Managing Defect Tracking Sources

The Defect Tracking Sources tab enables you to specify details about the defact tracker that you are integrating with Perforce.

To add a defect tracking source:

  1. Click New. The Add Defect Tracking Source dialog is displayed.
  2. Enter a descriptive alias in the Name field, and choose the type of defect tracker from the drop-down Type list.
  3. Enter the required server connection information (see Defect Tracking Source Details below). Your plugin might support additional settings that are specific to your defect tracker. To edit any such settings, click Edit Attributes... (details)
  4. Click Check connection and retrieve fields. If you have correctly specified connection settings, the dialog displays a success message in the Server status field. If a connection error is displayed, correct your entries and click Check connection and retrieve fields. P4DTG retrieves and displays reference field information.
  5. Choose the defect tracker project from the Project drop-down list. The associated reference fields are displayed
  6. Click OK to save your entries and dismiss the dialog.
Your newly-defined defect tracking source is now displayed in the Defect tracking sources list.

Defect Tracking Source Details

To edit a defect tracking source: click the source in the Defect tracking sources list, then click Edit.

To delete a defect tracking source: click the source in the Defect tracking sources list, then click Delete. The source is marked for deletion, and is displayed in bold in the Defect tracking sources list. To delete the source permanently, click Apply or Save. To undelete, click the marked source, then click Undelete.

To configure filtering of selected defects to replicate them to differing defect trackers or SCM systems, define segments.
