(self, cspec): root = cspec["Root"] if '/' in root: return False else: return True def logP4Map(self, m): self.log.debug("Logging map with %s entries" % str(m.count())) for l in m.as_array(): self.log.debug("Map line: %s" % l) def checkMergeByBranch(self, reqWs, reqCmd, reqArgs, reqCwd, reqBranchSpec): self.log.info("Verifying access for operation %s using branch spec %s in workspace %s" % (reqCmd, reqBranchSpec, reqWs)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) self.log.debug("Intersecting merge/spec arguments with component access policies") components = self.readComponents(cfg) errors = [] reverseView = False if '-r' in reqArgs: reverseView = True self.log.debug("Using reverse branch view: %s" % reverseView) srcTgtArgs = [] for anArg in reqArgs: if self.isOption(anArg): self.log.debug("Ignoring argument %s" % anArg) else: srcTgtArgs.append(anArg) toFile = None if len(srcTgtArgs) == 1: toFile = srcTgtArgs[0] idx = toFile.find('#') if idx > -1: toFile = toFile[:idx] idx = toFile.find('@') if idx > -1: toFile = toFile[:idx] elif len(srcTgtArgs) != 0: errors.append("Did not understand arguments %s" % ",".join(srcTgtArgs)) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying operation %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqCmd, ",".join(errors)) self.log.debug("Using target file restriction: %s" % toFile) for c in components: if self.inBranchView(reqBranchSpec, toFile, reverseView, c, reqWs, reqCwd): self.log.debug("Argument %s is in view of component %s" % (reqBranchSpec, c)) if self.violatesAccess(reqBranchSpec, c, reqCmd): errors.append("Component %s has access policy %s that rejects operation %s on %s" % (c.depotPath, c.access, reqCmd, reqBranchSpec)) if len(errors) > 0: print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying operation %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqCmd, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) else: print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying operation %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqCmd, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) def checkMergeByFile(self, reqWs, reqCmd, reqArgs, reqCwd): self.log.info("Verifying access for operation %s in workspace %s" % (reqCmd, reqWs)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) self.log.debug("Intersecting merge/target arguments with component access policies") components = self.readComponents(cfg) errors = [] srcTgtArgs = [] for anArg in reqArgs: if self.isOption(anArg): self.log.debug("Ignoring argument %s" % anArg) else: srcTgtArgs.append(anArg) if len(srcTgtArgs) != 2: errors.append("Did not understand arguments %s" % ",".join(srcTgtArgs)) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying operation %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqCmd, ",".join(errors)) tgtFiles = srcTgtArgs[1] self.log.debug("For operation %s found target files %s" % (reqCmd, tgtFiles)) for c in components: if self.inView(tgtFiles, c, reqWs, reqCwd): self.log.debug("Argument %s is in view of component %s" % (tgtFiles, c)) if self.violatesAccess(tgtFiles, c, reqCmd): errors.append("Component %s has access policy %s that rejects operation %s on %s" % (c.depotPath, c.access, reqCmd, tgtFiles)) if len(errors) > 0: print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying operation %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqCmd, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) else: print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying operation %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqCmd, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) def checkEdit(self, reqWs, reqCmd, reqArgs, reqCwd): self.log.info("Verifying access for operation %s in workspace %s" % (reqCmd, reqWs)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) self.log.debug("Intersecting edit arguments with component access policies") components = self.readComponents(cfg) errors = [] for anArg in reqArgs: if self.isOption(anArg): self.log.debug("Ignoring argument %s" % anArg) continue for c in components: if self.inView(anArg, c, reqWs, reqCwd): self.log.debug("Argument %s is in view of component %s" % (anArg, c)) if self.violatesAccess(anArg, c, reqCmd): errors.append("Component %s has access policy %s that rejects operation %s on %s" % (c.depotPath, c.access, reqCmd, anArg)) if len(errors) > 0: print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying edits in workspace: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) else: print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error verifying edits in workspace: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def syncWs(self, reqWs, reqCmd, reqCwd, reqArgs): self.log.info("Syncing workspace %s with arguments %s" % (reqWs, ",".join(reqArgs))) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) self.log.debug("Making sure workspace view is current") self.switchWs(reqWs, cfg) self.log.debug("Syncing with command %s" % reqCmd) components = self.readComponents(cfg) syncstr = [] for c in components: if c.view == None: syncstr.append(str("%s" % (c.depotPath))) else: syncstr.append(str("%s@%s" % (c.depotPath, c.view))) self.log.debug("Unless other args found, syncing to paths %s" % '\n'.join(syncstr)) optionArgs = [] fileArgs = [] for anArg in reqArgs: if self.isOption(anArg): optionArgs.append(anArg) else: fileArgs.append(anArg) if len(fileArgs) > 0: self.log.debug("Syncing individual arguments") print "action: PASS\nmessage: \"Warning: possible sync outside of configuration view\"" else: self.printRewrite("action: REWRITE") self.printRewrite("command: %s" % reqCmd) for anArg in optionArgs: self.printRewrite("arg: %s" % anArg) for ss in syncstr: self.printRewrite("arg: %s" % ss) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error syncing workspace: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def switchWs(self, reqWs, reqConfig): self.log.info("Switching workspace %s to configuration %s" % (reqWs, reqConfig)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cspec = self.p4.fetch_client(reqWs) self.log.debug("Default view: %s" % cspec["View"]) self.setView(cspec, reqConfig, reqWs) self.log.debug("Saving workspace with view %s..." % cspec["View"]) self.p4.save_client(cspec) self.log.debug("Making notation in spec depot") self.linkWsConfig(reqConfig, reqWs) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error switching workspace: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def linkWsConfig(self, reqConfig, reqWs): self.log.info("Recording link between workspace %s and configuration %s" % (reqWs, reqConfig)) self.p4.run("attribute", "-f", "-n", self.key_config, "-v", reqConfig, self.getSpecName(reqWs)) def getWsConfig(self, reqWs): self.log.debug("Getting configuration for workspace %s" % (reqWs)) attrib_out = self.getdata(["fstat", "-Oa", self.getSpecName(reqWs)]) d = attrib_out[0] configPkg = None if self.attr_key_config in d: configPkg = d[self.attr_key_config] self.log.debug("Found config %s for workspace %s" % (configPkg, reqWs)) return configPkg def setView(self, cspec, reqConfig, reqWs): self.log.debug("Setting view...") view = [] components = self.readComponents(reqConfig) for c in components: self.log.debug("Found component %s" % str(c)) cview = c.depotPath self.log.debug("Found component view %s" % cview) view.append(str(cview + " //" + reqWs + "/" + c.clientLocation)) self.log.debug("Setting view to %s" % "\n".join(view)) cspec["View"] = view # make sure nobody is trying to use this with streams if "Stream" in cspec: print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Cannot use stream field in workspace tied to configuration\"" sys.exit(1) def updateCfg(self, reqConfigDepotPath, reqUser, reqData): self.log.info("Updating configuration %s with data %s" % (reqConfigDepotPath, reqData)) oldClient = self.p4.client try: self.p4.client = self.cbd_ws self.p4.run("sync", "-f", reqConfigDepotPath); self.p4.run("edit", reqConfigDepotPath); where = self.p4.run("where", reqConfigDepotPath); lpath = where[0]["path"] self.log.debug("Writing new config to path %s" % lpath) with open(lpath, 'w') as f: f.write(reqData) self.p4.run_submit("-d", "Updating configuration", reqConfigDepotPath); self.p4.client = oldClient except P4Exception: self.p4.client = oldClient errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error updating configuration: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def deleteCfg(self, reqConfigDepotPath, reqUser): self.log.info("Deleting configuration %s" % reqConfigDepotPath) oldClient = self.p4.client try: self.p4.client = self.cbd_ws self.p4.run("sync", "-f", reqConfigDepotPath); self.p4.run("delete", reqConfigDepotPath); self.p4.run_submit("-d", "Deleting configuration", reqConfigDepotPath); self.p4.client = oldClient except P4Exception: self.p4.client = oldClient errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error deleting configuration: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def addCfg(self, reqConfig, reqUser, reqData): self.log.info("Adding configuration %s with data %s" % (reqConfig, reqData)) oldClient = self.p4.client try: self.p4.client = self.cbd_ws reqConfigDepotPath = "//cbd/configurations/" + reqConfig + ".xml" where = self.p4.run("where", reqConfigDepotPath); lpath = where[0]["path"] self.log.debug("Writing new config to path %s" % lpath) with open(lpath, 'w') as f: f.write(reqData) self.p4.run("add", lpath); self.p4.run_submit("-d", "Adding configuration", lpath); self.p4.client = oldClient except P4Exception: self.p4.client = oldClient errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error adding configuration: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def printRewrite(self, msg): self.log.debug("Rewrite: %s" % msg) print msg def checkUnshelve(self, reqWs, reqArgs, reqCwd, reqShelf): self.log.info("Verifying unshelving from shelf %s into workspace %s" % (reqShelf, reqWs)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) self.log.debug("Reading files for shelf %s" % reqShelf) describeData = self.p4.run("describe", "-s", "-S", reqShelf) shelfDesc = describeData[0] shelfFiles = shelfDesc["depotFile"] shelfActions = shelfDesc["action"] self.log.debug("Found shelf %s with %s files" % (reqShelf, str(len(shelfFiles)))) self.log.debug("Intersecting shelf arguments with component access policies") components = self.readComponents(cfg) errors = [] for ii in range(len(shelfFiles)): sFile = shelfFiles[ii] sCmd = shelfActions[ii] for c in components: if self.inView(sFile, c, reqWs, reqCwd): self.log.debug("Shelved file %s is in view of component %s" % (sFile, c)) if self.violatesAccess(sFile, c, sCmd): errors.append("Component %s has access policy %s that rejects operation %s on %s" % (c.depotPath, c.access, sCmd, sFile)) if len(errors) > 0: print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Cannot unshelve %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqShelf, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) else: print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Cannot unshelve %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqShelf, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) def reconcileWs(self, reqWs, reqCmd, reqCwd, reqArgs): self.log.info("Reconciling workspace %s with arguments %s" % (reqWs, ",".join(reqArgs))) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) self.log.debug("Making sure workspace view is current") self.switchWs(reqWs, cfg) self.log.debug("Reconciling with command %s" % reqCmd) components = self.readComponents(cfg) reconcilestr = [] for c in components: if c.access == self.ACCESS_ACTIVE or c.access == self.ACCESS_WRITE: reconcilestr.append(str("%s" % (c.depotPath))) self.log.debug("Unless other args found, reconciling to paths %s" % '\n'.join(reconcilestr)) optionArgs = [] fileArgs = [] for anArg in reqArgs: if self.isOption(anArg): optionArgs.append(anArg) else: fileArgs.append(anArg) if len(fileArgs) > 0: self.log.debug("Reconciling individual arguments") print "action: PASS\nmessage: \"Warning: possible reconcile outside of configuration view\"" else: self.printRewrite("action: REWRITE") self.printRewrite("command: %s" % reqCmd) for anArg in optionArgs: self.printRewrite("arg: %s" % anArg) for ss in reconcilestr: self.printRewrite("arg: %s" % ss) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Error reconciling workspace: %s\"" % ",".join(errors) sys.exit(1) def checkSubmit(self, reqWs, reqArgs, reqCwd, reqChange): self.log.info("Verifying submitting from workspace %s" % (reqWs)) try: self.log.debug("Fetching workspace spec...") cfg = self.getWsConfig(reqWs) if cfg == None: self.log.debug("No configuration for workspace %s " % reqWs) print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) if reqChange == None: self.log.debug("No changelist specified") print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Must submit using numbered changelist\"" sys.exit(1) self.log.debug("Reading files for changelist %s" % reqChange) describeData = self.p4.run("describe", "-s", reqChange) changeDesc = describeData[0] changeFiles = changeDesc["depotFile"] changeActions = changeDesc["action"] self.log.debug("Found change %s with %s files" % (reqChange, str(len(changeFiles)))) self.log.debug("Intersecting change arguments with component access policies") components = self.readComponents(cfg) errors = [] for ii in range(len(changeFiles)): sFile = changeFiles[ii] sCmd = changeActions[ii] fileFound = False for c in components: if self.inView(sFile, c, reqWs, reqCwd): fileFound = True self.log.debug("Pending file %s is in view of component %s" % (sFile, c)) if self.violatesAccess(sFile, c, sCmd): errors.append("Component %s has access policy %s that rejects operation %s on %s" % (c.depotPath, c.access, sCmd, sFile)) if not fileFound: errors.append("%s not in view specified by configuration %s" % (sFile, cfg)) if len(errors) > 0: print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Cannot submit %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqChange, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) else: print "action: PASS\n" sys.exit(0) except P4Exception: errors = [] for e in self.p4.errors: self.log.error("Errors: " + e) errors.append(e) for w in self.p4.warnings: self.log.warn("Warnings: " + w) errors.append(w) print "action: REJECT\nmessage: \"Cannot submit %s in workspace: %s\"" % (reqChange, ",".join(errors)) sys.exit(1)