#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Sven Erik Knop/Robert Cowham, Perforce Software Ltd # # ======================================== # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE # SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # User contributed content on the Perforce Public Depot is not supported by Perforce, # although it may be supported by its author. This applies to all contributions # even those submitted by Perforce employees. # ======================================== # P4Transfer.py # # This python script will transfer Perforce changelists with all contents # between independent servers when no remote depots are possible. # # This script transfers changes in one direction - from a source server to a target server. # There is an alternative called PerforceExchange.py which transfers changes # in both directions. # # Usage: # python2 P4Transfer.py [options] # # The -h/--help option describes all options. # # The script requires a config file, normally called transfer.cfg, # that provides the Perforce connection information for both servers. # The config file has three sections: [general], [source] and [target]. # See DEFAULT_CONFIG for details. An initial example can be generated, e.g. # # P4Transfer.py --sample_config > transfer.cfg # # The script also needs a directory in which it can place the mapped files. # This directory has to be the root of both servers' workspaces (this will be verified). # # $Id: //guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/python/p4transfer/P4Transfer.py#1 $ from __future__ import print_function import sys, re from collections import OrderedDict from P4 import P4, P4Exception, Resolver, Map, OutputHandler def python3(): return sys.version_info[0] >= 3 # Although this should work with Python 3, it doesn't currently handle Windows Perforce servers # with filenames containing charaters such as umlauts etc: åäö if python3(): from configparser import ConfigParser else: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import argparse import os.path from datetime import datetime import logging import re import time import platform import logutils CONFIG = 'transfer.cfg' GENERAL_SECTION = 'general' SOURCE_SECTION = 'source' TARGET_SECTION = 'target' LOGGER_NAME = "P4Transfer" # This is for writing to sample config file - OrderedDict used to preserve order of lines. DEFAULT_CONFIG = OrderedDict({ GENERAL_SECTION: OrderedDict([ ("# counter_name: Unique counter on target server to use for recording source changes processed. No spaces.", None), ("# Name sensibly if you have multiple instances transferring into the same target p4 repository.", None), ("# The counter value represents the last transferred change number - script will start from next change.", None), ("# If not set, or 0 then transfer will start from first change.", None), ("counter_name", "p4transfer_counter"), ("# instance_name: Name of the instance of P4Transfer - for emails etc. Spaces allowed.", None), ("instance_name", "Perforce Transfer from XYZ"), ("# For notification - testing purposes only", None), ("mail_form_url", ""), ("# The mail_* parameters must all be valid (non-blank) to receive email updates during processing. ", None), ("# mail_to: One or more valid email addresses - comma separated for multiple values", None), ("# E.g. somebody@example.com,somebody-else@example.com", None), ("mail_to", ""), ("# mail_from: Email address of sender of emails, E.g. p4transfer@example.com", None), ("mail_from", ""), ("# mail_server: The SMTP server to connect to for email sending, E.g. smtpserver.example.com", None), ("mail_server", ""), ("# sleep_on_error_interval: How long (in minutes) to sleep when error is encountered in the script", None), ("sleep_on_error_interval", "60"), ("# poll_interval: How long (in minutes) to wait between polling source server for new changes", None), ("poll_interval", "60"), ("# The following *_interval values result in reports, but only if mail_* values are specified", None), ("# report_interval: Interval (in minutes) between regular update emails being sent", None), ("report_interval", "30"), ("# error_report_interval: Interval (in minutes) between error emails being sent e.g. connection error", None), ("# Usually some value less than report_interval. Useful if transfer being run with --repeat option.", None), ("error_report_interval", "15"), ("# summary_report_interval: Interval (in minutes) between summary emails being sent e.g. changes processed", None), ("# Typically some value such as 1 week (10080 = 7 * 24 *60). Useful if transfer being run with --repeat option.", None), ("summary_report_interval", "10080"), ("# sync_progress_size_interval: Size in bytes controlling when syncs are reported to log file. ", None), ("# Useful for keeping an eye on progress for large syncs over slow links. ", None), ("sync_progress_size_interval", "500000000")]), SOURCE_SECTION: OrderedDict([ ("# P4PORT to connect to, e.g. some-server:1666", None), ("p4port", ""), ("# P4USER to use", None), ("p4user", ""), ("# P4CLIENT to use, e.g. p4-transfer-client", None), ("p4client", ""), ("# P4PASSWD for the user - valid password. If blank then no login performed.", None), ("p4passwd", "")]), TARGET_SECTION: OrderedDict([ ("# P4PORT to connect to, e.g. some-server:1666", None), ("p4port", ""), ("# P4USER to use", None), ("p4user", ""), ("# P4CLIENT to use, e.g. p4-transfer-client", None), ("p4client", ""), ("# P4PASSWD for the user - valid password. If blank then no login performed.", None), ("p4passwd", "")]), }) def p4time(unixtime): "Convert time to Perforce format time" return time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(unixtime)) def printSampleConfig(): "Print defaults from above dictionary for saving as a base file" config = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) for sec in DEFAULT_CONFIG.keys(): config.add_section(sec) for k in DEFAULT_CONFIG[sec].keys(): config.set(sec, k, DEFAULT_CONFIG[sec][k]) print("") print("# Save this output to a file to e.g. transfer.cfg and edit it for your configuration") print("") config.write(sys.stdout) def fmtsize(num): for x in ['bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB']: if num < 1024.0: return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x) num /= 1024.0 class ChangeRevision: "Represents a change - created from P4API supplied information and thus encoding" def __init__(self, r, a, t, d): self.rev = r self.action = a self.type = t self.depotFile = d self.localFile = None def setIntegrationInfo(self, integ): self.integration = integ def setLocalFile(self, localFile): self.localFile = localFile localFile = localFile.replace("%40", "@") localFile = localFile.replace("%23", "#") localFile = localFile.replace("%2A", "*") localFile = localFile.replace("%25", "%") localFile = localFile.replace("/", os.sep) self.fixedLocalFile = localFile def __repr__(self): return 'rev = {rev} action = {action} type = {type} depotFile = {depotfile}' .format( rev=self.rev, action=self.action, type=self.type, depotfile=self.depotFile, ) class ReportProgress(object): "Report overall progress" def __init__(self, p4, changes, logger): self.logger = logger self.filesToSync = 0 self.changesToSync = len(changes) self.sizeToSync = 0 self.filesSynced = 0 self.changesSynced = 0 self.sizeSynced = 0 self.previousSizeSynced = 0 self.sync_progress_size_interval = None # Set to integer value to get reports for chg in changes: sizes = p4.run('sizes', '-s', '@%s,%s' % (chg['change'], chg['change'])) self.sizeToSync += int(sizes[0]['fileSize']) self.filesToSync += int(sizes[0]['fileCount']) self.logger.info("Syncing %d changes, files %d, size %s" % (self.changesToSync, self.filesToSync, fmtsize(self.sizeToSync))) def SetSyncProgressSizeInterval(self, interval): "Set appropriate" if interval: self.sync_progress_size_interval = int(interval) def ReportChangeSync(self): self.changesSynced += 1 def ReportFileSync(self, fileSize): self.filesSynced += 1 self.sizeSynced += fileSize if not self.sync_progress_size_interval: return if self.sizeSynced > self.previousSizeSynced + self.sync_progress_size_interval: self.previousSizeSynced = self.sizeSynced syncPercent = 100 * float(self.filesSynced) / float(self.filesToSync) sizePercent = 100 * float(self.sizeSynced) / float(self.sizeToSync) self.logger.info("Synced %d/%d changes, files %d/%d (%2.1f %%), size %s/%s (%2.1f %%)" % ( \ self.changesSynced, self.changesToSync, self.filesSynced, self.filesToSync, syncPercent, fmtsize(self.sizeSynced), fmtsize(self.sizeToSync), sizePercent)) class P4Base(object): "Processes a config" section = None P4PORT = None P4CLIENT = None P4USER = None P4PASSWD = None counter = 0 def __init__(self, section, options): self.section = section self.options = options self.logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME) self.p4 = None def __str__(self): return '[section = {} P4PORT = {} P4CLIENT = {} P4USER = {} P4PASSWD = {}]'.format( \ self.section, self.P4PORT, self.P4CLIENT, self.P4USER, self.P4PASSWD, ) def connect(self, progname): self.p4 = P4() self.p4.port = self.P4PORT self.p4.client = self.P4CLIENT self.p4.user = self.P4USER self.p4.prog = progname self.p4.exception_level = P4.RAISE_ERROR self.p4.connect() if not self.P4PASSWD == None: self.p4.password = self.P4PASSWD self.p4.run_login() clientspec = self.p4.fetch_client(self.p4.client) self.root = clientspec._root self.p4.cwd = self.root self.clientmap = Map(clientspec._view) ctr = Map('//"'+clientspec._client+'/..." "' + clientspec._root + '/..."') self.localmap = Map.join(self.clientmap, ctr) self.depotmap = self.localmap.reverse() def p4cmd(self, *args): "Execute p4 cmd while logging arguments and results" self.logger.debug(args) output = self.p4.run(args) self.logger.debug(output) return output def disconnect(self): if self.p4: self.p4.disconnect() def checkWarnings(self, where): if self.p4 and self.p4.warnings: self.logger.warning('warning in {} : {}'.format(where, str(self.p4.warnings))) def resetWorkspace(self): self.p4cmd('sync', '...#none') class P4Source(P4Base): "Functionality for reading from source Perforce repository" def missingChanges(self, counter): changes = self.p4cmd('changes', '-l', '...@{rev},#head'.format(rev=counter + 1)) changes.reverse() if self.options.maximum: changes = changes[:self.options.maximum] return changes def getChange(self, change): """Expects change number as a string""" class SyncOutput(OutputHandler): "Log sync progress" def __init__(self, progress): OutputHandler.__init__(self) self.progress = progress def outputStat(self, stat): if 'fileSize' in stat: self.progress.ReportFileSync(int(stat['fileSize'])) return OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputInfo(self, info): return OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputMessage(self, msg): return OutputHandler.HANDLED self.progress.ReportChangeSync() callback = SyncOutput(self.progress) self.p4.run('sync', '...@{},{}'.format(change, change), handler=callback) change = self.p4cmd('describe', change)[0] files = [] for (n, rev) in enumerate(change['rev']): localFile = self.localmap.translate(change['depotFile'][n]) if len(localFile) > 0: chRev = ChangeRevision(rev, change['action'][n], change['type'][n], change['depotFile'][n]) files.append(chRev) chRev.setLocalFile(localFile) if chRev.action in ('branch', 'integrate', 'add', 'delete'): filelog = self.p4.run_filelog('-m1', '{}#{}'.format(chRev.depotFile, chRev.rev)) if filelog: self.logger.debug('filelog', filelog) depotFile = filelog[0] revision = depotFile.revisions[0] if len(revision.integrations) > 0: for integ in revision.integrations: if 'from' in integ.how or integ.how == "ignored": chRev.setIntegrationInfo(integ) integ.localFile = self.localmap.translate(integ.file) break else: self.logger.error(u"Failed to retrieve filelog for {}#{}".format(chRev.depotFile, chRev.rev)) if chRev.action == 'move/add': depotFile = self.p4.run_filelog('-m1', '{}#{}'.format(chRev.depotFile, chRev.rev))[0] self.logger.debug('filelog', depotFile) revision = depotFile.revisions[0] integration = revision.integrations[0] chRev.setIntegrationInfo(integration) integration.localFile = self.localmap.translate(integration.file) return files class P4Target(P4Base): "Functionality for transferring changes to target Perforce repository" def replicateChange(self, files, change, sourcePort): """This is the heart of it all. Replicate all changes according to their description""" for f in files: self.logger.debug(f) if not self.options.preview: if f.action == 'edit': self.p4cmd('sync', '-k', f.localFile) self.p4cmd('edit', '-t', f.type, f.localFile) self.checkWarnings('edit') elif f.action == 'add': if 'integration' in f.__dict__: self.replicateBranch(f, True) # dirty branch else: self.p4cmd('add', '-ft', f.type, f.fixedLocalFile) self.checkWarnings('add') elif f.action == 'delete': if 'integration' in f.__dict__: self.replicateIntegration(f) self.checkWarnings('integrate (delete)') else: self.p4cmd('delete', '-v', f.localFile) self.checkWarnings('delete') elif f.action == 'purge': # special case. Type of file is +S, and source.sync removed the file # create a temporary file, it will be overwritten again later dummy = open(f.localFile, 'w') dummy.write('purged file') dummy.close() self.p4cmd('sync', '-k', f.localFile) self.p4cmd('edit', '-t', f.type, f.localFile) if self.p4.warnings: self.p4cmd('add', '-tf', f.type, f.fixedLocalFile) self.checkWarnings('purge -add') elif f.action == 'branch': self.replicateBranch(f, False) self.checkWarnings('branch') elif f.action == 'integrate': self.replicateIntegration(f) self.checkWarnings('integrate') elif f.action == 'move/add': self.move(f) newChangeId = None opened = self.p4cmd('opened') if len(opened) > 0: description = change['desc'] \ + ''' Transferred from p4://%s@%s''' % (sourcePort, change['change']) if self.options.nokeywords: self.removeKeywords(opened) result = self.p4cmd('submit', '-d', description) # the submit information can be followed by refreshFile lines # need to go backwards to find submittedChange a = -1 while 'submittedChange' not in result[a]: a -= 1 newChangeId = result[a]['submittedChange'] self.updateChange(change, newChangeId) self.reverifyRevisions(result) self.logger.info("source = {} : target = {}".format(change['change'], newChangeId)) return newChangeId def updateChange(self, change, newChangeId): # need to update the user and time stamp newChange = self.p4.fetch_change(newChangeId) newChange._user = change['user'] # date in change is in epoch time, we need it in canonical form newDate = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(change['time'])).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") newChange._date = newDate self.p4.save_change(newChange, '-f') def reverifyRevisions(self, result): revisionsToVerify = ["{file}#{rev},{rev}".format(file=x['refreshFile'], rev=x['refreshRev']) for x in result if 'refreshFile' in x] if revisionsToVerify: self.p4cmd('verify', '-qv', revisionsToVerify) def removeKeywords(self, opened): for openFile in opened: if self.hasKeyword(openFile["type"]): fileType = self.removeKeyword(openFile["type"]) self.p4.run_reopen('-t', fileType, openFile["depotFile"]) self.logger.debug("Changed type from {} to {} for {}". format(openFile["type"], fileType, openFile["depotFile"])) KTEXT = re.compile("(.*)\+([^k]*)k([^k]*)") def hasKeyword(self, fileType): return(fileType in ["ktext", "kxtext"] or self.KTEXT.match(fileType)) def removeKeyword(self, fileType): if fileType == "ktext": newType = "text" elif fileType == "kxtext": newType = "xtext" else: m = self.KTEXT.match(fileType) newType = m.group(1) + "+" + m.group(2) + m.group(3) return newType def replicateBranch(self, file, dirty): # An integration where source has been obliterated will not have integrations has_integration = False try: i = file.integration has_integration = True except: pass if has_integration and not self.options.ignore and file.integration.localFile: if file.integration.how == 'add from': # determine the filelog of the file in the target database # this is not so easy since filelog will return nothing for a deleted file # so we need to find the depotFile for the localFile first df = self.depotmap.translate(file.localFile) f = self.p4.run_filelog(df) self.logger.debug('filelog', f) if len(f) > 0 and len(f[0].revisions) >= 2: # in 2011.1 we can ignore into deleted files, so we need to make sure # we catch a real version i = 0 while f[0].revisions[i].action == 'delete': i += 1 rev = f[0].revisions[i] # this is the revision just before the delete self.p4cmd('sync', '-f', '%s#%d' % (rev.depotFile, rev.rev)) self.p4cmd('add', '-f', file.fixedLocalFile) else: # something fishy going on. Just add the file self.p4cmd('add', '-ft', file.type, file.fixedLocalFile) else: self.p4cmd('integrate', '-v', file.integration.localFile, file.localFile) if dirty: self.p4cmd('edit', file.localFile) else: self.p4cmd('add', '-ft', file.type, file.fixedLocalFile) def replicateIntegration(self, file): if not self.options.ignore and file.integration.localFile: if file.integration.how == 'edit from': with open(file.localFile) as f: content = f.read() self.p4cmd('sync', '-f', file.localFile) # to avoid tamper checking self.p4cmd('integrate', file.integration.localFile, file.localFile) class MyResolver(Resolver): "Local resolver to accept edits on merge" def __init__(self, content): self.content = content def resolve(self, mergeData): with open(mergeData.result_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.content) return 'ae' self.p4.run_resolve(resolver=MyResolver(content)) else: self.p4cmd('sync', '-f', file.localFile) # to avoid tamper checking self.p4cmd('integrate', file.integration.localFile, file.localFile) if file.integration.how == 'copy from': self.p4cmd('resolve', '-at') elif file.integration.how == 'ignored': self.p4cmd('resolve', '-ay') elif file.integration.how in ('delete', 'delete from'): self.p4cmd('resolve', '-at') elif file.integration.how == 'merge from': # self.p4cmd('edit(file.localFile) # to overcome tamper check self.p4cmd('resolve', '-am') else: self.logger.error('Cannot deal with {}'.format(file.integration)) else: if file.integration.how in ('delete', 'delete from'): self.p4cmd('delete', '-v', file.localFile) else: self.p4cmd('sync', '-k', file.localFile) self.p4cmd('edit', file.localFile) def move(self, file): source = file.integration.localFile self.p4cmd('sync', '-f', source) self.p4cmd('edit', source) self.p4cmd('move', '-k', source, file.localFile) def getCounter(self): "Returns value of counter as integer" result = self.p4cmd('counter', self.options.counter_name) if result and 'counter' in result[0]: return int(result[0]['value']) return 0 def setCounter(self, value): "Set's the counter to specified value" self.p4cmd('counter', self.options.counter_name, str(value)) class P4Transfer(object): "Main transfer class" def __init__(self, *args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="P4Transfer", epilog="Copyright (C) 2012-14 Sven Erik Knop/Robert Cowham, Perforce Software Ltd" ) parser.add_argument('-n', '--preview', action='store_true', help="Preview only, no transfer") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=CONFIG, help="Default is " + CONFIG) parser.add_argument('-m', '--maximum', default=None, type=int, help="Maximum number of changes to transfer") parser.add_argument('-k', '--nokeywords', action='store_true', help="Do not expand keywords and remove +k from filetype") parser.add_argument('-p', '--preflight', action='store_true', help="Run a sanity check first to ensure target is empty") parser.add_argument('-r', '--repeat', action='store_true', help="Repeat transfer in a loop - for continuous transfer") parser.add_argument('-s', '--stoponerror', action='store_true', help="Stop on any error even if --repeat has been specified") parser.add_argument('--sample_config', action='store_true', help="Print an example config file and exit") parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', action='store_true', help="Treat integrations as adds and edits") self.options = parser.parse_args(list(args)) self.options.sync_progress_size_interval = None self.logger = logutils.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME) self.previous_target_change_counter = 0 # Current value def getOption(self, section, option_name, default=None): result = default try: result = self.parser.get(section, option_name) except: pass return result def getIntOption(self, section, option_name, default=None): result = default strval = self.getOption(section, option_name, default) if strval: try: result = int(eval(strval)) except: pass return result def readConfig(self): self.parser = ConfigParser() self.options.parser = self.parser # for later use try: self.parser.readfp(open(self.options.config)) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Could not read %s: %s' % (self.options.config, str(e))) self.options.counter_name = self.getOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "counter_name") if not self.options.counter_name: raise Exception("Option counter_name in the [general] section must be specified") self.options.instance_name = self.getOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "instance_name", self.options.counter_name) self.options.mail_form_url = self.getOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "mail_form_url") self.options.mail_to = self.getOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "mail_to") self.options.mail_from = self.getOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "mail_from") self.options.mail_server = self.getOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "mail_server") self.options.sleep_on_error_interval = self.getIntOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "sleep_on_error_interval", 60) self.options.poll_interval = self.getIntOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "poll_interval", 60) self.options.report_interval = self.getIntOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "report_interval", 30) self.options.error_report_interval = self.getIntOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "error_report_interval", 30) self.options.summary_report_interval = self.getIntOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "summary_report_interval", 10080) self.options.sync_progress_size_interval = self.getIntOption(GENERAL_SECTION, "sync_progress_size_interval") self.source = P4Source(SOURCE_SECTION, self.options) self.target = P4Target(TARGET_SECTION, self.options) self.readSection(self.source) self.readSection(self.target) def readSection(self, p4config): if self.parser.has_section(p4config.section): self.readOptions(p4config) else: raise Exception('Config file needs section %s' % p4config.section) def readOptions(self, p4config): self.readOption('P4CLIENT', p4config) self.readOption('P4USER', p4config) self.readOption('P4PORT', p4config) self.readOption('P4PASSWD', p4config, optional=True) def readOption(self, option, p4config, optional=False): if self.parser.has_option(p4config.section, option): p4config.__dict__[option] = self.parser.get(p4config.section, option) elif not optional: raise Exception('Required option %s not found in section %s' % (option, p4config.section)) def replicate_changes(self): "Perform a replication loop" self.source.connect('source replicate') self.target.connect('target replicate') changes = self.source.missingChanges(self.target.getCounter()) self.logger.info("Transferring %d changes" % len(changes)) if len(changes) > 0: self.save_previous_target_change_counter() self.source.progress = ReportProgress(self.source.p4, changes, self.logger) self.source.progress.SetSyncProgressSizeInterval(self.options.sync_progress_size_interval) for change in changes: msg = 'Processing : {} "{}"'.format(change['change'], change['desc'].strip()) self.logger.info(msg) files = self.source.getChange(change['change']) resultedChange = self.target.replicateChange(files, change, self.source.p4.port) self.target.setCounter(change['change']) # Tidy up the workspaces after successful transfer self.source.p4cmd("sync", "#0") self.target.p4cmd("sync", "#0") self.source.disconnect() self.target.disconnect() return len(changes) def log_exception(self, e): "Log exceptions appropriately" etext = str(e) if re.search("WSAETIMEDOUT", etext, re.MULTILINE) or re.search("WSAECONNREFUSED", etext, re.MULTILINE): self.logger.error(etext) else: self.logger.exception(e) def save_previous_target_change_counter(self): "Save the latest change transferred to the target" chg = self.target.p4cmd('changes', '-m1', '-ssubmitted', '//{client}/...'.format(client=self.target.P4CLIENT)) if chg: self.previous_target_change_counter = int(chg[0]['change']) + 1 def send_summary_email(self, time_last_summary_sent, change_last_summary_sent): "Send an email summarising changes transferred" time_str = p4time(time_last_summary_sent) self.target.connect('target replicate') # Combine changes reported by time or since last changelist transferred changes = self.target.p4cmd('changes', '-l', '//{client}/...@{rev},#head'.format( client=self.target.P4CLIENT, rev=time_str)) chgnums = [chg['change'] for chg in changes] counter_changes = self.target.p4cmd('changes', '-l', '//{client}/...@{rev},#head'.format( client=self.target.P4CLIENT, rev=change_last_summary_sent)) for chg in counter_changes: if chg['change'] not in chgnums: changes.append(chg) changes.reverse() lines = [] lines.append(["Date", "Time", "Changelist", "File Revisions", "Size (bytes)", "Size"]) total_changes = 0 total_rev_count = 0 total_file_sizes = 0 for chg in changes: sizes = self.target.p4cmd('sizes', '-s', '@%s,%s' % (chg['change'], chg['change'])) lines.append([time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d", time.localtime(int(chg['time']))), time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(chg['time']))), chg['change'], sizes[0]['fileCount'], sizes[0]['fileSize'], fmtsize(int(sizes[0]['fileSize']))]) total_changes += 1 total_rev_count += int(sizes[0]['fileCount']) total_file_sizes += int(sizes[0]['fileSize']) lines.append([]) lines.append(['Totals', '', str(total_changes), str(total_rev_count), str(total_file_sizes), fmtsize(total_file_sizes)]) report = "Changes transferred since %s\n%s" % (time_str, "\n".join(["\t".join(line) for line in lines])) self.logger.debug("Transfer summary report:\n%s" % report) self.logger.info("Sending Transfer summary report") self.logger.notify("Transfer summary report", report, include_output=False) self.save_previous_target_change_counter() self.target.disconnect() # # This is the central method # It provides the replication process # Algorithm: # Read the config file # Connect to server1 and server # Determine if counter is there def replicate(self): """Central method that performs the replication between server1 and server2""" if self.options.sample_config: printSampleConfig() return 0 try: self.logger.debug("Reading config file") self.readConfig() self.source.connect('source replicate') self.target.connect('target replicate') self.logger.debug("connected to source and target") if not self.source.root == self.target.root: raise Exception('server1 and server2 workspace root directories must be the same') except Exception as e: self.log_exception(e) logging.shutdown() return 1 # self.source.resetWorkspace() if self.options.preflight: print("Running pre-flight check first ...") targetFiles = self.target.p4cmd('fstat', '-T clientFile', '...') sourceFiles = self.source.p4cmd('fstat', '-T clientFile', '...') for f in targetFiles: if f in sourceFiles: depotFile = self.target.p4cmd('fstat', f['clientFile'])[0] raise Exception("Failed pre-flight check, file '{}' in source and target".format(depotFile['depotFile'])) print("Finished pre-flight check ...") time_last_summary_sent = time.time() change_last_summary_sent = 0 self.logger.debug("Time last summary sent: %s" % p4time(time_last_summary_sent)) time_last_error_occurred = 0 error_encountered = False # Flag to indicate error encountered which may require reporting error_notified = False finished = False while not finished: try: self.readConfig() # Read every time to allow user to change them self.logger.setReportingOptions(instance_name=self.options.instance_name, mail_form_url=self.options.mail_form_url, mail_to=self.options.mail_to, mail_from=self.options.mail_from, mail_server=self.options.mail_server, report_interval=self.options.report_interval) self.logger.debug(self.source.options) self.logger.debug(self.target.options) self.source.disconnect() self.target.disconnect() num_changes = self.replicate_changes() if num_changes > 0: self.logger.info("Transferred %d changes successfully" % num_changes) if change_last_summary_sent == 0: change_last_summary_sent = self.previous_target_change_counter if not self.options.repeat: finished = True else: if error_encountered: self.logger.info("Logging - reset error interval") self.logger.notify("Cleared error", "Previous error has now been cleared") error_encountered = False error_notified = False if time.time() - time_last_summary_sent > self.options.summary_report_interval * 60: time_last_summary_sent = time.time() self.send_summary_email(time_last_summary_sent, change_last_summary_sent) self.logger.info("Sleeping for %d minutes" % self.options.poll_interval) time.sleep(self.options.poll_interval * 60) except Exception as e: self.log_exception(e) if self.options.stoponerror: self.logger.notify("Error", "Exception encountered and --stoponerror specified") logging.shutdown() return 1 else: # Decide whether to report an error if not error_encountered: error_encountered = True time_last_error_occurred = time.time() elif not error_notified: if time.time() - time_last_error_occurred > self.options.error_report_interval * 60: error_notified = True self.logger.info("Logging - Notifying recurring error") self.logger.notify("Recurring error", "Multiple errors seen") self.logger.info("Sleeping on error for %d minutes" % self.options.sleep_on_error_interval) time.sleep(self.options.sleep_on_error_interval * 60) self.logger.notify("Changes transferred", "Completed successfully") logging.shutdown() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': result = 0 try: prog = P4Transfer(*sys.argv[1:]) result = prog.replicate() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) result = 1 sys.exit(result)