"请输入一个整数或小数", "The input contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits" => "输入不能为字母数字以外的字符", "The input is an empty string" => "输入不能为空", // Zend_I18n_Validator_Alpha "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input contains non alphabetic characters" => "输入不能为字母以外的字符", "The input is an empty string" => "输入不能为空", // Zend_I18n_Validator_Float "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "请输入与一个整数或小数", "The input does not appear to be a float" => "输入无效,请输入一个小数", // Zend_I18n_Validator_Int "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "输入无效,请输入字符或数字", "The input does not appear to be an integer" => "请输入一个整数", // Zend_I18n_Validator_PostCode "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符或数字", "The input does not appear to be a postal code" => "无效的邮政编码格式", "An exception has been raised while validating the input" => "验证输入时有异常发生", // Zend_Validator_Barcode "The input failed checksum validation" => "输入的条码无法通过校验", "The input contains invalid characters" => "输入的条码包含无效的字符", "The input should have a length of %length% characters" => "输入的条码长度应为%length%个字符", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", // Zend_Validator_Between "The input is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively" => "请输入大于等于'%min%'并小于等于'%max%'的值", "The input is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'" => "请输入大于'%min%'并小于'%max%'的值", // Zend_Validator_Callback "The input is not valid" => "输入无效", "An exception has been raised within the callback" => "回调中有异常发生", // Zend_Validator_CreditCard "The input seems to contain an invalid checksum" => "输入的卡号格式有误", "The input must contain only digits" => "卡号应为数字", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input contains an invalid amount of digits" => "输入的卡号长度有误", "The input is not from an allowed institute" => "输入的卡号没有找到对应的发行机构", "The input seems to be an invalid creditcard number" => "输入的卡号无法通过校验", "An exception has been raised while validating the input" => "验证输入时有异常发生", // Zend_Validator_Csrf "The form submitted did not originate from the expected site" => "表单提交来源网站未经过许可", // Zend_Validator_Date "Invalid type given. String, integer, array or DateTime expected" => "输入无效,请输入字符数字或日期", "The input does not appear to be a valid date" => "输入的日期格式无效", "The input does not fit the date format '%format%'" => "请按照日期格式'%format%'输入一个日期", // Zend_Validator_DateStep "Invalid type given. String, integer, array or DateTime expected" => "输入无效,请输入字符数字或日期", "The input does not appear to be a valid date" => "输入的日期格式无效", "The input is not a valid step" => "The input is not a valid step", // Zend_Validator_Db_AbstractDb "No record matching the input was found" => "没有找到匹配输入的记录", "A record matching the input was found" => "输入已经被占用", // Zend_Validator_Digits "The input must contain only digits" => "输入不能为数字以外的字符", "The input is an empty string" => "输入不能为空", "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "输入无效,请输入字符整数或小数", // Zend_Validator_EmailAddress "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input is not a valid email address. Use the basic format local-part@hostname" => "输入邮件地址格式有误,请检查格式是否为local-part@hostname", "'%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for the email address" => "'%hostname%'不是一个可用的邮件域名", "'%hostname%' does not appear to have any valid MX or A records for the email address" => "'%hostname%'域名下没有找到可用的MX或A记录,邮件无法投递", "'%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address should not be resolved from public network" => "'%hostname%'域名所在网段无法被路由,邮件地址应位于公共网络", "'%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format" => "邮件用户名部分'%localPart%'格式无法匹配dot-atom格式", "'%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format" => "邮件用户名部分'%localPart%'格式无法匹配quoted-string格式", "'%localPart%' is not a valid local part for the email address" => "'%localPart%'不是一个有效的邮件用户名", "The input exceeds the allowed length" => "输入超出允许长度", // Zend_Validator_Explode "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", // Zend_Validator_File_Count "Too many files, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' are given" => "文件过多,最多允许'%max%'个文件,找到'%count%'个", "Too few files, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' are given" => "文件过少,至少需要'%min%'个文件,找到'%count%'个", // Zend_Validator_File_Crc32 "File '%value%' does not match the given crc32 hashes" => "文件'%value%'无法通过CRC32校验", "A crc32 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "文件无法生成CRC32校验码", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_ExcludeExtension "File '%value%' has a false extension" => "文件'%value%'扩展名不允许", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_Exists "File '%value%' does not exist" => "文件'%value%'不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_Extension "File '%value%' has a false extension" => "文件'%value%'扩展名不允许", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_FilesSize "All files in sum should have a maximum size of '%max%' but '%size%' were detected" => "所有文件总大小'%size%'超出,最大允许'%max%'", "All files in sum should have a minimum size of '%min%' but '%size%' were detected" => "所有文件总大小'%size%'不足,至少需要'%min%'", "One or more files can not be read" => "一个或多个文件无法读取", // Zend_Validator_File_Hash "File '%value%' does not match the given hashes" => "文件'%value%'无法通过哈希校验", "A hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "文件无法生成哈希校验码", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_ImageSize "Maximum allowed width for image '%value%' should be '%maxwidth%' but '%width%' detected" => "图片'%value%'的宽度'%width%'超出,最大允许'%maxwidth%'", "Minimum expected width for image '%value%' should be '%minwidth%' but '%width%' detected" => "图片'%value%'的宽度'%width%'不足,至少应为'%minwidth%'", "Maximum allowed height for image '%value%' should be '%maxheight%' but '%height%' detected" => "图片'%value%'的高度'%height%'超出,最大允许'%maxheight%'", "Minimum expected height for image '%value%' should be '%minheight%' but '%height%' detected" => "图片'%value%'的高度'%height%'不足,至少应为'%minheight%'", "The size of image '%value%' could not be detected" => "图片'%value%'的尺寸无法读取", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_IsCompressed "File '%value%' is not compressed, '%type%' detected" => "文件'%value%'没有被压缩,检测到文件的媒体类型为'%type%'", "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "文件'%value%'的媒体类型无法检测", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_IsImage "File '%value%' is no image, '%type%' detected" => "文件'%value%'不是图片,检测到文件的媒体类型为'%type%'", "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "文件'%value%'的媒体类型无法检测", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_Md5 "File '%value%' does not match the given md5 hashes" => "文件'%value%'无法通过MD5校验", "A md5 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "文件无法生成MD5校验码", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_MimeType "File '%value%' has a false mimetype of '%type%'" => "文件'%value%'的媒体类型'%type%'不允许", "The mimetype of file '%value%' could not be detected" => "文件'%value%'的媒体类型无法检测", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_NotExists "File '%value%' exists" => "文件'%value%'已经存在", // Zend_Validator_File_Sha1 "File '%value%' does not match the given sha1 hashes" => "文件'%value%'无法通过SHA1校验", "A sha1 hash could not be evaluated for the given file" => "文件无法生成SHA1校验码", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_Size "Maximum allowed size for file '%value%' is '%max%' but '%size%' detected" => "文件'%value%'的大小'%size%'超出,最大允许'%max%'", "Minimum expected size for file '%value%' is '%min%' but '%size%' detected" => "文件'%value%'的大小'%size%'不足,至少需要'%min%'", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_File_Upload "File '%value%' exceeds the defined ini size" => "文件'%value%'大小超出系统允许范围", "File '%value%' exceeds the defined form size" => "文件'%value%'大小超出表单允许范围", "File '%value%' was only partially uploaded" => "文件'%value%'上传不完整", "File '%value%' was not uploaded" => "文件'%value%'没有被上传", "No temporary directory was found for file '%value%'" => "没有找到临时文件夹存放文件'%value%'", "File '%value%' can't be written" => "文件'%value%'无法被写入", "A PHP extension returned an error while uploading the file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上传时发生了一个PHP扩展错误", "File '%value%' was illegally uploaded. This could be a possible attack" => "文件'%value%'被非法上传,这可能被判定为一次入侵", "File '%value%' was not found" => "文件'%value%'不存在", "Unknown error while uploading file '%value%'" => "文件'%value%'上传时发生了一个未知错误", // Zend_Validator_File_WordCount "Too much words, maximum '%max%' are allowed but '%count%' were counted" => "输入的单词过多,最多允许'%max%'个单词,输入了'%count%'个", "Too few words, minimum '%min%' are expected but '%count%' were counted" => "输入的单词过少,至少需要'%min%'个单词,输入了'%count%'个", "File '%value%' is not readable or does not exist" => "文件'%value%'无法读取或不存在", // Zend_Validator_GreaterThan "The input is not greater than '%min%'" => "输入应大于'%min%'", "The input is not greater or equal than '%min%'" => "输入应大于等于'%min%'", // Zend_Validator_Hex "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input contains non-hexadecimal characters" => "请输入十六进制允许的字符", // Zend_Validator_Hostname "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded" => "输入的DNS域名在解析中无法用给定的punycode正确解码", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position" => "输入的DNS域名中连接符位置不符合规定", "The input does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname" => "输入的DNS域名结构组成有误", "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'" => "输入的DNS域名的顶级域名'%tld%'无法被解析", "The input does not appear to be a valid local network name" => "输入域名不是一个本地域名", "The input does not appear to be a valid URI hostname" => "域名格式有误", "The input appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed" => "不允许输入IP地址作为域名", "The input appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed" => "不允许输入本地或局域网内域名", "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part" => "在输入的DNS域名中无法找到顶级域名部分", "The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list" => "在输入的DNS域名中,顶级域名部分无法匹配已知列表", // Zend_Validator_Iban "Unknown country within the IBAN" => "输入的IBAN帐号无法找到对应的国家", "Countries outside the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) are not supported" => "不支持单一欧元支付区(SEPA)以外的帐号", "The input has a false IBAN format" => "输入的IBAN帐号格式有误", "The input has failed the IBAN check" => "输入的IBAN帐号校验失败", // Zend_Validator_Identical "The two given tokens do not match" => "两个验证令牌不匹配", "No token was provided to match against" => "没有令牌输入,无法匹配", // Zend_Validator_InArray "The input was not found in the haystack" => "输入没有在指定的允许范围内", // Zend_Validator_Ip "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input does not appear to be a valid IP address" => "输入的IP地址格式不正确", // Zend_Validator_Isbn "Invalid type given. String or integer expected" => "输入无效,请输入字符或整数", "The input is not a valid ISBN number" => "输入的ISBN编号格式不正确", // Zend_Validator_LessThan "The input is not less than '%max%'" => "输入应小于'%max%'", "The input is not less or equal than '%max%'" => "输入应小于等于'%max%'", // Zend_Validator_NotEmpty "Value is required and can't be empty" => "输入不能为空", "Invalid type given. String, integer, float, boolean or array expected" => "输入无效,只允许字符、整数、小数、布尔值、数组类型", // Zend_Validator_Regex "Invalid type given. String, integer or float expected" => "输入无效,请输入字符、整数或小数", "The input does not match against pattern '%pattern%'" => "输入不匹配指定的模式'%pattern%'", "There was an internal error while using the pattern '%pattern%'" => "匹配指定模式'%pattern%'时有内部错误发生", // Zend_Validator_Sitemap_Changefreq "The input is not a valid sitemap changefreq" => "输入不符合网站地图的changefreq格式", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", // Zend_Validator_Sitemap_Lastmod "The input is not a valid sitemap lastmod" => "输入不符合网站地图的lastmod格式", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", // Zend_Validator_Sitemap_Loc "The input is not a valid sitemap location" => "输入不符合网站地图的location格式", "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", // Zend_Validator_Sitemap_Priority "The input is not a valid sitemap priority" => "输入不符合网站地图的priority格式", "Invalid type given. Numeric string, integer or float expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个数字", // Zend_Validator_Step "Invalid value given. Scalar expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个数字", "The input is not a valid step" => "输入不在阶梯计算的结果范围内", // Zend_Validator_StringLength "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input is less than %min% characters long" => "输入字符个数应大于%min%", "The input is more than %max% characters long" => "输入字符个数应小于%max%", // Zend_Validator_Uri "Invalid type given. String expected" => "输入无效,请输入一个字符串", "The input does not appear to be a valid Uri" => "输入的Uri格式有误", );