import locust from . import runners import gevent import sys import os import signal import inspect import logging import socket from optparse import OptionParser from . import web from .log import setup_logging, console_logger from .stats import stats_printer, print_percentile_stats, print_error_report, print_stats, stats_persist from .inspectlocust import print_task_ratio, get_task_ratio_dict from .core import Locust, HttpLocust from .runners import MasterLocustRunner, SlaveLocustRunner, LocalLocustRunner from . import events _internals = [Locust, HttpLocust] version = locust.__version__ def parse_options(): """ Handle command-line options with optparse.OptionParser. Return list of arguments, largely for use in `parse_arguments`. """ # Initialize parser = OptionParser(usage="locust [options] [LocustClass [LocustClass2 ... ]]") parser.add_option( '-H', '--host', dest="host", default=None, help="Host to load test in the following format:" ) parser.add_option( '--web-host', dest="web_host", default="", help="Host to bind the web interface to. Defaults to '' (all interfaces)" ) parser.add_option( '-P', '--port', '--web-port', type="int", dest="port", default=8089, help="Port on which to run web host" ) parser.add_option( '-f', '--locustfile', dest='locustfile', default='locustfile', help="Python module file to import, e.g. '../'. Default: locustfile" ) # if locust should be run in distributed mode as master parser.add_option( '--master', action='store_true', dest='master', default=False, help="Set locust to run in distributed mode with this process as master" ) # if locust should be run in distributed mode as slave parser.add_option( '--slave', action='store_true', dest='slave', default=False, help="Set locust to run in distributed mode with this process as slave" ) # master host options parser.add_option( '--master-host', action='store', type='str', dest='master_host', default="", help="Host or IP address of locust master for distributed load testing. Only used when running with --slave. Defaults to" ) parser.add_option( '--master-port', action='store', type='int', dest='master_port', default=5557, help="The port to connect to that is used by the locust master for distributed load testing. Only used when running with --slave. Defaults to 5557. Note that slaves will also connect to the master node on this port + 1." ) parser.add_option( '--master-bind-host', action='store', type='str', dest='master_bind_host', default="*", help="Interfaces (hostname, ip) that locust master should bind to. Only used when running with --master. Defaults to * (all available interfaces)." ) parser.add_option( '--master-bind-port', action='store', type='int', dest='master_bind_port', default=5557, help="Port that locust master should bind to. Only used when running with --master. Defaults to 5557. Note that Locust will also use this port + 1, so by default the master node will bind to 5557 and 5558." ) # if we should print stats in the console parser.add_option( '--no-web', action='store_true', dest='no_web', default=False, help="Disable the web interface, and instead start running the test immediately. Requires -c and -r to be specified." ) # Number of clients parser.add_option( '-c', '--clients', action='store', type='int', dest='num_clients', default=1, help="Number of concurrent clients. Only used together with --no-web" ) # Client hatch rate parser.add_option( '-r', '--hatch-rate', action='store', type='float', dest='hatch_rate', default=1, help="The rate per second in which clients are spawned. Only used together with --no-web" ) # Number of requests parser.add_option( '-n', '--num-request', action='store', type='int', dest='num_requests', default=None, help="Number of requests to perform. Only used together with --no-web" ) # log level parser.add_option( '--loglevel', '-L', action='store', type='str', dest='loglevel', default='INFO', help="Choose between DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL. Default is INFO.", ) # log file parser.add_option( '--logfile', action='store', type='str', dest='logfile', default=None, help="Path to log file. If not set, log will go to stdout/stderr", ) # if we should print stats in the console parser.add_option( '--print-stats', action='store_true', dest='print_stats', default=False, help="Print stats in the console" ) # only print summary stats parser.add_option( '--only-summary', action='store_true', dest='only_summary', default=False, help='Only print the summary stats' ) # List locust commands found in loaded locust files/source files parser.add_option( '-l', '--list', action='store_true', dest='list_commands', default=False, help="Show list of possible locust classes and exit" ) # Display ratio table of all tasks parser.add_option( '--show-task-ratio', action='store_true', dest='show_task_ratio', default=False, help="print table of the locust classes' task execution ratio" ) # Display ratio table of all tasks in JSON format parser.add_option( '--show-task-ratio-json', action='store_true', dest='show_task_ratio_json', default=False, help="print json data of the locust classes' task execution ratio" ) # Version number (optparse gives you --version but we have to do it # ourselves to get -V too. sigh) parser.add_option( '-V', '--version', action='store_true', dest='show_version', default=False, help="show program's version number and exit" ) parser.add_option( '--statsfile', action='store', type='str', dest='statsfile', default=None, help="Store current request stats to this file in CSV format.", ) # Finalize # Return three-tuple of parser + the output from parse_args (opt obj, args) opts, args = parser.parse_args() return parser, opts, args def _is_package(path): """ Is the given path a Python package? """ return ( os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')) ) def find_locustfile(locustfile): """ Attempt to locate a locustfile, either explicitly or by searching parent dirs. """ # Obtain env value names = [locustfile] # Create .py version if necessary if not names[0].endswith('.py'): names += [names[0] + '.py'] # Does the name contain path elements? if os.path.dirname(names[0]): # If so, expand home-directory markers and test for existence for name in names: expanded = os.path.expanduser(name) if os.path.exists(expanded): if name.endswith('.py') or _is_package(expanded): return os.path.abspath(expanded) else: # Otherwise, start in cwd and work downwards towards filesystem root path = '.' # Stop before falling off root of filesystem (should be platform # agnostic) while os.path.split(os.path.abspath(path))[1]: for name in names: joined = os.path.join(path, name) if os.path.exists(joined): if name.endswith('.py') or _is_package(joined): return os.path.abspath(joined) path = os.path.join('..', path) # Implicit 'return None' if nothing was found def is_locust(tup): """ Takes (name, object) tuple, returns True if it's a public Locust subclass. """ name, item = tup return bool( inspect.isclass(item) and issubclass(item, Locust) and hasattr(item, "task_set") and getattr(item, "task_set") and not name.startswith('_') ) def load_locustfile(path): """ Import given locustfile path and return (docstring, callables). Specifically, the locustfile's ``__doc__`` attribute (a string) and a dictionary of ``{'name': callable}`` containing all callables which pass the "is a Locust" test. """ # Get directory and locustfile name directory, locustfile = os.path.split(path) # If the directory isn't in the PYTHONPATH, add it so our import will work added_to_path = False index = None if directory not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, directory) added_to_path = True # If the directory IS in the PYTHONPATH, move it to the front temporarily, # otherwise other locustfiles -- like Locusts's own -- may scoop the intended # one. else: i = sys.path.index(directory) if i != 0: # Store index for later restoration index = i # Add to front, then remove from original position sys.path.insert(0, directory) del sys.path[i + 1] # Perform the import (trimming off the .py) imported = __import__(os.path.splitext(locustfile)[0]) # Remove directory from path if we added it ourselves (just to be neat) if added_to_path: del sys.path[0] # Put back in original index if we moved it if index is not None: sys.path.insert(index + 1, directory) del sys.path[0] # Return our two-tuple locusts = dict(filter(is_locust, vars(imported).items())) return imported.__doc__, locusts def main(): parser, options, arguments = parse_options() # setup logging setup_logging(options.loglevel, options.logfile) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if options.show_version: print("Locust %s" % (version,)) sys.exit(0) locustfile = find_locustfile(options.locustfile) if not locustfile: logger.error("Could not find any locustfile! Ensure file ends in '.py' and see --help for available options.") sys.exit(1) docstring, locusts = load_locustfile(locustfile) if options.list_commands:"Available Locusts:") for name in locusts:" " + name) sys.exit(0) if not locusts: logger.error("No Locust class found!") sys.exit(1) # make sure specified Locust exists if arguments: missing = set(arguments) - set(locusts.keys()) if missing: logger.error("Unknown Locust(s): %s\n" % (", ".join(missing))) sys.exit(1) else: names = set(arguments) & set(locusts.keys()) locust_classes = [locusts[n] for n in names] else: locust_classes = locusts.values() if options.show_task_ratio:"\n Task ratio per locust class") "-" * 80) print_task_ratio(locust_classes)"\n Total task ratio")"-" * 80) print_task_ratio(locust_classes, total=True) sys.exit(0) if options.show_task_ratio_json: from json import dumps task_data = { "per_class": get_task_ratio_dict(locust_classes), "total": get_task_ratio_dict(locust_classes, total=True) } sys.exit(0) # if --master is set, make sure --no-web isn't set if options.master and options.no_web: logger.error("Locust can not run distributed with the web interface disabled (do not use --no-web and --master together)") sys.exit(0) if not options.no_web and not options.slave: # spawn web greenlet"Starting web monitor at %s:%s" % (options.web_host or "*", options.port)) main_greenlet = gevent.spawn(web.start, locust_classes, options) if not options.master and not options.slave: runners.locust_runner = LocalLocustRunner(locust_classes, options) # spawn client spawning/hatching greenlet if options.no_web: runners.locust_runner.start_hatching(wait=True) main_greenlet = runners.locust_runner.greenlet elif options.master: runners.locust_runner = MasterLocustRunner(locust_classes, options) elif options.slave: try: runners.locust_runner = SlaveLocustRunner(locust_classes, options) main_greenlet = runners.locust_runner.greenlet except socket.error as e: logger.error("Failed to connect to the Locust master: %s", e) sys.exit(-1) if not options.only_summary and (options.print_stats or (options.no_web and not options.slave)): # spawn stats printing greenlet gevent.spawn(stats_printer) if options.statsfile: gevent.spawn(stats_persist, options.statsfile) def shutdown(code=0): """ Shut down locust by firing quitting event, printing stats and exiting """"Shutting down (exit code %s), bye." % code) print_stats(runners.locust_runner.request_stats) print_percentile_stats(runners.locust_runner.request_stats) print_error_report() sys.exit(code) # install SIGTERM handler def sig_term_handler():"Got SIGTERM signal") shutdown(0) gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_term_handler) try:"Starting Locust %s" % version) main_greenlet.join() code = 0 if len(runners.locust_runner.errors): code = 1 shutdown(code=code) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: shutdown(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()