P4Python: Python interface to the Perforce API


  1. New Official P4Python
  2. Old P4Python

New Official P4Python

Please note that Perforce have now released P4Python as a supported product as of 2007.3. You can get the 2008.1 source tarball here.

This has been done with my agreement and support.

The new version is fully documented.

A summary of differences between the official version 2007.3/2008.1 and my version 1.x can be found in the release notes.

As of 2008.1 the official version will compile and build with Python 2.4. Perforce does not have one on their FTP site, but you can download a pre-built binary here: P4Python-2008.1.win32-py2.4.exe.

Old P4Python

The older version of P4Python (version numbering 1.x) is still available and documented here. It will be maintained for a while but not enhanced.

File: $Id: //guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/python/index.html#24 $