import glob, sys pathToBuild = glob.glob('build/lib*') if len(pathToBuild) > 0: sys.path.insert(0, pathToBuild[0]) import P4 import unittest, os, types, shutil import stat def rmgeneric(path, __func__): try: # print 'Removing file ', path __func__(path) # print 'Removed ', path except OSError, (errno, strerror): print ERROR_STR % {'path' : path, 'error': strerror }, errno def removeall(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): return files=os.listdir(path) for x in files: # print 'Removing ', x fullpath=os.path.join(path, x) if os.path.isfile(fullpath): os.chmod(fullpath, stat.S_IWRITE) f=os.remove rmgeneric(fullpath, f) elif os.path.isdir(fullpath): removeall(fullpath) f=os.rmdir rmgeneric(fullpath, f) def del_temp_dir(dir): if dir: print 'Removing dir', dir if os.path.isdir(dir): removeall(dir) os.rmdir(dir) class TestP4Python(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.setDirectories() self.p4d = "p4d" self.port = "rsh:%s -r %s -L log -vserver=3 -i" % ( self.p4d, self.server_root) self.p4 = P4.P4() self.p4.port = self.port def tearDown(self): if self.p4.connected(): self.p4.disconnect() self.cleanupTestTree() def setDirectories(self): self.startdir = os.getcwd() self.server_root = os.path.join(self.startdir, 'testroot') self.client_root = os.path.join(self.server_root, 'client') self.cleanupTestTree() self.ensureDirectory(self.server_root) self.ensureDirectory(self.client_root) def cleanupTestTree(self): os.chdir(self.startdir) if os.path.isdir(self.server_root): del_temp_dir(self.server_root) def ensureDirectory(self, directory): if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) class TestP4(TestP4Python): def testInfo(self): self.failUnless(self.p4 != None, "Could not create p4") self.p4.connect() self.assert_(self.p4.connected(), "Not connected") info = self.p4.run_info() self.failUnless(isinstance(info, list), "run_info() does not return a list") info = info.pop() self.failUnless(isinstance(info, dict), "run_info().pop() is not a dict") self.assertEqual(info['serverRoot'], self.server_root, "Server root incorrect") def testEnvironment(self): self.assert_(self.p4 != None, "Could not create p4") self.p4.charset = "iso8859-1" self.p4.client = "myclient" = "myhost" self.p4.language = "german" self.p4.maxresults = 100000 self.p4.maxscanrows = 1000000 self.p4.maxlocktime = 10000 self.p4.password = "mypassword" self.p4.port = "myserver:1666" self.p4.prog = "myprogram" self.p4.tagged = True self.p4.ticket_file = "myticket" self.p4.user = "myuser" self.assertEqual( self.p4.charset, "iso8859-1", "charset" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.client, "myclient", "client" ) self.assertEqual(, "myhost", "host" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.language, "german", "language" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.maxresults, 100000, "maxresults" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.maxscanrows, 1000000, "maxscanrows" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.maxlocktime, 10000, "maxlocktime" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.password, "mypassword", "password" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.port, "myserver:1666", "port" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.tagged, 1, "tagged" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.ticket_file, "myticket", "ticket_file" ) self.assertEqual( self.p4.user, "myuser", "user" ) def testClient(self): self.p4.connect() self.assert_(self.p4.connected(), "Not connected") client = self.p4.fetch_client() self.assert_( isinstance(client, P4.Spec), "Client is not of type P4.Spec") client._root = self.client_root client._description = 'Some Test Client\n' try: self.p4.save_client(client) except P4.P4Exception:"Saving client caused exception") client2 = self.p4.fetch_client() self.assertEqual( client._root, client2._root, "Client root differs") self.assertEqual( client._description, client2._description, "Client description differs") def testFiles(self): testDir = 'test_files' testAbsoluteDir = os.path.join(self.client_root, testDir) os.mkdir(testAbsoluteDir) self.p4.connect() self.assert_(self.p4.connected(), "Not connected") self._setClient() self.assertEqual(len(self.p4.run_opened()), 0, "Shouldn't have open files") # create a bunch of files files = ('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', 'baz.txt') for file in files: fname = os.path.join(testAbsoluteDir, file) f = open(fname, "w") f.write("Test Text") f.close() self.p4.run_add(testDir + "/" + file) self.assertEqual(len(self.p4.run_opened()), len(files), "Unexpected number of open files") change = self.p4.fetch_change() self.assert_( isinstance(change, P4.Spec), "Change spec is not of type P4.Spec") change._description = "My Add Test" self._doSubmit("Failed to submit the add", change) # make sure there are no open files and all files are there self.assertEqual( len(self.p4.run_opened()), 0, "Still files in the open list") self.assertEqual( len(self.p4.run_files('...')), len(files), "Less files than expected") # edit the files self.assertEqual( len(self.p4.run_edit('...')), len(files), "Not all files open for edit") self.assertEqual( len(self.p4.run_opened()), len(files), "Not enough files open for edit") change = self.p4.fetch_change() change._description = "My Edit Test" self._doSubmit("Failed to submit the edit", change) self.assertEqual( len(self.p4.run_opened()), 0, "Still files in the open list") # branch testing branchDir = 'test_branch' try: result = self.p4.run_integ(testDir + '/...', branchDir + '/...') self.assertEquals(len(result), len(files), "Not all files branched") except P4.P4Exception:"Integration failed") change = self.p4.fetch_change() change._description = "My Branch Test" self._doSubmit("Failed to submit branch", change) # branch testing again branchDir = 'test_branch2' try: result = self.p4.run_integ(testDir + '/...', branchDir + '/...') self.assertEquals(len(result), len(files), "Not all files branched") except P4.P4Exception:"Integration failed") change = self.p4.fetch_change() change._description = "My Branch Test" self._doSubmit("Failed to submit branch", change) # filelog checks filelogs = self.p4.run_filelog( testDir + '/...' ) self.assertEquals( len(filelogs), len(files) ) df = filelogs[0] self.assertEqual( df.depotFile, "//depot/test_files/bar.txt", "Unexpected file in the filelog" ) self.assertEqual( len(df.revisions), 2, "Unexpected number of revisions" ) rev = df.revisions[0] self.assertEqual( rev.rev, 2, "Unexpected revision") self.assertEqual( len(rev.integrations), 2, "Unexpected number of integrations") self.assertEqual( rev.integrations[ 0 ].how, "branch into", "Unexpected how" ) self.assertEqual( rev.integrations[ 0 ].file, "//depot/test_branch/bar.txt", "Unexpected target file" ) def testPasswords(self): ticketFile = self.client_root + "/.p4tickets" password = "Password" self.p4.ticket_file = ticketFile self.assertEqual( self.p4.ticket_file, ticketFile, "Ticket file not set correctly") self.p4.connect() client = self.p4.fetch_client() client._root = self.client_root self.p4.save_client(client) try: self.p4.run_password( "", password ) except P4.P4Exception: "Failed to change the password" ) self.p4.password = password self.assertEqual( self.p4.password, password, "Could not set password" ) try: self.p4.run_login( ) except P4.P4Exception: "Failed to log on") try: self.p4.run_password( password, "" ) except P4.P4Exception: "Failed to reset the password" ) self.assert_( os.path.exists(ticketFile), "Ticket file not found") def testExceptions(self): self.assertRaises(P4.P4Exception, self.p4.run_edit, "foo") self.p4.connect() self.assertRaises(P4.P4Exception, self.p4.run_edit, "foo") self.assertEqual( len(self.p4.errors), 1, "Did not find any errors") # father's little helpers def _setClient(self): """Creates a client and makes sure it is set up""" self.assert_(self.p4.connected(), "Not connected") self.p4.cwd = self.client_root self.p4.client = "TestClient" client = self.p4.fetch_client() client._root = self.client_root self.p4.save_client(client) def _doSubmit(self, msg, *args): """Submits the changes""" try: result = self.p4.run_submit(*args) self.assert_( 'submittedChange' in result[-1], msg) except P4.P4Exception, inst:"submit failed with exception ") if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestP4) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)