Compare, Analyze, Liken, And Merge Associated Raster Images


CALAMARI is a diff/merge tool for images.  It operates by comparing corresponding pixels in two or more images, and presenting any differences it finds to the user in a (hopefully) useful fashion.  CALAMARI is primarily intended to be used in conjunction with an SCM (software configuration management) system such as Perforce, but it can also be used on its own or with other tools.

What kinds of images can I use it with?

CALAMARI will work with any images supported by Qt (see, but its diff/merge algorithm works best with groups of images that are of identical dimensions and do not use lossy compression.  Comparing low-quality JPEGs will result in the diff containing a lot of "noise", and comparing images that have changes in size or orientation will probably result in the entire image being displayed as a diff.

How do I use CALAMARI to diff and merge images?

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