# Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Project # # # CONFIG.PY -- CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS FOR THE P4DTI # # Richard Brooksby, Ravenbrook Limited, 2000-12-08 # # # 1. INTRODUCTION # # This is the configuration script for the Perforce Defect Tracking # Integration (P4DTI) . # # Edit this script according to the instructions in section 5.1, "P4DTI # configuration", of the "Perforce Defect Tracking Integration # Administrator's Guide" [RB 2000-08-10]. # # The intended readership of this document is all P4DTI administrators. # # This document is not confidential. # # Developers: If you add parameters to this file, update section 2.1 of # init.py as well. import message # 2. ESSENTIAL CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS # # You must provide suitable values for these parameters. # The name of the defect tracking system you're integrating with. dt_name = "Tracker" # dt_name = "TeamTrack" # dt_name = "Bugzilla" # The e-mail address of the P4DTI administrator. administrator_address = "fred@fred.com" # The hostname and port number of the Perforce server. p4_port = "perforce:1234" # The replicator's user name and password on the Perforce server. p4_user = "p4dti-replicator0" p4_password = "p4dti" # The e-mail address from which the replicator appears to sends e-mail. replicator_address = "p4dti-replicator0@fred.com" # The address of the SMTP server that the replicator uses to send # e-mail. # Set to None out to avoid emails being sent smtp_server = None # Issues modified after this date will be replicated; others will be # ignored. start_date = "2004-06-30 23:59:59" # 3. DEFECT TRACKER CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS # # You must provide suitable values for the configuration parameters for # your chosen defect tracker. # 3.3. Tracker configuration parameters if dt_name == "Tracker": closed_state = None # The name of the Tracker server. tracker_server = "Tracker" # The name of the Tracker project. tracker_project = "Perforce_Test" # The Replicator's user name and password on the TeamTrack server. tracker_user = "p4dti-replicator0" tracker_password = "tracker" # Path to where tracker is installed - required to pick up DLL # Set to None if the directory is already in the PATH. # tracker_path = None tracker_path = r"C:\Program Files\Merant\Tracker\nt" # When running as an NT service, stdout goes nowhere. # Don't set this variable otherwise #use_stdout_log = 0 # Email domain to append for unknown users email_domain = "fred.com" # Query for all SCRs in Tracker #all_scrs_query = "All_SCRs" query_all_scrs = "All_SCRs" query_all_scrs_changed_in_last_day = "ALL_SCRs_changed_in_last_day" query_all_scrs_changed_in_last_week = "ALL_SCRs_changed_in_last_week" # configurable value depending on how Tracker project set up # Most likely to be 1 RECORD_TYPE_SCR = 1 # Whether to make changes as replicator user or not individual_login = False # 4. OTHER CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS # # You may provide suitable values for these configuration parameters if # you wish. However, the default values should be fine. # The replicator identifier. rid = "replicator0" # The Perforce server identifier. sid = "perforce0" # A format string used to build a URL for change descriptions in the # defect tracker's user interface, or None if there is no URL for change # descriptions. For example, if you are running p4web: changelist_url = # "http://????.????.com:8080/%d?ac=10" changelist_url = "http://perforce:8080/%d?ac=10" # A format string used to build a URL for job descriptions in the # defect tracker's user interface, or None if there is no URL for job # descriptions. For example, if you are running perfbrowse: # job_url = "http://????.????.com/????/perfbrowse.cgi?@job+%s" job_url = None # The name of the replicator's log file, or None if log messages should # not go to a file. Note that log messages go to the standard output # anyway, to syslog under Unix and Linux, and to the event log under # Windows. log_file = "p4dti.log" # The minimum priority of messages to include in the replicator log. # Set this to message.ERR, message.WARNING, message.NOTICE, # message.INFO, message.DEBUG. log_level = message.INFO # The path to the Perforce client executable that the replicator uses. p4_client_executable = "C:\\Perforce\\p4.exe" # Human-readable description of Perforce server. p4_server_description = "Perforce server on " + p4_port # Name of a p4 config file that the replicator creates and uses # (to avoid placing password on the command line). Will get # overwritten if it already exists. p4_config_file = "p4config" # The period of time between polls of the servers, in seconds. poll_period = 30 # Advanced users only. A function that selects which issues to start # replicating. See section 2 of the the Advanced Administrator's Guide. def replicate_p(issue): allowed_projects = [ "My project", ] return (issue["State"] == "Open" and issue["Assigned Project"] in allowed_projects) # Set this to 1 to use Perforce-style jobnames (like job000001) for # replicated issues rather than using the defect tracker's name. use_perforce_jobnames = 0 # Set this to 1 to log activity to the Windows Event Log; 0 # otherwise. use_windows_event_log = 0 # Set this to 1 to log activity to the Unix syslog; 0 # otherwise. use_system_log = 0 # A. REFERENCES # # [RB 2000-08-10] "Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Administrator's # Guide"; Richard Brooksby; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-08-10. # # # B. DOCUMENT HISTORY # # 2000-12-08 RB Created unified passive config script from Bugzilla and # TeamTrack configurations. Added dt_name parameter. # # 2000-12-18 NB Updated to reflect configuration items now in masters. # # 2001-01-11 NB replicated_fields now supported for Bugzilla. # # 2001-01-15 NB Moved replicated_fields into the DT-specific parts so # we can give meaningful defaults. # # 2001-01-18 NB Get rid of bugzilla_user. # # 2001-01-19 GDR Get rid of TeamTrack *TIMETOFIX fields, because we # don't properly support them yet. # # 2001-01-22 NB Better comments for log_file and dbms_port. # # 2001-01-25 NB Added bugzilla_directory. # # 2001-02-14 GDR Added start_date parameter. # # 2001-02-16 NB Added replicate_p parameter. # # 2001-02-16 RB Added documentation reference to replicate_p parameter. # # 2001-03-02 RB Transferred copyright to Perforce under their license. # # 2001-03-13 GDR Removed verbose parameter; added log_level. # # 2001-03-17 GDR Re-ordered parameters to separate parameters that must # be changes from parameters where the defaults are OK. # # 2001-07-03 GDR Added teamtrack_version parameter. # # 2001-07-09 NB Added job_url parameter. # # 2001-09-12 GDR Added use_windows_event_log parameter. # # 2001-10-05 GDR Added use_perforce_jobnames parameter. # # 2001-11-22 RB Updated reference for replicate_p to point to the new # Advanced Administrator's Guide. # # 2002-06-26 RB Moved use_windows_event_log to section 4, since it now # applies to Bugzilla on Windows as well as TeamTrack. # # 2002-10-25 RB Added use_system_log to section 4. # # 2003-08-07 DRJ Removed TeamTrack section. # # 2003-09-25 NB Added p4_config_file. # # 2003-11-20 RHGC Added Tracker section # # 2003-11-25 NB Added field_map and omitted_fields. # # 2003-12-08 NB Added keep_jobspec. # # # C. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE # # This file is copyright (c) 2001 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights # reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR # TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. # # $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/version/2.1/code/replicator/config.py#1 $