#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script creates groups on the server based on the entries in a local file called groups.txt The groups.txt file contains: group,groupname1 username username etc group,groupname2 username username etc Run: python creategroups [instance] Instance defaults to 1 if not given. """ from __future__ import print_function import re import sys import os from subprocess import * import sdputils if len(sys.argv) > 1: SDP_INSTANCE = str(sys.argv[1]) else: SDP_INSTANCE = '1' utils = sdputils.SDPUtils(SDP_INSTANCE) p4 = utils.p4 utils.login() def log(msglevel="DEBUG", message=""): if msglevel == "ERROR": print(message) sys.exit(1) else: print(message) def runp4cmd(cmd): try: pipe = Popen(p4 + cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate() log("DEBUG", stdout) if pipe.returncode != 0: log("ERROR", "%s%s generated the following error: %s" % (p4, cmd, stderr)) else: return stdout except OSError as err: log("ERROR", "Execution failed: %s" % (err)) def main(): groupsfile = open("groups.txt", "r") groupfile = open("group.txt", "w") count = 0 for line in groupsfile.readlines(): try: group = (re.match("^group,(.*)", line).groups()) if count == 0: groupfile.write('Group:\t%s\nUsers:\n' % group[0]) count = 1 else: groupfile.close() cmd = 'group -i < group.txt' runp4cmd(cmd) os.remove('group.txt') groupfile = open("group.txt", "w") groupfile.write('Group:\t%s\nUsers:\n' % group[0]) except: groupfile.write('\t%s' % line) groupfile.close() cmd = 'group -i < group.txt' runp4cmd(cmd) os.remove('group.txt') if __name__ == "__main__": main()