P4 - Perl friendly OO interface to the Perforce SCM System ---------------------------------------------------------- This module provides an easy to use and very powerful interface to the Perforce SCM system. It's based on the Perforce C++ API so you'll need to download the correct API build for your platform in order to be able to build P4. GCC3 Users ----------- Please note that if you're using gcc v3.x you MUST use a version of the Perforce API compiled with gcc3. i.e. Linux x86 Users: rXX.Y/bin.linux80x86/p4api.tar Linux AMD64 Users: rXX.Y/bin.linux26amd64/pic/p4api.tar etc. etc. Requirements ------------ Perforce Client API - get it from ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce C++ compiler Perl (obviously) Feedback -------- All suggestions, bug reports etc. to tony@perforce.com - thanks!