#! /usr/bin/env python """Functions to check p4d version. This file is also used by Python 2.6 scripts in the OVA setup web UI, so this file must avoid Python 2.7/3.2 requirements. """ # # Note that this file should _not_ have 2to3 run on it, but rather # do what we can to both make pylint (in Python 3.x) happy as well # as run with Python 2.6+. May eventually need to split out the # pieces needed for the OVA setup scripts... # from __future__ import print_function # Place imports for Perforce-related modules below the version check code # found below, to avoid any spurious import errors. import hashlib import logging import os import re from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys from P4 import P4Exception, P4 import p4gf_p4cache import p4gf_const import p4gf_p4msg import p4gf_p4msgid # Localization/translation support. # Don't let unwanted Python 3.3 code in p4gf_l10n prevent # this script from running in 2.6. try: from p4gf_l10n import _, NTR except ImportError: def NTR(x): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """No-TRanslate: Localization marker for string constants.""" return x _ = NTR # git-fusion/bin/Version file contains standard Perforce version # info. This Python script loads that file and parses it. _VERSION_FILENAME = NTR('Version') # Constant strings that are part of as_dict()'s response. _PRODUCT_DICT = NTR({ 'product_abbrev' : 'Git Fusion', 'product_long' : 'Perforce Git Fusion', 'copyright' : 'Copyright 2012-2016 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.', 'company' : 'Perforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System.', }) # Required Git version (e.g. (1, 2, 3) => '1.2.3') _GIT_VERSION = (1, 7, 9, 5) # Required P4Python version. This means the PATCHLEVEL reported by P4Python. _P4PYTHON_VERSION = 925900 # p4d serverService value from 'p4 info' _P4D_STANDARD_SERVICES = True _P4D_SUPPORTS_COMMIT = 2014.1 LOG = logging.getLogger('p4gf_version') def as_string(include_checksum=False): """Return a version string as a single string of multiple lines. :param include_checksum: if True, checksum scripts and include SHA1 result. """ return _dict_to_string(as_dict(include_checksum)) def as_dict(include_checksum=False): """Return all of our version fields broken out into dict elements. :param include_checksum: if True, checksum scripts and include SHA1 result. """ result = _parse_version_file_contents(_load_version_file()) for key in _PRODUCT_DICT: result[key] = _PRODUCT_DICT[key] if include_checksum: try: result['bin_sha1'] = checksum_scripts() except: # pylint:disable=bare-except result['bin_sha1'] = _("checksum operation failed, check log") LOG.exception("checksum of scripts failed") else: result['bin_sha1'] = _('') result['git'] = git_version() result['python'] = python_version() result['p4python'] = p4python_version() return result def log_version(): """Record 'p4gf_version.py -V' output to debug log. p4gf_auth_server is the main entry point, calls this. You can add more calls to log_version() from other top-level scripts, but maybe keep it down to p4gf_init, p4gf_init_repo, and p4gf_auth_server. """ logging.getLogger("version").info(as_string()) def _dict_to_string(d): """Convert as_dict()'s result into a multiline string suitable for user display.""" if 'release-codeline' in d: template = NTR("""{company} {copyright} Rev. {product_abbrev}/{release_year}.{release_sub}.{release_codeline}/{patchlevel} ({date_year}/{date_month}/{date_day}). SHA1: {bin_sha1} Git: {git} Python: {python} P4Python: {p4python} """) else: template = NTR("""{company} {copyright} Rev. {product_abbrev}/{release_year}.{release_sub}/{patchlevel} ({date_year}/{date_month}/{date_day}). SHA1: {bin_sha1} Git: {git} Python: {python} P4Python: {p4python} """) return template.format(**d) def _load_version_file(): """Read file git-fusion/bin/Version and return it as a string array.""" bin_dir_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) version_file_path = os.path.join(bin_dir_path, _VERSION_FILENAME) with open(version_file_path, 'r') as f: return f.readlines() def _parse_release_val(release_val): """Return release year and sub, and optional codeline""" ysc = re.match(r'(20..) (\d) ([\w-]*)', release_val) result = {} if ysc: result['release_year' ] = ysc.group(1).strip() result['release_sub' ] = ysc.group(2).strip() result['release_codeline'] = ysc.group(3).strip() return result ys = re.match(r'(20..) (\d)', release_val) result = {} if ys: result['release_year' ] = ys.group(1).strip() result['release_sub' ] = ys.group(2).strip() return result return result def _parse_version_file_contents(line_array): """Extract RELEASE, PATCHLEVEL and SUPPDATE out of a Version file and return them as fields in a dict. Further break down RELEASE and SUPPDATE into subfields. """ result = {} re_release = re.compile(r'RELEASE\s*=\s*(.*)\s*;') re_patchlevel = re.compile(r'PATCHLEVEL =\s*(.*)\s*;') re_suppdate = re.compile(r'SUPPDATE\s*=\s*(.*)\s*;') for line in line_array: m = re_release.match(line) if m: release = m.group(1).strip() result['release'] = release r = _parse_release_val(release) for k in r: result[k] = r[k] continue m = re_patchlevel.match(line) if m: result['patchlevel'] = m.group(1).strip() continue m = re_suppdate.match(line) if m: date = m.group(1).strip() result['date'] = date ymd = re.match(r'(20..) (\d+) (\d+)', date) if ymd: result['date_year' ] = ymd.group(1).strip() result['date_month'] = ymd.group(2).strip() result['date_day' ] = ymd.group(3).strip() continue return result def as_single_line(): """Return a single-line version string suitable for use as a program name. P4GF/2012.1.PREP-TEST_ONLY/415678 (2012/04/14) """ d = as_dict() if 'release_codeline' in d: return NTR("{product_abbrev}/{release_year}.{release_sub}" ".{release_codeline}/{patchlevel} ({date_year}" "/{date_month}/{date_day})").format(**d) else: return NTR("{product_abbrev}/{release_year}.{release_sub}" "/{patchlevel} ({date_year}" "/{date_month}/{date_day})").format(**d) def print_and_exit_if_argv(): """If argv includes -V, then dump version and exit. Intended to be called near the start of every script with a main(). """ if '-V' in sys.argv: print(as_string(include_checksum=True)) sys.exit(0) def uname(): """Return 'uanme' as a single line, no line ending.""" try: p = Popen(['uname', '-a'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) fd = p.communicate() if p.returncode: LOG.error("Error checking uname -a, returned %d", p.returncode) return None except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOG.exception("Error checking Git version, unable to locate and/or run git") return None return fd[0].decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0] def git_version(): """Return 'git --version' as a single line, no line ending.""" try: p = Popen([p4gf_const.GIT_BIN, '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) fd = p.communicate() if p.returncode: LOG.error("Error checking Git version, git --version returned %d", p.returncode) return None except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOG.exception("Error checking Git version, unable to locate and/or run git") return None return fd[0].decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0] def parse_git_version(version_string): """"git version" ==> [1,2,3,4] as integers. rc2? Ignore rc and anything after its alphanoise. """ version_word = version_string.split()[2] m = re.search(r'([0-9\.]+)', version_word) version_word = m.group(1) version_elements = version_word.split('.') version_ints = [int(x) for x in version_elements if len(x)] return version_ints def git_version_acceptable(version_string): """Return True if the version string meets the requirement for the Git version, as defined in _GIT_VERSION. """ if not version_string: return False got_list = parse_git_version(version_string) required_list = _GIT_VERSION if len(got_list) < len(required_list): got_list += [0, 0, 0, 0] # Pad with 0: 1.7 == for got, required in zip(got_list, required_list): if got < required: return False if got > required: return True # if ==, continue to next number in list. # If exactly match, that's good too. return True def git_version_check(): """Raise exception if git too old.""" git_ver = git_version() if not git_ver: raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to determine Git version")) if not git_version_acceptable(git_ver): vers = ".".join([str(v) for v in _GIT_VERSION]) raise RuntimeError(_("Git version {version} or greater required.") .format(version=vers)) def python_version(): """Return python version number '2.7.3'.""" return NTR("{major}.{minor}.{micro}").format(major=sys.version_info[0], minor=sys.version_info[1], micro=sys.version_info[2]) def p4python_version(): """Return p4python patch level.""" return P4.identify().split('\n')[-2] def p4python_version_acceptable(version): """Return True if the version string meets the requirement for the P4Python version, as defined in _P4PYTHON_VERSION. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # Rev. P4PYTHON/DARWIN106X86_64/2013.1.main/505185 (2013.1.MAIN-TEST_ONLY/557152 API) (2012/08/03). m = re.search(r'Rev. P4PYTHON/[^/]+/[^/]+/(\d+).*', version) patchlevel = int(m.group(1)) return patchlevel >= _P4PYTHON_VERSION def p4python_version_check(): """Raise exception if p4python is too old.""" if not p4python_version_acceptable(p4python_version()): raise RuntimeError(_('P4Python patch level {version} or greater required.') .format(version=_P4PYTHON_VERSION)) def version_check(): """Raise exception if anything is too old.""" git_version_check() p4python_version_check() def p4d_version_string(p4): """Return the serverVersion string from 'p4 info'. Typically this looks like: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2012.2.PREP-TEST_ONLY/506265 (2012/08/07) """ global _P4D_STANDARD_SERVICES _version_string = None info = p4gf_p4cache.fetch_info(p4) version_key = NTR('serverVersion') services_key = NTR('serverServices') if version_key in info: _version_string = info[version_key] if services_key in info: _P4D_STANDARD_SERVICES = 'standard' == info[services_key] return _version_string def parse_p4d_version_string(version_string): """Convert a long server version string to a dict of parts: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2012.2.PREP-TEST_ONLY/506265 (2012/08/07) product_abbrev : P4D platform : LINUX26X86_64 release_year : 2012 release_sub : 2 release_codeline: PREP-TEST_ONLY patchlevel : 506265 date_year : 2012 date_month : 08 date_day : 07 """ a = version_string.split(' ') b = a[0].split('/') result = {} result['product_abbrev' ] = b[0] result['platform' ] = b[1] r = b[2] m = re.search(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)', r) result['release_year' ] = m.group(1) result['release_sub' ] = m.group(2) # Optional codeline m = re.search(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(.*)', r) if m: result['release_codeline'] = m.group(3) result['patchlevel' ] = b[3] m = re.search(r'(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', a[1]) result['date_year' ] = m.group(1) result['date_month' ] = m.group(2) result['date_day' ] = m.group(3) return result # What patch level required for each year.sub? _P4D_REQ_PATCH = p4gf_const.P4GF_REQ_PATCH _P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB = min(_P4D_REQ_PATCH.keys()) _P4D_MAX_YEAR_SUB = max(_P4D_REQ_PATCH.keys()) def p4d_version_required(version_string): """Return a 2-tuple (2010.2, 503309) of the (year.sub, patch) REQUIRED for the given p4d year.sub. """ d = parse_p4d_version_string(version_string) year_sub_string = d['release_year'] + '.' + d['release_sub'] year_sub = float(year_sub_string) if year_sub < _P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB: return (_P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB, _P4D_REQ_PATCH[_P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB]) if year_sub in _P4D_REQ_PATCH: return (year_sub, _P4D_REQ_PATCH[year_sub]) return (_P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB, _P4D_REQ_PATCH[_P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB]) def p4d_version_acceptable(version_string): """Is this a P4D with the 'p4 reviews -C' patch?""" d = parse_p4d_version_string(version_string) year_sub_string = d['release_year'] + '.' + d['release_sub'] year_sub = float(year_sub_string) patch_level = int(d['patchlevel']) if year_sub < _P4D_REQ_YEAR_SUB: return False if _P4D_MAX_YEAR_SUB < year_sub: return True if year_sub not in _P4D_REQ_PATCH: LOG.warning("Unknown p4d year_sub: {0}".format(year_sub)) return False return _P4D_REQ_PATCH[year_sub] <= patch_level def p4d_version_check(p4): """Check that p4d version is acceptable. if p4 is not connected, it will be connected/disconnected if already connected, it will be left connected """ version_string = p4d_version_string(p4) # Record value so we can reuse later rather than re-run 'p4 info'. # Bypass P4.__set_attr__() override. p4d_version_cache_set(p4, version_string) acceptable = p4d_version_acceptable(version_string) if not acceptable: vr = p4d_version_required(version_string) msg = (_('Unsupported p4d version: {actual}' '\nGit Fusion requires version {req_v}/{req_ch} or later') .format(actual=version_string, req_v=vr[0], req_ch=vr[1])) raise RuntimeError(msg) _KEY_VERSION_YEAR_SUB = '_version_year_sub' def p4d_version_cache_set(p4, version_string): """Record p4d's version number for later. Avoid repeated calls to 'p4 info'.""" d = parse_p4d_version_string(version_string) year_sub_string = d['release_year'] + '.' + d['release_sub'] year_sub = float(year_sub_string) p4.__dict__[_KEY_VERSION_YEAR_SUB] = year_sub def p4d_version(p4): """Return p4d's version as a float: 2011.1. Cache it so we don't have to call 'p4 info' over and over. """ if _KEY_VERSION_YEAR_SUB not in p4.__dict__: p4d_version_cache_set(p4, p4d_version_string(p4)) return p4.__dict__[_KEY_VERSION_YEAR_SUB] def p4d_supports_protects(p4): """Check that p4d is ALREADY configured to give git-fusion-user permission to run 'p4 protects -u'. Return False if not. *** This function does not really belong here! *** This is NOT a version check, but I'm sticking it in this file anyway because the OVA web UI needs this function, and the OVA web UI already has access to p4gf_version_26.py. """ okay = False try: p4.run('protects', '-u', p4gf_const.P4GF_USER, '-m') # if we can use -u, we're good to go okay = True except P4Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOG.warning("'protects -u' failed: {0}".format(e)) if p4gf_p4msg.find_msgid(p4, p4gf_p4msgid.MsgDm_ProtectsEmpty): okay = True # All other errors are fatal return okay def checksum_scripts(): """Compute a SHA1 checksum of the Python scripts in the bin directory to allow detecting unsupported modifications. """ # scan for .py files in bin directory bin_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) pyfiles = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(bin_dir_path): for name in files: if name.startswith('p4gf_') and name.endswith('.py'): pyfiles.append(os.path.join(root, name)) # sort by name to ensure consistency pyfiles.sort() # compute SHA1 checksum of files s = hashlib.sha1() for py in pyfiles: # Open as binary, not text. Don't open as text, then str.encode() back # to binary. Unnecessary translation. Prevents us from using non-ASCII # UTF-8 chars in our own source. with open(py, 'rb') as f: b = f.read() s.update(b) return s.hexdigest()