Perforce API for the .Net CLR P4.Net


The properties of the P4Connection class are listed below. For a complete list of P4Connection class members, see the P4Connection Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

Api Sets the client API protocol level.
CallingProgram Get/Sets the name of the calling program.
CallingVersion Gets/Sets the version of the calling program's version.
Charset Gets/Sets the client character set.
Client Gets/Sets the client workspace.
CWD Gets/Sets the current working directory.
ExceptionLevel Gets/Sets the Exception level when running Perforce commands.
Host Gets/Sets the Host-name of the client.
Language Sets the Language for message translations.
MaxLockTime Gets/Sets a value that overrides the defined MaxLockTime.
MaxResults Gets/Sets a value that overrides the defined MaxResults.
MaxScanRows Gets/Sets a value that overrides the defined MaxScanRows.
Password Sets the password to conenct with.
Port Gets/Sets the Perforce Server port.
ServerLevel Checks the server level (version) of the Perforce server.
TicketFile Sets the ticket file used for Authentication.
User Gets/Sets the User login used to connect to Perforce.

See Also

P4Connection Class | P4API Namespace