#! /usr/bin/env perl ################################################################################ ## Perforce server trigger for use in conjunction with P4DTG job replication. ## ## This script can optionally: ## ## 1. Prevent creation of new jobs in Perforce by anyone other than the ## replication user. ## 2 Prevent modification of read-only fields of jobs in Perforce by anyone ## other than the replication user. ## 3. Create newly mirrored jobs using the same name as that in the defect ## tracker. ## ## To install, add a line to your triggers table like the following: ## ## jobId form-in job "/p4root/triggers/changeid.pl %user% %formfile%" ## ## or if you're on Windows, you need to prepend the Perl interpreter like this: ## ## jobId form-in job "c:\path\to\perl.exe changeid.pl %user% %formfile%" ## ## Also, don't forget to make the file executable, change the path to the Perl ## interpreter, and set the configuration variables below. ## ## To configure, read and modify the following lines up to the comment that ## reads "END OF CONFIGURATION BLOCK". You may also need to modify the ## definition of which fields constitute a new job based on your jobspec. This ## is in the allowed_job() function. ## use strict; use warnings; my $freeJobCreation = 0; # anyone can create jobs from Perforce. this trumps # the $enforceROFL option. my $enforceROFL = 1; # enforce the read-only status of certain fields my $sameName = 0; # use the same job name as that in the defect tracker my $jobPrefix = "";# text to prepend to the name of new jobs, for use # with $sameName. # Perforce user that is allowed to create new jobs and edit read-only fields. # This is the same user that you configured P4DTG to use. my $p4authuser = "P4DTI-replicator0"; # Server connection details. Needed for "p4 job -o". my $p4 = "p4 -p host:port -u $p4authuser "; # print debugging information to STDOUT. my $debug = 0; # List of job fields that are writable by anyone from within Perforce. # The ROFL (read-only field list) is much more amusing, but usually more verbose, # so we use the inverse, the WFL (writable field list.) Note that the case of # the field names must be the same as is in your jobspec. my %wfl = ( "BZ_STATUSRESOLUTION" => 1, "BZ_ASSIGNEDTO" => 1, "BZ_URL" => 1, "BZ_SEVERITY" => 1, "Summary" => 1, "BZ_OSVERSION" => 1, "BZ_PRIORITY" => 1, "BZ_PLATFORM" => 1, "BZ_REPORTEDBY" => 1, "BZ_VERSION" => 1, "BZ_TARGETMILESTONE" => 1, "BZ_QACONTACT" => 1, "BZ_STATUSWHITEBOARD" => 1, "BZ_VOTES" => 1, "BZ_LASTDIFFED" => 1, "BZ_ESTIMATEDHOURS" => 1, "BZ_REMAININGHOURS" => 1, "BZ_DEADLINE" => 1, "BZ_ALIAS" => 1 ); # runtime absolute path of this script. my $scriptname = abs_path( $0 ); my $logfile = "$scriptname.log"; ## END OF CONFIGURATION BLOCK ################################################################################ ## # turn off output buffering. $| = 1; use Carp ; use strict ; use POSIX qw( strftime ) ; use Cwd 'abs_path' ; # takes the %formfile% data from is_new_job() and parses it into a hash. sub read_form_var { my @ar = @_ ; my %hash ; my $lino = 0 ; while( @ar ) { $_ = shift @ar; $lino += 1; if( $debug ) { print "starting.\n"; } if( /^#/ || /^$/ ) { if( $debug ) { print "skipping comment/empty line: \"$_\".\n"; } next; } if( $debug ) { print "after comment: \"$_\"\n"; } # "key: word" or, "key:\n\tword". if( /^(\w+):\s*(.*)/ ) { if( $debug ) { print "found \"$1\" and \"$2\".\n"; } my $k = $1; $hash{ $k } = $2 ; my $x = shift @ar; if( $debug ) { print "found next \"$x\".\n"; } $lino += 1; while( $x =~ /^\s+(.*)/ ) { $lino += 1; $hash{ $k } .= $1; if( $debug ) { print "also found \"$1\"\n\n"; } $x = shift @ar; last if ! length $x; } if( ( length $x ) > 0 ) { unshift @ar, $x; if( $debug ) { print "pushing \"$x\" back.\n"; } } } if( $debug ) { print "out: \"$_\".\n"; } } if( $debug ) { print "out of read_form: $lino.\n\n\n"; } # if the field is owned by DTG, trim any trailing whitespace # to accommodate non-conforming clients. the modification to the # data here just affects the comparison, not saving. foreach my $k (keys %hash) { my $v = $hash{ $k }; if( $k =~ /^DTG_\w+/ && $v =~ /\s+$/ ) { # we don't substitute leading whitespace since that's already # trimmed by the parse. $hash{ $k } =~ s/\s+$//g; if( $debug ) { print "\nTrimmed whitespace in DTG field - '$k'.\n"; print "'$v' became '$hash{$k}'\n" } } } return %hash; } # run a p4 command and return the results. sub P4() { my $cmd = "@_"; my $p4cmd = "$p4 $cmd 2>&1"; my $result = `$p4cmd`; if( $result =~ /^Perforce client error:/ || $result =~ /^Perforce password \(P4PASSWD\) invalid or unset\./ ) { my $errmsg = "\n\n$scriptname: Possible script configuration error.\n"; $errmsg .= "Found Perforce error text in command result. Command was:\n"; $errmsg .= "\"$p4cmd\"\nResulting text is:\n\n$result\n\n"; print LOG $errmsg; print $errmsg; close LOG; exit 1; } return $result; } # determines if a job is allowed or not. this is based on whether or not # the job is new, or if it doesn't touch read-only fields. sub allowed_job() { # the job as edited by the user. my %edjob = @_; my $jobname = $edjob{ "Job" }; # check for metacharacters to prevent shell expansion. if( $jobname =~ /([\$\`\;\(])/g ) { return 2; } # fetch the named job from the server so we can compare its # fields against that which the user is submitting. my $job = &P4( "job -o $jobname" ); # the job of the same name as retrieved from the server. my %value = &read_form_var( split( /\n/, $job ) ); if( $value{ "Job" } eq "new" ) { if( $debug ) { print "Rejected as new by name.\n"; } return 1; } if( $debug ) { foreach ( keys %edjob ) { print "edjob: $_: \"" . $edjob{ $_ } . "\"\n"; } foreach ( keys %value ) { print "value: $_: \"" . $value{$_} . "\"\n"; } } # definition of a new job. may need to be changed if jobspec differs. if( $value{ "Status" } =~ /unconfirmed/i && $value{ "Summary" } =~ /\s*\s*/ || $value{ "Description" } =~ /\s*\s*/ ) # && $value{ "BZ_CREATIONDATE" } eq "1969/12/31 16:00:00" ) { if( $debug ) { print "Rejected as new by stat/desc/date: " . $value{ "Status" }. ", " . $value{ "Description" } . "\n"; } return 1; } foreach my $k ( keys %edjob ) { # some clients insert a pair of double quotes when they really # mean "empty field". ignore the change if that's the case. if( !defined $value{ $k } && $edjob{ $k } eq '""' ) { next; } if( $wfl{ $k } != 1 && $edjob{ $k } ne $value{ $k } ) { if( $debug ) { print "\n\nnew by wfl: $k:\n\"" . $edjob{ $k } . "\"\n\"" . $value{ $k } . "\"\n"; print "l ed: " . length $edjob{ $k }; print "\nl va: " . length $value{ $k }; } return $k; } } return 0; } sub date_format() { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); $year = $year + 1900; return "$year-$abbr[$mon] $mday, $hour:$min:$sec"; } ################################################################################ ## MAIN # from %user% in trigger table my $user = $ARGV[ 0 ]; # from %formfile% in trigger table my $formfile = $ARGV[ 1 ]; chomp( $user ); chomp( $formfile ); my $now = &date_format(); if ( "$user" eq "" || "$formfile" eq "" ) { print "$scriptname: Error: Missing argument\n"; exit 1; } open( LOG,">> $logfile" ) or croak( "$scriptname: Couldn't open log file \"$logfile\": $!" ); # read the form from the temporary file on disk. open( F, "< $formfile" ) or croak( "$scriptname: Couldn't open temporary file \"$formfile\": $!" ); my @f = ; my %value = read_form_var( @f ); close F; my $jobname = $value{ "Job" }; my $result = &allowed_job( %value ); if( $freeJobCreation == 1 && $result == 1 ) { close LOG; exit 0; } if( "$user" ne "$p4authuser" && $result ) { print "\n\n"; print "$scriptname:\n\nError:\n\tYou are not authorized to "; if( $result == 1 ) { print "create new jobs.\n"; print LOG "$now: user \"$user\" tried to create a new job named "; print LOG "\"$jobname\".\n"; } elsif( $result == 2 ) { print "create a job with the specified name (\"$jobname\").\n"; print LOG "$now: user \"$user\" tried to create a job name with "; print LOG "shell metacharacters (\"$jobname\").\n"; } else { print "modify read-only fields in an existing job.\n\tYou modified "; print "the \"$result\" field. The fields that you may\n\tmodify "; print "are:\n\n"; foreach( keys %wfl ) { print "\t\t$_\n"; } print LOG "$now: user \"$user\" tried to modify read-only field "; print LOG "\"$result\" for job \"$jobname\".\n"; } print "\n"; close LOG; exit 1; } my $dtName = $value{ "DTG_DTISSUE" }; if( $sameName == 1 && $value{ "Job" } =~ /new/i && length( $dtName ) > 0 ) { print "formfile: $formfile\n"; open( F, "> $formfile" ) or croak( "$scriptname $now: Couldn't open formfile \"$formfile\" for write. $!" ); foreach my $line ( @f ) { if( $line =~ /^Job:/ ) { $line = "Job: $jobPrefix$dtName\n"; } print F $line; } close F; } close LOG; # exit, reporting to the Perforce server that the job edit can proceed. exit 0;