Installing JamBox on a Raspberry Pi =================================== 1.) On your Raspberry Pi, run (instructions were tested on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian Jessie): `sudo apt-get update` `sudo apt-get install -y build-essential` `sudo apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-php5` `sudo apt-get install -y php5-dev` 2.) Get the Perforce client, server, C++ API, PHP API: `wget` `wget` `wget` `wget -O` 3.) Change permissions on p4 and p4d and move files to bin directory: `chmod +x p4` `chmod +x p4d` `sudo mv p4 /usr/local/bin` `sudo mv p4d /usr/local/bin` 4.) Start p4d: `mkdir /home/pi/p4root` `p4d -r /home/pi/p4root -p -d` 5.) Build P4PHP: `tar zxvf p4api.tgz` `unzip` `mv main p4php` `cd p4php` `phpize` `./configure --with-perforce=../p4api-2015.2.1326881 (your version might be different)` `make` `make test` `sudo make install` **NOTE**: In the summary, you should see something like: Libraries have been installed in: /home/pi/p4php/modules 6.) Add this line to your php.ini file: extensions=/home/pi/p4php/modules/ **NOTE**: If you've been following the directions, php.ini file should be located here: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini 7.) Download JamBox code and setup: `p4 -d jambox -u guest clone -p -f //guest/thomas_gray/jambox/main/...` `cd jambox/swarm` `sudo chown www-data data` 8.) Add this config.php file to $JAMBOX_HOME/data: > return array( > 'p4' => array( > 'port' => 'localhost:1666', > 'user' => 'swarm', > 'password' => 'password', > ), > 'p4_super' => array( > 'port' => 'localhost:1666', > 'user' => 'perforce', > 'password' => 'password', > ), > 'security' => array( > 'require_login' => false, > 'disable_autojoin' => true, > ), > 'notifications' => array( > 'honor_p4_reviews' => true, > ), > 'queue' => array( > 'workers' => 3, // defaults to 3 > 'worker_lifetime' => 595, // defaults to 10 minutes (less 5 seconds) > 'worker_task_timeout' => 1800, // defaults 30 minutes > 'worker_memory_limit' => '1G', // defaults to 1 gigabyte > ), > 'reviews' => array( > 'disable_commit' => false, > ), > ); **NOTE: Make sure you have created a 'swarm' and 'perforce' user with super permissions (p4 user -f username)** 9.) Setup Swarm Triggers: `/home/pi/jambox/swarm/p4-bin/scripts/ -o > swarm-triggers.txt` `p4 -p localhost:1666 triggers -o > default-triggers.txt` `cat default-triggers.txt swarm-triggers.txt > final.txt` `p4 -p localhost:1666 triggers -i < final.txt` 10.) In the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory, edit the file '000-default.conf' with following contents: > > ServerName localhost > ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/swarm_error.log" > CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/swarm_access.log" common > DocumentRoot "/home/pi/jambox/swarm/public" > > AllowOverride All > Require all granted > > 11.) Restart Apache `sudo apachectl restart` Let's try logging into your Swarm instance: Open up a browser and enter (or ip address if accessing from another machine) Log into using username: pi (leave password blank) Now that's you've successfully logged in, there are few more things we need to do. 12.) Setup the Trigger Token: * Click on 'pi' userid (upper right corner) | About Swarm * Copy Trigger Token * Open up the file: /home/pi/jambox/swarm/p4-bin/scripts/ * Fill in the values for SWARM_HOST and SWARM_TOKEN: SWARM_HOST="http://ip_address/" SWARM_TOKEN="Trigger Token you just copied" 12.) Add Workers: `crontab -e` Add the following line and exit: `* * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null -T5 http://IP_ADDRESS/queue/worker`