# # NOTE: THIS JOBSPEC REQUIRES p4d of 2008.1 or later # # # A Perforce Job Spec Specification. # # Updating this form can be dangerous! # See 'p4 help jobspec' for proper directions. # # EXAMPLE P4DTG MAPPING: # # Mirror: Redmine->Priority with Perforce->Priority # ->IssueType with ->Type # ->Status with ->Status # Copy from Redmine to Perforce # Redmine->AssignedTo to Perforce->AssignedTo # ->Description to ->Description # ->Notes to ->Notes # Copy from Perforce to Redmine # Perforce->Fix Details to Redmine->Fixes Fields: 101 Job word 32 required 102 Status select 10 required 112 Type select 12 required 103 ReportedBy word 32 once 104 ReportedOn date 20 once 110 ModifiedBy word 32 always 111 ModifiedOn date 30 always 113 AssignedTo word 32 optional 114 Priority select 10 required 105 Description text 0 required 115 Notes text 0 optional 106 DTG_FIXES text 0 optional 107 DTG_DTISSUE word 32 optional 108 DTG_ERROR text 0 optional 109 DTG_MAPID word 32 optional Values: Status New/InProgress/Resolved/Feedback/Closed/Rejected Type Bug/Feature/Support Priority Low/Normal/High/Urgent/Immediate Presets: Status New ReportedBy $user ReportedOn $now ModifiedBy $user ModifiedOn $now Priority Normal Description $blank Notes $blank Comments: # A Perforce Job Specification. # # Job: The job name. 'new' generates a sequenced job number. # Status: Either 'New', 'InProgress', 'Resolved', 'Feedback', # 'Closed' or 'Rejected'. Can be changed. # Type: Either 'Bug', 'Feature' or 'Support'. Can be changed. # ReportedBy: The user who created the job. # ReportedOn: The date this specification was created. # ModifiedBy: The user who last modified the job. # ModifiedOn: The date this specification was last modified. # AssignedTo: The user currently assigned to this job. # Priority: Either 'Low', 'Normal', 'High', 'Urgent', or 'Immediate'. # Can be changed. # Description: A description of the job. # Notes: Notes about the job. # DTG_FIXES: DTG field specifying list of current fixes. # DTG_DTISSUE: DTG field specifying DT identifier for replication. # DTG_ERROR: DTG field specifying an error state for replication.