introspectionStrategy = ($introspectionStrategy) ?: new IntrospectionStrategy(); $this->directoryScanner = new AggregateDirectoryScanner(); } /** * Set introspection strategy * * @param IntrospectionStrategy $introspectionStrategy */ public function setIntrospectionStrategy(IntrospectionStrategy $introspectionStrategy) { $this->introspectionStrategy = $introspectionStrategy; } /** * @param bool $allowReflectionExceptions */ public function setAllowReflectionExceptions($allowReflectionExceptions = true) { $this->allowReflectionExceptions = (bool) $allowReflectionExceptions; } /** * Get introspection strategy * * @return IntrospectionStrategy */ public function getIntrospectionStrategy() { return $this->introspectionStrategy; } /** * Add directory * * @param string $directory */ public function addDirectory($directory) { $this->addDirectoryScanner(new DirectoryScanner($directory)); } /** * Add directory scanner * * @param DirectoryScanner $directoryScanner */ public function addDirectoryScanner(DirectoryScanner $directoryScanner) { $this->directoryScanner->addDirectoryScanner($directoryScanner); } /** * Add code scanner file * * @param FileScanner $fileScanner */ public function addCodeScannerFile(FileScanner $fileScanner) { if ($this->directoryScanner == null) { $this->directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner(); } $this->directoryScanner->addFileScanner($fileScanner); } /** * Compile * * @return void */ public function compile() { /* @var $classScanner \Zend\Code\Scanner\DerivedClassScanner */ foreach ($this->directoryScanner->getClassNames() as $class) { $this->processClass($class); } } /** * @return ArrayDefinition */ public function toArrayDefinition() { return new ArrayDefinition( $this->classes ); } /** * @param string $class * @throws \ReflectionException */ protected function processClass($class) { $strategy = $this->introspectionStrategy; // localize for readability try { $rClass = new Reflection\ClassReflection($class); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { if (!$this->allowReflectionExceptions) { throw $e; } return; } $className = $rClass->getName(); $matches = null; // used for regex below // setup the key in classes $this->classes[$className] = array( 'supertypes' => array(), 'instantiator' => null, 'methods' => array(), 'parameters' => array() ); $def = &$this->classes[$className]; // localize for brevity // class annotations? if ($strategy->getUseAnnotations() == true) { $annotations = $rClass->getAnnotations($strategy->getAnnotationManager()); if (($annotations instanceof AnnotationCollection) && $annotations->hasAnnotation('Zend\Di\Definition\Annotation\Instantiator') ) { // @todo Instantiator support in annotations } } /* @var $rTarget \Zend\Code\Reflection\ClassReflection */ $rTarget = $rClass; $supertypes = array(); do { $supertypes = array_merge($supertypes, $rTarget->getInterfaceNames()); if (!($rTargetParent = $rTarget->getParentClass())) { break; } $supertypes[] = $rTargetParent->getName(); $rTarget = $rTargetParent; } while (true); $def['supertypes'] = $supertypes; if ($def['instantiator'] == null) { if ($rClass->isInstantiable()) { $def['instantiator'] = '__construct'; } } if ($rClass->hasMethod('__construct')) { $def['methods']['__construct'] = true; // required try { $this->processParams($def, $rClass, $rClass->getMethod('__construct')); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { if (!$this->allowReflectionExceptions) { throw $e; } return; } } foreach ($rClass->getMethods(Reflection\MethodReflection::IS_PUBLIC) as $rMethod) { $methodName = $rMethod->getName(); if ($rMethod->getName() === '__construct' || $rMethod->isStatic()) { continue; } if ($strategy->getUseAnnotations() == true) { $annotations = $rMethod->getAnnotations($strategy->getAnnotationManager()); if (($annotations instanceof AnnotationCollection) && $annotations->hasAnnotation('Zend\Di\Definition\Annotation\Inject') ) { $def['methods'][$methodName] = true; $this->processParams($def, $rClass, $rMethod); continue; } } $methodPatterns = $this->introspectionStrategy->getMethodNameInclusionPatterns(); // matches a method injection pattern? foreach ($methodPatterns as $methodInjectorPattern) { preg_match($methodInjectorPattern, $methodName, $matches); if ($matches) { $def['methods'][$methodName] = false; // check ot see if this is required? $this->processParams($def, $rClass, $rMethod); continue 2; } } // method // by annotation // by setter pattern, // by interface } $interfaceInjectorPatterns = $this->introspectionStrategy->getInterfaceInjectionInclusionPatterns(); // matches the interface injection pattern /** @var $rIface \ReflectionClass */ foreach ($rClass->getInterfaces() as $rIface) { foreach ($interfaceInjectorPatterns as $interfaceInjectorPattern) { preg_match($interfaceInjectorPattern, $rIface->getName(), $matches); if ($matches) { foreach ($rIface->getMethods() as $rMethod) { if (($rMethod->getName() === '__construct') || !count($rMethod->getParameters())) { // constructor not allowed in interfaces // ignore methods without parameters continue; } $def['methods'][$rMethod->getName()] = true; $this->processParams($def, $rClass, $rMethod); } continue 2; } } } } /** * @param array $def * @param \Zend\Code\Reflection\ClassReflection $rClass * @param \Zend\Code\Reflection\MethodReflection $rMethod */ protected function processParams(&$def, Reflection\ClassReflection $rClass, Reflection\MethodReflection $rMethod) { if (count($rMethod->getParameters()) === 0) { return; } $methodName = $rMethod->getName(); // @todo annotations here for alternate names? $def['parameters'][$methodName] = array(); foreach ($rMethod->getParameters() as $p) { /** @var $p \ReflectionParameter */ $actualParamName = $p->getName(); $fqName = $rClass->getName() . '::' . $rMethod->getName() . ':' . $p->getPosition(); $def['parameters'][$methodName][$fqName] = array(); // set the class name, if it exists $def['parameters'][$methodName][$fqName][] = $actualParamName; $def['parameters'][$methodName][$fqName][] = ($p->getClass() !== null) ? $p->getClass()->getName() : null; $def['parameters'][$methodName][$fqName][] = !($optional =$p->isOptional()); $def['parameters'][$methodName][$fqName][] = $optional && $p->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $p->getDefaultValue() : null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClasses() { return array_keys($this->classes); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasClass($class) { return (array_key_exists($class, $this->classes)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getClassSupertypes($class) { if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->classes)) { $this->processClass($class); } return $this->classes[$class]['supertypes']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getInstantiator($class) { if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->classes)) { $this->processClass($class); } return $this->classes[$class]['instantiator']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasMethods($class) { if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->classes)) { $this->processClass($class); } return (count($this->classes[$class]['methods']) > 0); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasMethod($class, $method) { if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->classes)) { $this->processClass($class); } return isset($this->classes[$class]['methods'][$method]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getMethods($class) { if (!array_key_exists($class, $this->classes)) { $this->processClass($class); } return $this->classes[$class]['methods']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function hasMethodParameters($class, $method) { if (!isset($this->classes[$class])) { return false; } return (array_key_exists($method, $this->classes[$class]['parameters'])); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getMethodParameters($class, $method) { if (!is_array($this->classes[$class])) { $this->processClass($class); } return $this->classes[$class]['parameters'][$method]; } }