Release Notes for P4DTG, the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway Version 2010.2 Introduction These notes include release-specific information about the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway. For details about installing, configuring and using this product, consult the Defect Tracking Gateway Guide, which is included in the distribution zip file. The file name for the user guide is p4dtg.pdf. The Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway integrates Perforce with third-party defect tracking systems. Perforce currently supports four systems directly (Quality Center, Bugzilla, JIRA, and Redmine). Other defect tracking systems are supported by third-parties (e.g., Fogbugz from Fogcreek). This version of the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway supports Windows XP, Windows Server 2003/2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux 2.6 and BSD 6. On Windows 7 and Vista, you must use the "Run as Administrator" to launch the configuration tool, to enable it to install the replication service. The Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway requires 2006.2 or later Perforce server. The HP Quality Center plug-in supports the Windows platform, using MSDE, SQL Server or Oracle as the underlying database. This plug-in supports Quality Center 9.0 and 9.2 on Windows XP SP3. Quality Center 10.0 is supported on Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, and 7. The HP Quality Center plug-in is not available for a Linux or BSD installation of the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway. The Windows installation supports replication with both Windows and non-Windows installations of Quality Center. ALM 11 is not supported (One issue is ALM's removing of Fix detail formating). The Bugzilla plug-in supports Windows, Linux and FreeBSD platforms using MySQL 5+. This plug-in supports Bugzilla 3.4.x, 3.6.x and 4.0.x. For more details, see the README file in the doc/bugz3mysql5 directory. The JIRA plug-in supports Windows, Linux and FreeBSD platforms using supported Atlassian JIRA SOAP Web Services API. This plug-in supports Atlassian JIRA 4.1.x. This plug-in is NOT a JIRA system plug-in, it is only for use by the P4DTG tools. For more details, see the README file in the doc/jira directory. *IMPORTANT* If you have a pre-existing, JIRA DTG configuration, you must recreate it. The JIRA plug-in has changed significantly and will not work with previously created projects. See doc/jira/README.txt for details on setting up and configuring JIRA integrations. The Redmine plug-in supports Windows, Linux and FreeBSD platforms using MySQL 5+. This plug-in supports Redmine 0.8+. For more details, see the README file in the doc/redminesql5 directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway WINDOWS INSTALLATION: To install the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway, download and run the installer from the Perforce web site. Important note, if installing on a machine which has the 2006.2 version of P4DTG, before installing this version, first copy or move the config directory to a new location and then delete the entire 2006.2 p4dtg directory. LINUX/BSD INSTALLATION: To install the Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway, download the tar file and uncompress it in the directory where you intend to install the product. To test the basic operation of the system, invoke the p4dtg-test.exe executable and issue the following commands (issue the commands indicated by the prompt ">"; output consists of "Loading module" and "Module loaded" messages). WINDOWS: C:> p4dtg-test.exe > LL plugins\p4jobdt.dll Loading module: [plugins\p4jobdt.dll] Module loaded: plugins\p4jobdt.dll > LT Module tests passed > LF Module freed > LL plugins\qc90dtg Loading module: [plugins\qc90dtg] Module loaded: plugins\qc90dtg > LT Module tests passed > LF Module freed > Q LINUX/BSD: host% ./p4dtg-test > LL ./plugins/ Loading module: [./plugins/] Module loaded: ./plugins/ > LT Module tests passed > LF Module freed > Q Usage Notes - IMPORTANT: When creating a mapping with the Bugzilla plug-in, map the Perforce field named "Fix Details" *only* to the "Fixes" field. While the config tool permits you to create multiple mappings for this field, a runtime error will result if you do. - The engine does not replicate transactions that are submitted using its own username. To avoid this problem, ensure that this username is employed exclusively by the replication engine. This error is the most common cause of replication failure. - The configuration tool requires write-access to the 'config', 'help' and 'repl' subdirectories. - Windows support for P4TICKETS: In Windows, services and applications run with differing environments. The configuration tool uses the ticket for the current user, but the replication service uses the ticket for the LocalService. To use tickets, leave the password field blank for the Perforce Data Source. You must obtain a valid ticket prior to running the configuration tool. After setting the ticket(s), copy the p4tickets.txt file into the C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService directory to enable the replication server service to find the ticket file. - Linux/FreeBSD support for P4TICKETS: The configuration tool uses the ticket for the current user. When running as a daemon process, make sure that the owner for the process has a valid ticket. To use tickets, leave the password field blank for the Perforce Data Source. You must obtain a valid ticket prior to running the configuration tool. - To replicate defect tracker fields that contain unmatched double quotes, ensure that the the target jobspec field is TEXT. - Connecting a plug-in of one type (such as HP) to a server of a different type (such as Perforce) can yield unexpected and unpredictable results, including hanging of the configuration tool. If this happens, kill the application and specify a server of the correct type for the selected plug-in. - The replication engine runs as a process that is spawned by a Windows service. The configuration tool automatically installs the service when you start replication for the first time. The service is deleted when you delete the associated mapping. After installation, use the configuration tool to start and stop replication for specific mappings. To ensure that the replication engine restarts when the machine is rebooted, use the system Service control panel to set the replication service to Automatic. If you configure the replication engine as an Automatic service, you must run the replication engine on a machine other than the machine where Perforce and Quality Center are running, because you cannot control the order in which Windows starts services. - On Linux and FreeBSD, use the configuration tool to start and stop replication for specific mappings. From the shell, you can start and stop the replication engine using the following commands (where P4DTGDIR is the location where P4DTG is installed and MAPNAME is the name of the specific mapping). Start replication: cd P4DTGDIR ./p4dtg-repl MAPNAME & Stop replication: (The replication engine will exit safely.) cd P4DTGDIR touch repl/stop-MAPNAME The engine deletes the repl/run-MAPNAME file when it exits. - If Quality Center is configured to support a strict workflow, do not mirror any fields used to enforce that workflow. Because the Perforce jobs subsystem does not provide support for workflow rules, updates to HP Quality Center fields that are used in workflow enforcement might violate those rules, causing the transaction to be rejected. - If a change on the Perforce side is rejected by HP Quality Center, the Perforce job is marked as being in an error state, and further attempts to replicate it cease until the error is corrected. Error states are recorded in the DTG_ERROR field of the affected job. - Quality Center reports errors using a "Dispatch Error" format. For more detailed information about these error conditions, check the log file that is generated by the replication engine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major new functionality in 2010.2 #256909 (Bug #37660) Added a plug-in to replicate Perforce jobs with Redmine Issues. This connects to the MySQL server underneath Redmine, and does not support alternative database engines. #266609 (Bug #24727) Added a plug-in to replicate Perforce jobs with Atlassian JIRA Issues. This connects to the JIRA server using the SOAP Web Services API. Users can create new Perforce jobs and mirror them as new issues in JIRA. Users can also edit certain fields in a Perforce job and have their changes mirrored in JIRA. #255453 (Bug #39477) Encode passwords written to the src-*.xml files. While existing src-*.xml files will continue to function, for improved security you should edit the DataSource, click the check connection button, click OK, and then click Apply. This will re-write the file and encode the password. #255454 (Bug #22668) The configuration tool will no longer display passwords other than during editing of the value. #255058 (Bug #38659) Performance improvement when using segmentation. Segmentation criteria will be passed to the plug-in prior to requesting changed defects so that the list can be filtered at the server level instead of by the replication engine. This will only be used for plug-ins which implement the optional 'proj_segmentation_filter' interface. #255703,256280 (Bug #39746) 'General Wait Duration' attribute added to Map. This is accessible from the Map Editor and will be used for the default offline wait time for plug-ins which do not implement the server_offline interface or if you specified a -1 for the Wait Duration for a DataSource. (This attribute also is used for the reset server wait loop. See Minor new functionality for more details) #256658 (Bug #36169) The replication engine will go into a wait-loop if either server is offline during startup. The General Wait Duration attribute will be used for this wait-loop. Minor new functionality in 2010.2 #309908 (Bug #45339) The JIRA query batch size is configurable via an attribute. This attribute affects the memory used by the Java process by limiting the number of issues returned per query of the JIRA server. A small number limits the memory but increases processing time when there are a large number of issues to be processed. A larger number improves performance but consumes a much larger amount of memory. Default is 100. #308359 (Bug #45187) The replicator will log additional connection information if either server fails the check_connection step during startup. #304729 (Bug #44408) The Perforce plug-in has a new attribute "Generate job id" which causes the plug-in to generate the Job field value for all new jobs replicated from the DTS. If used, the generated name is of the form: DTG_DTISSUE-MAPID. The MapID is used to make sure that the jobname is unique. If a different form of job name is desired then use a Job In trigger. See the doc/bugzilla directory for an example of such a trigger. #304604 (Bug #44470) The JIRA plug-in now correctly requires a UTF-8 data connection with the associated Perforce server. Read next entry for details on how to connect with a non-Unicode Perforce server. #304573 (Bug #41042) Support the Perforce plug-in translating charsets for non-Unicode servers. This adds two new attributes to the Perforce plug-in: One to define the character set and the other to specify what to do if there are characters missing from the conversion. Use these new attributes to connect a non-Unicode Perforce server to a defect tracking source which requires UTF8 encoded data (e.g., JIRA). #302665 (Bug #44844) When a defect/issue fails the segmentation filter, any log entries will have additional information on which field/value combination failed. #302414 (Bug #44799) Report an error when there is a problem communicating to the JIRA server. #302084 (Bug #44805) Return a descriptive JIRA server error message when replicating JIRA issue types unavailable to the JIRA project. #301270 (Bug #41894,44469,44725) Added JIRA plugin specific logging mechanism to output JIRA error messages to a log file. #303336 (Bug #41595) Added support for Bugzilla 4.0.x. Note that the 'Keywords' field is no longer available for mapping. #300251,300836 (Bug #44632,44679) By default, the JIRA plug-in will disallow creating of new JIRA issues. This can be changed using the Attributes of the JIRA DataSource. #299977 (Bug #44221) The configuration tool will prevent segmenting of data sources which have already been mapped in an unsegmented manner. #299692,301448,301570 (Bug #41880,44628) The JIRA plugin's implementation of the 'proj_segmentation_filter' interface. Modify select list to allow selection of *All* projects. Customer can then segment from list of returned projects. It improves performance by using filters to reduce the number of defects returned from the defect tracking server. #299059 (Bug #44532) Added support for field names with spaces. #299059,301719,301933 (Bug #44405,44727,44783) Added support for handling JIRA custom workflows with steps and transitions by user defined entries in the JIRA plug-in config XML file. #298712 (Bug #43566) Added support for JIRA custom fields by user defined entries in the JIRA plug-in config XML file. #272442 (Bug #41520) If available, Fix records for files will contain 'move' actions in addition to the standard 'add/edit/delete' actions.. #270931 (Bug #41451) The p4dtg-test tool will now accept up to 1000 characters on the input line. #270928 (Bug #41263) The Bugzilla plug-in supports marking all Fix Details appended to the comments as 'private'. The default value is to mark them as public. Use the 'Private Fix Details' attribute to change this setting. #267735 (Bug #40993) The list of fields available for Segmentation no longer includes fields beginning with either 'DTGConfig-' or 'DTGAttribute-'. These pseudo-fields are only useful within the context of mapping. #264329 (Bug #39672) The Bugzilla plugin will now be more efficient when using segmented replication. #263769 (Bug #39547) The Bugzilla plugin has been updated to support Bugzilla 3.6.2. #257873 (Bug #38664) Add two additional Map-level attributes for logging when a large number of defects are returned for processing during a replication cycle. 'Logging of Large Update Cycles' - For logging levels 1 or higher, generate a log entry whenever the number of defects/issues/jobs being processed during a replication cycle equals or exceeds this value. Default is 0 specifying no additional logging is to be generated. 'Additional logging during large updates' - Specifies how often during a logged large update to generate additional log messages. Requires Logging of Large Update Cycles to be enabled and a log level of 1 or higher. Default is 0 indicating no additional logging during processing of large cycles. Logging begins this number of defect after the value specified for 'Logging of Large Update Cycles'. #257478 (Bug #39869) At log level 2 or higher, the Perforce plug-in will log the attributes passed in when creating a connection. #256638,299016 (Bug #39716) If the replication log is moved during replication, the engine will recreate the log. This is to support site specific log rotation. In general, sites should not be using log levels higher than 1 on an on-going basis. If the log is removed, it will not be recreated until the replication engine generates its next log message. On Windows, the log is opened and closed for each message logged. #255703 (Bug #39555) In unusual circumstances, a plug-in may enter a state where it claims to be online and yet is unable to process any requests. In these situations, the server will be reset and if that fails the replication engine will enter into the server-reset loop which will retry reseting both servers every 2.5-minutes or as specified by a new Map level attribute "General Wait Duration". #256646 (Bug #33764) If the p4dtg-config tool is run from a directory other than the p4dtg installation directory, it will output error messages not only to the splash window but also to stderr. #256948 (Bug #33531) The Perforce DataSource pages of the configuration tool label the user name field as 'User name' instead of 'Admin user name'. Admin priviledge is not required for the P4DTG user. Bugs fixed in 2010.2 #451441 (Bug #55415) Added support for updating Status/Resolution during new JIRA issue creation. This allows "resolved" Perforce jobs to be replicated over to the JIRA server with the correct statuses (closed, fixed, etc.). #451226 (Bug #54077) Added cache for getting the JIRA server info (except date time) and custom fields. This helps reduce the number of SOAP calls to the JIRA server. Note that new JIRA server info and custom fields will not be reflected without restarting the DTG JIRA plug-in. #449420 (Bug #55339) Fix for Bug 53555 included in jira-dts.jar at changelist 449420 #435583 (Bug #53555) Fixed session timed out exception in JIRA plug-in. Renew the JIRA SOAP login token when a specified time interval (default 15 minutes) has elapsed. The JIRA SOAP login token has a lifetime hard coded 30 minutes timeout since the last SOAP login. #406043 (Bug #51363) Fixed problem with JIRA plug-in replication stopping because of query validation failure due to field 'id' is negative. The added bounds checking will ensure the query batch id low will not exceed the id high and both are non-negative. #372695 (Bug #49915) The JIRA plug-in now properly handles deleted (non-existing) issues. Jobs linked to deleted or non-existing issues in JIRA will fail out of replication. #314833 (Bug #45556) Fixed various memory leaks in the Redmine plug-in. #314676 (Bug #45372) Redmine plug-in will now enforce the requirement DueDate is the same or later than the StartDate if both are defined. #306900,306888 (Bug #44983) Fixed a slow memory leak in the JIRA plug-in. The p4dtg-repl memory grows over time. #306777 (Bug #45100) Correct JIRA plug-in error message for the TCP Port attribute. #305584 (Bug #44963) The Bugzilla plugin now properly segments on 'Product/Component'. Note that segmenting just on 'Component' is no longer possible - use 'Product/Component' instead. #303323 (Bug 44547) The Bugzilla plugin now properly segments using 'Product' field. #302853 (Bug #44832) Show only project specific JIRA issue types when a single project is selected. #301427,301583 (Bug #44547, 44757) In the Buzilla plug-in, allow for segmentation on either the Product or the Component fields. #299059 (Bug #44403) Log an error and return an error response message when a target status is not defined in JIRA workflow step transitions. #294213 (Bug #43777,43779) Enable the JIRA plug-in to handle the replication of JIRA sub-task type issues. #290471 (Bug #43826) The Redmine plug-in now runs a valid SQL query when attempting to insert issue/changeset relationships. This still requires changeset information to be present before the relationship is created. #281354 (Bug #42711) If the DataSource XML file is corrupt and missing required fields, the replication engine will now return an error message instead of crashing. #281353 (Bug #32109) In unusual circumstances when the replication engine is terminated by an external system, the settings file can become corrupted. This change is intended to preserve a valid version in a backup copy of the settings file. If the backup cannot be created, then the replication engine will exit with an appropriate message. #270910 (Bug #41396) For the Bugzilla plug-in, when the last modified value is updated to now() more than once within a second, process the UPDATE as successful instead of failing out the job/issue. #263018 (Bug #38775) The sample trigger ( no longer treats Perforce error messages in the body of jobs as real command errors. #260124 (Bug #40162) When a new Mapping is created, the new map will be the one selected in the list after closing the Mapping Editor. #258052 (Bug #39952) Enable p4dtg-test tool to handle DW commands where the value contains multiple sequential spaces. #257629 (Bug #29253) In the configuration tool, when starting or stopping replication, the "Start/Stop" button can get into disabled state. To re-enable this button, you must select another mapping or another tab. This behavior has been changed to occur significantly less often. #257049 (Bug #39130) Check every 2 seconds during replication polling period for stop requests. This should prevent Windows from terminating the process prior to it cleaning up the run-* file. Any automatic startup script should remove the run-* file from the repl directory prior to restarting the replication engine. #255357 (Bug #39685) The Perforce plug-in will not load or save defects with names beginning with a dash. #244472 (Bug #38893) Fixed a rare memory leak when failing to load an XML file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major new functionality in 2009.2 #176885 (Bug #36081) Added a plug-in to replicate Perforce jobs into a MySQL database to allow for richer queries and bidirectional updates. Minor new functionality in 2009.2 #225072, 224635 (Bug #36771) Enable the p4dtg-test tool to accept quoted arguments. Use either ' or " for quoting. Whichever symbol is used for quoting cannot be used within the quoted argument. #222677 (Bug #36555) If the target field of a one-way mapping is changed, the replication engine will replace that value with the source value on the next replication cycle. Previously, the value would be replaced the next time the source defect was updated. This is an error in user behaviour and should be prevented by using a trigger on jobs like the '' script. #221178 (Bug #36168) By default, the replication engine will wait for servers to come back online for all plug-ins unless the plug-in specifies that waiting should not occur. #214004 (Bug #34786) Added support for Bugzilla 3.4.1. #219512 (Bug #35879) Expand p4dtg-test's DW command to accept values containing spaces #221335 (Bug #36248) Expand p4dtg-test's SP command to accept values containing spaces Bugs fixed in 2009.2 #258754,262059 (Bug #40065) Bugzilla: Add "Change offset" setting to prevent skipped issues. Heavy activity can cause a delay between the time that Bugzilla records in the ModifiedDate field and the time that the issue is actually committed. This discrepancy might cause P4DTG Replication Engine to skip issues. This fix helps ensure that records are not skipped. For details, see the Bugzilla documentation in README.txt under the doc directory. #237251 (Bug #37991) Correct the issue introduced in the performance patch where the last file in a list of files for a fix was not being replicated. #233529,234198 (Bug #37670) Significantly improve the performance of the replication engine when processing fixes with a large number of associated files. #220561 (Bug #36823) If one or both of the servers are inaccessible during start up of the replication engine, report that the mapping is unable to be validated instead of reporting that it is invalid. #223067 (Bug #36609) Prior to invoking the Replication engine, the Configuration tool will request a recheck of the SCM server when the internal state indicates a potential issue. #222504 (Bug #34131) Quality Center plug-in ignores the BG_REQUEST_ID, BG_REQUEST_NOTE, BG_REQUEST_SERVER, and BG_REQUEST_TYPE fields preventing a "Type mismatch" error in the Quality Center COM library. #222739, 222381 (Bug #35906) Normalize use of newlines in Fix descriptions #221170 (Bug #36233) Correctly report the rare cases where the network or p4d server becomes inaccessible while the Perforce plug-in is retrieving the server date. #222244, 219611 (Bug #35847) Do not record fix record updates in job when unable to retrieve matching defect from the DTS. #215365 (Bug #35675) Correctly handle offline servers during server reset instead of shutting down the replication engine. #215049 (Bug #35639) The Bugzilla plug-in now reports the correct error the first time a connection problem occurs. #215030 (Bug #35632) Log file no longer reports sleep times of zero seconds. #214540 (Bug #35515) Added support for 'bulk' type for fields in Perforce Jobspec. This field is treated as 'text'. #209657 (Bug #34854) Generate a warning if the mapping file contains an invalid mapping from 'List of changes' to a read-only field in the DTS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major new functionality in 2009.1 #192863 (Bug #24625) Log level and other replication attributes can be configured using the "Edit attributes..." button on the Map Editor in the Configuration tool. Log Levels: 0: Only log errors 1: Log errors and warnings (default) 2: Log errors, warnings, and some information messages 3: Log everything in great detail (Generates a very large log file. Use only for limited times.) Polling Period: specifies how long the replication engine sleeps before beginning a new replication cycle. The default is 5 seconds. Connection Reset: specifies how often the server connections are automatically reset during replication. Do not change unless directed to by Perforce Support. In general, this setting minimizes any plug-in-specific memory leakage. For example, the COM interface for the Quality Center plug-in has some memory issues which requires this setting. The default is 1000. #191281 (Bug #30938) Added special fields for the current server, user and project. These are treated as read-only SELECT fields and are intended for use in segmentation. The names for these fields begin with "DTGConfig-". If the plug-in supports attributes, they are displayed as read-only SELECT fields with a prefix of "DTGAttribute-". #195378 (Bug #32818) The Bugzilla plug-in provides a special field called "Status/Resolution", which can be mirrored in Perforce with an appropriate SELECT field. Changes to this field are replicated to both the "Status" and "Resolution" fields in Bugzilla. See the Bugzilla README.txt for more information. #202595 (Bug #34196) The Bugzilla plug-in provides a special read-only field called "Product/Component", which can be copied to Perforce as needed to support segmentation of bugs based on specific components. See the Bugzilla README.txt for more information. Minor new functionality in 2009.1 #195353 (Bug #33241) The Bugzilla plug-in has changed the format for the Description (a.k.a. Comments) field. The "-- Comment N: ..." information is now listed at the end of the text for the comment, instead of being the first line. Jobs are updated when individual replication occurs. To force all jobs to be updated, choose "Sync from start". #194797 (Bug #32671) The configuration tool now allows editing of the plug-in type when the predefined plug-in is not found. This usually only happens if the plug-in changed its name from one version to the next. More detailed status information is displayed for this case and when the server/port or user information is missing. #193801,193977 (Bug #33047,33117) The replication engine logs and exits after an attempt to copy or mirror special DTS fields that are intended as append-only targets for Fix Details. Currently, only the Bugzilla plug-in provides such a field ("Fixes"). The configuration tool enforces this restriction. #191784 (Bug #31327,32944) The Bugzilla plug-in's server trigger now has an option to prepend a text string to the name of a new job. #198078 (Bug #33538) The replication engine log warnings if DTG_ERROR is set to 1, 2 or 3 (increasing detail). #203166 (Bug#34299) In Quality Center, "IDispatch error #10208" typically indicates that the issue is locked due to someone editing it. This will fail out the associated job. Typically, you only need to remove the DTG_ERROR field in the associated job to restore replication for this defect. Bugs fixed in 2009.1 #209552 (Bug #34847) Do not crash if a field in a DTS->SCM mapping does not exist. #209552 (Bug #34848) If either server are unreachable or their plug-ins are missing, do not perform field level validation within the replication engine. #204585 (Bug #34429) Check the ModUser and ModDate fields for existance and valid type before beginning replication. If they are either missing or the incorrect type, log the invalid configuration and exit. #204164 (Bug #34189) The replication engine correctly replicates the "Job:" value to the defect tracking issue (and vis versa) for newly created Jobs. #203331 (Bug #34321) The replication engine no longer leaks a small amount of memory when certain error conditions occured. #203108 (Bug #34300) The DTG_ERROR field will be correctly written when the replication engine fails to save either a job or a defect. #201118,201332 (Bug #27000,32582) Quality Center plug-in ignores the BG_DETECTED_IN_REL, BG_TARGET_REL BG_TARGET_RCYC, and BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC fields preventing a "Type mismatch" error in the COM library. #199663 (Bug #33757) The Bugzilla plug-in on FreeBSD would fail for certain data, citing the unresolved symbol "floor()". This has been fixed. #197934 (Bug #33505) The p4dtg-test tool no longer crashes when only a space is entered as input. #196971 (Bug #30165) When attributes are changed, the configuration tool now prompts the user to recheck the connection. #196712 (Bug #33393) p4dtg-test tool now accepts either "quit" or "exit" to terminate the application. #196495 (Bug #33369) p4dtg-test tool requires commands to be the only text instead of just looking for the prefix. For example, "exit" is no longer processed as the "e" (echo) command. #194731 (Bug #33164) On Windows, the configuration tool now displays version information when invoked with the -V option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major Changes in Release 2008.2: #160128 Support installations of Perforce and Defect Tracking plug-ins that contain unicode character support. (Bug #22645) #151469 Support integration with Bugzilla. (Bug #23074) #161580 Replication can be configured to wait instead of exiting when a server is offline. (Bug #27320). Changes since Release 2008.2: #199977, 199986, 200010 Multiple fix-updates were only having a single one logged in the Bugzilla comments field after the fix for Bug #33048. (Bug #33869) #195695 The Bugzilla plug-in was updating the timestamp of a bug twice whenever the Fixes field was part of a set of updates. This resulted in an UPDATE failure. The plug-in will now only update the timestamp once per set of changes. #195451 Replication engine will double check for server connectivity when a plug-in does not implement the server_offline interface. This will allow replication to wait when the Perforce server is offline but the DTS server is online. (Bug #33264) #193049, 194225 In the Bugzilla plug-in, mapping a field other than the Perforce "Fix details" to "Fixes" could cause looping replication. A mapping of this sort is now a runtime error. (Bug #33048) #189241 The Bugzilla plug-in was not updating the Bugzilla bug's modification time when the only update was a new fix from Perforce. This would delay replication of that data until another change was made to the bug. (Bug #32616) #189293 Bugzilla plug-in could not be found after upgrading from the P4DTG Beta. This has been addressed by documenting a simple workaround in the Release Notes. (Bug #32604) #187618, 187669 The Bugzilla plug-in did not properly escape data, which could result in invalid SQL statements. (Bug #32516) #187359, 187401 The Bugzilla plug-in's trigger now treats "" as an unset value in job fields. These fields are set to "" when a job is created using P4Win. (Bug #32489) #187263 The Bugzilla plug-in's trigger will now give the correct error message when denying the creation of a new job. (Bug #32477) #187255 The Bugzilla plug-in's trigger no longer considers trailing whitespace in the DTG_* fields in support of client programs that automatically trim it. (Bug #32475) #186659 Accept "" as an unset value for the DTG_DTISSUE and DTG_MAPID fields. These fields are set to "" when a job is created using P4Win. (Bug #32383) #184234 Correctly deallocate memory in the Bugzilla plug-in to prevent issues on strict memory usage platforms like Vista. (Bug #32155) Changes since Beta Release 2008.2: #175737 Erroneous "Unable to stop service" message in replication log has been removed. (Bug #31222) #171701 Correctly calculate DataSource in-use reference counts when mappings are deleted. (Bug #31440) #171667 Restrict the number of options required for mapping SELECT fields that are the basis of segmentation. This change allows for the mirroring of SELECT fields that have different numbers of options but are equivalent as a result of the segmentation restrictions. (Bug #31168) Changes in Beta Release 2008.2: #165390 For new DTS DataSources, checking connection maintains current project setting if possible. (Bug #30730) #165235 New segments always start with empty assigned lists. (Bug #30661) #165229 Segment editor allows the SELECT field to be changed when no segments map any of the options for that field. (Bug #30638) #165149 Configuration tool now properly handles the editing of a segment that had one of its options removed from the underlying SELECT field. (Bug #30714) #165064 DataSource and Map names must be unique regardless of case. (Bug #30645) #165063 The set-MAPNAME.xml file is deleted when the map-MAPNAME.xml file is deleted using the configuration tool. (Bug #30715) #165002 The replication engine no longer crashes when exiting. (Bug #30602) #164960 p4dtg-test no longer crashes when a value is omitted for the AS (Attribute Set) command. (Bug #30678) #164925 Enabled deleting of brand-new data sources that have never been saved. (Bug #30664) #164912 Display the nickname for the server in the segment editor when the server source is new. (Bug #30656) #164904 Corrected typo in error message requiring a valid connection to the server before allowing segmentation. (Bug #30568) #163715 Fix details for FileList can now be added independently from the FixDescription. (Bug #30447) Changes since release 2008.1: #160411 Correct the set of required fields to only those fields which are used by the system. (Bug #30184) #158674 Keyboard navigation of field lists in the Mapping Editor of the configuration tool will update the mapping buttons accordingly. (Bug #29988) Changes in Release 2008.1: #150549 Filter Replication - Enables any DataSource to be segmented using a specific SELECT field so that a single DataSource can be used in multiple replication mappings. (Bug #24777) #148395 DataSource specific Attributes - Support plug-ins that require additional information for configuring a DataSource. (Bug #24780) #158128 The configuration tool will report failures to write or delete configuration files to/from the 'config' directory. (Bug #29950) #153291 The HP Quality Center plug-in supports user configuration of the time offset using the Attribute editor. The default value of 30 seconds should be acceptable for almost all instances. (Bug #29165) #158206 The configuration tool checks for write-access to the config, help, and repl subdirectories on start-up. (Bug #29959) #155501 The Select Mapping Editor in the configuration tool will treat duplicate options for a SELECT field as a single entity. (Bug #29606) #155355 Correctly report malconfigured DataSources. All Perforce sources require a 'Job:' field, a field containing the last modified by, and a field containing the last modified date. All DTS sources require a field containing the issue/defect id and a field containing the last modified date. (Bug #29570) Replication engine will check for required fields and exit with an appropriate message if missing. (Bug #29556) #154937 The About help page now has navigation links at the bottom of the page. (Bug #29390) #154443 If the machine running the replication runs out of disk space, there is a chance the setting file may become corrupted or out-of-date. The configuration tool will report such errors and you can resolve them by restoring the backup copy of the setting file in the config directory. The backup ends in '.old'. Alternatively, you can simply delete the set-MAPNAME.xml file and reset the start date using the configuration tool. (Bug #29295) #154362 Prevent duplicate DataSource and DataMapping names (Bug #29300) #157077 The replication log now displays the proper path for files. The use of '/' and '\' for directory separators has been normalized. (Bug #29172) #149920 The replication engine now reports which server has failed to return the current date. (Bug #28590) #149920 The replication engine reports more information on which server is failing on a connect request. (Bug #28591) #151536 The configuration tool now checks for the correct directory structure upon startup and report any errors. (Bug #28907) Changes since Release 2007.1 May 3, 2007: #148124 Support for P4TICKETS. To use tickets, leave the password field blank for the Perforce Data Source. A valid ticket must be obtained prior to running the configuration tool - if the ticket expires, replication stops. After setting the ticket(s), copy the p4tickets.txt file into the 'C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService' directory so that the replication server service can find the ticket file. (Bug #28464) Changes since Release 2006.2 January 15, 2007: #122074 DTS Source Creation requires a Project to be selected before enabling the "OK" button to save the new source. (Bug #24481) #122074 p4dtg-test rejects calls to Perforce-only extensions for non-perforce plug-ins. (Bug #24647) #122074 p4dtg-test help text now states that the SD method might require a connection to a specific project to work correctly. Quality Center plug-in has this requirement. (Bug #24648) #122074 p4dtg-test help text now states that the DE method requires the date to be formatted according to the plug-in being tested. (Bug #24649) #122074 Perforce plug-in now puts single-line field values on the same line as the field name. (Bug #24652) #119397 Configuration tool no longer crashes when connecting to a non-p4d server using the p4jobs plug-in. (Bug #24256) #119387 Prevent replication engine from being run when the Defect Tracking Source is not providing a "Last Modified Date" field. (Bug #24242) #119387 Correct non-enabling of possible select values when all select value mappings are deleted using UNMAP ALL. (Bug #24226) #118987 Prevent running the replication engine on an empty mapping description. (Bug #24206) #118866 Correct check for incomplete select mappings to not consider deleted mappings. (Bug #24198) #118864 Prevent changing of nicknames after they have been established. (Bug #24200) #118864 Prevent deletion of Data Sources that are used in mappings. (Bug #24194) #118755 Prevent invoking replication on a mappings marked for deletion (Bug #24190) #118383 To ensure that all new HP issues are properly replicated, the Quality Center plug-in subtracts 30 seconds from the timestamp used used to detect new or changed issues. (Bug #24153) #117382 Enable the Perforce server and the Defect Tracking server to run in different time zones. (Bug #23792) #117101 Enable the configuration tool to display long project names. (Bug #23954) #117035 P4DTG now supports the following HP date formats: DMY - Day Month Year - dd/mm/yyyy MDY - Month Day Year - mm/dd/yyyy YMD - Year Month Day - yyyy/mm/dd 24 hr - hh:mm:ss 12 hr - hh:mm:ss AM|PM Other formats are not supported. (Bug #23916) #116366 The replication engine no longer crashes if the Defect Tracking System returns a NULL value for a defect's LastModifiedDate field. (Bug #23855) #115643 Support running the replication engine using Windows services. (Bug #23050)