#!/usr/bin/perl -w #This is a sample script. I have tested the script, but please test it #thoroughly before using it on a production server. # use strict; my $argc = @ARGV; if($argc != 1) { die "Usage: deletedFilesFromBranch.pl \n";} my $p4 = "p4"; my $command = "filelog"; if(-f "final.txt") { unlink "final.txt"; } open(OUT,">>final.txt"); my @accessUpdate = `$p4 $command $ARGV[0]`; my $path; if($ARGV[0] =~ /^(\/\/.+\/)\.\.\./) { $path = $1; } my $fileName = ""; my $inFile = 0; #my $count = 0; foreach (@accessUpdate) { if(/^\/\/.+/) { $fileName = $_; } if(/^$path/) { $inFile = 1; } if(($inFile == 1) && (/^\.\.\.\s\#(\d+)\s(change)\s(\d+)\s(delete).*/)) { print OUT "Rev.# $1 for Change# $3 was $4" . "d"; print OUT " FileName: $fileName"; $inFile = 0; } #$count++; } close(OUT);