Perforce API for the .Net CLR P4.Net



P4.Net is an API for the Microsoft .Net Common Language Runtime (CLR). It can be used from any managed language including C#, VB.Net, and J#.

  • Support for Framework versions 1.1 and 2.0.
  • Results can be streamed as "pre-parsed", and are abstrated to "Recordsets" and "Records".
  • Direct manipulation of forms (p4 client, branch, user, etc.).
  • Connections are auto-managed (no need to set "ParseForms" or "Tagged" like other APIs).
  • P4PendingChangelist object makes submiting changes a snap.
  • Licence

    P4.Net is protected under this license, which is the MIT license.


    P4.Net is supported by me personally, in my spare time. If you have any issues you can contact me at p4shawn <at> gmail <dot> com. I use P4.Net at work extensively, so I'm motivated to fix any bugs. But I can't guarantee I'll be able to help everyone in a timely fashion, or even at all.