| | | | * Place 1 or 0 in the different positions for enable or disable the part. * Finally use a hexadecimal representation. */ const HOST_IPV4 = 0x01; //00001 const HOST_IPV6 = 0x02; //00010 const HOST_IPVFUTURE = 0x04; //00100 const HOST_IPVANY = 0x07; //00111 const HOST_DNS = 0x08; //01000 const HOST_DNS_OR_IPV4 = 0x09; //01001 const HOST_DNS_OR_IPV6 = 0x0A; //01010 const HOST_DNS_OR_IPV4_OR_IPV6 = 0x0B; //01011 const HOST_DNS_OR_IPVANY = 0x0F; //01111 const HOST_REGNAME = 0x10; //10000 const HOST_DNS_OR_IPV4_OR_IPV6_OR_REGNAME = 0x13; //10011 const HOST_ALL = 0x1F; //11111 /** * URI scheme * * @var string */ protected $scheme; /** * URI userInfo part (usually user:password in HTTP URLs) * * @var string */ protected $userInfo; /** * URI hostname * * @var string */ protected $host; /** * URI port * * @var int */ protected $port; /** * URI path * * @var string */ protected $path; /** * URI query string * * @var string */ protected $query; /** * URI fragment * * @var string */ protected $fragment; /** * Which host part types are valid for this URI? * * @var int */ protected $validHostTypes = self::HOST_ALL; /** * Array of valid schemes. * * Subclasses of this class that only accept specific schemes may set the * list of accepted schemes here. If not empty, when setScheme() is called * it will only accept the schemes listed here. * * @var array */ protected static $validSchemes = array(); /** * List of default ports per scheme * * Inheriting URI classes may set this, and the normalization methods will * automatically remove the port if it is equal to the default port for the * current scheme * * @var array */ protected static $defaultPorts = array(); /** * @var Escaper */ protected static $escaper; /** * Create a new URI object * * @param Uri|string|null $uri * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function __construct($uri = null) { if (is_string($uri)) { $this->parse($uri); } elseif ($uri instanceof UriInterface) { // Copy constructor $this->setScheme($uri->getScheme()); $this->setUserInfo($uri->getUserInfo()); $this->setHost($uri->getHost()); $this->setPort($uri->getPort()); $this->setPath($uri->getPath()); $this->setQuery($uri->getQuery()); $this->setFragment($uri->getFragment()); } elseif ($uri !== null) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Expecting a string or a URI object, received "%s"', (is_object($uri) ? get_class($uri) : gettype($uri)) )); } } /** * Set Escaper instance * * @param Escaper $escaper */ public static function setEscaper(Escaper $escaper) { static::$escaper = $escaper; } /** * Retrieve Escaper instance * * Lazy-loads one if none provided * * @return Escaper */ public static function getEscaper() { if (null === static::$escaper) { static::setEscaper(new Escaper()); } return static::$escaper; } /** * Check if the URI is valid * * Note that a relative URI may still be valid * * @return bool */ public function isValid() { if ($this->host) { if (strlen($this->path) > 0 && substr($this->path, 0, 1) != '/') { return false; } return true; } if ($this->userInfo || $this->port) { return false; } if ($this->path) { // Check path-only (no host) URI if (substr($this->path, 0, 2) == '//') { return false; } return true; } if (! ($this->query || $this->fragment)) { // No host, path, query or fragment - this is not a valid URI return false; } return true; } /** * Check if the URI is a valid relative URI * * @return bool */ public function isValidRelative() { if ($this->scheme || $this->host || $this->userInfo || $this->port) { return false; } if ($this->path) { // Check path-only (no host) URI if (substr($this->path, 0, 2) == '//') { return false; } return true; } if (! ($this->query || $this->fragment)) { // No host, path, query or fragment - this is not a valid URI return false; } return true; } /** * Check if the URI is an absolute or relative URI * * @return bool */ public function isAbsolute() { return ($this->scheme !== null); } /** * Reset URI parts */ protected function reset() { $this->setScheme(null); $this->setPort(null); $this->setUserInfo(null); $this->setHost(null); $this->setPath(null); $this->setFragment(null); $this->setQuery(null); } /** * Parse a URI string * * @param string $uri * @return Uri */ public function parse($uri) { $this->reset(); // Capture scheme if (($scheme = self::parseScheme($uri)) !== null) { $this->setScheme($scheme); $uri = substr($uri, strlen($scheme) + 1); } // Capture authority part if (preg_match('|^//([^/\?#]*)|', $uri, $match)) { $authority = $match[1]; $uri = substr($uri, strlen($match[0])); // Split authority into userInfo and host if (strpos($authority, '@') !== false) { // The userInfo can also contain '@' symbols; split $authority // into segments, and set it to the last segment. $segments = explode('@', $authority); $authority = array_pop($segments); $userInfo = implode('@', $segments); unset($segments); $this->setUserInfo($userInfo); } $nMatches = preg_match('/:[\d]{1,5}$/', $authority, $matches); if ($nMatches === 1) { $portLength = strlen($matches[0]); $port = substr($matches[0], 1); $this->setPort((int) $port); $authority = substr($authority, 0, -$portLength); } $this->setHost($authority); } if (!$uri) { return $this; } // Capture the path if (preg_match('|^[^\?#]*|', $uri, $match)) { $this->setPath($match[0]); $uri = substr($uri, strlen($match[0])); } if (!$uri) { return $this; } // Capture the query if (preg_match('|^\?([^#]*)|', $uri, $match)) { $this->setQuery($match[1]); $uri = substr($uri, strlen($match[0])); } if (!$uri) { return $this; } // All that's left is the fragment if ($uri && substr($uri, 0, 1) == '#') { $this->setFragment(substr($uri, 1)); } return $this; } /** * Compose the URI into a string * * @return string * @throws Exception\InvalidUriException */ public function toString() { if (!$this->isValid()) { if ($this->isAbsolute() || !$this->isValidRelative()) { throw new Exception\InvalidUriException( 'URI is not valid and cannot be converted into a string' ); } } $uri = ''; if ($this->scheme) { $uri .= $this->scheme . ':'; } if ($this->host !== null) { $uri .= '//'; if ($this->userInfo) { $uri .= $this->userInfo . '@'; } $uri .= $this->host; if ($this->port) { $uri .= ':' . $this->port; } } if ($this->path) { $uri .= static::encodePath($this->path); } elseif ($this->host && ($this->query || $this->fragment)) { $uri .= '/'; } if ($this->query) { $uri .= "?" . static::encodeQueryFragment($this->query); } if ($this->fragment) { $uri .= "#" . static::encodeQueryFragment($this->fragment); } return $uri; } /** * Normalize the URI * * Normalizing a URI includes removing any redundant parent directory or * current directory references from the path (e.g. foo/bar/../baz becomes * foo/baz), normalizing the scheme case, decoding any over-encoded * characters etc. * * Eventually, two normalized URLs pointing to the same resource should be * equal even if they were originally represented by two different strings * * @return Uri */ public function normalize() { if ($this->scheme) { $this->scheme = static::normalizeScheme($this->scheme); } if ($this->host) { $this->host = static::normalizeHost($this->host); } if ($this->port) { $this->port = static::normalizePort($this->port, $this->scheme); } if ($this->path) { $this->path = static::normalizePath($this->path); } if ($this->query) { $this->query = static::normalizeQuery($this->query); } if ($this->fragment) { $this->fragment = static::normalizeFragment($this->fragment); } // If path is empty (and we have a host), path should be '/' // Isn't this valid ONLY for HTTP-URI? if ($this->host && empty($this->path)) { $this->path = '/'; } return $this; } /** * Convert a relative URI into an absolute URI using a base absolute URI as * a reference. * * This is similar to merge() - only it uses the supplied URI as the * base reference instead of using the current URI as the base reference. * * Merging algorithm is adapted from RFC-3986 section 5.2 * (@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2) * * @param Uri|string $baseUri * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Uri */ public function resolve($baseUri) { // Ignore if URI is absolute if ($this->isAbsolute()) { return $this; } if (is_string($baseUri)) { $baseUri = new static($baseUri); } elseif (!$baseUri instanceof Uri) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'Provided base URI must be a string or a Uri object' ); } // Merging starts here... if ($this->getHost()) { $this->setPath(static::removePathDotSegments($this->getPath())); } else { $basePath = $baseUri->getPath(); $relPath = $this->getPath(); if (!$relPath) { $this->setPath($basePath); if (!$this->getQuery()) { $this->setQuery($baseUri->getQuery()); } } else { if (substr($relPath, 0, 1) == '/') { $this->setPath(static::removePathDotSegments($relPath)); } else { if ($baseUri->getHost() && !$basePath) { $mergedPath = '/'; } else { $mergedPath = substr($basePath, 0, strrpos($basePath, '/') + 1); } $this->setPath(static::removePathDotSegments($mergedPath . $relPath)); } } // Set the authority part $this->setUserInfo($baseUri->getUserInfo()); $this->setHost($baseUri->getHost()); $this->setPort($baseUri->getPort()); } $this->setScheme($baseUri->getScheme()); return $this; } /** * Convert the link to a relative link by substracting a base URI * * This is the opposite of resolving a relative link - i.e. creating a * relative reference link from an original URI and a base URI. * * If the two URIs do not intersect (e.g. the original URI is not in any * way related to the base URI) the URI will not be modified. * * @param Uri|string $baseUri * @return Uri */ public function makeRelative($baseUri) { // Copy base URI, we should not modify it $baseUri = new static($baseUri); $this->normalize(); $baseUri->normalize(); $host = $this->getHost(); $baseHost = $baseUri->getHost(); if ($host && $baseHost && ($host != $baseHost)) { // Not the same hostname return $this; } $port = $this->getPort(); $basePort = $baseUri->getPort(); if ($port && $basePort && ($port != $basePort)) { // Not the same port return $this; } $scheme = $this->getScheme(); $baseScheme = $baseUri->getScheme(); if ($scheme && $baseScheme && ($scheme != $baseScheme)) { // Not the same scheme (e.g. HTTP vs. HTTPS) return $this; } // Remove host, port and scheme $this->setHost(null) ->setPort(null) ->setScheme(null); // Is path the same? if ($this->getPath() == $baseUri->getPath()) { $this->setPath(''); return $this; } $pathParts = preg_split('|(/)|', $this->getPath(), null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $baseParts = preg_split('|(/)|', $baseUri->getPath(), null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // Get the intersection of existing path parts and those from the // provided URI $matchingParts = array_intersect_assoc($pathParts, $baseParts); // Loop through the matches foreach ($matchingParts as $index => $segment) { // If we skip an index at any point, we have parent traversal, and // need to prepend the path accordingly if ($index && !isset($matchingParts[$index - 1])) { array_unshift($pathParts, '../'); continue; } // Otherwise, we simply unset the given path segment unset($pathParts[$index]); } // Reset the path by imploding path segments $this->setPath(implode($pathParts)); return $this; } /** * Get the scheme part of the URI * * @return string|null */ public function getScheme() { return $this->scheme; } /** * Get the User-info (usually user:password) part * * @return string|null */ public function getUserInfo() { return $this->userInfo; } /** * Get the URI host * * @return string|null */ public function getHost() { return $this->host; } /** * Get the URI port * * @return int|null */ public function getPort() { return $this->port; } /** * Get the URI path * * @return string|null */ public function getPath() { return $this->path; } /** * Get the URI query * * @return string|null */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * Return the query string as an associative array of key => value pairs * * This is an extension to RFC-3986 but is quite useful when working with * most common URI types * * @return array */ public function getQueryAsArray() { $query = array(); if ($this->query) { parse_str($this->query, $query); } return $query; } /** * Get the URI fragment * * @return string|null */ public function getFragment() { return $this->fragment; } /** * Set the URI scheme * * If the scheme is not valid according to the generic scheme syntax or * is not acceptable by the specific URI class (e.g. 'http' or 'https' are * the only acceptable schemes for the Zend\Uri\Http class) an exception * will be thrown. * * You can check if a scheme is valid before setting it using the * validateScheme() method. * * @param string $scheme * @throws Exception\InvalidUriPartException * @return Uri */ public function setScheme($scheme) { if (($scheme !== null) && (!self::validateScheme($scheme))) { throw new Exception\InvalidUriPartException(sprintf( 'Scheme "%s" is not valid or is not accepted by %s', $scheme, get_class($this) ), Exception\InvalidUriPartException::INVALID_SCHEME); } $this->scheme = $scheme; return $this; } /** * Set the URI User-info part (usually user:password) * * @param string $userInfo * @return Uri * @throws Exception\InvalidUriPartException If the schema definition * does not have this part */ public function setUserInfo($userInfo) { $this->userInfo = $userInfo; return $this; } /** * Set the URI host * * Note that the generic syntax for URIs allows using host names which * are not necessarily IPv4 addresses or valid DNS host names. For example, * IPv6 addresses are allowed as well, and also an abstract "registered name" * which may be any name composed of a valid set of characters, including, * for example, tilda (~) and underscore (_) which are not allowed in DNS * names. * * Subclasses of Uri may impose more strict validation of host names - for * example the HTTP RFC clearly states that only IPv4 and valid DNS names * are allowed in HTTP URIs. * * @param string $host * @throws Exception\InvalidUriPartException * @return Uri */ public function setHost($host) { if (($host !== '') && ($host !== null) && !self::validateHost($host, $this->validHostTypes) ) { throw new Exception\InvalidUriPartException(sprintf( 'Host "%s" is not valid or is not accepted by %s', $host, get_class($this) ), Exception\InvalidUriPartException::INVALID_HOSTNAME); } $this->host = $host; return $this; } /** * Set the port part of the URI * * @param int $port * @return Uri */ public function setPort($port) { $this->port = $port; return $this; } /** * Set the path * * @param string $path * @return Uri */ public function setPath($path) { $this->path = $path; return $this; } /** * Set the query string * * If an array is provided, will encode this array of parameters into a * query string. Array values will be represented in the query string using * PHP's common square bracket notation. * * @param string|array $query * @return Uri */ public function setQuery($query) { if (is_array($query)) { // We replace the + used for spaces by http_build_query with the // more standard %20. $query = str_replace('+', '%20', http_build_query($query)); } $this->query = $query; return $this; } /** * Set the URI fragment part * * @param string $fragment * @return Uri * @throws Exception\InvalidUriPartException If the schema definition * does not have this part */ public function setFragment($fragment) { $this->fragment = $fragment; return $this; } /** * Magic method to convert the URI to a string * * @return string */ public function __toString() { try { return $this->toString(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return ''; } } /** * Encoding and Validation Methods */ /** * Check if a scheme is valid or not * * Will check $scheme to be valid against the generic scheme syntax defined * in RFC-3986. If the class also defines specific acceptable schemes, will * also check that $scheme is one of them. * * @param string $scheme * @return bool */ public static function validateScheme($scheme) { if (!empty(static::$validSchemes) && !in_array(strtolower($scheme), static::$validSchemes) ) { return false; } return (bool) preg_match('/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-\.+]*$/', $scheme); } /** * Check that the userInfo part of a URI is valid * * @param string $userInfo * @return bool */ public static function validateUserInfo($userInfo) { $regex = '/^(?:[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS . ':]+|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})*$/'; return (bool) preg_match($regex, $userInfo); } /** * Validate the host part * * Users may control which host types to allow by passing a second parameter * with a bitmask of HOST_* constants which are allowed. If not specified, * all address types will be allowed. * * Note that the generic URI syntax allows different host representations, * including IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses and future IP address formats * enclosed in square brackets, and registered names which may be DNS names * or even more complex names. This is different (and is much more loose) * from what is commonly accepted as valid HTTP URLs for example. * * @param string $host * @param int $allowed bitmask of allowed host types * @return bool */ public static function validateHost($host, $allowed = self::HOST_ALL) { /* * "first-match-wins" algorithm (RFC 3986): * If host matches the rule for IPv4address, then it should be * considered an IPv4 address literal and not a reg-name */ if ($allowed & self::HOST_IPVANY) { if (static::isValidIpAddress($host, $allowed)) { return true; } } if ($allowed & self::HOST_REGNAME) { if (static::isValidRegName($host)) { return true; } } if ($allowed & self::HOST_DNS) { if (static::isValidDnsHostname($host)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Validate the port * * Valid values include numbers between 1 and 65535, and empty values * * @param int $port * @return bool */ public static function validatePort($port) { if ($port === 0) { return false; } if ($port) { $port = (int) $port; if ($port < 1 || $port > 0xffff) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Validate the path * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public static function validatePath($path) { $pchar = '(?:[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . ':@&=\+\$,]+|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})*'; $segment = $pchar . "(?:;{$pchar})*"; $regex = "/^{$segment}(?:\/{$segment})*$/"; return (bool) preg_match($regex, $path); } /** * Check if a URI query or fragment part is valid or not * * Query and Fragment parts are both restricted by the same syntax rules, * so the same validation method can be used for both. * * You can encode a query or fragment part to ensure it is valid by passing * it through the encodeQueryFragment() method. * * @param string $input * @return bool */ public static function validateQueryFragment($input) { $regex = '/^(?:[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS . ':@\/\?]+|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})*$/'; return (bool) preg_match($regex, $input); } /** * URL-encode the user info part of a URI * * @param string $userInfo * @return string * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public static function encodeUserInfo($userInfo) { if (!is_string($userInfo)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Expecting a string, got %s', (is_object($userInfo) ? get_class($userInfo) : gettype($userInfo)) )); } $regex = '/(?:[^' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS . '%:]|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; $escaper = static::getEscaper(); $replace = function ($match) use ($escaper) { return $escaper->escapeUrl($match[0]); }; return preg_replace_callback($regex, $replace, $userInfo); } /** * Encode the path * * Will replace all characters which are not strictly allowed in the path * part with percent-encoded representation * * @param string $path * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return string */ public static function encodePath($path) { if (!is_string($path)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Expecting a string, got %s', (is_object($path) ? get_class($path) : gettype($path)) )); } $regex = '/(?:[^' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . ':@&=\+\$,\/;%]+|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; $escaper = static::getEscaper(); $replace = function ($match) use ($escaper) { return $escaper->escapeUrl($match[0]); }; return preg_replace_callback($regex, $replace, $path); } /** * URL-encode a query string or fragment based on RFC-3986 guidelines. * * Note that query and fragment encoding allows more unencoded characters * than the usual rawurlencode() function would usually return - for example * '/' and ':' are allowed as literals. * * @param string $input * @return string * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public static function encodeQueryFragment($input) { if (!is_string($input)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Expecting a string, got %s', (is_object($input) ? get_class($input) : gettype($input)) )); } $regex = '/(?:[^' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS . '%:@\/\?]+|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/'; $escaper = static::getEscaper(); $replace = function ($match) use ($escaper) { return $escaper->escapeUrl($match[0]); }; return preg_replace_callback($regex, $replace, $input); } /** * Extract only the scheme part out of a URI string. * * This is used by the parse() method, but is useful as a standalone public * method if one wants to test a URI string for it's scheme before doing * anything with it. * * Will return the scheme if found, or NULL if no scheme found (URI may * still be valid, but not full) * * @param string $uriString * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return string|null */ public static function parseScheme($uriString) { if (! is_string($uriString)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Expecting a string, got %s', (is_object($uriString) ? get_class($uriString) : gettype($uriString)) )); } if (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\.\+\-]*):/', $uriString, $match)) { return $match[1]; } return null; } /** * Remove any extra dot segments (/../, /./) from a path * * Algorithm is adapted from RFC-3986 section 5.2.4 * (@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4) * * @todo consider optimizing * * @param string $path * @return string */ public static function removePathDotSegments($path) { $output = ''; while ($path) { if ($path == '..' || $path == '.') { break; } switch (true) { case ($path == '/.'): $path = '/'; break; case ($path == '/..'): $path = '/'; $output = substr($output, 0, strrpos($output, '/', -1)); break; case (substr($path, 0, 4) == '/../'): $path = '/' . substr($path, 4); $output = substr($output, 0, strrpos($output, '/', -1)); break; case (substr($path, 0, 3) == '/./'): $path = substr($path, 2); break; case (substr($path, 0, 2) == './'): $path = substr($path, 2); break; case (substr($path, 0, 3) == '../'): $path = substr($path, 3); break; default: $slash = strpos($path, '/', 1); if ($slash === false) { $seg = $path; } else { $seg = substr($path, 0, $slash); } $output .= $seg; $path = substr($path, strlen($seg)); break; } } return $output; } /** * Merge a base URI and a relative URI into a new URI object * * This convenience method wraps ::resolve() to allow users to quickly * create new absolute URLs without the need to instantiate and clone * URI objects. * * If objects are passed in, none of the passed objects will be modified. * * @param Uri|string $baseUri * @param Uri|string $relativeUri * @return Uri */ public static function merge($baseUri, $relativeUri) { $uri = new static($relativeUri); return $uri->resolve($baseUri); } /** * Check if a host name is a valid IP address, depending on allowed IP address types * * @param string $host * @param int $allowed allowed address types * @return bool */ protected static function isValidIpAddress($host, $allowed) { $validatorParams = array( 'allowipv4' => (bool) ($allowed & self::HOST_IPV4), 'allowipv6' => false, 'allowipvfuture' => false, 'allowliteral' => false, ); // Test only IPv4 $validator = new Validator\Ip($validatorParams); $return = $validator->isValid($host); if ($return) { return true; } // IPv6 & IPvLiteral must be in literal format $validatorParams = array( 'allowipv4' => false, 'allowipv6' => (bool) ($allowed & self::HOST_IPV6), 'allowipvfuture' => (bool) ($allowed & self::HOST_IPVFUTURE), 'allowliteral' => true, ); static $regex = '/^\[.*\]$/'; $validator->setOptions($validatorParams); return (preg_match($regex, $host) && $validator->isValid($host)); } /** * Check if an address is a valid DNS hostname * * @param string $host * @return bool */ protected static function isValidDnsHostname($host) { $validator = new Validator\Hostname(array( 'allow' => Validator\Hostname::ALLOW_DNS | Validator\Hostname::ALLOW_LOCAL, )); return $validator->isValid($host); } /** * Check if an address is a valid registered name (as defined by RFC-3986) address * * @param string $host * @return bool */ protected static function isValidRegName($host) { $regex = '/^(?:[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS . ':@\/\?]+|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+$/'; return (bool) preg_match($regex, $host); } /** * Part normalization methods * * These are called by normalize() using static::_normalize*() so they may * be extended or overridden by extending classes to implement additional * scheme specific normalization rules */ /** * Normalize the scheme * * Usually this means simply converting the scheme to lower case * * @param string $scheme * @return string */ protected static function normalizeScheme($scheme) { return strtolower($scheme); } /** * Normalize the host part * * By default this converts host names to lower case * * @param string $host * @return string */ protected static function normalizeHost($host) { return strtolower($host); } /** * Normalize the port * * If the class defines a default port for the current scheme, and the * current port is default, it will be unset. * * @param int $port * @param string $scheme * @return int|null */ protected static function normalizePort($port, $scheme = null) { if ($scheme && isset(static::$defaultPorts[$scheme]) && ($port == static::$defaultPorts[$scheme]) ) { return null; } return $port; } /** * Normalize the path * * This involves removing redundant dot segments, decoding any over-encoded * characters and encoding everything that needs to be encoded and is not * * @param string $path * @return string */ protected static function normalizePath($path) { $path = self::encodePath( self::decodeUrlEncodedChars( self::removePathDotSegments($path), '/[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . ':@&=\+\$,\/;%]/' ) ); return $path; } /** * Normalize the query part * * This involves decoding everything that doesn't need to be encoded, and * encoding everything else * * @param string $query * @return string */ protected static function normalizeQuery($query) { $query = self::encodeQueryFragment( self::decodeUrlEncodedChars( $query, '/[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_QUERY_DELIMS . ':@\/\?]/' ) ); return $query; } /** * Normalize the fragment part * * Currently this is exactly the same as normalizeQuery(). * * @param string $fragment * @return string */ protected static function normalizeFragment($fragment) { $fragment = self::encodeQueryFragment( self::decodeUrlEncodedChars( $fragment, '/[' . self::CHAR_UNRESERVED . self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS . '%:@\/\?]/' ) ); return $fragment; } /** * Decode all percent encoded characters which are allowed to be represented literally * * Will not decode any characters which are not listed in the 'allowed' list * * @param string $input * @param string $allowed Pattern of allowed characters * @return mixed */ protected static function decodeUrlEncodedChars($input, $allowed = '') { $decodeCb = function ($match) use ($allowed) { $char = rawurldecode($match[0]); if (preg_match($allowed, $char)) { return $char; } return strtoupper($match[0]); }; return preg_replace_callback('/%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}/', $decodeCb, $input); } }