This is the README documentation for the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway (P4DTG) Bugzilla plugin. This document is intended for new users and for users who want an overview of the plugin. If you are currently using P4DTI, see README.p4dti for details about migrating from P4DTI to P4DTG. If you're a P4DTG SDK user, see README.src. For details about using P4DTG, see the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway User's Guide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bugzilla Plugin for P4DTG This plugin mirrors fields between Bugzilla bugs and Perforce jobs. Although bugs can be created only in Bugzilla, users can edit certain fields in the corresponding Perforce job and have their changes mirrored in Bugzilla. The plugin also associates fixes for those jobs with changelists and enables them to be displayed in Bugzilla as links pointing to a P4Web instance, enabling users to view change descriptions, diffs and other data. System Requirements ------------------- Architecture: x86 Operating systems: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7 GNU/Linux 26 FreeBSD 6 Software versions: Perforce server 2006.2+ MySQL 5.0+ Bugzilla 3.2.x, 3.4.x, 3.6.x and 4.0.x Note on MySQL Client: This plug-in for DTG uses the MySQL client library. The source for this plug-in is available from in the following directory: perforce/RELEASE/linux26x86 This unsupported source distribution is licensed under the BSD license of July 22, 1999. To obtain the complete, supported P4DTG SDK for building new plug-ins, email Choosing between P4DTI and P4DTG -------------------------------- If you presently use P4DTI to replicate between Perforce and Bugzilla, read the Perforce white paper "P4DTG or P4DTI? Choosing a Solution for Integrating Perforce with Bugzilla". In general, if you are currently happy with P4DTI, stay with it. If you are not already using P4DTI, use P4DTG. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuring the Bugzilla plugin To configure the plugin using the P4DTG configuration tool: 1. Click the "Defect Tracking Sources" tab. 2. Click "New". 3. From the "Type" dropdown list, choose the Bugzilla/MySQL option. 4. In the "Server connection details" fields, specify the login account details for your MySQL server. The MySQL account must have SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE privileges on the host P4DTG is running from and for the Bugzilla database. 5. To modify optional attributes, click "Edit attributes...". The optional attributes are as follows: "Bugzilla username" If your Bugzilla user name is different from your MySQL user name, enter it here. Account names are typically formatted like an email address. "Fixes custom field" The custom field where fix information is stored. Important: If you change the default name of the custom field, you must modify the patched Bugzilla code to reflect the difference. "MySQL database name" The name of the Bugzilla database in the MySQL server. "Unicode server" Specifies whether the Bugzilla database uses and supports Unicode. Starting with Bugzilla release 2.22, UTF-8 is the default encoding for Bugzilla databases. To check your database, see the instructions for the "utf8" field: "Wait time" Number of seconds to wait on MySQL errors before retry. To configure replication to quit when an error occurs, specify -1. "Check privileges" Specifies whether the plug-in checks the user's access rights to the MySQL user before connecting. "Change offset" Configures a delay to ensure that heavily-loaded servers do not skip records. Heavy defect tracker activity can cause a delay between the time that Bugzilla records in the ModifiedDate field and the time that the issue is actually committed. This discrepancy might cause P4DTG Replication Engine to skip issues. To minimize this possibility, set "Change offset" to 30 seconds. To prevent Bugzilla defect data from overriding Perforce Job data, minimize the number of mirror mappings when using this setting. 6. Click "Check connection and retrieve fields". If your entries are correct, the configuration tool displays "Valid connection to server". After you've configured Bugzilla as a defect tracking source, configure your Perforce Source and mappings as described in the P4DTG User Guide and online help. The Bugzilla plugin adds the following fields to the list of defect tracker fields that are displayed in the Gateway Mappings dialog: - Status/Resolution: combines the Status and Resolutions fields so that they can be mirrored with the Perforce Status field. See the jobspec.txt file for an example jobspec which would allow for mirroring with a standard Bugzilla 3.2 or 4.0 installation. If the possible resolutions have been altered for your site, update the possible status fields accordingly. The sample jobspec requires a Perforce Server 2008.1 or later. For earlier servers, specify change 'Closed-Fixed' on the Perforce jobspec to 'closed' and alter the mirror mapping accordingly. If you have defined additional 'closed' status values for your site ('closed' status values are those which require a Resolution value), then list these fields in the 'Added closed states' attribute for the Bugzilla DataSource using the Configuration tool. You will need to expand the list of possible Perforce status values to include these states. Note: All new values must match the case as defined in Bugzilla. - Product/Component: combines the Product and Component fields so that they can be used for segmentation. For any field used in segmentation, the bug should never change such that it changes out of an existing segment. Bugs can migrate into a segment; but never out. - Fixes: to append fix information to the Bugzilla bug "Comments" field, map the Perforce "Fix Details" field to this field. You can specify details to be appended, such as the changelist number or user who made the fix, etc. - Description: the aggregate of the Bugzilla "Comments" field. To display this information in the Job, map this field to a TEXT field in the Perforce job specification. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional Configuration Options - To display a list of fixes associated with a bug: Create the "cf_p4fixes" Bugzilla custom field in Bugzilla as follows: 1. Log into Bugzilla using the administration account. 2. On the home page, click the "Administration" link. 3. Click the "Custom Fields" link. 4. Click "Add a new custom field". 5. In the "Name" field, type "cf_p4fixes". 6. In the "Type" dropdown, select "Large Text Box" or "Free Text". 7. In the "Description" field, type "Perforce fix information". 8. Click "Create". This field is displayed in the Gateway Mappings dialog as "Perforce fix information". To display a list of fixes associated with the bug, map the "List of Change Numbers" field from Perforce to this field. For more details, refer to the Bugzilla documentation. - To enable display of P4Web links to bug fixes, apply the P4DTG Bugzilla patch as follows: 1. In a shell window, change directories to the Bugzilla root directory. 2. Invoke the patch program (see References) as follows: [/bugzilla] patch -b -p1 < /p4dtg/doc/bugz3mysql5/patch.bugzilla The patch program displays output resembling the following: patching file show_bug.cgi patching file template/en/default/bug/field.html.tmpl Specify the patch file that corresponds to your Bugzilla version. 3. Edit the "show_bug.cgi" file to ensure that the URL to your P4Web instance is correct. If the URL ever changes, update this file. The URL is not stored in the database. As you change the URL in the source file, the new URL is in effect for all bugs. 4. To override the default name for the custom field, edit "field.html.tmpl". - To install the Perforce server trigger, follow the instructions at the top of the trigger file: p4dtg/doc/bugz3mysql5/ The trigger implements the following functionality: - Prevent Perforce users from creating jobs. The Bugzilla plug-in does not support originating jobs in Perforce. - Prevent editing of read-only fields in Perforce. You can define one-way mappings of read-only fields in Bugzilla to Perforce, and this trigger prevents users from editing these fields. If users edit one of these fields, any data they enter is overwritten with the field value in Bugzilla during replication. - Make the "Job" field match the Bugzilla bug number. Normally, jobs in Perforce are named using "jobNNNNNN", where NNNNNN is an ever-increasing number. P4DTG's configuration tool prevents the mapping of Bugzilla workflow- related fields from Perforce to Bugzilla. For example, the "Status" and "Resolution" fields are read-only. This approach prevents replication of these fields from Perforce to Bugzilla. Use the "Status/Resolution" field to update these fields. References ---------- Reference for the 'patch' utility. See 'external links' for downloads.